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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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19 minutes ago, Casseiopeia said:

Ruth talking about the end of the show and how J2M approached the crew

Ruth is a sweetie.  Couldn't quite make out what she said in the beginning...she said she was privy to conversations--did she then say when thinking about the end, the boys were talking about maybe ending it this year or maybe a half next season?  Is that what she said--that they were thinking about this season ending it or an extra half season next year?  If I caught that right then they decided going for full next year--which is better than the alternatives imo!

So did I hear Ruthie right?

4 minutes ago, Jakes said:

Ruth is a sweetie.  Couldn't quite make out what she said in the beginning...she said she was privy to conversations--did she then say when thinking about the end, the boys were talking about maybe ending it this year or maybe a half next season?  Is that what she said--that they were thinking about this season ending it or an extra half season next year?  If I caught that right then they decided going for full next year--which is better than the alternatives imo!

So did I hear Ruthie right?

She said she knew there were discussions but she didn't know if they were going to draw a line now or another half or something like that.  So I don't think you can say one way or the other.  

  • Love 1
7 minutes ago, Jakes said:

Ruth is a sweetie.  Couldn't quite make out what she said in the beginning...she said she was privy to conversations--did she then say when thinking about the end, the boys were talking about maybe ending it this year or maybe a half next season?  Is that what she said--that they were thinking about this season ending it or an extra half season next year?  If I caught that right then they decided going for full next year--which is better than the alternatives imo!

So did I hear Ruthie right?

She just said there were discussions but she wasn't sure if it was going to be this season or a half season next season or what because that hadn't been decided on at the time.  So various options, that's all

  • Useful 1

Reading the Red BOLD, I think this thesis belongs here.  Look for "Implications" in the "Supernatural Ending" thread (see here). 

The boys definitely managed this one expertly IMO.  There are SOOOO many other ways this could have gone. Long ass post - skim the bold for the gist.  But in this case, we have:

  • They unambiguously ending it versus the CW or the WB. This required/implies 3 things to fall in place or be true:
    • They had to be renewed.  And renewed for 20 episodes.  This means the CW was prepared to continue at the ratings level they had acheived.  That's a BIG thing IMO. Renewal followed the traditional timeline of late January - which would give TPTB enough time to rewrite the last 4 episodes into a series finale if they needed to.  This has been a consistent pattern since S4.  The last time they totally flew off the cliff without a net was S3 (bless them!).  
    • They told Andrew No Later Than after the 31st of January - when CW made the announcement. I think there is a case to be made either way for Andrew and a few to know at the time of the 300th party (hence Andrew's abscence) on Nov 16th BUT I'm thinking they did not share - or maybe hadn't even cemented the idea yet.  First, it would really dampen the mood.  Second, they wanted renewal.  Any hint of hanging it up at that party would have been hard to keep quiet. Too much press.  Too much alcohol.  So, I can't totally get on board with a final decision at that point.  Even if the boys were seriously talking about the concept, they weren't remotely sad so they weren't positive.  Good actors but not robots.  I think it would have shown.  BUT Andrew had to know how to shape the last 4 episodes of S14.  Which means the boys would have provided him the information that they were going to wrap in S15 and he should target the last 24 episodes as supporting that eventuality.  
    • Either the CW was prepared to let the boys decide on duration or they waited til relatively the last minute so that the CW didn't restructure a shorter season.  I'm torn on this one.  Pedowitz has been respectful of the boys BUT there's definite bad blood on not picking up Wayward Sisters -- and the fan backlash. If Pedowitz did know early enough to weigh in on duration, he only did it for the boys.  Not the CW and not the fans.  He was visibly pissed at the fans backlash on Wayward Sisters.  And I'm 100% certain that him sticking the knife in the back of any other spin-off (which he did last fall by saying Supernatural is just the boys and he doesn't see another spin-off) is because Warner Brothers financial deal was not what he wanted.  Never underestimate the grudges that develop after failed negotiations (which is what the Wayward Sisters was -- it was all about the money).  So, I'm inclined to believe that Pedowitz knew before the announcement but not as quickly as Dabb and Singer did. The boys were more likely to hedge their bet here.   
  • They strategically timed the public announcement - literally the DAY of the wrap party. This accomplishes two important things for the crew. 
    • One, the crew WILL get new jobs but this gives them a full year to line up something new.  Some will jump early, some will jump no later than pilot season.  Others will go sporadically based on their intent. The point is that they have a rich portfolio to show and time to show it off to prospective bosses. 
    • Second, they geve the cast and crew to have one big happy cry-off/celebration.  The boys both stayed this year - which hasn't been the case in a while.  The party was immediately after the announcement - which meant they could have the bulk of the crew there before they headed off to various summer activities. And some now won't come back (as they leap to other jobs).  So it was a maximum crew party.   If there's one thing I'm confident of, it's that J2 understands they hold the livlihoods of so many in their hands.  You really couldn't have asked for a better handling of the end announcement from a crew perspective.   
  • They clearly informed key recurring cast members before they made the announcement. This is a fitting professional courtesy to a trusted few.  Especially the ones that were likely to come back on the show.  So Speight, Benedict, Rhodes, Buckmaster, Connell, Smith.  Those guys knew for sure.  And knew no later than SPNNash.  But maybe not much earlier.  If these people were going to get a pilot during pilot season, their recurring role wouldn't have stopped them. 
    • Unambiguosly, Misha was always part of the discussions IMO right from the jump.  He would have been engaged in the actual debate about what to do with J2 and when.  Because while it may be J2's show, Misha is IN that circle of trust.  He has a large dedicated fandom, he's got a huge international charity. And they just love him dearly.  Seriously, they ran a marathon cause he asked them to.  IMO if Misha needed more time, they would have given it to him.  But that's not Misha. He has zero sense of entitlement.    
    • But this also lets the recurring cast have a private freak-out because the show IS likely their primary professional income stream.  Veterans like Benedict & Rhodes have already been taking other gigs but the conventions mean big dollars too.  It's a nice testament to their friendship that they told them personally and early.
    • I think JDM was the exception.  I think Jensen told him that this was a real possibility before he signed onto the 300th.  I don't think they had made the final decision that early (pre-Christmas) but they were leaning that way.  
  • The timing and approach of the public announcement ALSO massively helps the the fandom - They truly care about fandom. They understand this is going to be actually life-changing hard for some. But with this timing/approach they optimized it as best they could with a staggered process.
    • We get four more episodes this year while we are 'actively engaged'.  Versus some announcement during Hellatus when there's less folks on line.  It reshifts our view of the last four episodes. 
    • It's done right before a massive con (SPNLV) where Jensen will sing (always a treat).  So it's really good pacing for us.  We get to react to the news and then hear MORE detail from them.  This is also the con that is broadcast via Stage-It.  Could be coincidence.  Maybe not. 
    • It keeps Comic Con a celebration not a bummer.  We'll start to 'wind up' versus be crushed. 
    • The announcement was a 1+1+2 strategy.  I don't know if they realized that. They said one positive (yay! S15), they got immediately to the bad news (it's the end), and then followed up with at least two positive statement (we're excited, this family doesn't go away).  Maybe it's instinct but it's a tried and true method.  (Full disclosure: 2+1+1 is the classic method, but I think they knew the jig would be up as soon as they started talking on the video so they ripped off the bandaid quickly).      

