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GH History Lessons: Because History is Always Repeating Itself

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I was reading Despair in the Afternoon and they mentioned this:



Apparently one of the characters said that "butchers at Mercy" line a while ago . . . does anyone remember who said it?




It was uttered by Nik to Liz when she told him she had inquired at that hospital about a job since she'd been fired from GH, and he of course being his usual bossy, controlling self told her she would not be working for those "butchers at Mercy" and she'd get her job at GH back.

Edited by CPP83

I think Robin guessed early on, because the timing of Mikey's conception would've meant Jason cheated on Robin at a time when they were really committed to each other, and Robin didn't believe Jason would have done that. (I think Robin broke up with Jason for a short spell because - smart girl - she couldn't bear to see him get hurt in the mob. Somewhere along the line, Jason left the mob for a while, and Mikey had been born, and Robin got back together with Jason in this period. Actually, I think KMc was at college for a while, so Robin was out of town and away at school when the baby lie mess started).

Eventually, I think Jason confirmed this. Robin had no really good reasons to keep the secret, other than she thought Jason's love for Michael made it ok, somehow. Also, she'd seen the fallout of AJ driving Jason into a tree, and AJ was kind of a guilt ridden mess over that for a while, so maybe that factored in. She may have believed AJ was unstable, but I think she did realize eventually that maybe that wasn't the case.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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I just loved that Robin didn't let Carly "win" at the end of the day, though I do believe she told the truth for the right reasons as well, but she was the perfect foil for that selfish piece of trash, imo, and I miss that. Carly hasn't had a good enough rival since, imho, some have had their fleeting moments but she's become the "queen" of GH in a way and I can't stand it.

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Robin kept the secret because she trusted that Jason knew what was right. I think she literally said those words at one point. Also, she saw how much Jason loved him. It wasn't until Robin had a clearer view that Carly used Jase with Mikey that she began insisting he tell AJ the truth. Also, she thought all along that AJ deserved to know.

Edited by HeatLifer
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Hold on, I'm getting a memory here, it's all coming back to me now ...   [/does best soap opera amnesiac impression]


Jason got shot, Robin was freaked out and broke up with him because he wouldn't leave Sonny's employ, and then Robin went off to college for a bit.  When she left town, I believe everyone thought Carly was pregnant with Tony's baby.  By the time Robin comes back to town, the shit has hit the fan, Carly has told everyone Jason is the dad, and Tony has started to go mental. 


So somewhat in Robin's defense, there was a bit of a delay for her to figure out what the hell was going on.  And I think at first she only suspected Jason was covering for Carly.  It was probably one of those dumb "Jason never lies" things, where Robin finally asked him and he just stared at her, unblinking, and that was her answer.  (This was when Jason started to become super-annoying - Jason the baby whisperer, everyone claiming Jason is just so honest in his own way, blah blah blah).

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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Robin kept the secret because she trusted that Jason knew what was right. I think she literally said those words at one point. Also, she saw how much Jason loved him. It wasn't until Robin had a clearer view that Carly used Jase with Mikey that she began insisting he tell AJ the truth. Also, she thought all along that AJ deserved to know.




Robin was certainly played as a character with quite a bit of conflict of interest back then, and I thought Kim did a great job showing both sides of the coin. *Sighs* There were the days of conflict that didn't involve guns or murder, but involved the best weapons of all: human selfishness and greed and a working conscious.

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I think Carly told him straight out "Jason is the father!" when her relationship with Tony started to go to crap.  I think at some point he realized she'd purposely manipulated his breakup with Bobbie and used him to get revenge on Bobbie (although, back when Carly was a more nuanced character, I think for a time she did want to be happy with Tony and live a secure, normal life with him). 


Tony may have threatened her with getting custody of the baby-to-be.  And Carly panicked and asked Jason to cover for her and say he was the dad. 


So she goes to Jason, who is just dumb enough to agree to this stupidity.  And when he agrees, she tells Tony to his face that he's not the dad, Jason is.


(I will say, for a while it was kind of amusing to watch Carly move that baby around between dads like some sort of shell game.  The story sort of ground to a halt for me, however, when Jason became the holy baby whisperer and Robin and Carly started sniping at each other like high schoolers.  And Carly had just become tedious and awful to me at that point ...)

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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I think Carly told him straight out "Jason is the father!" when her relationship with Tony started to go to crap.  I think at some point he realized she'd purposely manipulated his breakup with Bobbie and used him to get revenge on Bobbie.


