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Social Media & Spoilery Speculation

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Good point!!! Upon reading their tweets I really get the impression they "acted" for the show - fake hair, fake hoarder house, etc. anyone else get that impression??


Some was "acting" - some was real.  The hair is real, but she changed it before the watn show.  The house was a repo purchased one month before Cassia arrived.  It had been vacant for a while and needed lots of work.  They were living out of boxes until they could get it fixed up.  The pool was last to be cleaned up.  That's why it was green when she arrived.


The Oct 13th wedding was real.  They were getting dangerously close to the 90 days.  If anything went awry in Vegas, they would not have met the deadline, so they were married in Florida.  Ron already received his "Doctor of Divinity" several years prior, so he was eligible to be the "officiant".


TLC put them in the no-tell motel.  Jason had arranged for a complimentary eight night stay at a major hotel on the strip.  TLC wouldn't allow him accept it.  Where's the drama in that?  After the film crew left they moved to the Westgate.  Jason had reserved a discounted room, but they were upgraded to the penthouse.... maybe because they were newlyweds.


Cassia was left at the bar by herself for a very short period of time.  It was supposed to be a male-female party so everyone could get to know Cassia better, but children were not allowed in the bar, eliminating Jason's sister and family.  The show provided unlimited free booze.  Free booze + empty stomachs quickly developed into some very drunk people.  Ron and ex left fairly early to stay with the children, leaving Cassia with all of the men.  Drunk Jason + a suggestion that the "bros" have a drink by themselves was all it took for Jason to abandon Cassia and create some drama.  Notice the drinks were barely touched.

  • Love 6


The Oct 13th wedding was real.  They were getting dangerously close to the 90 days.  If anything went awry in Vegas, they would not have met the deadline, so they were married in Florida.  Ron already received his "Doctor of Divinity" several years prior, so he was eligible to be the "officiant."

So the October 13th wedding preceded the wedding and reception in Las Vegas we saw in tonight's episode? Am I understanding the timeline of events correctly?

Do you know if TLC knew the couple was already married before Vegas? What about the guests; did they know? It seemed as though a couple of the men were still trying to talk Jason out of the marriage. Were they acting for the camera, too, because if they knew Jason and Cassia were already legally married, it doesn't make sense that they were encouraging him to renege. And, obviously, Cassia was not really having second thoughts in Vegas if she was already married.

Thanks for the info, MsMagoo. :) I find the machinations very interesting, and the info you offered here confirms my suspicions that much of what we saw (with many of the couples) was for the cameras only.

  • Love 4

MsMagoo, thank you. I was thinking of you when watching the Vegas ceremony. :)

I think it's safe to say that a lot of the weddings and events leading up to them were scripted drama just for the show. I know from personal experience, that's how it works. When my friend was on Moonshiners, he was filming here in our town, when the show made you think it was taking place in another town. Also, his car was blown up....only he didn't own a car. It was one that was a junker that a local guy let them have. I could go on and on about that show but this isn't the forum for it, just suffice it to say that there nothing real about the reality shows on TV today.

  • Love 2
TLC put them in the no-tell motel.  Jason had arranged for a complimentary eight night stay at a major hotel on the strip.  TLC wouldn't allow him accept it.  Where's the drama in that?  After the film crew left they moved to the Westgate.  Jason had reserved a discounted room, but they were upgraded to the penthouse.... maybe because they were newlyweds.


I can see why the show wouldn't be thrilled that he was negotiating for freebies using them as a "come on."  Anyone normal would anticipate that the show would NOT be cool with that.

  • Love 1
TLC put them in the no-tell motel.  Jason had arranged for a complimentary eight night stay at a major hotel on the strip.  TLC wouldn't allow him accept it.


Just curious how Jason arranged an 8 day comp. My understanding is that the way to get comps it to gamble, gamble, gamble. Is Jason a regular gambler who goes to Vegas a lot? If so, that's a whole side of him that the cameras never picked up on. 


