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But they credit John with saving Dean's life in In My Time of Dying (though they said it was in Devil's Trap) :

Season 1, Episode 22 

Cause of Death : Hit by a Truck

Saved By:  John Trades his Life



Did Dean die in that episode?  I thought he was in a coma the whole time, but he never actually died.


ETA  Just double-checked.  Dean was in a coma when John made the deal.  He wasn't dead, so John didn't bring him back.  He was on the brink of death, but he was still alive.


Personally, I'm going to give Sam credit for Faith (had he not found Roy Le Grange, Dean would have died) and John credit for In My Time of Dying.  Neither fit TVGuide's criteria, but I'm cool with it.  :-)

Edited by Demented Daisy
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Should we continue this in the all episodes thread? I feel like I am being super spoilery? 


In My Time of Dying.

I thought Tessa said Dean was already dead and was tripping around the hospital with Tessa as Ghost-ish!Dean. He was dead but wasn't letting go.  John made the deal when Tessa was getting ready to take Dean to the next place when she was possessed by Azazel(and if she was an angel how could a demon possess her??) who brought Dean back to life

Edited by catrox14

I'm assuming that he was dead in In My Time Of Dying--I'm guessing it was the machines that were keeping his body breathing, but if they unhooked them I'm guessing he would have been physically dead. Tessa said he could stay as a ghost if he wished, but there was no getting back in his body. It is a gray area here though, isn't it?


I don't think we have to worry about spoilers in this thread, catrox14, pretty much anything in the media from this show would be considered spoilers for newbies anyway.

Edited by DittyDotDot

See, this is why I hate statistics...there are too many ways to interpret the data and everyone likes to point to them as the only cold hard facts. Personally, I give credit to Sam for saving Dean many times over, just because he wasn't technically dead doesn't make the save any less credit worthy. But looking closer at Mystery Spot I'm a bit confused. They have it credited as an alternate reality, but I thought it was supposed to be reality and the Trickster kept sending them back in time. So Sam should have that as a win since he convinced the Trickster to rewrite history and send him back to that Wednesday. Was it really an alternate reality and I just didn't get that?

  • Love 1

No that was not an alternate reality. It was what actually happened and the Trickster undid it.   Sam obviously remembered all of it happening so I guess it was more like an alternate timeline vs alternate reality. I think of it as wibbley wobbley timey wimey...stuff.   Dean does remember what he saw in The End right? So even that I think of as an alternate timeline event that was changed because the boys averted the apocalypse versus an alternate reality.


Also, Dean didn't die when he went to Purgatory so I don't even know why that's included as part of one of his deaths. He wasn't killed. Weird. 

Edited by catrox14
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I don't think Sam can get credit for bringing Dean back from the dead in Faith because he never died.


John would not have made a deal with Azazel unless it was a forgone conclusion that Dean was essentially a meatsuit already. Unless John was crazy enough to swap himself out so he wouldn't have to be faced with killing Sam himself.

Lies, damn lies and statistics!!! 


Their methodology is questionable.

I was just going to post that same argument concerning "Mystery Spot," @DittyDotDot. If Sam hadn't chased after the Trickster so relentlessly and convinced him to bring Dean back, we don't know what the outcome would've been, because at the time Dean was dead (we just don't know where he was - since it was implied in season 5 by Ash that he might've been stashed in heaven some of those times maybe.) As for "Mystery Spot" being an alternate reality, I'm wondering about that. The Trickster did say that it was "his sandbox," so I am assuming he made up and/or controlled most of those people and what happened. * But maybe it was more an alternate timeline as @catrox14 said, since if Dean did die during those times and go to heaven - as Ash implied - it did happen, and even if it was an alternate timeline, Dean was dead and Sam did cause him to be brought back through his actions.


If that doesn't count, then as I said in another thread somewhere - Sam really does need a significant Dean save in my opinion. He's going to get a complex about how many times he's tried and failed.


Also aren't they forgetting the whole Gadreel incident here. I thought it was pretty well established that Sam was gonna be a goner there - much more "dead" than the astral projection thing. Or is that again only considered "mostly dead,"  even though truthfully the same could be argued for Dean in "In My Time of Dying." And there was also Sam's season 7 "imminent death by Lucifer hallucination" where he was saved by Castiel. I thought that was also a forgone conclusion.


Now I'm confused. I guess I'm just not understanding their definition of "death" here.