All which leads me to the following speculation:

  • When they signed the S14/S15 contracts, they were prepared to walk away then.  It wasn't how they would want to end it, but they were going to prioritize family time.  Note: the timing of when they were 'asked back' was much later than I think they were hoping.  Based on things both Jared and Jensen said, I get the impression they were hoping to orchestrate the next two contracts earlier than Nov 17 (when they were 'asked back').  They had been talking 'mini-series' or other event-like content. I think understanding when/how they have leverage was informed by this relatively traditional November 'ask back' and this shaped how they went about the end announcement strategy.  But the 20 episode contracts with clearly more time off was both a necessity and a bit of a test -- would it hold up with that level of involvement?
  • I think they really expected Wayward Sisters to be picked up.  They thought crossovers with Wayward would help make a two-year transition smooth.  That they didn't get picked up, that Pedowitz crushed any spin-off hopes was significant in how they played the S15 decision.  Without Wayward, a S15 was necessary to give the crew time to land elsewhere IMO.  That also includes writers, producers, and recurring guests.  But the unexpected failure to pick up Wayward DID shift some storylines early in the season.  I think there is literally NOTHING left of Wayward tie-in after mid-season.  Except for a general "they exist in offscreenville' commitment.  As mentioned elsewhere Kathryn Newton was gonzo right away.  Yadira is on an Apple show with Jason Mamoa.  Kim has had guest appearances on other shows.  Briana has music going and probably actively looking for work for the last year.  The other 3 are back in the hopper, looking for acting gigs as far as I can tell. And I honestly think Berens still has a gaping chest wound from the loss of his hopes and dreams. I think Dabb has moved on but also feels the loss.  But without Wayward, the boys lost their structured soft ending for Supernatural. Maybe something pops up later (a special or movie) but that's dependent on how they end the series.  We won't know if it's even viable until 2020.  
  • They are truly ready to move on.  They've been prepared since Nov 2017.  I think they were open to more (under the 20 episode, less time contract terms) but they sense "now" is the time.  It could be the storylines, it could be the fan reaction to their less involvment (which has been understanding but generally unhappy), it could be a variety of things.  Unless they say something specifically about the ' why now', I think it's fair to say they didn't see enough momentum to make it extend. Hence the 'go out on a high note'.  I'll be shocked if they ever criticize anyone or any story specifically.    

Bottom Line:  They brilliantly played the hand they were dealt.  It's so nice to be part of a fandom where the stars put such a priority on taking care of others.  It's why I buy in, completely, on the #SPNFamily concept. 

Edited by SueB
  • Love 6
8 hours ago, SueB said:

Reading the Red BOLD, I think this thesis belongs here.  Look for "Implications" in the "Supernatural Ending" thread (see here). 

The boys definitely managed this one expertly IMO.  There are SOOOO many other ways this could have gone. Long ass post - skim the bold for the gist.  But in this case, we have:

  • They unambiguously ending it versus the CW or the WB. This required/implies 3 things to fall in place or be true:
    • They had to be renewed.  And renewed for 20 episodes.  This means the CW was prepared to continue at the ratings level they had acheived.  That's a BIG thing IMO. Renewal followed the traditional timeline of late January - which would give TPTB enough time to rewrite the last 4 episodes into a series finale if they needed to.  This has been a consistent pattern since S4.  The last time they totally flew off the cliff without a net was S3 (bless them!).  
    • They told Andrew No Later Than after the 31st of January - when CW made the announcement. I think there is a case to be made either way for Andrew and a few to know at the time of the 300th party (hence Andrew's abscence) on Nov 16th BUT I'm thinking they did not share - or maybe hadn't even cemented the idea yet.  First, it would really dampen the mood.  Second, they wanted renewal.  Any hint of hanging it up at that party would have been hard to keep quiet. Too much press.  Too much alcohol.  So, I can't totally get on board with a final decision at that point.  Even if the boys were seriously talking about the concept, they weren't remotely sad so they weren't positive.  Good actors but not robots.  I think it would have shown.  BUT Andrew had to know how to shape the last 4 episodes of S14.  Which means the boys would have provided him the information that they were going to wrap in S15 and he should target the last 24 episodes as supporting that eventuality.  
    • Either the CW was prepared to let the boys decide on duration or they waited til relatively the last minute so that the CW didn't restructure a shorter season.  I'm torn on this one.  Pedowitz has been respectful of the boys BUT there's definite bad blood on not picking up Wayward Sisters -- and the fan backlash. If Pedowitz did know early enough to weigh in on duration, he only did it for the boys.  Not the CW and not the fans.  He was visibly pissed at the fans backlash on Wayward Sisters.  And I'm 100% certain that him sticking the knife in the back of any other spin-off (which he did last fall by saying Supernatural is just the boys and he doesn't see another spin-off) is because Warner Brothers financial deal was not what he wanted.  Never underestimate the grudges that develop after failed negotiations (which is what the Wayward Sisters was -- it was all about the money).  So, I'm inclined to believe that Pedowitz knew before the announcement but not as quickly as Dabb and Singer did. The boys were more likely to hedge their bet here.   
  • They strategically timed the public announcement - literally the DAY of the wrap party. This accomplishes two important things for the crew. 
    • One, the crew WILL get new jobs but this gives them a full year to line up something new.  Some will jump early, some will jump no later than pilot season.  Others will go sporadically based on their intent. The point is that they have a rich portfolio to show and time to show it off to prospective bosses. 
    • Second, they geve the cast and crew to have one big happy cry-off/celebration.  The boys both stayed this year - which hasn't been the case in a while.  The party was immediately after the announcement - which meant they could have the bulk of the crew there before they headed off to various summer activities. And some now won't come back (as they leap to other jobs).  So it was a maximum crew party.   If there's one thing I'm confident of, it's that J2 understands they hold the livlihoods of so many in their hands.  You really couldn't have asked for a better handling of the end announcement from a crew perspective.   
  • They clearly informed key recurring cast members before they made the announcement. This is a fitting professional courtesy to a trusted few.  Especially the ones that were likely to come back on the show.  So Speight, Benedict, Rhodes, Buckmaster, Connell, Smith.  Those guys knew for sure.  And knew no later than SPNNash.  But maybe not much earlier.  If these people were going to get a pilot during pilot season, their recurring role wouldn't have stopped them. 
    • Unambiguosly, Misha was always part of the discussions IMO right from the jump.  He would have been engaged in the actual debate about what to do with J2 and when.  Because while it may be J2's show, Misha is IN that circle of trust.  He has a large dedicated fandom, he's got a huge international charity. And they just love him dearly.  Seriously, they ran a marathon cause he asked them to.  IMO if Misha needed more time, they would have given it to him.  But that's not Misha. He has zero sense of entitlement.    
    • But this also lets the recurring cast have a private freak-out because the show IS likely their primary professional income stream.  Veterans like Benedict & Rhodes have already been taking other gigs but the conventions mean big dollars too.  It's a nice testament to their friendship that they told them personally and early.
    • I think JDM was the exception.  I think Jensen told him that this was a real possibility before he signed onto the 300th.  I don't think they had made the final decision that early (pre-Christmas) but they were leaning that way.  
  • The timing and approach of the public announcement ALSO massively helps the the fandom - They truly care about fandom. They understand this is going to be actually life-changing hard for some. But with this timing/approach they optimized it as best they could with a staggered process.
    • We get four more episodes this year while we are 'actively engaged'.  Versus some announcement during Hellatus when there's less folks on line.  It reshifts our view of the last four episodes. 
    • It's done right before a massive con (SPNLV) where Jensen will sing (always a treat).  So it's really good pacing for us.  We get to react to the news and then hear MORE detail from them.  This is also the con that is broadcast via Stage-It.  Could be coincidence.  Maybe not. 
    • It keeps Comic Con a celebration not a bummer.  We'll start to 'wind up' versus be crushed. 
    • The announcement was a 1+1+2 strategy.  I don't know if they realized that. They said one positive (yay! S15), they got immediately to the bad news (it's the end), and then followed up with at least two positive statement (we're excited, this family doesn't go away).  Maybe it's instinct but it's a tried and true method.  (Full disclosure: 2+1+1 is the classic method, but I think they knew the jig would be up as soon as they started talking on the video so they ripped off the bandaid quickly).      