As for all of them and how they are portrayed, I think everyone understands that a lot of what we see is producer driven. That being said, when you shake hands with the reality show devil, you shouldn't get your panties in a wad about how you are being portrayed.  THat's what you signed up for. That's what you get. 

  • Love 4

I have to agree about the gambling, if he did indeed get the offer of an 8-day comp. That is a shitload of gambling. I have a friend who's a high-roller slots player, and the most she gets is one or two nights at Harrah's around the U.S. And she's on all the VIP lists, I've been with her a few times and we get treated like royalty. But nowhere near the 8-night free status.

ETA: My friend mentioned above is an actress.... SAG, AFTRA, the whole nine yards. So if she's not offered an 8-night stay, with her status on the slots circuit.... Jason is spending a lot more money at the table than he is at home.

  • Love 1

I just can't buy the 8 day complimentary crap.  He is way too cheap for that.  If Mrs. Magoo went with his dad to watch the kids where was the sister, and why was she crying about marrying him if she had already legally married him.  It all just seems so disjointed.  Also Daya did post a picture and they did kiss at the altar.  I guess the cameras missed it or edited it out.

I fell asleep at the keyboard last night.  Sorry.  I'll try to address your questions.  This will be long, but it's your choice to read or ignore!  ;)

So the October 13th wedding preceded the wedding and reception in Las Vegas we saw in tonight's episode? Am I understanding the timeline of events correctly?

Do you know if TLC knew the couple was already married before Vegas? What about the guests; did they know? It seemed as though a couple of the men were still trying to talk Jason out of the marriage. Were they acting for the camera, too, because if they knew Jason and Cassia were already legally married, it doesn't make sense that they were encouraging him to renege. And, obviously, Cassia was not really having second thoughts in Vegas......


I have no idea if TLC knew.  I don't believe most of the guests knew.  Talking Jason out of the marriage was all for the camera.  One of those people was Ron - and he had already married them!  No second thoughts from Cassia or Jason.  Family and friends are delighted to have her in our lives!!!


I can see why the show wouldn't be thrilled that he was negotiating for freebies using them as a "come on."  Anyone normal would anticipate that the show would NOT be cool with that.


I'm not sure he used the show as a "come on".  Possibly used the financially-challenged newlywed angle, though.  He's very good at schmoozing.  He also worked for a while in the hotel business.  Knows a few ins and outs.


It is my understanding the film crew stayed on the strip. I think they wanted to capitalize on "cheap" Jason.  There was a "pool party" at the hotel (I use that term very loosely) to introduce Cassia to family & friends.  It was supposed to be a catered lunch.  Instead we were herded in there and filmed for several hours in the hot sun.  We only received some bottled water about an hour and a half into filming.  Everyone was starved.  Some nasty carry-out food finally arrived later.  I doubt a major strip hotel would have allowed all that disruptive filming.


Just curious how Jason arranged an 8 day comp. My understanding is that the way to get comps it to gamble, gamble, gamble. Is Jason a regular gambler who goes to Vegas a lot? If so, that's a whole side of him that the cameras never picked up on. 


As for all of them and how they are portrayed, I think everyone understands that a lot of what we see is producer driven. That being said, when you shake hands with the reality show devil, you shouldn't get your panties in a wad about how you are being portrayed.  THat's what you signed up for. That's what you get. 


Jason gambles very little; mostly infrequent sports betting.  We know a moderate gambler who was able to get a few discounted rooms.


Not everyone understands that reality shows are producer driven.  What a horrible introduction to American life.... to have cameras in your face for hours, twisting and editing, recording every stupid sentence and every dramatic expression.  Then, dealing with an abusive audience that believes everything they see, interprets it from their own perspective, and goads the participants to react. imo, Jason and Ron don't have their shorts in a bunch over the way they were portrayed.  It was very hard on Cassia, however. She had no idea what to expect and was doomed from the first episode.