I thought nobody except Luke knew about Carly being Bobbie's daughter until after Michael was born.  I remember there was some scene of Bobbie and Carly with the baby and that's when Carly's adopted mom showed up and blew her out of the water.

A semi-related follow-up - I know Carly was, at least for a time, passing off Michael as being Tony's.  How did Tony find out that he wasn't the father?




He found out after Michael's birth, they didn't match blood types. But he still felt like the kid was his which is why he ended up kidnapping him anyhow, determined not to lose his son.

Ah.  Maybe the Carly/Tony relationship went to crap for other reasons, then?   (Some of this may have occurred during my college days - when I was too poor to own a TV and thus missed certain plot points!)   But for some reason, I have this memory of Carly throwing it in Tony's face that he's not the dad, Jason is.

He found out after Michael's birth, they didn't match blood types. But he still felt like the kid was his which is why he ended up kidnapping him anyhow, determined not to lose his son.


I do vaguely remembering Tony kidnapping the baby.  Isn't that when Carly shot Tony and got shipped off to the nut house, because he had gotten a slap on the wrist in court?

I do vaguely remembering Tony kidnapping the baby.  Isn't that when Carly shot Tony and got shipped off to the nut house, because he had gotten a slap on the wrist in court?




Mm-hm, his wrist wasn't even slapped, he was found not guilty due to insanity so Carly shot him in open court for her own version of "punishment".

Isn't that when Carly shot Tony and got shipped off to the nut house, because he had gotten a slap on the wrist in court?



Yes!  And then she basically got a slap on the wrist for shooting someone, since she played the temporary insanity card.  Really, it was a domino effect of people doing insane things, just because of that dumb baby. 


so Carly shot him in open court for her own version of "punishment".



Of all the dumb, pointless things Carly (version 1) ever did, that was probably the dumbest.  All she accomplished was that Jason (back together with Robin by that point) was raising her baby with Robin while Carly cooled her heels in the funny farm. 

Edited by SlovakPrincess

I felt bad for Tony.I think he lost his jobbecame the town pariah and wasn't allowed to see Lucas for a bit.However we needed to feel bd when carly had her breakdown.


All I know is I kept on waiting for Carly to pay like most bad girls do on soaps and to this day.Carly never paid for that shit she started.

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Of all the dumb, pointless things Carly (version 1) ever did, that was probably the dumbest.  All she accomplished was that Jason (back together with Robin by that point) was raising her baby with Robin while Carly cooled her heels in the funny farm.




*Sighs* Those were the days too, I loved that outcome, I had hoped that whole mess might slow Carly from eating the show alive and actually make her less of a  leading character but as we now see...no such luck.

And Carly's stint in the bug bin was because Sarah Brown went on maternity leave, yes?



I don't know, but I guess that would explain it!   That ham handed plot twist didn't make sense to me at the time (Carly was never that bright, but as an experienced, selfish opportunist, I didn't buy that she'd do something that dumb and pointless, since it really didn't help her at all). 

On Twitter, Ron was all smug comparing Jake to when Jason Q. turned into a diff. person. And I wanted to be like, stop right there, sir. Stop admitting that you do nothing original.


I'm glad he's being unoriginal then. The promise that this would happen is what drew me back to the show when Robin tried to save Jason's life back in 2005 and he lost his memory ...and he came back as the same Jason he'd been and my hopes and dreams were shattered. I'm perfectly content to see a re-do of that dissatisfying tale.

I'm glad he's being unoriginal then. The promise that this would happen is what drew me back to the show when Robin tried to save Jason's life back in 2005 and he lost his memory ...and he came back as the same Jason he'd been and my hopes and dreams were shattered. I'm perfectly content to see a re-do of that dissatisfying tale.

Oh, I want Jason to be very un-moblike, trust me. But I don't want him to forget who Robin, Mikey, Sam, Monica, Danny are. I don't find that interesting at all.

Oh, I want Jason to be very un-moblike, trust me. But I don't want him to forget who Robin, Mikey, Sam, Monica, Danny are. I don't find that interesting at all.


Oh, I understand now. I'm willing to bet that he's not Jason 3.0, but that he'll get his memories back--ALL OF THEM--in time and essentially become Jason 1.5, a hybrid of Jason Q's personality mixed in with the man Jason M. became in terms of how he relates to people. But then, I may be wishing on a star.

