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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes


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Supergirl (CBS Pilot)

At twelve years old, young, beautiful, and strong Kara Zor-El was chosen to be sent to Earth from her dying home planet of Krypton. Once on Earth Kara was taken in by a foster family, the Danvers, who taught her to be careful with her extraordinary powers. Now twenty-four, Kara Danvers feels unempowered, a slave to having repressed her innate abilities. She’s still pretty, but with her face hidden behind glasses and her hair pulled back, she doesn’t know it herself. An unexpected disaster forces her to use her incredible powers in public. Energized by her heroic deed, for the first time in her life, Kara begins embracing her extraordinary abilities. She begins helping the people of her city and they soon take notice. She’s even given a new moniker, Supergirl. (Claire Holt testing for the lead role.)

Updated TV Show Synopsis - Supergirl, Fargo, Minority Report + More

Posted by DarkUFO at Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Edited by tv echo

Can I say I hate that TV Show Synopis?


'Young, beautiful and strong' 'She's still pretty, but with her face hidden behind glasses and her hair pulled back, she doesn't know it herself'


It sounds like every Young Adult cliche. And as a glasses-wearer who can rock a good ponytail, I'm a little offended.

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In the next planned storyline, billionaire Tony Stark is pitted against Captain America aka Steve Rogers in an ethical face-off over the U.S. government’s Superhuman Registration Act, which requires all super-powered individuals to register their powers and report to S.H.I.E.L.D.

(April 4 - August 8 / Release Date: May 6, 2016)

*  *   *


Concentrates on a group of incarcerated supervillains rather than the usual focus on superheroes. The storyline will feature a mix of well-known and unknown villains recruited by the government to accomplish a task deemed too dangerous for superheroes. Lead by Rick Flagg (Gyllenhaal), the group of villains includes Deadshot (Smith), Joker (Leto), and Harley Quinn (Robbie), plus Boomerang (Courtney) and Enchantress (Delevigne). The team is tasked on a mission to prevent 'bio weaponry' from being sold to Lex Luthor by a human trafficking gang. The gang is handing over the Enchantress to Luthor who it is implied wants her for magical abilities. They kidnap her and take her back to the prison where she is kept in an underground area, which has all sorts of genetic freaks imprisoned including a King Shark.

(April 15 - August 30 / Release Date: August 5, 2016)

*  *   *


Apocalypse takes place a decade after Days of Future Past and is a seamless next step in the story. The altering of time has unleashed a new and uniquely powerful enemy. Charles (McAvoy), Erik/Magneto (Fassbender), Raven/Mystique (Lawrence), Wolverine (Jackman) and Hank/Beast (Hoult) are joined by young Cyclops, Storm, Jean and others as the X-Men must fight their most formidable foe yet – an ancient unrelenting force determined to cause an apocalypse unlike any in human history.

Channing Tatum mentioned for the role of Remy LeBeau/Gambit. Sophie Turner and Saoirse Ronan for Jean Grey. Alexandra Shipp and Zendaya Coleman for Storm. Taron Edgerton, Jamie Blackley, and Tye Sheridan are under consideration for the role of Cyclops.

Release Date: May 27, 2016.

MOVIES: New And Updated Synopsis for Suicide Squad, Captain America: Civil War, Deadpool + More

Posted by Christopher DeBono at Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Edited by tv echo

Updated TV Show Synopsis - Supergirl, Fargo, Minority Report + More

Posted by DarkUFO at Tuesday, January 20, 2015



Ugh, the more I hear about the Supergirl pilot, the more do I get the feeling that it could rival the failed Wonder Woman pilot in terms of awfulness and that would be a real shame...

Edited by strikera0
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Can I say I hate that TV Show Synopis?


'Young, beautiful and strong' 'She's still pretty, but with her face hidden behind glasses and her hair pulled back, she doesn't know it herself'


It sounds like every Young Adult cliche. And as a glasses-wearer who can rock a good ponytail, I'm a little offended.


Well, what good TV show synopsis doesn't contain confirmation that the lead is "pretty... but doesn't know it"? And of course, wearing glasses and unflattering hair just makes the prettiest girls dowdy, right? I've seen She's All That, I know how impossible it is to tell a girl is hot if she's not wearing a kilo of makeup and a skintight dress!


