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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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26 minutes ago, Allidean said:

Personally, I'd much rather see him in something like Guys and Dolls.  I am completely burned out on the superhero stuff.

See that's why I'm down for whatever, because I still like comic book films in theory but...after Endgame I have to admit there isn't really a lot keeping me in the Marvel Universe as I haven't taken to any of the up and comers in the same way I did the Originals.  I like Cap Marvel, I like T'Challa, I like Peter Parker, I like Ant Man but...I only care about them in the context of the current Marvel Universe, not really for themselves.  And DC just isn't doing it for me at all, despite liking Wonder Woman and thinking AquaMan was ok. 

So for me, Jensen getting a superhero there would actually give me a reason to feel somewhat invested again esp as I'm sure he'd put some extra umph into whatever character it was.

On the other hand, yes please Guys and Dolls, or some other musical, I don't know many of them not being expert on musicals but I'd like that, esp if he had to dance some.  I seem to recall that back in the day it was reported one of the songs he used to sing amongst their friends was by The Outfield, I think was Your Love and that had some HIGH notes and according go Jason Manns he killed it(it was specifically in reference to an 80s theme costume party they had, skinny ties and all LOL, Jason mentioned it on his MySpace page to give an idea of how long ago this was), so I'd actually love to get to hear him sing some more songs in his higher range.

Edited by tessathereaper
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2 minutes ago, Myrelle said:

I'd love to see him in a superhero role. He'd own it like no other, IMO.

And those roles can be great stepping stones to other roles, too.

I'm sure George Clooney would agree.

I don't think George Clooney's turn as Batman was all that well received was it?  He his real fame began in ER.  I would love to see Jensen in a  more character driven movie.  I hope he does something he can really sink his dramatic talents into.  I have always been more drawn to Jensens sense of drama and comedy than his action/fight scenes.

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26 minutes ago, Casseiopeia said:

I don't think George Clooney's turn as Batman was all that well received was it?  He his real fame began in ER.  I would love to see Jensen in a  more character driven movie.  I hope he does something he can really sink his dramatic talents into.  I have always been more drawn to Jensens sense of drama and comedy than his action/fight scenes.

And yet he still went on to many other roles, in spite of that.

I'd love to see Jensen in a period piece,  myself, but I don't think a turn as a superhero like Batman or the Red Hood would hurt his career at all. That was more the point that I was trying to make.

Edited by Myrelle
  • Love 7

I wouldn't dismiss an action/comic book hero role just because of its genre. There is some pretty great acting to be found, IMO.  Hugh Jackman as Wolverine/Logan comes to mind. I, too, would love to see Jensen play against type (as far as Dean goes), a romantic comedy, a serious drama, a musical. I know he would excel in these or anything else he chooses. Just for my own personal taste, please, no historical/period films. My least favorite thing!

Edited by gonzosgirrl
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Just now, gonzosgirrl said:

I wouldn't dismiss an action/comic book hero role just because of its genre. There is some pretty great acting to be found, IMO.  Hugh Jackman as Logan comes to mind. I, too, would love to see Jensen play against type (as far as Dean goes), a romantic comedy, a serious drama, a musical. I know he would excel in these or anything else he chooses. Just for my own personal taste, please, no historical/period films. My least favorite thing!

Have you watched Peaky Blinders?

I watched it because Jensen said he loved it, and I'm in now, too.

I could easily see him in that show or something like it. 

  • Love 1
6 minutes ago, Myrelle said:

Have you watched Peaky Blinders?

I watched it because Jensen said he loved it, and I'm in now, too.

I could easily see him in that show or something like it. 

I know it's very popular, as are shows like Downton Abbey  etc - they just don't do it for me. Which is funny, because my all time favourite book is Little Women. I guess that's the exception that proves the rule, lol.

All that said, Jensen could do a series where he does nothing but sit and read period dramas out loud and I'd watch. He owns me.

  • Love 3
49 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

Out of curiosity, how do you stand on action-adventure flicks that are somewhat "period" like Indiana Jones?

Personally, I could stand very nicely on them replacing Shia whatshisface with Jensen and continuing the Raiders franchise (even though in my head I’ve won the lottery and I’m remaking The West Wing with Jensen as Josh, Jared as, er, Sam, Misha as Toby and Kim as CJ - don’t tell me, I know, get out more lol)

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, SueB said:

I like that Jensen says he wants to replace one of the Chris' (Pine, Hemsworth, Evans, Pratt).  Personally I would love if he took over Capt America.  But maybe he simply wants one of the roles that they would ALSO be looking to take. 

