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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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I have to say I am not a fan of the promo poster. The jackets don't fit the boys properly.  Now I'm sure it's just poor design using random pose and little thought given to the design, but if I take it as representative of the upcoming season, I don't get it.  To me it looks more like what should have been the S10 poster with Deans back turned away from Sam with Crowley between them in the background. Cas is over Sams shoulder which would represent Sam and Cas working together to save or even s11 with Dean being separate because of Amaras hold on Dean.  

But if it is meant to tell us something about s12 then to me  Sam is the focus. He's the only person in an action pose in that he is taking a step towards the camera. Everyone else is in a static pose. Are Dean and  Sam separated even beyond the kidnapping? Or are they at odds over something  else, Mary? Menof Letters?  And what of Cas? Hes less  prominent in the picture than frakking Crowley which annoys me. Hmmm. Bleh. I'm just going with no one gave it any thought. Its easier that way. LOL

Edited by catrox14

I don't like the poster either, for the same reasons, but mostly for the cheesy matching jackets. They are not the same character. Never have been. And never will be.

I love that Dabb picked IMTOD as his favorite episode. I will forever remember that one as being the first full episode of Supernatural that I watched live and on it's first airing. And then later in the season we got What Is and What Should Never Be and it cemented the feeling that I had finally found my something special in a television show and could finally understand how TV could actually be thought of as a genuinely good thing... *winks*...

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So the Rogue Magazine photoshoot is out today but I can't find any pics online and if they were out you know Social Media would have it. This thing is hellaexpensive. $15.99. The digital copy price for previous editions is between $3.99 and $4.99 but I don't see that as an option for the one the boys are in.  WTF Rogue. That's ridiculous


Rogue Issue #4 Print Edition


Rogue Magazine's Issue #4 Print Copy with 3 different cover options.

Featuring: Kelly Osborne, Asa Butterfield, Bill Hader, Hayley Kiyoko, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, Jared Padelecki, Iliza Schlesinger, George RR Martin, Grouplove, Alison Sudol, Birdy, Kongos, Mehki Phiffer, Peyton List, Kaleo, Young the Giant, X Ambassadors, + many more!

Issue 4:


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On 9/13/2016 at 11:27 PM, catrox14 said:

For those of you wondering, this is Baby One, otherwise known as the one that Jensen Ackles will get when the show's over.

I confess, this made me tear up a little.  He's only been talking about wanting Baby since what, Season 2?  My grinch heart grew three sizes today!

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17 minutes ago, goldy said:

From the article:


All that being said, not every idea works. “I told Eric we shouldn’t do ‘Bugs,’ but we did, and he started listening to me a lot more after that one,” Singer says with a laugh, pointing to what’s considered theworst episode of the series.

Hmm, and yet, warts and all, I find I like Bugs. Actually, I think I like Bugs for it's warts. It's definitely not their best episode, but they took a risk and committed to it. I can appreciate and respect that. Maybe Kripke shouldn't have listened to Singer all that much? ;)

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Finally got my EW magazine.  It occurred to me that this EW cover IS a big deal from an industry perspective because it has a LOT of full page or two-page ads. That's a lot of dough. And there's probably a large number of industry subscribers so it gives our boys a little free publicity. 


Ordered the Rogue magazine. Pretty pics. 

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I took it that the auction raised 50K in total, but I didn't think the actual winning bid for the set visit was 50K. I could see it being around 5 to 10K.  But I could be reading it wrong too. Either way that's a lot of money for that org.

When I think about how much money is raised by J2M for various causes it makes me feel better about some of the lousy crap that goes down in fandom.  I mean I would think between Random Acts, AKF, YANA, etc it must be getting to well over 5M, no?

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Never heard of this site but hey whatever.  LOL (h/t to @tv echo from the Arrow forum)

Happy 10th Birthday The CW! A Look at Ten of Its Greatest Series



1. Supernatural

The cast of Supernatural. Photo Credit: The CW

The most successful and devoted TV show in The CW’s ten year history, Supernatural is one of the greatest shows the network has produced. Starting on The WB and making the jump to The CW, Supernatural is the longest running show for either network. Now entering its record breaking 12th season, Supernatural follows The Winchester Brothers, Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles), who follow in their father’s footsteps as “hunters” fighting evil supernatural beings. Over eleven seasons, Supernatural has garnered a devoted and loyal fanbase. Fronted by Ackles and Padalecki, Supernatural remains a huge feat for the network and continues to grow its fandom. As long as the Winchesters want to hop in the car and ride, we’ll be right there with them.