All which leads me to the following speculation:

  • When they signed the S14/S15 contracts, they were prepared to walk away then.  It wasn't how they would want to end it, but they were going to prioritize family time.  Note: the timing of when they were 'asked back' was much later than I think they were hoping.  Based on things both Jared and Jensen said, I get the impression they were hoping to orchestrate the next two contracts earlier than Nov 17 (when they were 'asked back').  They had been talking 'mini-series' or other event-like content. I think understanding when/how they have leverage was informed by this relatively traditional November 'ask back' and this shaped how they went about the end announcement strategy.  But the 20 episode contracts with clearly more time off was both a necessity and a bit of a test -- would it hold up with that level of involvement?
  • I think they really expected Wayward Sisters to be picked up.  They thought crossovers with Wayward would help make a two-year transition smooth.  That they didn't get picked up, that Pedowitz crushed any spin-off hopes was significant in how they played the S15 decision.  Without Wayward, a S15 was necessary to give the crew time to land elsewhere IMO.  That also includes writers, producers, and recurring guests.  But the unexpected failure to pick up Wayward DID shift some storylines early in the season.  I think there is literally NOTHING left of Wayward tie-in after mid-season.  Except for a general "they exist in offscreenville' commitment.  As mentioned elsewhere Kathryn Newton was gonzo right away.  Yadira is on an Apple show with Jason Mamoa.  Kim has had guest appearances on other shows.  Briana has music going and probably actively looking for work for the last year.  The other 3 are back in the hopper, looking for acting gigs as far as I can tell. And I honestly think Berens still has a gaping chest wound from the loss of his hopes and dreams. I think Dabb has moved on but also feels the loss.  But without Wayward, the boys lost their structured soft ending for Supernatural. Maybe something pops up later (a special or movie) but that's dependent on how they end the series.  We won't know if it's even viable until 2020.  
  • They are truly ready to move on.  They've been prepared since Nov 2017.  I think they were open to more (under the 20 episode, less time contract terms) but they sense "now" is the time.  It could be the storylines, it could be the fan reaction to their less involvment (which has been understanding but generally unhappy), it could be a variety of things.  Unless they say something specifically about the ' why now', I think it's fair to say they didn't see enough momentum to make it extend. Hence the 'go out on a high note'.  I'll be shocked if they ever criticize anyone or any story specifically.    

Bottom Line:  They brilliantly played the hand they were dealt.  It's so nice to be part of a fandom where the stars put such a priority on taking care of others.  It's why I buy in, completely, on the #SPNFamily concept. 

Yes! This. 👆🏻 All of this! ❤️

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, Bobcatkitten said:

That is a weird picture to post. No one is happy. Several just looking at their phones. Yikes.

It looks more like a wake. I guess for some of them, it is.

Michaels is just weird. I'm kind of amazed he was able to tweet without dropping a name, lol.

  • Love 5
36 minutes ago, ILoveReading said:

I noticed he only thanked the crew.  Not the writers.

It also feels like he's hinting at something.

Class act guy all the way around. I think he understands how the Dean fans are feeling better than anyone. He’s been the only one offering us any hope at all.

  • Love 7
5 minutes ago, Jakes said:

I think that's projection--really don't think Jensen has an axe against the writers...some of his fans, yes they do on the other hand.

When I said it feels like he was hinting at something I was referring to his "next year we go big," part of his post.

The first part was an observation.  He thanked the cast and crew.  There was no mention of the writers.  I was simply pointing that out.

Edited by ILoveReading
  • Love 3
14 minutes ago, Jakes said:

I think that's projection--really don't think Jensen has an axe against the writers...some of his fans, yes they do on the other hand.

I most certainly have an axe to grind with the writers, and not only as a fan of Jensen or Dean, but of the show.

