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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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20 minutes ago, Wayward Son said:

I wonder who is #1 now! Conan himself? Or another guest lol 

Probably Will Smith. LOL

Assuming this is from today, Misha is also in San Diego at the Wild Animal Park which is about 30 miles NE of Downtown San Diego.


Edited by catrox14
30 miles not 60. It takes about an hour to get there because traffic. Time = distance in SoCal traffic terms
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7 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

So Jared did keg stand on a keg of Family Business Beer. I don't even know what to think about this. Boys you are not in college! I guess Jensen took the advantage to promote his beer. WTF.  Better here than on the show I guess LOL. :/

Ha! Jensen got the Family Business beer in there, awesome! :)

And Jared got a good birthday surprise :) 

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Ha! Jensen got the Family Business beer in there, awesome! :)

I dunno this just rubs me the wrong way. Like I haven't seen the episode but I hope they talked about the show to some extent.

I mean I "love" Jensen in the way you love a celeb you don't know, have never met, have weird expectations of things but this just feels....I dunno. Whatever. I don't know why it bugs me but it does. Don't judge me about this.

1 minute ago, catrox14 said:

I dunno this just rubs me the wrong way. Like I haven't seen the episode but I hope they talked about the show to some extent.

I mean I "love" Jensen in the way you love a celeb you don't know, have never met, have weird expectations of things but this just feels....I dunno. Whatever. I don't know why it bugs me but it does. Don't judge me about this.

Most guests on talk shows don't talk exclusively or even mostly about their projects.  They talk and yell stories or joke and then end with a clip. Conan must've thought it was cool and would be fun though, or he wouldn't have okayed it. 

I realize this is a hot button for you,  even if I don't understand it. To each their own though. 

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Most guests on talk shows don't talk exclusively or even mostly about their projects.  They talk and yell stories or joke and then end with a clip. Conan must've thought it was cool and would be fun though, or he wouldn't have okayed it. 

I realize this is a hot button for you,  even if I don't understand it. To each their own though. 

I know they don't talk exclusively about their shows. I get tha. It's not quite as severe as "hot button" that's overstating it a little bit. LOL I'm not actually "mad online" about it. Just bugs me a little bit.

Like I don't think he's an asshole or anything for it.

Edited by catrox14

I'll reserve judgment until I see the entire show, but I don't really have an issue with Jensen plugging his beer on a talk show.  That's really what most celebrities do.  It's possible that Conan is the one who suggested it, so who knows. I'm not sure what the whole headstand thing was about, considering they held his legs up?  I think even I could do that....ok, maybe not.

  • Love 5
6 minutes ago, MysteryGuest said:

I'll reserve judgment until I see the entire show, but I don't really have an issue with Jensen plugging his beer on a talk show.  That's really what most celebrities do.  It's possible that Conan is the one who suggested it, so who knows. I'm not sure what the whole headstand thing was about, considering they held his legs up?  I think even I could do that....ok, maybe not.

It's party thing mostly college students do when they are binge drinking.

I don't have an issue with him plugging his beer. I figured he'd be wearing a FBB cap. I think it's the keg and keg stand that are bugging me. Maybe someone thought it would appeal Conan's audience. I dunno.

8 minutes ago, Diane said:

Why is this even an issue, so what that he promoted his beer business, it's still promotion for Supernatural. He is not the first celeb to promote a business and won't be the last.  Not to mention that these guys give back a lot more than others.  Jmo

Never said he shouldn't promote it.I"ve said I don't want it in the show.

8 minutes ago, SueB said:

I think it's perfectly fine for Jensen to have his beer.  And it looks like an entertaining moment.  Conan will remember them. 

No one said Jensen shouldn't promote his beer. It's the methodology that bugs me.

Edited by catrox14
Just now, Diane said:

I don't understand why this would bother you, that is all I meant.  

I don't understand why it matters if it bugged me LOL.  I explained it was the Keg and Keg stand. That said, Mystery Guest explained it was the first keg from the Brewery for Jared's bday so I get why it was there. 

6 minutes ago, Wynne88 said:

How tall is Conan, anyway?  He made Jared look normal sized.

6'4" if Google is to be believed.  But the semi-Pompadour hair adds a couple of inches. 

I thought it was a good little interview.  Honestly, I didn't expect Conan to be as prepared as he was.  Clearly someone on his staff wrote up good questions.  I thought it was a little more natural discussion than the Bright interview.  

Poor Jared, he was sweating up a storm. Again.  Dude must be a furnace.  Probably why he's so thin.  

I liked the exchange about "Brandon".  Poor little 5 year old.  He should hide from Jensen until JJ is 30.  And in the convent.  It was also nice to hear the crowd cheer.  Sounds like the SPNFamily was there in force.

Finally, it seems like the 'justification' for having the boys on was because it was the longest running US Sci-Fi television show.  That's a legit reason.  I also suspect someone on Conan's staff is a fan.  I'm grateful for that.  Fan loyalty getting the boys a little love is always nice IMO.  

  • Love 8
7 hours ago, SueB said:

6'4" if Google is to be believed.  But the semi-Pompadour hair adds a couple of inches. 

I thought it was a good little interview.  Honestly, I didn't expect Conan to be as prepared as he was.  Clearly someone on his staff wrote up good questions.  I thought it was a little more natural discussion than the Bright interview.  

Poor Jared, he was sweating up a storm. Again.  Dude must be a furnace.  Probably why he's so thin.  

I liked the exchange about "Brandon".  Poor little 5 year old.  He should hide from Jensen until JJ is 30.  And in the convent.  It was also nice to hear the crowd cheer.  Sounds like the SPNFamily was there in force.

