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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes


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Villain for the Jessica Jones series: David Tennant will be playing Zebediah Killgrave a.k.a "The Purple Man."


I agree with a post I read that said that considering the hold David has over his fans, playing a character that  "can produce pheromones which give him the power to control people’s minds as long as he’s physically nearby", sounds like it will be right in his wheelhouse.  Lets just hope his stint in Marvel-land will have more of an impression then the other former Doctor (anyone else remember that Christopher Eccleston was actually in Thor 2?)

Edited by thuganomics85
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I'm still bummed that the rumour of David Tennant playing the Riddler in Nolan's Batman movies never came to fruition. That would have been an inspired casting choice. And might actually have made that third movie watchable for more than just Anne Hathaway looking slinky in her Catwoman costume.


As Purple Man? Purple Man is a bit too creepy for my tastes, and I'm programmed to like David Tennant. Also, as Sakura12 points out, Krysten Ritter is not a good choice to play Jessica Jones. Still a long way from won over by this one, Marvel.

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I don't know the comic but from the description - former masked hero turned PI - I have a great deal of trouble believing KR is believable.  She can handle the jaded and cynical part but she is such the skinny armed blow over in a breeze body type that any action or fighting would look ridiculous. 

Villain for the Jessica Jones series: David Tennant will be playing Zebediah Killgrave a.k.a "The Purple Man."


I agree with a post I read that said that considering the hold David has over his fans, playing a character that  "can produce pheromones which give him the power to control people’s minds as long as he’s physically nearby", sounds like it will be right in his wheelhouse.  Lets just hope his stint in Marvel-land will have more of an impression then the other former Doctor (anyone else remember that Christopher Eccleston was actually in Thor 2?)

He was also in Heroes for a few episodes too. Although not Marvel, super hero related.

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Apropos of the X-Men talk from a couple of days ago -- apparently FOX is developing a live action X-Men series:




Bets on whether they'll go the Marvel/Disney way and keep everything in the same universe, or they'll take a page out of the DC/Warner book and separate movie and TV 'verses?

Edited by dancingnancy

KR can definitely play jaded, cynical and witty. She was great in the three things I've seen her in, Veronica Mars, Breaking Bad and Don't Trust the B. It's the ex super hero part I can't see her in. Unless she has martial arts training like Maggie Q. Which I don't think she does.

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For the record Jessica Jones is (or was, if they're going to have her lose her powers) super strong, partially invulnerable and can fly. She's also a reasonably skilled PI and martial artist. Now, you don't need a big person to convey superhuman strength but the smaller the person is physically the more ridiculous it looks when they are throwing a car, for example, which is only okay if ridiculous is what you're going for. I think JJ (probably one of the reasons they chose the character) is supposed to be a fairly average looking person. Is Krysten Ritter? I'm not a good judge of such things.

This article is older, but I just came across it - Arrow characters make the list four times...


17 Comic Book Characters Who Suck on the Small Screen
by Henry A. Otero at December 2, 2014 9:00 am.  Updated at December 2, 2014 1:49 pm. 


1. Count Vertigo - Arrow
2. Barbara Kean - Gotham
3. John Garrett - AOS
4. Lori Grimes - The Walking Dead
5. Dr. Ephraim Goodweather - The Strain
6. Weather Wizard - The Flash
7. John Constantine - Constantine
8. Brother Blood - Arrow
9. Andrea - The Walking Dead
10. Salvatore Maroni - Gotham

11. Girder - The Flash
12. Gary Lester - Constantine
13. Huntress - Arrow
14. Dr. Franklin Hall - AOS
15. Arsenal - Arrow
16. The Master - The Strain
17. The Governor - The Walking Dead

Edited by tv echo
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That article looses me with John Garrett.  Bill Paxton and his scenery chewing, was part of the reason I enjoyed the second half of Shield way more then the first.  I'm glad he's gone now, because I didn't want him to overstay his welcome, but I thought he made for a fun antagonist, and was a good "face" for Hydra.


But I do agree about Barbara.  Barbara is the worst.  I'm still hoping Gotham finds a way to work around the canon, and have Gordon find someone better (like, say, Leslie Thompkins.)

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And the stroke of questionable casting choices continues with Fantastic 4 remake.


Really? This is your Mr. Fantastic? Really?...


I didn't like the first version, but... This one does not look much better. Ok, the effects seem nice.


Is this the YA version of Fantastic 4?  These actors look barely old enough to vote.


EDITED TO ADD:  Apparently, they are more than old enough to vote - they just look young.