* (tangent - speaking of which I read a creepy fanfic once where The Trickster got distracted and forgot he left Sam there, and Sam went insane after many 1000s of Tuesdays and ended up thinking of everything as numbers and probabilities in his head - those statistics are evil as well as stupid. ; ) .)

Edited by AwesomO4000
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Having a great time at Jersey con!  We got here this morning at 9 am (left at 6:30!) and got here just time time for Osric and Lauren Tom's panel, which was adorable.  


We only had general admission seats today, but we were sitting next to the camera that films the con for the screens and people kept coming up to it, so I got some fun shots!



Matt is doing Jensen duck lips in this picture







...and apparently we're on the same floor most of the actors are staying on (a lady told us Gil McKinney staying in the room next to ours) so we're hoping for some sightings!


Jared and Jensen tomorrow yaaaayyy

Edited by kimrey
  • Love 3

Oh, I love them and I'm so sad that it's all over.  


I'm sure someone probably already has the panel up, but I have some videos and pictures on my instagram anyone is interested!


Jared and Jensen are amazing and hilarious and I love them.



  • Love 1

This is a wonderful story from the young lady that was brought on stage to ask the final question.




My convention story|| New Jersey Con 2014

I was in line waiting to ask J2 a question and it was getting towards the end of the panel. Honestly I didn’t think I’d get up there, totally preparing myself for the inevitable ‘that’s all the time we have today folks’ but instead….

Richard (Gabriel) comes over to me, takes my hand, says ‘this is the last question of the day guys! Last question make it a good one, no pressure, you’re just representing the entire fandom’ and sits me down in the chair. ON stage. BETWEEN Jared and Jensen.

Jared put his arm on my shoulder. Jensen stared at me with those big stupid eyes. My question, while well phrased in my head, came out completely unintelligible and Jensen (because he’s a beautiful little shit) decided to give me a hard time. What I wanted to come out was-

"One of the things that make you two such magnificent actors is your attention to detail. There are little things that both Sam and Dean do that clue us, as fans, into what they’re feeling. I was wondering if there is anything your character does that you’d like us to pay more attention to"

What came out was-

"You two are awesome actors" (there was appreciative ‘yeah, I like this girl, great question’ from the guys) "And- and Dean and…….. (Jared has his arm on my shoulder and is staring down at me. This is exactly like staring into the sun. I guess I’m just lucky I didn’t drool on him) “…….this guy” (Jensen laughed. Jared looked offended. It was magical) "….what are mannerisms"

Now at this point I realized I fucked something up. My shakes could have been measured on the richter scale and Jensen notices this, looks at me, smiles and says ‘You’re doing great’. He repeats the question back to me like I just spoke to him in an alien language (which, let’s face it, I sort of did)  and I nod because I don’t trust myself to say anything smart.

I have no idea how they answered the question. I blacked out. The whole thing is a blur. All I can tell you is it was the single most amazing thing to happen thus far in my life and for the first time in quite awhile I sincerely felt like Supernatural is a family. Lucky for me I got picked on by the big brothers.

Yeah, that was super adorable.  I can't even imagine.  Thinking you're not going to even get to ask your question then finding yourself on stage with Jared and Jensen leaning on you.  I probably would have passed out haha


I'm in con-withdrawal mode at the moment.  I've been looking forward to this since May of last year and now it's over.  But I just keep thinking of random things and laughing to myself.  My favorite exchange between Jared and Jensen is as follows:


Jared: I went to high school in the 90's

Jensen: I went to high school in 90's too, jerkwad

Jared: 1890's


Love it.


Also, I literally almost walked into Jensen in the hall yesterday morning when he was leaving the ballroom to go to his photo op and it's just one of those moments where I know I've seen him in person a ton of times before, but it's still so surreal.  He's just beautiful.  As is Jared, even if he was a bit of a creep in our photo op picture haha


Oh and our room definitely was on the same floor as the actors on Saturday.  We ran into Richard, Rob, and Matt in the hallway.  We just waved and said hello because they were on their way to the party that night.


I think most of the panel is up on youtube now, if you guys are interested in watching it!  One moment I don't think will make it on youtube is Richard trying to get Clif to sing along with "Your Love" while everyone else was singing it.  I took a picture that came out super blurry, it's on my instagram I liked above.  It was hilarious.


Ah, I can't wait for next year.

