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Unspoiled Spec: "$40k, someone long dead is resurrected."

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Oh God, after today's show and Nikolas waxing on about his love life, I'm afraid that Ivy will turn out to be someone from Nikolas's past.  I'm not sure which is worse, Emily or Courtney. 


Of course, she's had the Jakeson special: new face, no memories, and maybe even a little brain washing. I would have been wrong, and the whole "instant connection" crap from NYE will turn out to have a basis in fact. Ugh.  Well, at least it would be a different actress playing either Emily or Courtney.

Oh God, after today's show and Nikolas waxing on about his love life, I'm afraid that Ivy will turn out to be someone from Nikolas's past.  I'm not sure which is worse, Emily or Courtney. 


Of course, she's had the Jakeson special: new face, no memories, and maybe even a little brain washing. I would have been wrong, and the whole "instant connection" crap from NYE will turn out to have a basis in fact. Ugh.  Well, at least it would be a different actress playing either Emily or Courtney.


imo, she looks like Natalia Livingston, so it will have something to do with her, but I don't think it'll be Emily, but some plant by Helena to comfort Nikolas or whatever.

The easiest way to bring Emily back from the dead someday, if they choose to do that, is to say that Rebecca Shaw was Emily all along, brainwashed and planted by Helena, sort of a la Vertigo. It was what I suspected at the time of the original storyline and there's no reason not to do it. I may not care for NL's Emily much but killing Emily Quartermaine was a horrible mistake.

The easiest way to bring Emily back from the dead someday, if they choose to do that, is to say that Rebecca Shaw was Emily all along, brainwashed and planted by Helena, sort of a la Vertigo. It was what I suspected at the time of the original storyline and there's no reason not to do it. I may not care for NL's Emily much but killing Emily Quartermaine was a horrible mistake.


With Zander, last seen sitting on a plane with her.


They regenerated Franco into RH; get someone from Days/Y&R to play a regenerated Emily.

They regenerated Franco into RH; get someone from Days/Y&R to play a regenerated Emily.

How about Chriselle Stause?

She was recently fired from Days. Her character and story on that show were awful, but it seemed like people liked her on AMC.

Though she definitely needs to go whoever does Fin's and/or Kristina's hair first. The folks at Days have made her look like shit. Whoever does hair over makes GH's hair folks look like friggin rock stars.

Though she definitely needs to go whoever does Fin's and/or Kristina's hair first. The folks at Days have made her look like shit. Whoever does hair over makes GH's hair folks look like friggin rock stars.



Anyone who can make Chrishell look like shit shouldn't be allowed to even do their own hair anymore, let alone draw paycheck doing other people's hair. 

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My fearless prediction, which I make in large part because I'm wedded to a Fluke is Bill theory until the absolute final reveal, is that there will be a body in Bill's grave. And everyone will assume that it's Bill.  Gunshot wound in the right place, etc. But, dun dun dun, it'll turn out to not be Bill's body.  Poor sap in Bill's grave.


Let's just say, if Ron did intend for Fluke to be bill, and then the fans figured it out, that's likely what he'd do, right, to try to regain the surprise reveal aspect?


Look, yes, I'm grasping at straws. But I'm taking home the theory I came with. They're gonna have to pry it out of my cold, dead hands.

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I do feel Ron is just pushing every damn theory he can shove in here before the final reveal. I keep going back to that interview, I forget whether it was with Tony or Ron, but Tony said he wanted Luke to be the instigator and Ron pitched some story and he didn't even get half-way through and Tony said he'd do it. So it's either Eckert or actual Luke wreaking havoc.


But now I'm starting to leave towards the latter because a) Julian never saw two Lukes at one time I don't think and b) I know it's a soap and people get held captive without amenities all the time but there hasn't even been an implication really that Fluke gives Luke food and/or water.


But the big thing against this theory is Luke setting this whole thing up with Julian in witness protection in the first place. I suppose it's possible given how much of the time he's out of town but it still seems way too complicated.