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7 minutes ago, FlickChick said:

In the single photos above, why is it that between the look and the facial hair, Jensen reminds me of a Klingon? Watching too many 50th anniversary episodes of the original Star Trek. LOL

He'd be the hottest most badass Klingon EVER.  MAYBE THIS IS ON PURPOSE :)

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I took it that the auction raised 50K in total, but I didn't think the actual winning bid for the set visit was 50K. 

50K does seem like an unrealistic amount, but the way the picture's caption was worded makes me think that it was the actual winning bid.


thinkeryatx@jensenackles and@jaredpadalecki on the phone with the winner of our #Supernatural live auction package. This #ImaginariumATXpackage raised $50,000 for Thinkery's exhibits, programming, outreach programs and our #OpenDoorATXinitiative—a commitment to making#ThinkeryATX accessible to all.

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1 hour ago, catrox14 said:

He'd be the hottest most badass Klingon EVER.  MAYBE THIS IS ON PURPOSE :)

Well, he has been appearing at Supernatural conventions with the Star Trek conventions going on in the same vicinity at the same time. That was true last weekend here in the Chicago area as well. So maybe that was on his mind. ;) 

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Thanks for that, @Bessie, that was a really good article. I'm biased though, since I've never seen any hints of misogyny the show gets accused of.  I totally agree with this statement: Supernatural does not, inherently, seem to me to have a problem with women. It just doesn’t happen to be about women.

I really like both the actresses, though, so probably even more biased. And, I loved the way they talked about Kim Manners and how he set the tone they are all still trying to maintain all these years later. That's very cool.

Yeah, I'm biased all-around. ;)

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1 hour ago, DittyDotDot said:

Thanks for that, @Bessie, that was a really good article. I'm biased though, since I've never seen any hints of misogyny the show gets accused of.  I totally agree with this statement: Supernatural does not, inherently, seem to me to have a problem with women. It just doesn’t happen to be about women.


IMO, the misogyny claim is similar to the queer-baiting claim discussed earlier.  I think those who are looking for something to be angry about will find it, whether or not it's intended.  Personally, I have a lot more problems with shows where all the women except those in for comic relief look like Miss America contestants.  SPN at least has women who look like real people, act like real people, aren't always perfect (how many brain surgeons/nuclear physicists/homicide detectives have you seen with perfectly applied makeup and carefully coiffed hair at all times while working?) and are allowed both strengths and weaknesses.  That, to me, is equality.  

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5 minutes ago, ahrtee said:

IMO, the misogyny claim is similar to the queer-baiting claim discussed earlier.  I think those who are looking for something to be angry about will find it, whether or not it's intended.  Personally, I have a lot more problems with shows where all the women except those in for comic relief look like Miss America contestants.  SPN at least has women who look like real people, act like real people, aren't always perfect (how many brain surgeons/nuclear physicists/homicide detectives have you seen with perfectly applied makeup and carefully coiffed hair at all times while working?) and are allowed both strengths and weaknesses.  That, to me, is equality.  

I agree, the show has showcased many strong and I think realistic women. When I can look at a character and say I believe they live and breathe outside the show, I think that's a good and strong character. Jo, Ellen, Charlie,Meg, Ruby and Bella all were characters I could believably see carrying their own show about their own story. It might not be a show I'm particularly interested in, but those characters lived and breathed outside of Sam and Dean even if we didn't always see it. 

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On the topic of the women of Supernatural, we had a similar discussion last year and I, as I tend to do, crunched the numbers.  Here's a link (without the S11 numbers) if anyone is curious.


Did any recurring characters die during S11?  I can't remember.  (Amara should be added, as should Claire and Billie -- Donna needs one more episode to be counted.)

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Demented Daisy said:

Did any recurring characters die during S11?  I can't remember.  (Amara should be added, as should Claire and Billie -- Donna needs one more episode to be counted.)

::snort:: Does Rowena getting her neck snapped and bringing herself back to life count as a death? ;)

No, I don't recall any recurring characters dying--thank Chuck--oh wait, not-so-marvy-Marv supposedly died, but I'm not sure I actually buy that. But that should probably count as a death. Otherwise, I don't think there were any other deaths--other than the weekly red shirts, of course.

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10 hours ago, DittyDotDot said:

Thanks for that, @Bessie, that was a really good article. I'm biased though, since I've never seen any hints of misogyny the show gets accused of.  I totally agree with this statement: Supernatural does not, inherently, seem to me to have a problem with women. It just doesn’t happen to be about women.

I really like both the actresses, though, so probably even more biased. And, I loved the way they talked about Kim Manners and how he set the tone they are all still trying to maintain all these years later. That's very cool.

