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Mind Your Surroundings: Arrow, The Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow and Other Superhero Universes

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The CW's b-t-s video (includes b-t-s shots for Superhero Fight Club 2.0 and - warning! - shot of Diggle's new Spartan helmet)...

This Season on The CW | The CW
Published on Sep 30, 2016, by The CW Television Network

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Interesting, so Misha and Mark were there for SPN. I had no idea. We had a clue that EBR and Carlos might have there since CL's snapchat showed their trailers but, it seemed unlikely after all the other BTS photos leaked. Echo was there but, didn't film anything for Superhero fight club. We also had no indication that DR was there and yet he filmed for Superhero Fight Club 2.0 AND did a photoshoot for the new helmet. 

Now the video only showed Carlos/EBR doing Superhero Fight Club 2.0 but, i wonder if we might get new EBR/Felicity publicity photos? Of course Chico has been sitting on most of the ones done last year so who knows if we'll ever see them.

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8 hours ago, Trini said:

Podcast (about 28 minutes) with Berlanti about running the CW/DC TV-verse: http://variety.com/2016/tv/news/greg-berlanti-supergirl-flash-dc-arrow-podcast-remote-controlled-tv-1201875676/

My transcription of some of what GB said in this podcast...

-- GB: “It is kind of over four nights. But the Supergirl portion - because she is in a whole other universe for those who keep track of that aspect of the shows - she's in a whole other universe so they have to go retrieve her. So that kind of happens. And it's also Supergirl’s’ winter finale, um, because the show is premiering a week later. So a bulk of the story in that episode is still paying off things that’s happening in the fall, and then she kind of kisses into the larger story and she’s very much an active part of all three crossovers across the three shows. We have one global threat, which Mike and I talked about a few weeks ago. It is an alien invasion, actually, uh, and it's based on - there was a - As we always do, we sort of take things that we like and we make it our own. Uh, there was a run in the late 80's called Invasion exclamation point, uh, that combined team-up and was really a crossover team-up of a lot of great DC characters and we have a lot of elements from that book in these episodes." 

-- On walking the line between giving the fans something new and paying respect to comics storylines that fans want and know, GB: "Right, uh, it's nerve-wracking, you know, because we always are - again, we're always trying to do our version of it, and sometimes we do it successfully and sometimes we don't as much. Sometimes it's an iconic moment. Sometimes it's a character. Sometimes it's a feel. Um, sometimes it is a title - that we use a title, but we still are doing our interpretation of it. And that changes. And I think, you know, we obviously have a very active and very passionate fanbase for these shows because the comic books, you know, and it's - we sort of say this all the time - they preceded us and they'll come after us, and the characters are bigger than us, and they have a special personal importance to a lot of the fans. So I think everyone - you know, you hope everybody knows that we're trying our best to keep it interesting and exciting but still a lot of times make stuff fresh and make it fit into the world that we're already kind of playing with and creating." 

-- GB: "It's like a three-hour film, for sure... We are telling this year a three-part narrative that happens over the three shows. And then you also want to make each, um, whatever you're doing sort of in that episode kind of also speak to the DNA of what that show is and what makes that show great. So there's sci-fi, fanciful stuff in something like Flash. Arrow happens to be falling during Arrow's 100th episode, and we think we've found a real - um, for us, a really exciting way to honor the history and the tradition of Arrow that still fits in with all of these shows. And it was the first, you know - it came first and it kinda helped birth all of these other shows. And Legends is kinda of its own crazy wonder and it fits in really great with the third act of an alien invasion film in that regard. But time travel's a part of that show and part of that episode."

-- GB: "Every time that we do it, and we try to be more and more ambitious. Every time we do it, when we get those finished episodes, it really feels to me like the best of what the comic books felt like. And it really feels like a mash-up, you know, and you get all - you can't believe - we have something like, I think, in one scene, like 18, 19 characters who are these characters across the universe in this one scene together and they're -  it feels, I don't know, to me, it feels exactly the way I used to feel when I read comic books as a kid." 