That show is going to be an unholy disaster, and anyone who has auditioned should run a mile after reading that synopsis.

Reading the Supergirl synopsis, I can only picture EBR/Felicity. I know she isn't the original model- I vaguely remember the 80's movie with Faye Dunaway and I think that Kara had glasses like Clark, I'm not sure- but really, she incarnates it for me right now.


So...maybe DC should retire any blond girl with glasses and her hair "pulled back" (in a ponytail, I guess?) at least in their TV universe, unless they find someone as talented and gorgeous and likeable as E.B.Rickards. Jmho.

Edited by Happy Harpy
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The dialogue from those auditions were pretty painful.  It's going to take a stand out talent to make it work. 


I kind of feel bad for actors who have to trade lines with a non professional.  It's really got to be hard to react to someone that's a crappy actor. 

To quote Dorothy Parker: "Men seldom make passes at girls who wear glasses."


It's a classic Hollywood trope - wearing glasses and having pulled-back hair usually indicates the "plain Jane" (from Diana Prince in disguise in the old Wonder Woman tv show to Laney Biggs in She's All That, as mentioned by Danny Franks).   By contrast, the "beautiful" girl usually wears no glasses and has long flowing hair around her face.


That's why Felicity is such a refreshing change - she's a girl who wears glasses and has a pulled-back ponytail most of the time, but she's the love interest and not treated like the plain Jane.  Sure she drops the glasses and lets her hair loose when she's glamorizing up to go undercover or go on a date, but it's not her everyday look.  It's not like she permanently transforms like in the movies and never goes back to the glasses/ponytail look.  She changes it up.  The new sexy nerd look is in - just look at Dr. Cassandra Railly in 12 Monkeys:




That's why the description for the new Supergirl tv show is disappointing.  I thought we were past that old trope.

Edited by tv echo
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Article discussing love interests on Arrow, The Flash, Gotham, and more.



This is a really interesting article.  The only comment I would make is that the writers refer to Gotham's Jim and Barbara being divorced in the comics, but don't seem to know that Oliver/GA and Dinah/BC also divorced in the comics.

Not familiar with her, but I saw that she was also in Glee like Grant, so that is interesting.  Really, the casting folks from these shows seem to have a varied selection of past shows they get numerous actors from: Spartacus, Glee, Prison Break, etc.


Not sure how the show itself will be though, because that description really does sound bad.  Kara really comes off like someone I would expect from a 90s romantic comedy.

I'm just curious.  I've been watching Gotham, and they've introduced Morena Baccarin's character as what seems like a love interest for Gordon.  I'm not really familiar with the Batman universe, but I know who Barbara Kean is in relation to Gordon (based on what people in the Gotham forum have said).  So my question is, what the heck is going on here?  Did the people in charge realize that the actress playing Barbara is boring, bland, and an epic casting failure, so they're trying to introduce a love interest for Jim who Ben McKenzie actually has chemistry with?  I wonder where the whole Jim/Dr. Leslie storyline is going and what they're going to do with Barbara.  It's another case of a complete miscast of a comic book canon character who will bring down the show if they insist on going the BECAUSE COMICS route.

Dr. Leslie Thompkins is a comic canon character. In the comics she was friends with Thomas and Martha Wayne. She dated Alfred and was a maternal figure in young Bruce's life. Gotham changed her to be Jim Gordan's love interest. I do wonder if they are going to keep her as a mentor for Bruce though. 

Edited by Sakura12
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I was really hoping it wasn't Marley. 


I didn't hate her but she sooooo doesn't seem to be Supergirl material.  Sigh.


Ok, I had serious doubts about GG on Flash and that went well.  She does emotional well.  I suppose I should be happy that they didn't pick just a perfect face.  She pulls off the girl next door look pretty well.  The Marley issues probably weren't her fault.  The characters was such a wet blanket. 


After watching a bunch of those casting videos, I should be glad they found someone who at least I know can emote.  Some of those auditions were very painful.