Pretty sure that's what he meant.  I personally hope if this is Steve's last Avengers film, then it will be Cap's last Avengers film as well.  They only barely managed to do passing the torch in the comics, there's a reason they always bring Steve Rogers back to take on the role. I just don't think it'll work at all in the films, even with Bucky and Sam(the two other Caps) already in them. 

There's a lot of good acting in actions films depending on the film and they can be period films or fantasy films or contemporary films,  If you get a quality one it can open doors for lots of other things.

Edited by tessathereaper
  • Love 3

So I haven't watched the whole panel from the Vegas con, but I just saw a part of it where Jensen was flat out asked if he was going to be the next Batman and his answer?-"I don't know. I've never had the opportunity before."

But more than that, was the undercurrent of possibility in those words. 

IDK, but I really think that he is(at least) still in the running for that role. 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, ukgirl71 said:

Personally, I could stand very nicely on them replacing Shia whatshisface with Jensen and continuing the Raiders franchise (even though in my head I’ve won the lottery and I’m remaking The West Wing with Jensen as Josh, Jared as, er, Sam, Misha as Toby and Kim as CJ - don’t tell me, I know, get out more lol)

Where is the kickstarter for this? I have at least one kidney I could live without.

  • LOL 4
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I’m selfish.  I don’t want him in a movie.  It takes too long. I want him in a high quality well received tv series written by a genius.

I loved the movie American Psycho.  I’d like him in something like that.  I enjoy clever psychological films that keep you wondering. 

I don’t know what I’m going to do now. Even the dreadful episodes still gave me my Dean fix. Do DVDs wear out?

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, gonzosgirrl said:

That would be awesome! Don't ask me to explain the difference because I can't. 🙂

There is definitely a difference between the two. When I think of period pieces I picture straight up drama/romance, biopics or a wartime film. Indiana Jones is an action film so I wouldn't count that as a period piece; I would liken it to movies like Captain America: The First Avenger. The entire movie is set in the 40's except for the last 20 or so minutes but it's not considered a period piece because of the content. That's how I see it anyway. *shrugs*

  • Useful 1
1 hour ago, Pondlass1 said:

I’m selfish.  I don’t want him in a movie.  It takes too long. I want him in a high quality well received tv series written by a genius.

There are actors that do both; let's cross our fingers for that. Jensen on the big screen but also on the small screen on a weekly basis. Sort of like Viola Davis; How To Get Away With Murder is still ongoing with her as the star but she still manages to make 1 or 2 movies per year in addition to that.

  • Love 5

Action movie a la Indiana Jones I wouldn't mind, but I am so done with the superhero genre.  I personally don't think we need another Batman movie, but that's just me.  I'm betting that Jensen would go for one though.  I think it's his thing.  I guess we'll see what develops down the road.  

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, Jakes said:

So obviously couldn't happen--hence the joke.  It's funny.

And Jensen’s reply was funny too! 🙂

8 hours ago, Myrelle said:

So I haven't watched the whole panel from the Vegas con, but I just saw a part of it where Jensen was flat out asked if he was going to be the next Batman and his answer?-"I don't know. I've never had the opportunity before."

But more than that, was the undercurrent of possibility in those words. 

IDK, but I really think that he is(at least) still in the running for that role. 

Chuck, I hope so!

4 hours ago, catrox14 said:

I'm pretty sure it was nothing more than an April Fool's Day joke.

Yeah, that's all it was.

OTOH, I have to agree, April Fool's or not, if the Js had joked like that, saying everyone except them was not going to be in season 15, you know they'd be crucified. That's how this fandom rolls.

I missed Jensen's reply, though. Must go find!

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, PAForrest said:

Yeah, that's all it was.

OTOH, I have to agree, April Fool's or not, if the Js had joked like that, saying everyone except them was not going to be in season 15, you know they'd be crucified. That's how this fandom rolls.

I missed Jensen's reply, though. Must go find!


  • LOL 5
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I think some fans tend to be a bit over-sensitive on behalf of the actors on this show.  Especially when it comes to how they interact with each other.  Clearly, they are all friends, and this was intended as a joke.  And it was funny.  Just because there is animosity between the different factions of SPN fans, that doesn't translate to the actual relationships these actors have with each other.  

Edited by MysteryGuest
  • Love 9

So I watched both panels in their entirety for the first time in forever and I'll just say that while there were some great bits in the gold panel, I still found more than half of it to be extremely tedious while the afternoon panel was much, much better, IMO.