-- On making each of the shows distinct, GB said that it starts with the casting of the central character, which sets the tone for the show, and the pilot episode, which has the show's DNA baked in. GB: "What would the show be if we took out the superpowers and we took out, you know - oh, Supergirl would have a storyline about adult sisters, adult siblings, you know,  in its narrative. It would have a workplace sort of comedy. Arrow has always sort of had the crime saga element and also sort of the Gothic family saga. Flash was a warm family feel and, you know, you have a boy who really lost both of his parents at a young age and, uh, being taken in by this other family... Legends is this assembly of misfits, you know, can they be - can they live up to their potential? So many times those... All of the emotion and the best parts of those episodes are always lie in those storylines. And that's how we break the storylines first. We really talk about the season. We try to talk about really the psychology of the characters and where the evolution of them, and we figure out that way." 

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That's a good question.  I know SPN is getting only 8 episodes before winter break because it starts a week late and has (I'm assuming) Thanksgiving off.  I would assume the same with LoT.

However, in theory, Supergirl should be able to get 9 episodes in as they should air a new episode Thanksgiving week. Unless it's due to their filming schedule?  I think Supergirl started filming 1-2 weeks after Arrow.

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I think 20 days after Arrow. Arrow started on 5th, SG on 25th.


she's in a whole other universe so they have to go retrieve her. So that kind of happens. And it's also Supergirl’s’ winter finale, um, because the show is premiering a week later.

Is he saying the crossover starts with Supergirls winter finale? Because that would be incredibly stupid.

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Yeah, it certainly sounds like that. Which is very odd. So Supergirl starts a week later but will air an episode on Thanksgiving week. It will then air it's 8th episode as its MSF which also happens to kick off the crossover?

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My interpretation of GB's comments is that Supergirl's winter finale (208, Nov. 28) deals with stuff that happened on that show from 201-207.  Then at the end of 208, Supergirl gets retrieved from her universe (maybe by the Flash?) and then the big crossover event is comprised of Flash (pt 1, Nov. 29), Arrow (pt 2, 100th episode, Nov. 30) and LoT (pt 3, Dec. 1), with Supergirl guesting in all three shows.

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I watched Luke Cage and enjoyed it. The lead actor/character was solid, but what I loved was that almost every single supporting character was fleshed out, with understandable motivations, including multiple villains and a whole range of female characters.  The one thing I didn't like:


I really didn't like Diamondback, and the fact that the second half of the season focused on  him hurt the season. His motivations were one note, and boiled down to "he's crazy".  Also, considering how Harlem was essentially a character in  this story, making the villain tied a distant place with long ago injuries made their conflict a little remote, for me.  It could also be that all the other villains were SO GOOD.  Cottonmouth, Shades, and Mariah were all menacing and sympathetic in turn--I found myself half rooting that Mariah would get off at the end--so perhaps he was only weak in comparison.

I also really liked Cage's gradual move towards heroism, especially after the Arrow-verse's insta-heroes.  He started the show the physical abilities, but to watch him take on the hero mantle slowly but gladly was really compellling.


Luke Cage made me want to watch a Misty Knight show right now. 

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I really enjoyed Luke Cage, finished it earlier today. It's the quickest I've ever binged one of the Marvel shows (I'm still stuck on s2 of Daredevil, haha). Loved everything about it tbh. The characters, the music, the atmosphere of it all.


And once again they've done a great job of fleshing out their villians (particularly with Mariah and Cottonmouth), so much so that I actually sympathized with them at times. I think some things were a little cheesy, like repeating the "Always forward" thing one too many times.

But overall I think it was probably the best out of the Marvel shows so far. 

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59 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

I really enjoyed Luke Cage, finished it earlier today. It's the quickest I've ever binged one of the Marvel shows (I'm still stuck on s2 of Daredevil, haha). Loved everything about it tbh. The characters, the music, the atmosphere of it all.

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And once again they've done a great job of fleshing out their villians (particularly with Mariah and Cottonmouth), so much so that I actually sympathized with them at times. I think some things were a little cheesy, like repeating the "Always forward" thing one too many times.

But overall I think it was probably the best out of the Marvel shows so far. 

Mid-way through season one of Daredevil I started fast forwarding through the episodes looking for the Wilson/Vanessa scenes.  Season two I gave up more quickly.  I find Matt bland and didn't like the super-stylized fighting style. 

 Jessica Jones has stayed with me to a surprising degree.  I'll be interested to see if Luke Cage does the same.

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3 minutes ago, thegirlsleuth said:

Mid-way through season one of Daredevil I started fast forwarding through the episodes looking for the Wilson/Vanessa scenes.  Season two I gave up more quickly.  I find Matt bland and didn't like the super-stylized fighting style. 