Random thought. I wonder if all the talk about a possible Arrow/Flash/Supergirl universe is because Berlanti and Pedowitz are hedging their bets? CBS might like the show but feel it's not a good fit for their network and kick it back to The CW. From what I understand that's what happened with the SMG show where she played identical twins (can't remember the name).

Sansa Stark as young Jean Grey?! Color me intrigued. I like Sophie Turner--she's an adorable dork. Good for her for landing a gig in a big franchise movie.


Yes. Good for her. She seems ridiculously nice and well adjusted, despite the hatred that her character has had over the years. I just hope that the kid cast as Cyclops is tall, because Sophie Turner must be pushing six foot! But she's definitely got the comic book look of Jean Grey.


I'm always pleased to see the young actors of Game of Thrones getting other gigs.

Yes. Good for her. She seems ridiculously nice and well adjusted, despite the hatred that her character has had over the years. I just hope that the kid cast as Cyclops is tall, because Sophie Turner must be pushing six foot! But she's definitely got the comic book look of Jean Grey.


I'm always pleased to see the young actors of Game of Thrones getting other gigs.

James Marsden wasn't tall enough to play Cyke, so are they casting for younger versions of the Original X-Men or casting for younger versions of the Comics?  If the comics they yeah, they need a guy who is like 6' 2" and skinny (wasn't called Slim for nothing).  However, if they're trying to be true to the original trilogy of movies then he probably won't be as tall as he should and certainly not as tall as Sophie T.

James Marsden wasn't tall enough to play Cyke, so are they casting for younger versions of the Original X-Men or casting for younger versions of the Comics?  If the comics they yeah, they need a guy who is like 6' 2" and skinny (wasn't called Slim for nothing).  However, if they're trying to be true to the original trilogy of movies then he probably won't be as tall as he should and certainly not as tall as Sophie T.


As far as I can tell, the X-Men franchise has been such a mess over the last decade that heights of previous versions shouldn't matter. But this poor kid will look goofy if he needs to stand on a box to kiss his love interest.


And given that Hugh Jackman is far taller than the 5'3 Logan, it seems like they don't really care too much about canon-accurate measurements.

I'm probably that one person on the planet that finds Sophie Turner bland. But then again, I also find Jean Grey bland and a damsel, so there's that.

Not impressed with Cyclops casting and Storm actress is similar to young Cravitz from X-Men First Class.

(But from the X-Men franchise I only admire both Magnetos, both Xaviers, the older Mystique and Wolverine, with a side of the younger Beast - I am terribly picky)

As far as I can tell, the X-Men franchise has been such a mess over the last decade that heights of previous versions shouldn't matter. But this poor kid will look goofy if he needs to stand on a box to kiss his love interest.


And given that Hugh Jackman is far taller than the 5'3 Logan, it seems like they don't really care too much about canon-accurate measurements.

Oh i doubt they care much about continuity I was just wondering what they had in mind while casting young Scott Summers.


As for Jackman as Logan...lets face it, in the real world, I doubt many women would be swooning over a 5'3 300 lb hairy, with a bad attitude, a penchant for flannel and love of cigars. 


I'm probably that one person on the planet that finds Sophie Turner bland. But then again, I also find Jean Grey bland and a damsel, so there's that.

Not impressed with Cyclops casting and Storm actress is similar to young Cravitz from X-Men First Class.

(But from the X-Men franchise I only admire both Magnetos, both Xaviers, the older Mystique and Wolverine, with a side of the younger Beast - I am terribly picky)


I can't tell if Sophie Turner is a good actress or not, she hasn't been given much to do and her role as Sansa is mostly dull.  I'm curious to see if she can be/do more in the new season now that she's away from Kings Landing.  


However, I totally agree with you on Jean Grey...I pretty much think she's the Queen of Mary Sue's everyone in the comics is in love with her (including Xavier) she's the most powerful mutant eva! (even without the Phoenix) and the Phoenix loves her most of all...

Edited by Morrigan2575
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However, I totally agree with you on Jean Grey...I pretty much think she's the Queen of Mary Sue's everyone in the comics is in love with her (including Xavier) she's the most powerful mutant eva! (even without the Phoenix) and the Phoenix loves her most of all...


