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S01.E08: Day Trip

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Clarke and Bellamy go on a mission to find supplies for approaching winter. Some of the 100 accidentally eat nuts with powerfully hallucinogenic properties and lose their grasp on reality.  Meanwhile, Octavia seizes the opportunity to help a friend escape, and a terrifying event brings Clarke and Bellamy closer. On the Ark, Commander Shumway secretly assigns one of the 100 to kill one of his own, and the treacherous actions of Diane Sydney are revealed.


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Big surprise -- Octavia lets the grounder go free.


Clarke and Bellamy board the train to Pound Town (I think Murphy should trademark that phrase).


I guess Clarke didn't break the radio after her parental hissy fit if the Ark is lining up assassination missions against the 90 (?) already -- seriously ?


I wonder if Commander Shumway's first name is Gordon, because that would be hilarious.

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Such an odd episode, which I guess makes sense considering everyone was tripping. 


Raven and Finn boning even though he still has a fairly fresh stab wound in his side was... interesting. I wasn't thrilled to see Raven throwing herself at Finn because she's afraid to lose him to Clarke. The dude cheated on you and he still seems to be harboring some feelings for the other woman (no matter what he claims), so find someone else to shack up with. Or better yet, stay focused on surviving and take some time off from the dating scene?


Octavia and Lincoln sharing a kiss seems to put to rest the theory that they're related. Octavia, like Raven, was a little obnoxious in throwing herself at a man. When she said something along the lines of, "This is all my fault. I shouldn't have reacted so badly to your locking me up in that cave," I rolled my eyes hard. Like, what? It's your fault that you didn't appreciate being chained up by a stranger?


I missed the end, though I did see Diana have the Arrested Dude's wrists slashed. Am I right in assuming that she was part of the assassination plan of the Chancellor? 

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I missed the end, though I did see Diana have the Arrested Dude's wrists slashed. Am I right in assuming that she was part of assassination plan of the Chancellor? 

I think that was the implication, it wasn't overtly stated but it's definitely how it looked.

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Such an odd episode, which I guess makes sense considering everyone was tripping. 


Raven and Finn boning even though he still has a fairly fresh stab wound in his side was... interesting. I wasn't thrilled to see Raven throwing herself at Finn because she's afraid to lose him to Clarke. The dude cheated on you and he still seems to be harboring some feelings for the other woman (no matter what he claims), so find someone else to shack up with. Or better yet, stay focused on surviving and take some time off from the dating scene?


Octavia and Lincoln sharing a kiss seems to put to rest the theory that they're related. Octavia, like Raven, was a little obnoxious in throwing herself at a man. When she said something along the lines of, "This is all my fault. I shouldn't have reacted so badly to your locking me up in that cave," I rolled my eyes hard. Like, what? It's your fault that you didn't appreciate being chained up by a stranger?

Yeah, when Octavia and Lincoln kissed, I actually said out loud to the empty room: So. Not cousins. Anyway, are they trying to portray a sort of survivalist-estrogen mentality of: Me Jane. You Tarzan. We hook up now and make babies to protect the species 'cause that's what my ovaries want me to do.

--Or is this just the CW way--which is pretty much the same thing?

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Gathering nuts and berries, curing meat, digging for roots, -- when has any of that happened before this episode ? Have the redshirts been doing all this work at Site B [/Jurassic Park]? How are all these edibles not chock full of radioactivity or acid (from the fog) ? Heck they were even tanning hides.


If there is a emergency aid depot/hardened fallout shelter close to where the 100 landed, why weren't they told about that before they dropped ? It would have made sense to go there first and establish camp before heading for Mt. Weather. Since it was an underground emergency aid station could we call it the Caduceus Station (like on Lost) ?  With all those webs, where were the giant radioactive spiders in the hatch ?


Notice there was nearly no recoil when Clarke fired that assault rifle the first time ? Almost like it was a fake gun. And none of those bullets would have been functional after nearly 100 years. Under ideal conditions, gunpowder might last 80 years at best, but those were less than ideal conditions in the hatch. The guns were stored in pretty watery grease, and the bullets and clips weren't in the drums.


How would Octavia know anything about seeds/nuts -- from her extensive schooling and earth survival courses that she didn't take on the Ark ?


Is it wrong that I was hoping that Clarke pulled the trigger when she was pointing the gun barrel at her face ? Could have solved half the problems of earthbound portion of this show in one fell swoop.


That's some terrible dialog from the writers
Redshirt 1: "The grounder's gone".
Redshirt 2: "What if he brings other grounders back -- he could kill us all ?"
Female Redshirt: "Or worse"
Seriously, what could be worse than killing all of them ?


When Clarke changed Finn's dressing at the end of the episode, why was there none of the miracle healing seaweed under the bandage ? It worked wonders on Jasper, why not for Finn ? That's right, any rhyme or reason with regards to continuity was forgotten back in episode 2.