 Jessica Jones has stayed with me to a surprising degree.  I'll be interested to see if Luke Cage does the same.

It took me a year to finish Daredevil s1! I only finished it because s2 was a couple of weeks from starting. Then s2 arrived, I watched one episode and haven't watched any since. I think they did a better job of building the villain than they did their hero. I totally agree - Matt is bland. Meh. 

I really enjoyed Jessica Jones too but Luke Cage has the edge for me right now. 

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From Empire interview with Flash EP Aaron Helbing...

The Flash: exclusive behind the scenes look at season three
Ed Gross 3 Oct 2016 


"Flashpoint" doesn't last the entire season, does it?
No, but the impact and the various decisions are going to reverberate throughout the entire season. It's the reason that villains like Dr. Alchemy and Savitar are a part of the show. We liken it to when you have a perfect, pristine vase that you break. Even if you put it back together, there are always going to be those cracks. It's never, ever going to be exactly how it was. For example, when we meet The Rival in episode one, he'll have an impact in episode two. This guy, Edward Clariss, remembers everything that happened in "Flashpoint." All of the pieces that we set up in "Flashpoint" are going to play out throughout the entire season. It's going to be something that Barry and his team are going to be grappling with and struggling against and trying to overcome.
*  *  *
How much of a concern is there over the other superhero shows being affected by "Flashpoint"? Obviously there is producer overlap to oversee these things, but the assumption is that there will be an impact on Arrow, Supergirl and Legends Of Tomorrow.
Yeah, definitely. Arrow for sure is impacted. Diggle is significantly impacted in his life personally. The beauty is, since Greg and Andrew are producers on all four shows, and we deal with [executive producers] Marc Guggenheim and Phil Klemmer and Wendy Mericle, we sit down and we talk about it an are pretty much on the same page. I think something special that you don't get to experience on a lot of other shows is how interconnected they all are. To me, as a fan of all of them, that gets me really excited. It kind of holds true to, in the comic book universe, when you're going to do something like "Blackest Night" that affects all of these characters and all these different storylines who are in their own stories, but they begin to overlap. It's the same thing with these shows.

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I watched 8 episodes of Luke Cage, it's okay but it's not pulling me in.  I'll probably finish it at some point because I have a need to finish something I start. So far for me it's Jessica Jones, Daredevil then Luke Cage. The villains are also not as interesting as Fisk and Killgrave, that helped the other two keep my interest. There is also no excitement or risk in his fight scenes, he just walks lazily through people. Jessica and Matt have powers but they can still be hurt. I guess there's something about a hero taking a beating (whether it's physically or mentally) and getting back up that resonates with me. 

I'm at episode 8

so I know he got hurt with the magic bullet. But that's just like Kyrptonite for Superman. They have one thing that can hurt them but it's not lying around for anyone to use. So 9 times out 10 they are practically unstoppable and I find that kind of boring.

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2 hours ago, manbearpig said:

I like Luke Cage a lot more than Daredevil, but not as much as Jessica Jones. I never finished season one of Daredevil.

I am not a comics reader so all my opinions are based on the TV shows/movie versions of characters in the superhero verse. 

I finished s1 of Daredevil and can barely remember what happened.  I watched one episode of s2.  I feel like Daredevil has no real depth of emotion to it. It's just there.  I don't care what happens to any of the characters. All the hallway fights mean nothing if I don't care about anyone.  Not even the glorious Rosario Dawson is compelling  in DD and she's compelling in everything else I've seen her in. 

Jessica Jones and Luke Cage(thus far, I'm at episode 3 currently)  at least made me feel things about it.  I think Charlie Cox is dull in DD.  Vincent D'Onofrio was too bombastic as the villain in DD. Krysten Ritter was just right as Jessica and  David Tennant was creepy and scary without going OTT. I think Mike Colter is good if a little bland as Luke Cage but for some reason I care what happens to him. I think the supporting cast in general is in LC is top notch and elevates the whole thing for me over Daredevil by a long shot. It's harder for me to compare JJ's supporting cast to Luke Cage only because JJ was a more intimate story of Jessica, her "sister" and the villain with a side of Luke Cage.  Whereas Luke Cage the series, has more of an ensemble feel IMO and the supporting cast is fantastic across the board. 