Reed Richards - Miles Teller (age 27)

Sue Storm - Kate Mara (age 31)

Johnny Storm - Michael B. Jordan (age 27)

Ben Grimm - Jamie Bell (age 28)


Edited by tv echo

I posted this article, "How Agent Carter gets the female comic book hero right", in the Agent Carter forum, but I just wanted to post this tidbit here about Sara:

Arguably, female heroes have fared better in supporting roles, with the appearances of Black Widow in Iron Man 2, Avengers Assemble and Captain America: The Winter Soldier generally being received as excellent – particularly the latter two. She’s strong, independent and always more-than holds her own. Similar characters have popped up on telly, with Caity Lotz’ Black Canary from Arrow being another prime example of how it’s possible to successfully bring a female hero to life in live action form.

Also, the article makes a great point about Peggy wearing appropriate clothing and how Hollywood has the tendency to put female superheroes in tight-fitting black outfits:

One of the first things that the Agent Carter TV show had to get right was the method of visually presenting Peggy. Given the portrayal of Scarlett Johansson’s Natasha in the cinematic Marvel outings, and the tendency towards tight-fitting black that women wear in Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D., there was always a chance that history might repeat itself and the powers-that-be would decide to stick Hayley Atwell in some sort of S.S.R. prototype latex cat-suit, and not for reasons of costume department continuity across the MCU.
*  *  *
Firstly, scantily clad costume choices are far from essential to proceedings. While all these upcoming films will surely cast Hollywood beauties who will probably wear tighter outfits than Atwell in their title roles, it’s worth remembering that the quality of the end product isn’t down to the leading lady’s revealing clothing....  Instead of banking solely on latex to sell tickets, Hollywood could also echo Agent Carter’s success by putting time and effort into establishing the entertaining skills and abilities of their upcoming female leads.
Edited by tv echo
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And the stroke of questionable casting choices continues with Fantastic 4 remake.


Really? This is your Mr. Fantastic? Really?...


I didn't like the first version, but... This one does not look much better. Ok, the effects seem nice.


Yeah, I don't think I'll ever be able to not laugh at that guy's pudgy face, after seeing the most absurdly melodramatic trailer for Whiplash far too many times at the cinema (don't care if that movie is good, the trailer makes it look hilariously awful. Unless it's supposed to be a comedy).


It looks like Ultimate Fantastic Four, which was just a bunch of obnoxious, spoiled, pretty teens with superpowers. No thanks. I predict this will be no better than the first attempt at the franchise. And ultimately, the first thing I thought when watching the trailer was, 'yeah, but it's not Marvel, is it?'

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Are Johnny and Sue not siblings in this version? 


I'm guessing they'll have them be adoptive or step-siblings. Or if they wanted to really squick out fans, have them be unrelated and tease a love triangle between Johnny, Sue and Reed. 


I actually got mildly excited about this movie, back when they first cast Michael B. Jordan and people were speculating as to who might play Sue. Names like Nicole Beharie, Gugu Mbatha-Raw and Freema Agyeman were thrown around. Then they went with the very pretty but very bland Kate Mara. So that was the end of that.

yeah I heard they cast Michael B Jordan because the director John Trank and him are friends but I'm curious why they didn't also cast an African-American actress as Sue? I agree with you Ariah, Nicole Beharie would have been great! 


Anyway they all look super young (especially Miles Teller and Jamie bell)  but the effects look pretty good. Are they supposed to be like child prodigies or something? lol  I'll give the movie a chance. Why are there so many dislikes though? 

Edited by ban1o

You tell 'em, Joss...


Joss Whedon criticizes comic book movie industry for "intractible sexism"
By Emma Dibdin Wednesday, Jan 28 2015, 8:00am

"It's a phenomenon in the industry that we call 'stupid people'," Whedon said. "There is genuine, recalcitrant, intractable sexism, and old-fashioned quiet misogyny that goes on.


"You hear 'Oh, [female superheroes] don't work because of these two bad ones that were made eight years ago', there's always an excuse."

Edited by tv echo

More Jessica Jones cast: Rachael Taylor will be playing Trish "Patsy" Walker, the future Hellcat.  Not sure about this one.  I like her when she speaks in her normal Australian accent, but anytime she has to be American, she is about as bland as can be.  I've seen her in the horrid Charle's Angles reboot, Crisis, and 666 Park Avenue (where her character was so annoying, I rooted for Terry O'Quinn's character, who was pretty much suppose to be The Devil in everything but name), and been impressed in any of them.  So, how she keeps landing these roles is beyond me.  But, hey, maybe this will finally be the one.