I did love how openly they discussed the reasons for their decision to end the show in both, though and that was the main reason that I wanted to watch. 

I thought they both handled the disruption by the autistic girl during the main panel so wonderfully and sensitively. I've never seen the like.

And to end this on a shallow note,  Jensen in that red shirt was totally mesmerizing to me. I could not peel my eyes away from him during either panel. I mean his SHOULDERS!...Good Lord...

  • Love 6
9 minutes ago, Myrelle said:

So I watched both panels in their entirety for the first time in forever and I'll just say that while there were some great bits in the gold panel, I still found more than half of it to be extremely tedious while the afternoon panel was much, much better, IMO.

I did love how openly they discussed the reasons for their decision to end the show in both, though and that was the main reason that I wanted to watch. 

I thought they both handled the disruption by the autistic girl during the main panel so wonderfully and sensitively. I've never seen the like.

And to end this on a shallow note,  Jensen in that red shirt was totally mesmerizing to me. I could not peel my eyes away from him during either panel. I mean his SHOULDERS!...Good Lord...

That man has got some serious shoulders on him. :)  Red is a good color for him, he should wear it more often(various shades of red, though I prefer the deeper tones on him, burgundy that sort of thing)

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, Myrelle said:

Jensen in that red shirt was totally mesmerizing to me.

Yes.  That's one of the reasons I loved Demon Dean so much, even though it was cut short.  Him in that red shirt, tied to the chair...well.  Yes, the man would  look good in anything but red is definitely a good color for him.

Edited by trudysmom
Look, the word I meant was look, lol Because any other word would...
  • Love 3
6 hours ago, Myrelle said:

So I watched both panels in their entirety for the first time in forever and I'll just say that while there were some great bits in the gold panel, I still found more than half of it to be extremely tedious while the afternoon panel was much, much better, IMO.

I did love how openly they discussed the reasons for their decision to end the show in both, though and that was the main reason that I wanted to watch. 

I thought they both handled the disruption by the autistic girl during the main panel so wonderfully and sensitively. I've never seen the like.

And to end this on a shallow note,  Jensen in that red shirt was totally mesmerizing to me. I could not peel my eyes away from him during either panel. I mean his SHOULDERS!...Good Lord...

Can you give us the summary/gist of both panels? Only if you feel like it and have the time. Thanks. 🙂

Also, has anyone seen a panel from Misha? I wonder what he said about it. 

48 minutes ago, S Cook Productions said:

Can you give us the summary/gist of both panels? Only if you feel like it and have the time. Thanks. 🙂

Also, has anyone seen a panel from Misha? I wonder what he said about 

Too much info and too many questions for me to summarize them. Sorry about that. Maybe someone else is better at it AKA a more patient person than me.

If you read through The Ending thread and this one, I think you should be able to get the gist of what was said about their decision to end the show, though. 

  • Love 1

I don't want to step on any landmines, but I did watch the Js main panel last night. Does anyone know what the story was with the person who had the meltdown (for want of a better word)? I thought it was a medical issue, but then they seemed to come back again later on? If it's not appropriate for the board, a PM would be appreciated. I admired the way the guys handled it, both times.

  • Love 1
5 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I don't want to step on any landmines, but I did watch the Js main panel last night. Does anyone know what the story was with the person who had the meltdown (for want of a better word)? I thought it was a medical issue, but then they seemed to come back again later on? If it's not appropriate for the board, a PM would be appreciated. I admired the way the guys handled it, both times. 

I don't know details but I saw someone on my time line say the person was autistic but I don't know the source.

2 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

And in other news, when Jensen began to answer the question about whether or not they would change their look after the show - did he get choked up? Or was he kidding?

It seemed like he did a little bit right before he called Dean the best imaginary friend he ever

  • Love 3
46 minutes ago, gonzosgirrl said:

I don't want to step on any landmines, but I did watch the Js main panel last night. Does anyone know what the story was with the person who had the meltdown (for want of a better word)? I thought it was a medical issue, but then they seemed to come back again later on? If it's not appropriate for the board, a PM would be appreciated. I admired the way the guys handled it, both times.

From what I read she was autistic.  She just got overwhelmed and had a meltdown.  Once she was calmed down they let her back in.

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, Casseiopeia said:

From what I read she was autistic.  She just got overwhelmed and had a meltdown.  Once she was calmed down they let her back in.

Thanks (and @ILoveReading also). I wondered, since there seemed to also be some commotion when she came back in, which again Jensen handled well.

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