  • Love 2

You're welcome!  I could talk about my con experiences forever, but usually no one in my life is interested unless they watch the show haha


Jensen is tall and slim.  He's basically perfect haha.  We've come a long way from my first picture with him back in 07 (http://i60.tinypic.com/10h0m88.jpg) where he was sitting on stool and not putting his arm around anyone so it basically looked like you were standing next to a model.  I've also come a long way from blond streaks in my hair.  


Jared always looks thinner in person.  I mean, right now he's super thin because of his arm injury, but through the years I've never thought he looks as huge as he does on the show.


Edit: Ha!  I was just looking through my pictures and remembered he did the stool thing in 08 too http://i59.tinypic.com/24v1g0k.jpg

Edited by kimrey

Wasn't sure where to post this so I'll put this here and in the showrunner thread


Fun "Genre Smash" podcast interview with Eric Kripke about Supernatural and Revolution. He discusses the creation process of SPN, why it's lasted so long, relationship with fanbase, Jared and Jensen etc etc. NSFW for language




Kripke is a funny guy and funny storyteller.

I agree he is entertaining to listen to and I'm not sure I would say the same for Carver.  With Kripke I can forgive some of his bad ideas because he is just so excited about it and you can tell his excitement caused him to overlook some important things.


I don't know if Carver is just too laid-back but he isn't as entertaining to listen to.  It is funny to see where Kripke can joke about his failures and the surprises he has had along the way including Supernatural internet fans but he seems to really appreciate his fans.  Also he is very protective of Gamble and I wonder if some of the hate for her is because she came right after Kripke and too much comparison happened. 


I think my problem was I just wanted the brothers having fun again and I didn't enjoy the reasons they were not having fun together saving people and hunting down the monsters.


But I can agree Supernatural has had some really bad eps.


I read some recent scuttlebutt on another blog that he might still be in the mix for an MCU role.


I've been thinking just the opposite regarding Jensen and movies:

- he sold his Malibu house and moved to a house a half mile away from Jared's in Austin Texas (NJCON)

- he told the VanCon crowd he was totally up for doing a S11 (so much that it confused people about S11 being a go... it's not, Jensen just said he's on-board)

- he said in either a TCA or Comic Con interview that he told his manager not to show him scripts which he can't possibly do because they interfere with Supernatural

- In the past we KNOW he auditioned for Guardians and the conflict with Supernatural couldn't be worked out.  So... perhaps he's said it's one or the other and he's picked Supernatural.


On a related note:

- Dude is just happier, more relaxed these days at these conventions. Don't know why but good on him.  To me he's given every indication of a guy who is going to ride Supernatural til it's done and THEN figure out where life takes him next.  JMO YMMV.


So..it seems to me, if he's going to do a big movie, it's a studio pull vice an actor push.  Now add that Jensen is sort of a WB property and it's Disney who owns Marvel.  That'd be one helluva pull from a rival studio to get Jensen in a Marvel movie without him trying at all. And Supernatural is just not going to adjust the story to let one of the two leads be MIA for extended period.  

Jensen is awesome but I don't expect that big of a push for him.  Add to that, he's getting older and has a child now.  If they want #2, timing is about right this upcoming summer.  Everything he's done (move to Texas, showing commitment to the steady gig, being relaxed) says to me he's a man happy where he is at and not focused on becoming a major movie star.  Again JMO YMMV.

Edited by SueB

I agree that Jensen seems more relaxed and enjoying himself at cons and stuff.  I haven't seen him this relaxed since probably S3 or S4. I'm not going to speculate as to his personal life, but it's been nice to see the fun and goofiness between he and Jared return. I hope this new found "joy" translates on screen. Part of the reason I loved the first three seasons so much is that you could just tell that everyone was having a good time and it wasn't just a job to them. It made for good television, IMO. Whatever he chooses to do professionally or personally, I'm glad to see he seems happy as does Jared.


- Dude is just happier, more relaxed these days at these conventions. Don't know why but good on him.  To me he's given every indication of a guy who is going to ride Supernatural til it's done and THEN figure out where life takes him next.  JMO YMMV.


There is no reason he can`t do both. And Jensen strikes me as business savvy to know that.


Marvel is still building its universe. Some movies are slates for release dates in years to come and subsequently won`t even start shooting for another 2 or so years. And sooner or latter SPN WILL end. Thankfully, blissfully.


Now I do believe there will be a Season 11 but not beyond that. So if there is the possibility to set something up for after that, why not? He is contracted to a WB-produced show right now but is IMO not under a fixed studio contract with them as far as I know. Nor is he in such a recognizeable brand that a x-over wouldn`t be easily possible.