Edited by thuganomics85
Are the Agent Carter cameos going to start being like the Stan Lee cameos? Meaning she's going to be showing up in most of the Marvel/Disney movies. Not that I mind, Peggy is that awesome.


.Speaking of Stan Lee cameos, I have to say I was so pleased when he showed up in the latest Agent Carter episode.  I wasn't expecting it. 

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January 30, 2015: Plot of "Supergirl" TV Pilot Revealed
by Neil A. Cole   12 hours ago


First Supergirl villain revelation confirms a world in which Superman DOES exist
Nathalie CaronFriday, January 30, 2015 - 7:06pm

The only way I can see DC letting them use Superman, even just in name, is if they make a definitive point (like they have with Arrow and Flash) that the shows are in a separate reality from the movies.


Arrow/Flash TV verse is never gonna be able to use Superman and Batman or anything related. i'm shocked they got supergirl.. so maybe there's hope to see Kate Kane on my screen (and if she'll come on as Batwoman- even better)

The recent TCA 'Flarrow' focus on costumes got me thinking -- I realize that black is a slimming color, but is anyone else tired of Hollywood's live-action depiction of female comic superheroes almost always wearing black while male comic superheroes get costumes in a variety of colors?  It's like most bird species where the male birds have colorful plummage while the female birds are a drabber color.  Consider:


Male Superhero Costumes - Green Arrow (green), Arsenal (red), the Flash (red and gold), the Atom (

red and blue

), Spiderman (red and blue), Batman (black), Robin (red, green and yellow), Superman (red, blue and gold), Iron Man (red and gold), Thor (red and black), Captain America (red, white and blue), Green Lantern (green), Daredevil (red), Quicksilver (blue, gray and black) and male X-Men (black).


Female Superhero (& Villain) Costumes - Black Canary 1.0 (black), Black Canary 2.0 (black), Huntress (black), Nyssa (black), China White (black), Ravager (black), Catwoman (black), Black Widow (black), Mockingbird (black), Birds of Prey (Huntress, Oracle, Black Canary) (black), Batgirl (black), Scarlet Witch (red and black), new Wonder Woman (brown) and female X-Men (black).


Glaring Exceptions - Elektra (red) and old Wonder Woman (red, blue and gold).


I can't wait to see the new Supergirl costume...

Edited by tv echo
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Arrow's Huntress costume is a very dark purple. Batgirl costume to my knowledge always mimicked Batman costume with the change that her's had Yellow while his is blue.

But i think it's really mostly a general trend towards black because the movies have gotten darker and everyone is trying to imitate The Dark Knight.

5 Actors Who Should Reprise Iconic Roles
by William Avitt ⋅ Posted on February 1st, 2015 at 2:42p

Justin Hartley as Arrow
First of all, I have to say that Stephen Amell blows Hartley out of the water as far as Green Arrows goes. However, if they are going to do some sort of Crisis event, which they do seem to be dropping hints and possibly sewing the seeds of, then I would love to see Hartley and Amell work together during the Crisis. They are completely different characters, and like Batman, Amell's Arrow seems to take himself WAY too seriously, so it would be really fun and really interesting for him to meet up with a version of himself who doesn't take himself so seriously. Especially if Amell's character never starts being the Green Arrow and stays just the Arrow, and see how much trash he talks to Hartley's Green Arrow. The characters are just so night and day in a lot of ways, I'd love to see them interact. It would also be interesting to see how he interacts with Flash, because you know Flash is going to get along with the Hartley Arrow famously, and then of course he wouldn't hesitate to tell Amell's Ollie how much more fun this new guy is. If they are going to do a Crisis, this is, at least for me, a must-get.
Edited by tv echo

I'm really trying to think WHAT could Arrow's Oliver have to talk trash to Smallville's Green Arrow. Especially after how the Smallville comic ended.


SV Green Arrow: Hi. I'm Oliver Queen. This is my wife, Chloe. This is our kid, Jonathan. Everyone knows I'm the Green Arrow and it's great, I even get to have tie-in products. I run a billionaire conglomerate called Queen Industries, that helps fund the Justice League of America. We just finished building a base of operations on the moon. It's called Watchtower, after my wife's original codename. In my spare time I train young recruits for the DEO, the official story is because when Wonder Woman asks you do to something, you don't say no, but really because all I have ever wanted in my life was to have a family and be surrounded by kids, and now I am. What's up?


Arrow's Arrow: Uh. *leaves* *manpains alone*

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