And having thought about all this, I still put Arrow s1 & 2 at the top of the comics TV shows because of the way it really balanced all those elements. A really good compelling lead, a mostly great supporting cast,  two main villains in Slade and Malcolm who IMO never went OTT and stunts and fights that were grittier, less obviously choreographed.   I sure hope s5 gets back to those kinds of stunts and fights.   Oh and IMO the score for Arrow really just puts the bow on the beautiful gift. :)

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26 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

I finished s1 of Daredevil and can barely remember what happened.  I watched one episode of s2.  I feel like Daredevil has no real depth of emotion to it. It's just there.  I don't care what happens to any of the characters. All the hallway fights mean nothing if I don't care about anyone.

I agree. I didn't care about the characters, but I also don't really see the fuss about the stunts, either. Maybe it's a bit different to see a character get beat down or need to take a break or whatever, but...I'd rather just see some flashy fun like May vs. May on Agents of Shield or Oliver and Sara switching weapons.

For me Jessica Jones is so far ahead of everything else on television with the superhero label. I honestly thought it was one of the best shows around last year, maybe even because the superhero elements were fairly limited. I mean we still had a villain with mind control powers and leading lady with super strength, but you could have told a version of that story without those aspects and it still would have been just as effective.* I also just love a complicated PI who is super sarcastic and reminds me of Veronica Mars, maybe because of the Krysten Ritter connection. Agents of Shield is my second favourite.

*Honestly without the super strength and mind control it might have been even more chilling at times.

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I haven't been able to watch DD. I tried both seasons and only watched about 4 episodes each. I loved Jessica Jones though some of the sex scenes with Luke Cage were my least favorite things. I know I'm bad but I don't enjoy watching aggressive sex. Even when the two partners are clearly on the same page. It's just not my cup of tea. I do really want to watch though because I Like him as a character and the trailers look so good. I'll probably give it a try. 

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I'm kind of the exact opposite, i couldn't get through 4 episodes of Jessica Jones, i found it boring. I liked DareDevil S1, loved DD S2 (or at least The Punisher part of DD S2). I'm hoping I'll like Luke Cage but, I've pretty much written JJ off as a loss.

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JJ s1 and The Punisher stuff on DD s2 are my favorites. I'm really hoping The Punisher show will be cool as well, plus I'm obviously looking towards The Defenders. Hope Iron Fist will be better than Luke Cage, too.

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Maybe it felt tight on her neck? So far I like the new cut but we'll see.  I think the Gray is fine except that it's not the right coloring for Caity and it's more fitting a bad guy.


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2 hours ago, tarotx said:

Maybe it felt tight on her neck? So far I like the new cut but we'll see.  I think the Gray is fine except that it's not the right coloring for Caity and it's more fitting a bad guy.


I really liked the way the neckline looked on the old one but I'm way more for anything that makes doing the stunts easier and I can see how the neck would have been restrictive.  I'm just glad that we didn't get a return to the heaving cleavage look.

I'm ok with the coloring. I like her being a clearly grey character, lol. 

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EW interview with Andrew Kreisberg...

The Flash boss previews seismic changes as a result of Flashpoint
BY NATALIE ABRAMS   October 3, 2016