There's a couple things. One is that he met Luke there, the other is the whole anecdote Scott told with Luke being removed at Miscavige and then brought back in. Unless they brainwashed him there (oh God), it would have to be someone else.


I think they are definitely trying to go serpentine on Bill Eckert (in the immortal words of David Vickers on Ron's OLTL when counseling others on how to avoid getting shot - "serpentine! It's your only chance!"), and they have successfully made me doubt. But I still think it's him, but that the wrinkle is he is not a cousin, but Luke's brother and/or Pat's son.

Edited by jsbt

My fearless prediction, which I make in large part because I'm wedded to a Fluke is Bill theory until the absolute final reveal, is that there will be a body in Bill's grave. And everyone will assume that it's Bill.  Gunshot wound in the right place, etc. But, dun dun dun, it'll turn out to not be Bill's body.  Poor sap in Bill's grave.


Let's just say, if Ron did intend for Fluke to be bill, and then the fans figured it out, that's likely what he'd do, right, to try to regain the surprise reveal aspect?


Look, yes, I'm grasping at straws. But I'm taking home the theory I came with. They're gonna have to pry it out of my cold, dead hands.

I'm sure you are right. And maybe the body in Bill's grave is Pat's!

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  forget whether it was with Tony or Ron, but Tony said he wanted Luke to be the instigator and Ron pitched some story and he didn't even get half-way through and Tony said he'd do it.


It might have gone something like this:


Ron:  So, we're thinking what about if Luke's buil ... [ding a relationship with his grandchildren ... ding stronger ties with the community... ding a bridge to nowhere]


Tony:  Did you say what about if Luke is Bill?  Bill Eckert you mean?  Bill Eckert has taken over Luke's life and assumed his identity?  He's a real odious creature who wreaks havoc for months upon months on end?  I LOVE it.


Ron:  Ummmm, that'd make you stay?  And I'll not be the guy who caused Tony Geary to quit soaps? 


Tony:  Where's the contract?  Where do I sign?  We can get this in writing, right?


Ron:  Sure, Tony.  Whatever you say.

  • Love 9

I think Julian meeting Fluke while in witness protection is easily explained as having taken place during one of the many times Luke's whereabouts where unknown (during Tony's many long vacations).


As for Scott knowing Luke was taken away and then brought back, maybe Luke wanted Scott to think he had been replaced or brainwashed.  Actually, this fits with the house being in Bill's name.  Fluke wants to think he's Bill.


And I wouldn't be surprised if that's where the story goes: Fluke is "revealed" to be Bill, but then we the audience learn Bill actually is dead but the fools that populate Port Charles think its over.

Edited by Tiger
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Julian never saw two Lukes at one time I don't think

No one has except the viewers, and that doesn't confirm things one way or the other. I agree with jsbt that Ron will try to throw us off the Fake!Luke-is-Bill-Eckert train, but it will ultimately be Bill.


maybe the body in Bill's grave is Pat's!


Pat has to be more than just a name being thrown around, so I think this is possible. The DNA is close enough for the inept GH lab to get it wrong. (Hee.)


I just want this story done with. There's been so little forward motion despite TG's return. Zzzzzzz.

Pat is too much a part of the story at this point for it to just be a red herring, unless Ron is really slipping. IMO she has to be his mother - Pat was older than Luke and Bobbie - and maybe Luke's brother by incest if we hit that wild OLTL crack pipe.

As for Scott knowing Luke was taken away and then brought back, maybe Luke wanted Scott to think he had been replaced or brainwashed.  Actually, this fits with the house being in Bill's name.  Fluke wants to think he's Bill.


Wasn't Fluke surprised and angry to learn the house was in Bill's name? He is too emotionally tied to the story of the Eckerts for him to not either be Bill or think he is Bill.

My fearless prediction, which I make in large part because I'm wedded to a Fluke is Bill theory until the absolute final reveal, is that there will be a body in Bill's grave. And everyone will assume that it's Bill.  Gunshot wound in the right place, etc. But, dun dun dun, it'll turn out to not be Bill's body.  Poor sap in Bill's grave.