Finally, it seems like the 'justification' for having the boys on was because it was the longest running US Sci-Fi television show.  That's a legit reason.  I also suspect someone on Conan's staff is a fan.  I'm grateful for that.  Fan loyalty getting the boys a little love is always nice IMO.  

I agree. I thought it was very good, and Conan knew a lot about the show. 

I wonder if Brandon's parents were watching and what they thought about it! That's going to be awkward when they run into each other at some school event!

The Conan and Andy bit in the beginning of the show had the perfect setup to quote "Driver picks the music, Shotgun shuts his cake hole." I was disappointed they didn't say it!

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, catrox14 said:

Ahh. That explains it. I can live with that. Thanks for that info!

I guess this is part of a birthday tradition.  Every year when it was their birthday, the other would bring a keg to the trailer, then he said it got to be mini-kegs, and then a can of beer. 

 He didn't mention the name, he just said he was opening a brewery and that was the very first keg it produced.

  • Love 2
8 hours ago, SueB said:

I thought it was a little more natural discussion than the Bright interview.  

I agree.  The Bright interview was awkward and I hardly recognized Wil.  I loved that the crowd cheered so loudly for our boys.  Definitely some fans in that audience. And it was way more fun.  I'm thinking the Conan producers wished they'd given them more time.  

The Js are gorgeous in all SDCC photos.  Hope they have a blast.  Hope they get to appear on more chat shows.  

Jensen's worn that shirt a few times... looks good on him.

  • Love 4

I don't usually these days bother with the con videos as I find them rather boring, same old, same old and I am not knocking Jared here but he does tend to take over.  I think Jensen is comfortable with that and I am sure it doesn't bother him (well obviously I can't be sure but that's what it seems to me) but it does irritate me a bit and as there are few new questions, as I said I don't often bother.  However I was quite surprised to find that Jensen was IMO the more confident and forward of the two with ConanCon - I thought they both did very well and was good fun.

  • Love 5

I thought it went well.  The crowd was definitely into it, so that's good.  Both boys looked lovely, which they normally do.  Jared really does sweat up a storm though, poor boy.  I wonder if it's nerves, or the lights, or both?  He should carry a towel with him at all times.

  • Love 2
10 hours ago, catrox14 said:

I think that was Holly Ollis and not Chico

I don't know who these people are.  But the publicity for Supernatural sucks smelly socks.  It's like there's this little show that's been chugging along for an astounding 13 years and the stars are gorgeous and talented and doing all kinds of charity and great stuff and guest stars rave about the family atmosphere and bursting with fans all over the world and they can fill Hall H at SDCC and make zillions of dollars for convention promoters... and yet no one really knows about it.  It's like I'm part of a underground secret society and we should have a special handshake or something.  I even stumbled across Supernatural (season 7) and I'm a horror genre junkie!!  How did I miss it?  Well, it's never advertised ... that's why.  Last season I had ads for Riverview shoved in my face the whole time I was tuned to CW station.  Banners would blank out half my TV screen at crucial moments during Supernatural broadcast.

Friends  recognize TVD, Buffy, Angel, X Files, etc., but look at me blankly when I rave Supernatural is the bomb.  Who's photo is that on your phone? ... Jensen Who?  Grrrrrr....

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Pondlass1 said:

I don't know who these people are.  But the publicity for Supernatural sucks smelly socks.  It's like there's this little show that's been chugging along for an astounding 13 years and the stars are gorgeous and talented and doing all kinds of charity and great stuff and guest stars rave about the family atmosphere and bursting with fans all over the world and they can fill Hall H at SDCC and make zillions of dollars for convention promoters... and yet no one really knows about it.  It's like I'm part of a underground secret society and we should have a special handshake or something.  I even stumbled across Supernatural (season 7) and I'm a horror genre junkie!!  How did I miss it?  Well, it's never advertised ... that's why.  Last season I had ads for Riverview shoved in my face the whole time I was tuned to CW station.  Banners would blank out half my TV screen at crucial moments during Supernatural broadcast.

Friends  recognize TVD, Buffy, Angel, X Files, etc., but look at me blankly when I rave Supernatural is the bomb.  Who's photo is that on your phone? ... Jensen Who?  Grrrrrr....

Yep, and when they do get some attention outside the show, it's for their looks. 7/5 times I mention "Supernatural" to anyone, I get the look that I've come to recognize as 'omg, are you a Satanist?' lol.

There are 200+ people on the SPN Facebook post asking for a time, and as many tweets, yet they can't be bothered to answer. EDITED - too bitchy.

Edited by gonzosgirrl
  • Love 1

It tickled me for some reason that during Jared's keg stand it looked like Jensen was just casually propping up Jared's one leg with one hand while Andy looked like he was working hard holding up the other one using both his arms.  Not that I froze the scene and inspected it or anything...nope...definitely not...

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

Jensen has come a long way.  He's practically the ringmaster now on the Supernatural convention stage.  

He kind of has to be ringmaster, considering he's the only straightman on a stage full of clowns! :)  (In the best possible way, of course...)

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

Yep, and when they do get some attention outside the show, it's for their looks. 7/5 times I mention "Supernatural" to anyone, I get the look that I've come to recognize as 'omg, are you a Satanist?' lol.

There are 200+ people on the SPN Facebook post asking for a time, and as many tweets, yet they can't be bothered to answer. EDITED - too bitchy.

Here's a bit of a funny story.

When my mom was in the hospital, the speech pathologist who was trying to help us had a shirt with the anti-possession tattoo and unfortunately I didn't have a chance to talk with her about the show but I wanted to say HEY!!! SPN FAN !!! but I never did.

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