And I also think that sometimes, what's not said can be as loud and clear as what is. Jensen is a man who is generous with his praise and admiration, and given what we've seen and heard of him all these years, he seems to live by the 'if you can't say something nice' rule. So, projection, perhaps, but not unreasonable, in my opinion.

  • Useful 2
  • Love 11

Has anyone seen TVLine today?  Now I'm more convinced than ever that the Blind Item was referring to Jensen.  Excuse the conspiracy theorising, but I wonder did it take a while to convince Jared and Misha to jump with him, or did they finally cave at the thought of carrying on without him (if it was actually him of course).  Intriguing, whatever the story! 

  • Love 2
35 minutes ago, ukgirl71 said:

Has anyone seen TVLine today?  Now I'm more convinced than ever that the Blind Item was referring to Jensen.  Excuse the conspiracy theorising, but I wonder did it take a while to convince Jared and Misha to jump with him, or did they finally cave at the thought of carrying on without him (if it was actually him of course).  Intriguing, whatever the story! 

I saw that, too.

I DO hope that they will tell us who it in fact is/was at some point. He's still staying mum about it. 

Does he(Ausiello, I think,  right?) usually tell? I don't read TV Line unless someone brings something here or if it shows up on my Twitter acct.

I'm even more curious now...

Edited by Myrelle
6 hours ago, ukgirl71 said:

Now I'm more convinced than ever that the Blind Item was referring to Jensen.


But if it was Jensen the question is: Will he be in all 20 episodes next season?

Somebody in one of the comments wrote that: "stephen did a facebook live video way before the blind item saying he was already signed for season 8".  I don´t know if it´s true or not. Tbh I don´t think the BI is about Amell or Jensen. 

Edited by starfishka

Has anyone seen TVLine today?  Now I'm more convinced than ever that the Blind Item was referring to Jensen.  Excuse the conspiracy theorising, but I wonder did it take a while to convince Jared and Misha to jump with him, or did they finally cave at the thought of carrying on without him (if it was actually him of course).  Intriguing, whatever the story! 

I think it was Stephen Amell from Arrow. Or possibly Matthew Gray Gubler from Criminal Minds. I don`t think the studio or the network would have even planned to go forward without both Js. 

32 minutes ago, Aeryn13 said:

I think it was Stephen Amell from Arrow. Or possibly Matthew Gray Gubler from Criminal Minds. I don`t think the studio or the network would have even planned to go forward without both Js. 

Is Criminal Minds ending next year too? And was Gubler there from the beginning? I don't watch the show, all I know is the high profile leavings/firings that made the media rounds.

Certainly could be Arrow, though if Amell was always going to leave, then there never was going to be a show after that anyway because, hello, he's the Arrow! But I thought the original BI said nothing about a show ending, just about a fan favorite leaving who was there from the start - making it sound like there was no intention at the time of ending said show. Plus there's speculation that there were contract negotiations with Amell that fell apart, and the CW only giving that show 10 episodes to wrap it up sounds like a lot more like a contract negotiation fail maneuver.

The BI certainly fits one of the Js, most likely Jensen if you look at the now unfired Chekov's gun of Dean going into the Ma'lak Box by season's end. That was a perfect set up to get rid of a Winchester and have the next season with the remaining characters focused on saving him. Yes, I always believed the show would end when both Js wanted to move on - and that still could have been what happened, one wanted to leave, and the other said, 'then me too.' But who knows at this point.

If CM is ending as well, then we have three contenders for the BI. It'll be interesting to find out which one it is.

Edited by PAForrest
  • Useful 1
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Is Criminal Minds ending next year too? And was Gubler there from the beginning? I don't watch the show, all I know is the high profile leavings/firings that made the media rounds.

Yes, he is one of the original cast members and I think was on his way out in this year`s Season Finale but the show is gonna end with a shortened Season next year. Though they didn`t take a break from shooting and are completing the final Season right now, it`s just gonna be aired next year.


Certainly could be Arrow, though if Amell was always going to leave, then there never was going to be a show after that anyway because, hello, he's the Arrow!