Let's just say, if Ron did intend for Fluke to be bill, and then the fans figured it out, that's likely what he'd do, right, to try to regain the surprise reveal aspect?


I agree with you. I think there's going to be a body and that's the final swerve. He's done it before.

Edited by jsbt
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I do think Pat will show up at some point.  The only question is whether it'll be an actress or Tony Geary in drag.


That last sentence probably comes across a lot snarkier than I mean it to.


at is too much a part of the story at this point for it to just be a red herring, unless Ron is really slipping. IMO she has to be his mother - Pat was older than Luke and Bobbie - and maybe Luke's brother by incest if we hit that wild OLTL crack pipe.


Bill's your cousin! And your brother! Cousin!! Brother!!


And, yeah, I haven't stopped to think how that's even remotely possible.


Poor Carol Lawrence... what a secret Angela Eckert has been hiding all these years.


Oh right. [Gloria Stuart]It's been 86 years . . . [/Gloria Stuart]


You don't know how much I want this to become a meme for all of Ron's dropped storylines.

Edited by Francie
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I do think Pat will show up at some point.  The only question is whether it'll be an actress or Tony Geary in drag.


That last sentence probably comes across a lot snarkier than I mean it to.


I'm at the point where I want Fluke to be Pat, played by Geary in drag, sheerly for the awesome train wreck factor of it.  It probably wouldn't be too much worse than when he serenaded us with "My Way" while in purgatory or whatever that fresh hell was.

  • Love 3

Bill's your cousin! And your brother! Cousin!! Brother!!


And, yeah, I haven't stopped to think how that's even remotely possible.


Oh, it's possible. Luke and Bobbie don't like talking about the much-older Pat. They don't mention her to family. They must know something very bad happened. If this was OLTL, and it often is, that means abusive Tim Spencer raped and impregnated Sister Pat, leaving her to give birth to "Cousin" Bill, possibly Luke's banished brother or even twin. I personally suspect TG would rejoice at the opportunity to reveal Luke is a product of family incest. Maybe Pat then either left the family or even was murdered by their father.


I think Pat is long-dead, and what became of her is part of Fluke/Eckert's vengeful motivation against Luke. I wouldn't be surprised if Shawn dug her up instead.

Edited by jsbt
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Maybe Fluke is Tony Geary. So fresh and meta!


They're taking a taping break or something and they're out of cash for the quarter, so they'll let Tony come in at night and do an hour-long clip show for Fan February.


Sitting in a chair in a smoking jacket, addressing the audience. "Hello, I'm Anthony Geary. You may know me from such feature films as UHF, or classic TV comedies like All in the Family. I also play the character of Luke Spencer here on General Hospital. I know that our GH audience has been on the edge of their seats during our year-long Luke - or 'Fluke' - mystery. But who is Fluke, really? And who is the mysterious Bill Eckert? Well, Bill is a complicated man - a soulful man - a man misunderstood and misbegotten in his own time, shunned by an ignorant world. On today's very special hour of General Hospital, with clips selected specially by myself, I'd like to take you step by step, moment by moment, day by day, through the rich history of Bill Eckert: Sailor, tycoon, bon vivant, misanthrope, and last but not least, non-Luke role. Join me, won't you?"

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 8
I think Pat is long-dead, and what became of her is part of Fluke/Eckert's vengeful motivation against Luke. I wouldn't be surprised if Shawn dug her up instead.


That's what oncesane mentioned as well. 


So, Bill/Fluke's hatred for Sonny stems from his finding out that Pat had come to find to pay respects to her thought-to-be dearly departed brother/son back in 1994, only to run into Sonny Corinthos.  Now that Bill was dead  -- or so she thought -- she realized that it was time to reunite with her long-lost brother, Luke, and sister, Bobbie. Time for the truth to set them all free.