Yeah, I'm biased all-around. ;)

It sounds like Jared and Jensen have something to do with it too. While they weren't mentioned by name I believe both actresses mentioned the lead actors not allowing certain things to happen on set. Whether that's due to the example Kim Manners set or to their upbringing is up for debate. I imagine it's a bit of both.

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22 minutes ago, bearcatfan said:

It sounds like Jared and Jensen have something to do with it too. While they weren't mentioned by name I believe both actresses mentioned the lead actors not allowing certain things to happen on set. Whether that's due to the example Kim Manners set or to their upbringing is up for debate. I imagine it's a bit of both.

I didn't mean to say Jared and Jensen aren't a factor. Both Jared and Jensen have talked about how they've worked on projects where the leads have had more ego than they know what to do with and it's pretty miserable for everyone else, so I would hope they would've set that tone without Manners. I just think it's cool how often I hear they're still looking to Manners all these years after he left us.

Edited by DittyDotDot
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20 hours ago, DittyDotDot said:

I didn't mean to say Jared and Jensen aren't a factor. Both Jared and Jensen have talked about how they've worked on projects where the leads have had more ego than they know what to do with and it's pretty miserable for everyone else, so I would hope they would've set that tone without Manners. I just think it's cool how often I hear they're still looking to Manners all these years after he left us.

I wasn't thinking that you were neglecting Jared and Jensen. I was simply adding another factor.

It does sound like Manners was  an influential person.

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How ‘Supernatural’ Outlived The WB and Learned the Secret to Immortality


From the article (emphasis mine)


As long as ratings stay stable, and they want to do the show, and I’m still in the chair, I’m going to be their biggest supporter to continue,” CW president Mark Pedowitz says. “I think ‘Supernatural’ is going to be around in some form long after I move off this chair, and the best thing I can do for the guys, and for the studio, and for the showrunners is basically make sure we don’t mess them up.”



In my wildest dreams, I was hoping we would get to a fourth season. Sure enough, it was probably right around the fourth season that I think we finally started to relax and realize that we had a certain amount of stability,” Kripke says. “And that was the introduction of Misha Collins [as the angel Castiel], and that was the time that I probably started sleeping at night. But I’ll tell you one thing, the fact that we always felt we were on the edge and one breath from extinction was really good for the show creatively in those early years. We took risks that we probably wouldn’t have taken had we felt more stable. We used to say in the writers’ room all the time, ‘Look, we’re getting canceled next year, so smoke them if you got them.’ We really encouraged everyone to take big swings because we really, sincerely believed that we were about to be canceled, and so why not spend all the story you could spend? And I think that led to a lot of exciting moments.”

Edited by catrox14

More from the Variety article


After so many seasons of feeling “on the verge of unemployment all the time,” Ackles says Pedowitz and Roth have given him a true sense of security.

It’s an incredible support group that we have, not only the network but with the studio as well. I wish I could work with Mark and Peter for the rest of my life — I’d be happy. They’re just quality, smart people and they’re champions for our show and have been for many years now, and it is a huge vote of confidence to have your bosses in your corner,” Ackles says. “Peter’s been saying we’re halfway there since episode 100 and then we get to 200 and he’s like ‘oh, still halfway there,’ so he’s obviously stoked that the show’s still going on. The fact that Mark says that we’ll keep going as long as we’re happy… I don’t even know how to qualify that. It’s awesome, especially when it has to do with a program that I’m so proud of and a story that I still enjoy telling and a character that I still love playing.

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18 hours ago, FlickChick said:

I think it's funny that Jensen used the word "awesome". Dean, anyone? LOL

I've heard Jensen say awesome during his con panels.  It all depends on how Jensen said it. If it's Dean's "AWESOME!" or a Jensen more quiet, "It's really awesome".  LOL. It's kinda of sad that I can tell the difference.

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October 7th

13TH (2016) – Original Movie

Dinotrux (Season 3) – Original Children’s Series

The Ranch (Season 1b) – Original Series

Russell Peters: Almost Famous – Original Stand-up Comedy

The Siege of Jadotville (2016) – Original Movie

Supernatural (Season 11)

Edited by catrox14
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Jensen Ackles ‏@JensenAckles 30m30 minutes ago

See this fella next to me...he has my back. Sooo...You're move. Join us at… https://www.instagram.com/p/BKqm9dWhoJf/


Jensen Ackles ‏@JensenAckles 4m4 minutes ago

Okay okay okay. "Your" move people. (Autocorrect). http://Represent.com/Jaredjensen

Jared Padalecki



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