Oh, I understand now. I'm willing to bet that he's not Jason 3.0, but that he'll get his memories back--ALL OF THEM--in time and essentially become Jason 1.5, a hybrid of Jason Q's personality mixed in with the man Jason M. became in terms of how he relates to people. But then, I may be wishing on a star.

Yes, exactly! I want him to remember it all and realize that he wants to have a better life. I mean, it would be especially ridic for him to go back to his mob ways after what Robin was able to do for him. "Oh, you lost your family and then you were held hostage to save me... ohhh lookie, my gun!"

Ron can't be bothered to leave Robin unkidnapped for longer then a month, I really do think there will be little if any interaction between Robin and Jakson. Ron won't care about Jason actually showing her gratitude or thankfulness, he has that harem of his to look after and keep adding on to.


Also I could have sworn he had Robin drop a little "gem" about wanting and needing Jason to help her get rid of Faison, or was it Victor...but she did allude to him using his hit man skills to get rid of someone "bad" which I am sure was stuck in there so Ron can have something to bring up later on that even Robin was perfectly fine with Jason's "killer ways".

Ah.  Maybe the Carly/Tony relationship went to crap for other reasons, then?   (Some of this may have occurred during my college days - when I was too poor to own a TV and thus missed certain plot points!)   But for some reason, I have this memory of Carly throwing it in Tony's face that he's not the dad, Jason is.


Carly wasn't sure who the father was, AJ or Tony, and AJ was drunk the night of the conception, so he didn't even think he could be the father for a while. Later Carly set him up to think he had fallen off the wagon by drugging him and leaving him covered with vodka in a clothes bin out in an alley. When he finally remembered the ONS she convinced him that it would be best to wait until they were sure of paternity because AJ had always felt like second best in Alan's eyes due to the possibility that Rick Weber might have been his father. Carly convinced AJ that if Tony was the baby's father they didn't want the baby to feel what AJ had with Alan. Carly tried to marry Tony shortly before the baby was born, but AJ was watching her from outside the window and motioned to her not to do it. He was ready to come in and stop the wedding if need be because both he and Carly knew that if she was married to Tony he wouldn't leave her even if the baby wasn't his. As Carly was acting more and more unhinged, Tony finally said he was going to take the baby from her because she wasn't stable enough to raise him. At the same time AJ was saying he was going to take the baby as well. I didn't like Carly, but I hated how both of these men were looking at her as nothing more than a breeder. This was of course before Sonny and his magical sperm took over the show, but I digress. To stop both men, Carly announced that Jason was the father and showed up at his apartment. He took her in and went along with her plan.

Here's where I get confused:


I originally thought that SJB's maternity leave coincided with Carly running off after Michael's birth with postpartum depression, but then I remembered that those two pregnancies barely overlapped, so now I'm just confused. If SJB's maternity leave occurred after Carly shot Tony (with a gun belonging to Taggert, a COP, which she pulled out of his holster...dumbass), then what happened when Carly disappeared for a month after having Michael? Was that because of something going on with SJB? 

Edited by UYI


As Carly was acting more and more unhinged, Tony finally said he was going to take the baby from her because she wasn't stable enough to raise him. At the same time AJ was saying he was going to take the baby as well. I didn't like Carly, but I hated how both of these men were looking at her as nothing more than a breeder.


Admittedly, I had far less of a problem with AJ making the threats due to the way Carly had completely gaslighted him. That was her own chickens coming home to roost. He was her friend. He was a real friend and she completely tanked him in order to hang on to her mother's husband. I know it's hard to believe the concept of Carly and AJ being friends given what ultimately happened but, at the time, theirs was probably one of the few genuine relationships on the show. Believe me, Jason and Carly were never remotely close until Guza returned and suddenly made them besties out of nowhere.


AJ's anger at Carly was legitimate and she knew it which is why she was so desperate to latch onto Tony as a means of protecting herself. I'm trying to remember how the Carly/Tony relationship went south and I'm afraid I don't. I know I didn't much care for Tony suddenly going 'I'm taking this baby from you!' but it must have come from maybe finding out who she really was. Did Luke let it slip? I honestly don't remember that... I do recall Luke really trying to lean on Tony about ditching Carly, too, but the only thing I can think of that would have made Tony actively threaten to rip the baby from her was discovering her real identity, That had to have been it.