That`s a bit complicated. This Season they introduced a way to have an Arrow show wihtout Arrow really. Now this may or may not get picked up as a spin-off instead. Or they may or may not choose to undo it all or change it significantly with next year`s x-over. But it would still fit with the blind item. 


But I thought the original BI said nothing about a show ending, just about a fan favorite leaving who was there from the start - making it sound like there was no intention at the time of ending said show. Plus there's speculation that there were contract negotiations with Amell that fell apart, and the CW only giving that show 10 episodes to wrap it up sounds like a lot more like a contract negotiation fail maneuver.

Didn`t the BI also say a long-standing cast member/fan fave told the producers way in advance they were leaving? Apparently Amell informed the showrunner that at the end of Season 6 that he would not renew his contract after it was up concluding Season 7. So a year in advance. My guess is he was always gonna come back and guest star in the Crisis on Infinite Earth x-over but they pleaded with him to give them the Arrow show with him for the episodes leading up to it. And now Arrow will either finish with the x-over episode or one after that. 


The BI certainly fits one of the Js, most likely Jensen if you look at the now unfired Chekov's gun of Dean going into the Ma'lak Box by season's end. That was a perfect set up to get rid of a Winchester and have the next season with the remaining characters focused on saving him. 

While I can totally see this and the sudden drop of the Michael storyline was whiplash-inducing, I don`t think either Warner or the CW would have wanted a show without both brothers. If Jensen had said "write me out for an episode or two", okay, but not permanently. Dabb, sure, he would have jumped at the chance but Pedowitz wouldn`t have accepted that show. I think as soon as Jensen/both said "sayonara" to re-upping their contracts, that was it. Now this sudden drop of the story could be because he said "no" during contract negotiations for Seasons 16 & beyond. Either as a punishment or because Dabb felt the need to "rush through his remaining ideas". 

Edited by Aeryn13
Just now, Aeryn13 said:

Yes, he is one of the original cast members and I think was on his way out in this year`s Season Finale but the show is gonna end with a shortened Season next year. Though they didn`t take a break from shooting and are completing the final Season right now, it`s just gonna be aired next year.

That`s a bit complicated. This Season they introduced a way to have an Arrow show wihtout Arrow really. Now this may or may not get picked up as a spin-off instead. Or they may or may not choose to undo it all or change it significantly with next year`s x-over. But it would still fit with the blind item. 

Could someone link to these things?  I can't really remember the original anymore and I have no idea what the new one is or where to find it.  :) 

I don't think it was Jensen or Jared. Both have said repeatedly they would never do the show without the other. And Misha was not an original cast member. Also they used the term series regular instead of lead, which seems more like an ensemble show to me.

I think it is definitely Criminal Minds. It fits every parameter with MGG. 

5 hours ago, ukgirl71 said:

Has anyone seen TVLine today?  Now I'm more convinced than ever that the Blind Item was referring to Jensen.  Excuse the conspiracy theorising, but I wonder did it take a while to convince Jared and Misha to jump with him, or did they finally cave at the thought of carrying on without him (if it was actually him of course).  Intriguing, whatever the story!

 As much as I am convinced Jensen wanted to move on, I think that Blind is about Stephen Amell. Who knows maybe Ausiello was referring to both! He can be cagey that way. Ausiello typically does reveal the person(s) in question.

47 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

 As much as I am convinced Jensen wanted to move on, I think that Blind is about Stephen Amell. Who knows maybe Ausiello was referring to both! He can be cagey that way. Ausiello typically does reveal the person(s) in question.


I'm thinking it's the dude from CM, too.

But I still want to know when Jensen decided for sure that he wasn't going to re-sign.

I keep going back to that trip he made to NO with the family and those comments Danneel made.

How long ago was that? Anybody remember?...

1 minute ago, Myrelle said:


I'm thinking it's the dude from CM, too.

But I still want to know when Jensen decided for sure that he wasn't going to re-sign.

