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SuperNormal: Public Appearances, Tweets, Media And Other Social Media Of The SPN Cast

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Seriously. Jensen does an amazing Holly Jolly Christmas. Why is one person this talented?

The more I see of his personality the more I like.  I really hope his career takes off in acting after supernatural.  I don't want him to disappear behind the camera.  The more I see, the more I like.  It really made my day, thanks for posting!

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Misha and Mark tweeted about something involving fandom. Mark made a series of very personal tweets. It's an awful situation. I have a lot of respect for them even getting involved. 


Essentially, anons on tumblr have been telling fans to kill themselves - flooding their inboxes with hate. 


3 or 4, perhaps more, people have already attempted suicide, and it seems like some of them may now be dead.


Stay safe you guys, whatever social media you are on. It's an increasingly toxic world.

Edited by Pete Martell
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Essentially, anons on tumblr have been telling fans to kill themselves - flooding their inboxes with hate.

What. The. Hell.

This hurts my soul. My inbox open 24x7 for anyone needing to talk. And I concur, stay safe everyone.

Really good site:http://www.7cupsoftea.com

Edited by SueB
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SueB, on 27 Dec 2014 - 12:31 PM, said:

It was a couple of Supernatural fans who committed suicide (or attempted).  No idea if the anons were Supernatural fans or just generic trolls.


Sorry, I don't understand...they were people who committed suicide that happened to be Supernatural fans and there were other people trying to get more Supernatural fans to commit suicide? Or did Supernatural drove these people to commit suicide? Or were random people telling Supernatural fans to commit suicide and they did? I don't get it.


It doesn't matter, I just don't understand the behavior no matter what the reason is. Another reason to add to the list of why I stay away from both Tumbler and Twitter.

Edited by DittyDotDot
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I think it was SPN fans who had discussed their issues with depression and were harassed with vile name calling and encouraged to harm themselves by trolls. One person may or may not have tried to self harm but said some hacked her account saying she was dead. She's e back and said she was not dead and she was terribly sorry that rumors had been wrong. I think being an SPN fan is only tangential to the problem or it was SPN fans being targeted for unknown reasons.

Edited by catrox14
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Sorry, I don't understand...they were people who committed suicide that happened to be Supernatural fans and there were other people trying to get more Supernatural fans to commit suicide? Or did Supernatural drove these people to commit suicide? Or were random people telling Supernatural fans to commit suicide and they did? I don't get it.


I only found out about this from Pete Martell's post and tried to look online for an explanation, so obviously this isn't the gospel (please correct anything if I'm wrong). Afaik though, on Xmas day, an anon user started sending massive quantities of hate mail to SPN fans on Tumblr. (Why SPN? Idk, I think probably just "luck of the draw"). Over the next couple days, copycat anon users started sending massive quantities of hate mail to more and more SPN fans, too. It then spread to Twitter and to fans of other shows/movies/etc. I'm not sure if it's still going on or not.


What's most appalling imo is that apparently, the anon user(s) specifically targeted people who seemed like they'd be vulnerable -- people who's written on their Tumblr about struggling with depression, self-mutilation, etc. And the anon user(s) apparently combed through these people's posts in order to personalize his hate mail, to push each vulnerable person's specific buttons. Then he would apparently harass each person by sending them dozens of messages telling them the specific, personalized reasons why they should kill themselves.


I have no idea what's going on in terms of whether people are still getting hate mail now or how any of the recipients are doing. Just the idea that someone would target vulnerable people, probably including many kids/teenagers, to try to push them to commit suicide -- it's sickening.

He would have to have someone that wants to take the chance with him but first he has to get off Supernatural.  At some point he may want to spend more time with his daughter so...who knows what he will do.  But some actors have been able to break into movies when they had been in a huge TV show, Tom S. did and so did Rob Morrow but TV doesn't have the negative impact on an actor's image like it once did.  So it is still up in the air, IMO.

I'm glad you let us know and I wanted to let you know I did vote. I also wanted to say that I stopped going to that site because of the Groundhog-Day-set-in-an-acid-bath comments section, and because the Gripe Reviews tainted them for me, but even if those things weren't around, the slowness and clukiness would have sent me away. It shouldn't take 10 minutes to vote in a damn poll.

Seriously. I had to disable ad blocker etc just to vote. That right there nearly kept me from voting.

More superficial poll, Jensen Ackles is losing to the guy from beauty and the beast as dreamiest on CW.

More polls.

Best of 2014


Edited by catrox14

I don't watch Librarians, but someone who does told me they mentioned SPN in an episode - something about one of the characters saying they'll just do what they do on Supernatural and call it swamp gas (no idea what that means). TNT has rerun SPN for years so that's good synergy.


Aren't Jensen and Christian Kane friends? 

Edited by Pete Martell

I don't watch Librarians, but someone who does told me they mentioned SPN in an episode - something about one of the characters saying they'll just do what they do on Supernatural and call it swamp gas (no idea what that means). TNT has rerun SPN for years so that's good synergy.


Aren't Jensen and Christian Kane friends? 


That sounds more like Haven.  Haven's Troubles are frequently blamed on solar flares, gas line explosions, freak electrical storms, etc.  


Sorry, I know that won't make sense if you don't watch the show, but it's a little too complicated to explain in a couple of lines.


I don't watch Librarians, but someone who does told me they mentioned SPN in an episode - something about one of the characters saying they'll just do what they do on Supernatural and call it swamp gas (no idea what that means).

It didn`t refer to Supernatural specifically, one character just mentioned they should do what - it was either "supernatural detectives on those shows" or "detectives on those supernatural shows" - do to explain away weird happenings. So, mostly just a little nod to certain tropes in genre shows in general or even stuff like what is that real life ghost-hunters thing called?



although every time I do, Claire's brooding boyfriend from Six Feet Under is usually brooding about how he can't control his powers


You tuned into Season 5 then because it`s only a recent development - and in his defense, he literally can`t control it because it explodes out of him against his will sooner or later.

Edited by Aeryn13
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