And that fight was the one that resulted in Carly dropping Jason as the father and then running to him and telling him everything and he's all 'Okay. Sure, I'll allow you to lie around me and not offer up the truth in response.' It was all Guza and it went right into the shitter. What had been happening before was classic soap set up of AJ and Carly actually realizing they were meant to be... I believe Culliton was the head writer at the time and, again, Carly/AJ was one of the few things he got right unfortunately. I found the rest of the show deeply boring but was on the edge of my seat waiting for AJ/Carly to play out.


But then Guza returned and it became The Jason Show. ::breaks things::

Edited by Dandesun
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IIRC, Carly and Bobbie were on the way to somewhere, together. Carly was feeling warm and fuzzy about being a mother, which caused her to reveal her identity to Bobbie. And then the fallout began.


If memory serves, there was some huge storm, and they were all either at Kelly's or the hotel, and Michael was still a baby, when the she-beast confessed to being Bobbie's daughter. I recall her calling Bobbie "Mama."




Bobbie did NOT take the news well. I think she accused her of lying.

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If memory serves, there was some huge storm, and they were all either at Kelly's or the hotel, and Michael was still a baby, when the she-beast confessed to being Bobbie's daughter.


I feel like I saw these scenes on YT and, the way I remember it, Tony was trapped wherever they all were too and that's when he found out about Carly being Bobbie's daughter.  And Virginia Benson was there too, IIRC.


Also, someone either here or back on TWoP brought my attention to what happened next, a scene where Bobbie confronted Luke about knowing and never saying and she got off some epic burn about how one day, Luke would look across the Thanksgiving dinner table at her and think she had forgiven him, but that she never would.  It was awesome.

Edited by TeeVee329
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The whole story had such good bones that it is an absolute travesty that it went so wrong so fast.


Luke finding out who Carly was and then finding her up at this little love cabin Tony had set her up in and confronting her about it all... basically shredding all of her 'WAH! Poor me! I was adopted and my bio-Mom has a gigantic emerald ring!' by telling her that Bobbie was a teenaged prostitute who wasn't capable of taking care of her... that they were both so completely destitute as kids that they had to resort to that sort of life... that he'd play cards with the johns in the hopes of winning their money so they couldn't go upstairs and fuck his sister. I mean that shit was raw and that's back when Geary was still working at his role, you know? And then the way he put his hand on her neck and said he wouldn't blink about squeezing the life out of her right there rather than have her reveal herself to Bobbie -- that her long lost daughter was the girl shacking up with her husband -- except that she had her mother's eyes.


That was seriously good stuff. I mean, breathtakingly good stuff.


All the ingredients were there. Carly targeting Tony as a means of revenge but actually falling for him because he really was a good man (and, let's face it, Carly's got serious Daddy issues... it made perfect sense) while Bobbie was in the dark that this girl she had taken under her wing and been betrayed by was actually the long lost daughter she was searching for. Did Labine write all of that set up? I don't recall when the writers switched out... it was layered enough to be Labine (who I thought was wretched on OLTL but I loved her GH) but whatever...


And then you had the stuff going on with AJ/Jason, the accident and both of them trying to rebuild their lives... remember when characters and storylines actually intersected? This is just one of the many problems the budget cuts have had over the years. Anyway... it was firing on all cylinders.


But then... Guza.


Seriously, Guza and Ron are just two very different but equally twisted mirrors into a horrible alternate reality.

Edited by Dandesun
  • Love 4

Admittedly, I had far less of a problem with AJ making the threats due to the way Carly had completely gaslighted him. That was her own chickens coming home to roost. He was her friend. He was a real friend and she completely tanked him in order to hang on to her mother's husband. I know it's hard to believe the concept of Carly and AJ being friends given what ultimately happened but, at the time, theirs was probably one of the few genuine relationships on the show. Believe me, Jason and Carly were never remotely close until Guza returned and suddenly made them besties out of nowhere.


AJ's anger at Carly was legitimate and she knew it which is why she was so desperate to latch onto Tony as a means of protecting herself. I'm trying to remember how the Carly/Tony relationship went south and I'm afraid I don't. I know I didn't much care for Tony suddenly going 'I'm taking this baby from you!' but it must have come from maybe finding out who she really was. Did Luke let it slip? I honestly don't remember that... I do recall Luke really trying to lean on Tony about ditching Carly, too, but the only thing I can think of that would have made Tony actively threaten to rip the baby from her was discovering her real identity, That had to have been it.