Pat didn't know where Luke or Bobbie lived, but she did know that Luke Spencer ran a blues club, so she went there.  But she ran into co-owner Sonny Corinthos instead.  Sonny failed to notice the family resemblance, as he was lost deep in Brenda's cleavage at the time, but he managed to mumble the address for the Brownstone. Pat misunderstood the directions, wandered into a dangerous area of the docks, and was unceremoniously murdered.  Bill, who had been laying low in Port Charles since faking his death a few months before, saw the horrible crime from another pier. He ran over, but it was too late. Pat, with her dying breath, told Bill that the man from Luke's club, the man with the dimples, had sent her there.


This touching scene will be shown in flashback, with Tony Geary playing both Bill and Pat.  He will, yet again, die in his own arms!

Edited by Francie
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Oh, I don't think whatever went down with Pat has to do with Sonny or Frank Smith or the rest of it. I think it pre-dates any of that, and Fluke (if he is Bill) may have only learned the truth after his own 'death.'


In that case, I'll revise my speculation to say:


And the reason for Bill's hatred of Sonny?  That will be explained by Ron, in annoyance, on twitter.


Nah, I like Pat dying in Bill's arms. I'm going with that.

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And the reason for Bill's hatred of Sonny?  That will be explained by Ron, in annoyance, on twitter.


Nah, I like Pat dying in Bill's arms. I'm going with that.


No, that's pretty simple IMO and Sonny half-explained it himself. Sonny worked for Frank Smith at the time. Frank's men killed Bill and took his life away from him. Bill was an emerging power player in PC who had a taste for the high life and the underworld. Sonny then rose from owning a strip club to owning Port Charles. In Bill's mind, he can conflate all of that into being about Sonny having a hand in taking both his life and the criminal life he could've had.


As for ELQ, Bill did some corporate raider shit back in the day where I think he tangled with the Quartermaines, but more importantly I believe the Cassadines have also gone after it before. ELQ is a conglomerate which makes a good power base for a league of evil villains like Fluke and Helena.

Edited by jsbt
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I know MB is rumored to have asked for a stretch of time off.  Is that still something that is coming up?  Because here's my fear: 


Sonny somehow ends up presumed dead (probably by Fluke's hand, or one of Fluke's goons).  Michael is devastated, feels awful about disowning him, and almost immediately reunites with Carly (who will, naturally, be playing the grieving widow).  Sonny is found alive after Mo's vacation.  Michael is so happy to see him alive and well that all is forgiven.  


I fully expect Ron to ruin two things that I very much wanted - Michael turning on Carly and Sonny and Sonny off screen for a while.  This would ruin it all. 

  • Love 3

I see the price has gone up. Damned inflation.



This is the one story I want wrapped up as campy as possible. Time travel, zombies, I don't care.


If Fluke is a zombie, does that mean we might see either Daryl Dixon or Michonne show up to dispatch him? I'd watch the shit out of that.

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Weirdest theory I've heard. What does Duke have to do with anything? (with the Fluke theory, with this show in general . . . )

Dewq was acting really weird when Shawn told him he dug up Bill's grave and there was no body. But i feel like there has been multiple instances of IB playing a scene with subtext that was never touched or developed. I almost wonder if he has decided on his own to play the scenes that way just in case Uncle Frank randomly informs him one day four minutes before a scene that Dewq has actually been Sorel in a mask or something equally out of left field.

Other than the Dewq aspect and the brainwashing, I agree with this theory, particularly how Helena deals with Fluke as if he some mental patient as opposed to a dangerous mobster.

The February sweep officially starts today, but my guess is that they'll start hyping the Fluke reveal at least a couple days before it happens.

Allegedly Dante finds out who he is tomorrow.

Edited by Tiger
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I almost wonder if he has decided on his own to play the scenes that way just in case Uncle Frank randomly informs him one day four minutes before a scene that Dewq has actually been Sorel in a mask or something equally out of left field.



I lol'ed. You're right, maybe.


when did Shawn tell Duke about there being no Bill body though?

Edited by ulkis
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