I guess we will never find out if Commander Shumway's first name is Gordon, now that he has bled out on the prison cell floor (am I the only Alf fan in this forum ?).


How did Dichen Lachman end up on this turd of a show (from the preview) ?


Where did the horses in the preview come from ? And why aren't they mutated horses ?

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Where did the horses in the preview come from ? And why aren't they mutated horses ?

Were you thinking two-headed horses or unicorns? And if they were two-headed, would it be like the creepy deer they keep reminding us of every week, or would it be like Dr. Doolittle's pushmi-pullyu?
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Such an odd episode, which I guess makes sense considering everyone was tripping. 


Raven and Finn boning even though he still has a fairly fresh stab wound in his side was... interesting. I wasn't thrilled to see Raven throwing herself at Finn because she's afraid to lose him to Clarke. The dude cheated on you and he still seems to be harboring some feelings for the other woman (no matter what he claims), so find someone else to shack up with. Or better yet, stay focused on surviving and take some time off from the dating scene?


Octavia and Lincoln sharing a kiss seems to put to rest the theory that they're related. Octavia, like Raven, was a little obnoxious in throwing herself at a man. When she said something along the lines of, "This is all my fault. I shouldn't have reacted so badly to your locking me up in that cave," I rolled my eyes hard. Like, what? It's your fault that you didn't appreciate being chained up by a stranger?


I missed the end, though I did see Diana have the Arrested Dude's wrists slashed. Am I right in assuming that she was part of the assassination plan of the Chancellor? 


Right before they clocked him he said "but I was only doing what you told me.........." then lights out. 


The most ridiculous thing I am finding about this show is the fact that I can't stop watching it.

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The Octavia, Lincoln scene was unintentionally amusing. "You can speak!" "Too bad I'm not going to ask you any relevant questions.."
"You're filthy. Here, let me clean you , starting with your abs... I'm going to leave some of the blood around your face, 'cause that's sort of hot.."

Also, wouldn't the guards notice if the guy who was tied up suddenly became clean? Never mind -- I forgot who I was talking about..
The whole situation of Bellamy keeping Octavia in time-out and away from from her noble savage seemed really silly. All these guys who survived the drop to Earth are so willing to be Bellamy's underlings? Bellamy hasn't demonstrated any real leadership skills, and I don't recall any show of physical dominance.

I don't know how long this show can last, but I am curious as to how long they can stretch out keeping the adults separated from the kids.

Finn just bugs now.  It really feels like he wants to find some way to have both Clarke and Raven.  Dude, that ain't happening.


The CW begs to differ...


And now they have automatic weapons .. Ugh. I was hoping for more primitive-meets-sci-fi, not a re-hash of 'Lost'. 

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Just a quick thought: are these kids using protection when they sleep together? Did the Ark have its own Trojan factory and did the kids take a couple boxes with them? Because otherwise, we could have babies on the way from either Clarke or Raven or, if the show wants to go all out, from both of them. 

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If there is a emergency aid depot/hardened fallout shelter close to where the 100 landed, why weren't they told about that before they dropped ? It would have made sense to go there first and establish camp before heading for Mt. Weather.


Well since they didn't land where they were supposed to I think they only found out about the depot in this episode because they finally have radio contact and the station knows where they are. That part didn't bother me.


The major amounts of hooking up when really everyone should be focused on survival did. 

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How would Octavia know anything about seeds/nuts -- from her extensive schooling and earth survival courses that she didn't take on the Ark ?

I was wondering the same thing. When she asked if he was 'high' or whatever she said, I was thinking, "How the hell would she even know what that looks like? Or that it exists?"




Redshirt 2: "What if he brings other grounders back -- he could kill us all ?"

    Female Redshirt: "Or worse"

    Seriously, what could be worse than killing all of them ?

Stabbing them and letting them bleed out slowly as bait for whatever they're baiting. Mutilation? Rape? Torture? Beating them with their own limbs? Just to name a few...


So yeah, I guess AbsMcAbserson isn't related to them after all.  Good thing, because I feel I can objectively say that their dirty and bloodsoaked kiss was actually pretty hot. I'm liking the character of Octavia - but her 'street smarts' don't jibe with her history. I liked her solution of giving Stabbo the grounder-invisibility-stick but I found it very hard to believe that a character with her backstory would've understood what was happening enough to come up with that kind of solution... It just didn't track. I guess I'm just going to have to accept some of the WTFiness of it all.

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My quotey thingy isn't working right now, but I wanted to give my take on a couple of things. I think these people are listening to Bellamy because he is the only adult down there. Kids might want to think they'd like to be on their own, but when they get in trouble they look to an adult to make things better. He may not look like it, but after learning his history he was already trained as a guard (another reason they may be listening to him) and then knocked down to a janitor.