And that fight was the one that resulted in Carly dropping Jason as the father and then running to him and telling him everything and he's all 'Okay. Sure, I'll allow you to lie around me and not offer up the truth in response.' It was all Guza and it went right into the shitter. What had been happening before was classic soap set up of AJ and Carly actually realizing they were meant to be... I believe Culliton was the head writer at the time and, again, Carly/AJ was one of the few things he got right unfortunately. I found the rest of the show deeply boring but was on the edge of my seat waiting for AJ/Carly to play out.


But then Guza returned and it became The Jason Show. ::breaks things::


After the almost wedding went south, Carly became more and more unglued. SJB is very good at playing unhinged types. LOL  Tony saw that and thought she was losing her mind.

  • Love 1

If memory serves, there was some huge storm, and they were all either at Kelly's or the hotel, and Michael was still a baby, when the she-beast confessed to being Bobbie's daughter. I recall her calling Bobbie "Mama."




Bobbie did NOT take the news well. I think she accused her of lying.


She actually didn't call her Mama right away, because Virginia, her adoptive mother, showed up right afterwards and she called HER Mama.


Bobbie didn't become Mama for her until later.

  • Love 2

IIRC, Carly and Bobbie were on the way to somewhere, together. Carly was feeling warm and fuzzy about being a mother, which caused her to reveal her identity to Bobbie. And then the fallout began.


But that was after Michael had been born. Carly had returned from her PPD leaving PC time, and Bobbie guilted her about how even though she hadn't kept her baby (Carly) she had held her and been a mother for those few minutes. The two were on their way to Michael's christening. Bobbie told Carly it was okay to hold her baby and then Carly just told her the truth.

If memory serves, there was some huge storm, and they were all either at Kelly's or the hotel, and Michael was still a baby, when the she-beast confessed to being Bobbie's daughter. I recall her calling Bobbie "Mama."




Bobbie did NOT take the news well. I think she accused her of lying.


I loved when Bobbie realized Luke had known all along. 

Edited by sometimesfan
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The whole story had such good bones that it is an absolute travesty that it went so wrong so fast.


Luke finding out who Carly was and then finding her up at this little love cabin Tony had set her up in and confronting her about it all... basically shredding all of her 'WAH! Poor me! I was adopted and my bio-Mom has a gigantic emerald ring!' by telling her that Bobbie was a teenaged prostitute who wasn't capable of taking care of her... that they were both so completely destitute as kids that they had to resort to that sort of life... that he'd play cards with the johns in the hopes of winning their money so they couldn't go upstairs and fuck his sister. I mean that shit was raw and that's back when Geary was still working at his role, you know? And then the way he put his hand on her neck and said he wouldn't blink about squeezing the life out of her right there rather than have her reveal herself to Bobbie -- that her long lost daughter was the girl shacking up with her husband -- except that she had her mother's eyes.


That was seriously good stuff. I mean, breathtakingly good stuff.


All the ingredients were there. Carly targeting Tony as a means of revenge but actually falling for him because he really was a good man (and, let's face it, Carly's got serious Daddy issues... it made perfect sense) while Bobbie was in the dark that this girl she had taken under her wing and been betrayed by was actually the long lost daughter she was searching for. Did Labine write all of that set up? I don't recall when the writers switched out... it was layered enough to be Labine (who I thought was wretched on OLTL but I loved her GH) but whatever...


And then you had the stuff going on with AJ/Jason, the accident and both of them trying to rebuild their lives... remember when characters and storylines actually intersected? This is just one of the many problems the budget cuts have had over the years. Anyway... it was firing on all cylinders.


But then... Guza.


Seriously, Guza and Ron are just two very different but equally twisted mirrors into a horrible alternate reality.


No, that was Guza. I think Labine may have introduced Carly but that was it. The Luke/Carly stuff was in October 1996, long after Labine left (Carly came in in February).

I loved the reveal about Carly's identity. Carly had never held Michael, she'd been back for a while but you had scenes of her having someone else pick him up all the time and it was sad. And they were all trapped together in the storm, with the power out and Bobby finally talks Carly into holding him, and it looks like Carly is going to tell her the truth, but then Virginia is there and Carly calls her "Mama" and Bobbie looks at this woman, who she knows adopted her daughter, and puts it together herself.

It was epic.

Good lord, TG's hair in that clip was tragic. He really had some appalling styles back in the day. That scene was tremendous. It blew Carly's self-righteousness and self-pity right out the window. (Of course, both returned later, because it's Carly.) And then when Bobbie realizes Luke has known all along and gives him that fantastic burn...


It's so sad that nothing on this show now comes close to that.

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