The thing that always bugged me most about Jean was how she just indulged Wolverine's obsession with her. I never believed she loved him back, though she clearly cared for him, and at times it felt like she was leading him on rather than shutting him down, almost out of pity. Who knows if that's what the writers intended, but it's how it read to me. And I never liked Wolverine anyway, so a woman he was obsessed with was not going to be high on my list of faves. I did like Jean more than either Wolverine or Cyclops, though.


I think Sophie Turner should be good at the more empathetic, 'sweet' elements of Jean, but I'm most interested to see how she plays Jean angry or strong. I hope she does it well, because like I said, I want the best for all these Game of Thrones kids.

The thing that always bugged me most about Jean was how she just indulged Wolverine's obsession with her. I never believed she loved him back, though she clearly cared for him, and at times it felt like she was leading him on rather than shutting him down, almost out of pity. Who knows if that's what the writers intended, but it's how it read to me. And I never liked Wolverine anyway, so a woman he was obsessed with was not going to be high on my list of faves. I did like Jean more than either Wolverine or Cyclops, though.



Yeah, in the comics I often felt that Jean was leading Logan on, but I don't think that's what the writers intended.  I'm a Cyclops fan myself which is from what i can tell around the internet a minority...but my favorite X-Man is Jubliee and she's been shit on by Marvel so many times it's not even funny.  Guggie's writing the latest all Woman Team in the X-Men title and he actually has Jubliee's voice, but I don't know if he'll use her as much as I'd like.  He seems rather obsessed with Rachel Grey at the moment but that could just be for this story arc.

Edited by Morrigan2575

Yeah, in the comics I often felt that Jean was leading Logan on, but I don't think that's what the writers intended.  I'm a Cyclops fan myself which is from what i can tell around the internet a minority...but my favorite X-Man is Jubliee and she's been shit on by Marvel so many times it's not even funny.  Guggie's writing the latest all Woman Team in the X-Men title and he actually has Jubliee's voice, but I don't know if he'll use her as much as I'd like.  He seems rather obsessed with Rachel Grey at the moment but that could just be for this story arc.


A Cyclops fan? Rarer than a winged unicorn, I think. ;o)


Although the X-Office seemed to be overrun with them, a few years back. Problem was, they wanted to make Cyclops cool and edgy and dark, apparently to justify their liking him. Which calls into question why they liked him in the first place, because Cylcops was a big, doofy boyscout, for much of his existence.


I've always liked Gambit. As a youngster, I exclusively read Marvel's Transformers comics (Marvel UK ones were a million miles better than the crap Marvel US produced), so only got into the X-Men in the early 90s, which was right on time for me to think Gambit was the coolest guy in the history of ever. Sadly, he got mistreated by writers terribly over the last few years.


Turned into Death by Peter Milligan, turned temporarily evil by Ed Brubaker, cuckolded by Mike Carey, turned into glorified furniture by several others. His solo book from last year was tremendous fun, but was inevitably cancelled because it didn't fit with Marvel's current 'vision'.

Where the X-Team is concerned, I was always partial to Rogue myself, and I never particularly liked Anna Paquin in the role. I think if you read X-Men you were pretty much contractually obligated to like Wolverine, which I would have anyway, and Hugh Jackman does does about as good a job as anyone could. Honestly though, my favorite person out of the franchise is Juggernaut, and I'm not even going to talk about the abomination of a mockery from X3.

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Where the X-Team is concerned, I was always partial to Rogue myself, and I never particularly liked Anna Paquin in the role. I think if you read X-Men you were pretty much contractually obligated to like Wolverine, which I would have anyway, and Hugh Jackman does does about as good a job as anyone could. Honestly though, my favorite person out of the franchise is Juggernaut, and I'm not even going to talk about the abomination of a mockery from X3.


I think I might be liable to be sued for breach of contract. I couldn't ever stand Wolverine, and after a while I pretty much started just avoiding any book he was in. Which became very difficult once he was in almost every book Marvel put out, X-related or not.