I have no idea if there is any truth to that rumour but it was the first thing in a long time I took as positive news - if  he can`t get respect from that wretched show, it would be nice to think he can get it at least somewhere else - and I personally like to bask in it a little until totally debunked.


and I personally like to bask in it a little until totally debunked.

Doh. Didn't mean to harsh your squee.  Bask away.  And you know, the long-term thing is something I totally see.  So, you could be right.  If they are smart, they approach him for sometime in the future, outside his comment-time. 


And it's also possible, that his statements about not interfering w/ Supernatural were a sly way of indicating to whomever he contracts with that they better lock his ass up or he's a free agent. 


BTW: Do tell, I may join you in your basking (and I promise NOT to discount anything you share), what's the scuttlebutt?

Edited by SueB

I don't know the details about him being in line for an MCU part it's just rumors.


That said, Chris Evans wants out  as Captain America, and Anthony Mackie is supposedly the new Captain America, but if he drops out or something happens that might open up a chance for Jensen once again.  That's just my thinky thoughts. I have also had this weird inkling that if Jensen is going for an MCU role, he might allow Dean to be killed off in a heroic fashion. Just because he's under contract, doesn't mean he has to be in every episode.  Maybe that's why Misha and Sheppard are series regulars. To take the load off Jensen and to send the show into a new mythology with Sam and Cas avenging Dean's death.


Because honestly, where do they go with Dean now that he's been made into a demon? I mean in some way that's it for him, unless they make him an angel, and does anyone really want that? I sure don't.  So now they have to cure him of being a demon and hope he doesn't drop dead. If they can cure him of being a demon then surely then can use the cure to cure all the demons and if you do that well half your story arc is gone. 


I've been preparing myself for this to be the end of the line for Dean. I  kind of almost don't expect Jensen to stay past s10 and maybe not even make it to the end of s10 if he has a chance at an MCU or DC role.


Of course, I'd much rather him end up in the DC universe just because I like the DC universe more and think there are better villains and better heroes. I would not mind at all if he turned up as Bruce Wayne.


Now to the being happier thing, maybe it's because he's doing something different with demon!Dean so maybe creatively he's happier.  Moving to Austin is kind of the hip thing nowadays. Matthew McCognahey and Sandra Bullock live in Texas but I'm sure they all keep homes in L.A. I mean they'd be foolish to not do that. Of course if I really wanted to start really bad rumors all over again, I could mention that maybe the fact that he's moving closer to Jared and his own family is what is making him happy :). (I do not believe those rumors but hey if it were true, good on them. They do make a great couple!).    

The rumour is for the second Guardians movie which is slated for 2017. Obviously, the core cast from the first one will return but there is apparently a comic character - sorry, I`m not familiar with GOTG at all - who was genetically engineered who is supposed to feature into movie 2. 


The timing could work out I guess, and there is even a hilarious in-joke with the "created as a perfect specimen" via Dark Angel if Jensen got the part.


I doubt Dean is gonna be killed off befote the show ends. And even if he was, I very much doubt it would be in a heroic fashion. Unless someone exchanged the showrunner and the entire writing team.

Because honestly, where do they go with Dean now that he's been made into a demon? I mean in some way that's it for him, unless they make him an angel, and does anyone really want that? I sure don't.  So now they have to cure him of being a demon and hope he doesn't drop dead. If they can cure him of being a demon then surely then can use the cure to cure all the demons and if you do that well half your story arc is gone. 


I've been preparing myself for this to be the end of the line for Dean. I  kind of almost don't expect Jensen to stay past s10 and maybe not even make it to the end of s10 if he has a chance at an MCU or DC role.


I watched a couple of Jersey Con videos last night and Jensen's hair was back to it's regular Dean length and I was puzzled by it, but he also makes a off-hand comment to Jared about DemonDean had longer hair, which leads me to conclude that he's cured before the 200th episode. Either way, I'm betting they're going to cure him, not kill him and S11 won't happen without Jensen, IMO.

Ohhhh. Jensen could be Adam Warlock.   643133-adam.jpg

Those are good points, DDD.  I wonder if that's why Jensen said that the 200th could go either way.  I posited my theory int he spoilers and spec thread so I won't repeat it here  


On the other hand, whenever I've seen another season being mentioned Jensen never comes right out and says, "Yup I'm up for it." He always qualifies it as being "well if we are still doing good work and everyone is happy" sure.  So I feel like he's leaving himself some wiggle room

Yeah, he's been saying that since their first contracts were up and he's continued to sign on as long as Jared did. I think he doesn't want to commit to it until it appears everyone else is onboard. I also think he doesn't want to give people the impression that it's a go when it's not. That's just my theory. I have no idea if S11 will happen, but I can't imagine it happening without either Jared or Jensen.