The way you say episode, it makes it sound like the Flashpoint timeline won’t last very long.
Well, it does and it doesn’t. It will be resolved, but there will be consequences that last throughout the season, and quite frankly, last throughout the series. That’s one of the things that we’re attempting to do is have the pitfalls of time travel be long-lasting and that some things can be fixed, and then some things are broken forever.
*  *  *
The idea of multiple timelines was brought up in season 1. Is the original timeline still running concurrently and we’re going to see what Barry left behind — and that they’re missing their own Barry Allen?
No, when he goes back into the past and saves his mother, it rewrites the timeline.
*  *  *
How will the new timeline start to affect Barry?
There is a time clock on the storyline. Whether or not Barry will allow Flashpoint to continue, or whether he will reset things again, and the costs of him doing either is the ticking clock in the episode.
Does Barry have his powers in Flashpoint?
He does.
*  *  *
Let’s talk about Tom Felton joining the show. What came first: creating this role or wanting to get Felton on the show?
Well, we’ve obviously always been fans of Tom’s. We’ve all seen him grow up from an amazing child actor to an amazing adult actor. Season 3s are typically when you add that character who comes in to shake things up, just in the same way we added Brandon Routh to Arrow in season 3. So, having Tom join the show and adding his energy, his delivery and his performance to our very tightly knit cast is definitely meant to help shake things up. We’re just getting our first set of dailies now on him and we really feel like it’s a giant success. It’s a great addition to the show. It’s something that we haven’t had on the show, a bit of an antagonist within the group, and Tom couldn’t be lovelier as a performer, and as a coworker. It’s a success for us both in front of and behind the camera.
*  *  *
Talk about Wally West suiting up as Kid Flash.
We wanted to do something bold and start the season off with a bang, so we decided to get Wally in the suit. The circumstances of how that happens, well, you’ll have to watch to see. But Keiynan absolutely loved every minute of it and it was a real thrill for us to finally do it. It was amazing. Just in the same way that it happened on Arrow, when you get to season 3, all of the things that you said, “Oh, one day we could do this,” in the early days of the show, are really starting to come to fruition. Just in the same way Arrow eventually added Black Canary and Arsenal — characters that we were always excited to get on, but it always seemed like years away — having Kid Flash was something that we’d always wanted to do from the beginning, before we’d even gotten on the air, and certainly long before Keiynan ever came into our lives. Now, to finally see him there doing his thing is so exciting.
 *  *  *
It’s been said that Katie Cassidy is going to be on The Flash again this season. What can you tease of her return?
Again, we don’t want to give too much away, but Katie will be back and it’s going to be fun and exciting — that much I can promise.

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How Greg Berlanti Produces 4 Interwoven DC Superhero Shows Simultaneously for The CW
By Jason Lynch  October 4, 2016, 8:00 AM EDT


So it's a good thing that Greg Berlanti is here to save the day. Now that Supergirl has relocated from CBS to The CW for its second season, the executive producer/showrunner of all four shows and his team are doing something this season that has never been attempted before on television: breaking and juggling four shows airing simultaneously, with interwoven storylines and characters that regularly jump from series to series.
*  *  *
"We didn't set out to do it," said Berlanti. "It came as a natural evolution to the shows individually. And certainly with something like Supergirl, we never in our wildest dreams would have thought we would have ended up at The CW."

Berlanti said his team approaches each show, which needs to stand both on its own and as part of the whole DC universe, in a similar fashion. "We start off the year the same way with each of them, where we all sit around talking about what we may have done well and what we didn't do as well [the previous season]. Then, what is the theme and the narrative for the year for the main characters? And we present them to the studio [Warner Bros.] and to DC and to the network, all as one thing," said Berlanti.

During that meeting, Berlanti explained his approach to the four shows. "I said, with Arrow and Flash and Legends, it was sort of like the three brothers of a family. The older brother [Arrow], who's out there first, and then the middle brother Flash, and the third brother [Legends], who's still trying to figure himself out. And then the sister [Supergirl] who is the apple of everyone's eye," said Berlanti.
*  *  *
Not only do all shows film in Vancouver, but they are also produced out of the same L.A. building. "Everyone's always communicating, and then with the studio and the network and DC. I think it's not dissimilar to the comic books in the way that we really are keeping track of all of those different characters co-relating. And the more and surprising ways that they can feed each other, the richer it can make each. It shouldn't detract from them," said Berlanti.
*  *  *
This season, Warner Bros. has taken the unusual step of signing several actors to overall series regular deals that allow them to bounce around between all four series, as opposed to being tied to a single show. John Barrowman (Arrow's Malcolm Merlyn), Wentworth Miller (The Flash's and Legends' Captain Cold) and Katie Cassidy (whose Laurel Lance was killed off on Arrow last season) all signed those deals, while other characters will also be popping up on multiple shows.

That's helped the studio solve some of the business concerns related to intertwining the four series. "Financially, the crossovers have been a burden. We've had to go back to the studio about a few times and go okay, we didn't calculate this right and this is going to cost us a lot of money. But now, we fold the crossovers into the contracts," said Berlanti. "For the ones that exist outside of any one of the shows, we stipulate the shows they might appear on at the beginning so that they know, this is how we're thinking of using the character."

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2 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

Glad he's making his world the way he wants it after erasing everyone else's. 

He is garbage through and through. 

Like every villain, Barry Allen is the hero of his own story.


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