My favourite X-book of the last ten years or so was New X-Men. Not Grant Morrison's ego-trip, but the Kyle & Yost book that followed the group of students at the school who survived M-Day unscathed. It was dark and grim, but I really rooted for those kids, and felt like they were established so well, and formed such strong bonds (those that survived anyway). It's a shame that they were dumped once the writers lost interest, and no one else cared about them.

I liked Wolverine back in the 90s but he is just everywhere now, it's insane.  If Marvel puts out 100 titles per month Wolverine will appear in 98 of them ;-)


I currently love Gambit, Peter David did a great job with him on X-Factor it's a real pity the title got canceled.


90's Gambit was kind of iffy, I enjoyed his individual stories and relationships with most of the characters.  However, I hated the Rogue stuff, way too angsty and soapy for me.


My favourite X-book of the last ten years or so was New X-Men. Not Grant Morrison's ego-trip, but the Kyle & Yost book that followed the group of students at the school who survived M-Day unscathed. It was dark and grim, but I really rooted for those kids, and felt like they were established so well, and formed such strong bonds (those that survived anyway). It's a shame that they were dumped once the writers lost interest, and no one else cared about them.


We've talked about Morrison back on TWOP but it always amuses me to hear you slam him.  I stopped reading before his run started and was brought back by friends who love Morrison's run, the only thing i can really say is that it was totally weird but since I love Emma and enjoy the hell out of Emma/Scott...Morrison can't be too bad ;-)



As for Jackman as Logan...lets face it, in the real world, I doubt many women would be swooning over a 5'3 300 lb hairy, with a bad attitude, a penchant for flannel and love of cigars. 



And my mind went to Christian Kane (ok, he's 5'7 and probably a lot less hairy, but...). His Leverage character was, in many aspects, a Wolverine expy sans the claws. And boy, were women swooning! (And they still are...)


Fully agree on Jean - Mary Sue - Grey. Of the X-Women I loved the original Rogue (not the movie version, never!) and Psylocke (again, never the movie version). I wish they'd do them justice.

Of the X-Women, Jubilee amd Emma are my favorites but I do like Betsy quite a bit.

Although she's not a X-Woman I also liked Val Cooper quite a bit, I haven't come across the character since I started read again. I will have to look her up.

As for Christian Kane it might be me but I don't get it. Especially when Aldris Hodge is standing next to him. I'll take Hardison over Elliot every day of the week :)

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Where the X-Team is concerned, I was always partial to Rogue myself, and I never particularly liked Anna Paquin in the role. I think if you read X-Men you were pretty much contractually obligated to like Wolverine, which I would have anyway, and Hugh Jackman does does about as good a job as anyone could. Honestly though, my favorite person out of the franchise is Juggernaut, and I'm not even going to talk about the abomination of a mockery from X3.

Yes!! Another Rouge lover! There was always something about her character that draw - granted though i only know her from the cartoon show and the movies.

Although i admit that while i don't read comics i have read some synopsis's and character bios and have slowly developed a soft spot for Legion, which is why i desperately want him to be introduced into the movies: "X-Men: rise of Legion." Or something like that. I feel like if done right (and personally besides X3 i thought the moves were well done) it would be a powerful movie introducing what it looks like a very grey character with a strong chance for redemption, of course they'll have to find a really great actor (or actress if they chose to change his gender- I will not oppose it) to be able to show the subtly whenever each persona takes over.

Edited by foreverevolving
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Although i admit that while i don't read comics i have read some synopsis's and character bios and have slowly developed a soft spot for Legion, which is why i desperately want him to be introduced into the movies: "X-Men: rise of Legion." Or something like that. I feel like if done right (and personally besides X3 i thought the moves were well done) it would be a powerful movie introducing what it looks like a very grey character with a strong chance for redemption, of course they'll have to find a really great actor (or actress if they chose to change his gender- I will not oppose it) to be able to show the subtly whenever each persona takes over.


If they go with an actress I strongly suggest Tatiana Maslany!

This is kinda interesting speculation (the Wayne/Queen merger headline is mentioned)...


The DC Cinematic Event That Will Put Marvel in CRISIS Mode!
by Nat Brink ⋅ Posted on January 24th, 2015 at 2:32am

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