ETA: I think his comments about the 200th episode could go either way is the meta nature of it. When they did The French Mistake they were very concerned that they may have taken the meta too far and ruined the illusion for the fans. It ended up being very well received, but they didn't know until it aired what would happen. I think they're having the same conundrum with this episode. We'll have to wait and see if their worry was for naught.

Edited by DittyDotDot

Apparently this is J2 on jet skis in Texas.  Surely the producers can't be happy about this.




Also, playing beer pong. 



Edited by catrox14


Apparently this is J2 on jet skis in Texas.  Surely the producers can't be happy about this.


Well, while there of course can be injuries, it`s not ultra-dangerous rock climbing or the stuff Tom Cruise regularly does. I think his insurance people pray daily.


Besides, as seen with Jared, you can get injured by something as silly as mock-fighting in the green room with Osric Chau of all people.  

  • Love 1

What's that supposed to mean?  From wikipedia:

In 2000, Chau took his first martial arts class. It was a Wing Chun class where he learned theories and applications of self-defense, he went on to continue studying for 8 years. Earning a gold medal in competition in 2001, he quickly became a student instructor.


Chau studied under Zhang Zhi Bing, a master from Harbin, China. There he learned T'ai chi as well as the more traditional forms of Wushu. After four years, Sifu Zhang went back to China, and Chau enrolled in West Coast Chinese Martial Arts in Vancouver under head instructor, Bruce Fontaine. This is where he studied and excelled in Modern Wushu, a more performance orientated martial art. Chau had a natural aptitude for acrobatics, was deemed the most improved of the club in the Spring of 2006 and soon became a student instructor and a staple in the club.


In 2007 in preparation for the Canadian National Team Trials, Chau went with several students to the Beijing Sports University training full-time with the BSU Wushu Team for 7 months. Spending hours in the gym each and every day preparing for the upcoming national competition paid off when he went to Montreal and placed top 10 to make the Canadian National Wushu Team.



You mock-fight with someone who has actual martial arts training, you run the risk of getting hurt.  Even if you're bigger than him.

  • Love 1

I don`t discount the fact that a physically smaller or "weaker" person can take down an opponent that outweighs them, especially if they have training for it. But from what I`ve heard, this was just a case of the clumsies.


Two friends of mine once playfully wrestled a bit and there wasn`t even a whiff of fighting moves entering things but one of them slipped and twisted in such an unfortunate way, they broke their wrist. That was more defeat by the floor than anything else. I believe something similar happened at that Con.     


This is what I objected to -- the implication that Osric was incapable of hurting Jared.

I didn`t know Osric had special martial arts training but I wouln`t have made any assumptions about an actual fight, even just as a sports match but as I heard it, they were just goofing around and in that context, in my experience you tend to get injured more easily if the other person is bigger.


Now I don`t think even less they were really mock-fighting-fighting because a trained martial arts specialist knows how to do this without it going sideways. Unless JP is epically clumsy.  

Edited by Aeryn13

Jared could be seen as clumsy but most people think a big guy can easily take out a small guy.


I know when I fenced, some were surprised how easily I defeated some guys that were much bigger than me and I almost beat the best fencer in the class, lost by one point, so I can get why people have misconceptions.


Plus the con where Kevin reported it, he basically stated they were just playing around and describing how he wouldn't let go but had he felt he had been in more danger he would have. 


@catrox14 where are you finding such wonderful pics?????  Please share. :)


I have a question, how would you describe Jared and Jensen's faces?  I know when I write I'm terrible at this, so asking for help.  Maybe it's because I just start staring at Jensen's face and I can't focus after that...but if you didn't know how they looked how would you write it down on paper?  I'm being serious. 

Edited by 7kstar

Is it wrong that I think the woman in that pic of Jensen on jet skis is way better looking that Daneel?  I'm not trying to be catty but for some reason I just never got the Jensen and Daneel pairing on a completely superficial level.  I'm sure Daneel is a lovely person IRL but I just never thought Jensen and Daneel look right together. I dunno. But this other woman in that pic today? Heck yea!

Edited by catrox14

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