I keep going back to that trip he made to NO with the family and those comments Danneel made.

How long ago was that? Anybody remember?...

It was in January, I think early January.

44 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

Thanks. I don't know I think that Criminal Minds guy is a possiblility.

But is there something new in TVline?  Someone mentioned something above that made it sound like there was something new.

18 minutes ago, tessathereaper said:

It was in January, I think early January.

Thanks. I don't know I think that Criminal Minds guy is a possiblility.

But is there something new in TVline?  Someone mentioned something above that made it sound like there was something new.

Thanks again.

Pics posted in the Supernormal thread were dated Jan 6th. I just looked it up.

We know that probably at least had something to do wirh Bacchus, but maybe it was more?...


28 minutes ago, ahrtee said:

Would it still be a blind item if the announcement has already been made?  After all, it's not a secret any more.  Or is it just to "protect" the person who originally pulled the plug?

I think it's still "blind" so as to not spoil the finales. 

Someone mentioned that he might reveal the identity after May Sweeps for that reason.

And yes, @tessathereaper, there was something new-it seems that things changed after he originally posted that blind item and instead of the  original cast member simply leaving, it became the whole show going out also.

Sorry, I don't know how to do a link here. But maybe someone else could help out with that?

ETA: Just copy and pasted it below...

Edited by Myrelle

Quote from Ausiello's column @ TV Line:

"Question: A while back you had a Blind Item about a original series regular exiting a showthis season. Can we get any clues about that? Perhaps the exact network? Or have things changed about it? —Liz
Ausiello: Three months after I hit publish on that particularly Blind Item the circumstances surrounding spoiler's departure changed darmatically. Basically, spoiler is now leaving next season. The catch? The show's going bye-bye with him"

Edited by Myrelle

I just read in the Supernormal thread that Ruth Connell stated at her last con that they originally weren't sure if they were going to end the show this season or give us one more or a half of one.

Hmmmmmmmmm... again. 

I'm now wondering if Jensen might have another project lined up already and if they're going to work around it now, somehow. *fingers crossed*

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As often as the Js have said - and I'm sure meant - they wouldn't do the show without each other, people and circumstances change. If Jensen was as unhappy as speculated, and if Jared really wasn't unhappy, I could see them coming to that conclusion as a possibility. Dean goes in the box and Sam has to soldier on. There would be the potential for resurrecting Dean if things changed, but the show could go on. Then maybe Pedowitz said, "nope." 

I'm not saying that's what happened or that Jensen is the subject of the BI, but I do think it could have been. 

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8 hours ago, PAForrest said:

The BI certainly fits one of the Js, most likely Jensen if you look at the now unfired Chekov's gun of Dean going into the Ma'lak Box by season's end. That was a perfect set up to get rid of a Winchester and have the next season with the remaining characters focused on saving him. Yes, I always believed the show would end when both Js wanted to move on - and that still could have been what happened, one wanted to leave, and the other said, 'then me too.' But who knows at this point.

I just realized my speculation echoed @PAForrest's! Sorry about that - I clearly wasn't reading very closely. 🙂

4 hours ago, Myrelle said:

Quote from Ausiello's column @ TV Line:

"Question: A while back you had a Blind Item about a original series regular exiting a showthis season. Can we get any clues about that? Perhaps the exact network? Or have things changed about it? —Liz
Ausiello: Three months after I hit publish on that particularly Blind Item the circumstances surrounding spoiler's departure changed darmatically. Basically, spoiler is now leaving next season. The catch? The show's going bye-bye with him"

Oh so I I don't know then, is Criminal Minds ending next season?

ETA:  He also said it changed 3 months after the original blind item, which was in October, so that's January.  January was the "this is our year in so many ways" post from Danneel.  Could be.

I don;'t know about Jensen having another project lined up though - I mean what project could he have lined up so far in advance that he can film a whole other season?  Fingers crossed though.

Edited by tessathereaper
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