I can also almost buy Octavia knowing things. She was locked in their apartment her whole life. I would hope she would have things she could read/study, and if so she would have her whole life to study up on things. Not a good explanation, but it's all I got :)

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Were you thinking two-headed horses or unicorns? And if they were two-headed, would it be like the creepy deer they keep reminding us of every week, or would it be like Dr. Doolittle's pushmi-pullyu?

If the Morlock grounder Queen rode into camp Iwannabangya on a radioactive two-headed unicorn I would watch this show forever.

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I am almost embarrassed to admit, I liked this episode. The show is getting better, and if one is willing to overlook certain WTH things, the show isn't half bad. I like the redemption arc of Bellamy, the reduction of Clark's Mary Sueness, and Octavia and Lincoln's interaction (forbidden love is a well used trope for a reason). Clark and Finn have no chemistry, so glad they are slowing that down. And finally the Ark scenes aren't boring one to sleep, with the arrival of that lady from Battlestar Gallactica.


Also, the show is trying to cast good actors and the young actors are better than the ones on Star Crossed and Reign.

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Also, the show is trying to cast good actors and the young actors are better than the ones on Star Crossed and Reign.

I wish Star-Crossed had a stronger cast and hadn't been canceled. I'm still on the fence with this show because of all the torture porn--which is why I quit Revolution.
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I usually have zero tolerance for tripping tales or dream sequences, but this wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  At least it was realistic.  Whoever wrote/directed clearly went to college in the 70s.


Am I the only one who thinks the Jesus-on-the-cross symbolism with a crucified Lincoln, including the famous gash on his left side, is a little heavy-handed?  I'm not sure what the point was, since Octavia's no Virgin Mary -- or wait, is she?  She clearly didn't get out much living under the floor.  While it's ridiculous that Octavia apologized for complaining about being chained up in a cave, hours spent looking at the shirtless Lincoln would make most women decide to forgive and forget just for the makeup sex.


OttoDbusdriver, thanks for the Gordon Shumway reference.  I'm still laughing at Martha Shumway asking the supermarket manager where they shelve the quaaludes required for Gordon's diet after he joined a cult.

Edited by FineWashables
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I think I must not have been paying close enough attention in the previous episodes but Lincoln was the one who stabbed Finn right?  When Octavia is going on and on about how he's good because he saved her, before chaining her up, all I can think was are you ignoring he almost killed Finn?  To top it off he wouldn't tell them about the poison until her precious self could have been hurt.  Yes, great guy.  Not to say torturing him was the right thing to do but he's not some saint. 

Edited by Stinger97
Double post.
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I think I must not have been paying close enough attention in the previous episodes but Lincoln was the one who stabbed Finn right?


You are correct -- Finn was stabbed in the cave by Lincoln when they rescued Octavia and knocked out Lincoln.


I wonder if Lincoln is the grounder's first or last name -- because if he's named Abe Lincoln and all the other grounders are named after dead president's that will be too much.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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I wish Star-Crossed had a stronger cast and hadn't been canceled. I'm still on the fence with this show because of all the torture porn--which is why I quit Revolution.

I really wanted to like Star Crossed as a fan of Roswell, but the show was just plain awful and I could not get myself to continue watching, despite willing myself to continue watching this show and Reign. I just didn't like the cast of that show, their looks or the plot for that matter. With this show, we can find out more about how the grounders survived, what do they want? Why are they hostile to the returnees, the arrival of the ark brethren and why is that lady trying to kill Jahar. So there are things that keeps one interest (for now). And I see improvement, which is more than can be said for a lot of CW shows.

Too much or just enough? Because I could love Bellamy being strung up by James Garfield, or Finn stabbed (again) by John Adams.


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It'd would be hilarious if the grounders are in fact extremely *literate* savages. It could easily happen - Not enough people around to restart industrial society, but hardback books last forever if kept dry, and are everywhere. So, it's all Friday; "Hunt mutated monsters, skin for leather goods, dry meat for winter, evening discussion of "A Vindication of the Rights of Women". "Saturday: Check if the chickens we tested the produce of the eastern orchard on are still alive, Rehearsal of A midsummer nights dream". Sunday: "Revise Gray's Anatomy, 44th Ed, and the USMC counterinsurgency manual in preparation for tuesdays raid on neighbours"

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Were you thinking two headed horse or unicorns

I want unicorns.  Carnivorous, fire breathing, pack predator uncorns


So it's all Friday; Hunt mutated monsters, skin for ;leather goods, dry meat for winter, evening discussion of "A Vindication of the Rights of Women"

If this this turns out to be true I will marry this show.


As for the Grounders name i'm thinking first name Lincoln, second name Logs.

Edited by tricksterson
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