I just can't buy the 8 day complimentary crap.  He is way too cheap for that.  If Mrs. Magoo went with his dad to watch the kids where was the sister, and why was she crying about marrying him if she had already legally married him.  It all just seems so disjointed.  Also Daya did post a picture and they did kiss at the altar.  I guess the cameras missed it or edited it out.


We went back to the hotel to watch the kids so Jason's sister & her hubby could have some time in Vegas without the children.  By that time sister and hubby (who had the only car) were totally disgusted with the whole process.  No way would they have returned to the bar.  Cassia was justifiably crying about being left alone.


Thanks for reading..... and for watching.

  • Love 10
Not everyone understands that reality shows are producer driven.  What a horrible introduction to American life.... to have cameras in your face for hours, twisting and editing, recording every stupid sentence and every dramatic expression.  Then, dealing with an abusive audience that believes everything they see, interprets it from their own perspective, and goads the participants to react. imo, Jason and Ron don't have their shorts in a bunch over the way they were portrayed.  It was very hard on Cassia, however. She had no idea what to expect and was doomed from the first episode.


Well, somebody filled out that application to be on reality TV. Are you seriously saying that Jason had no idea how reality TV works? I doubt that. Cassia, I can understand, she is very young and not from the US. 


ETA: I have a hard time mustering up much sympathy for people who decide to put their personal business on TV for cash. It's not like news cameras were following them, it was a reality TV show that they applied to be on. 



I can see why the show wouldn't be thrilled that he was negotiating for freebies using them as a "come on."  Anyone normal would anticipate that the show would NOT be cool with that.

I'm not sure he used the show as a "come on".  Possibly used the financially-challenged newlywed angle, though.  He's very good at schmoozing.  He also worked for a while in the hotel business.  Knows a few ins and outs.


Financially challenged newlyweds land in Vegas daily and I certainly don't think hotels gift penthouse suites to couples just because they are just married ad have no money, If he did call and try to schmooze freebies based on his relationship with TLC, that's just all kinds of wrong and perhaps that's why he got a sad sack/loser edit. If I ran around my town trying to get free stuff based on my relationship with my employer, who is a heavy hitter in my area, I would think my employer would be none too pleased. I realize that technically TLC is not considered Jason's employer, but it comes close enough to skirt the edges of propriety and is just plain bad manners. Sorry, just my opinion. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 2

Talking Jason out of the marriage was all for the camera.  One of those people was Ron - and he had already married them!  No second thoughts from Cassia or Jason.  Family and friends are delighted to have her in our lives!!!

So whose choice was it to, basically, con the viewers with all those doubts and talking out of etc... TLC or Jason and friends ?

I'm not judging, it's a good TLC fake show I like to watch, I'm just curious if the participants decided to play us themselves.

I'm a little confused and admittedly know nothing about Vegas or how comped hotel rooms work. Did Jason have hotel connections personally or was he using the TLC name to get hotel rooms?


And wait, Cassia and Jason were married before the LV wedding? To me, Cassia looked genuinely frustrated the night before the wedding. I know reality shows manufacture storylines, but wow.

Edited by trimthatfat

Well, somebody filled out that application to be on reality TV. Are you seriously saying that Jason had no idea how reality TV works? I doubt that. Cassia, I can understand, she is very young and not from the US. 


ETA: I have a hard time mustering up much sympathy for people who decide to put their personal business on TV for cash. It's not like news cameras were following them, it was a reality TV show that they applied to be on. 


Also, even if they got paid on the low end of the payscale for reality shows, they made a pretty nice payday for 90 days' worth of work. Cassia and Brett and Daya have been pretty outspoken on social media about not liking the way they were portrayed on the show, but it's hard to muster any sympathy for them. They have reality TV shows in other countries, too.

Well, somebody filled out that application to be on reality TV. Are you seriously saying that Jason had no idea how reality TV works? I doubt that. Cassia, I can understand, she is very young and not from the US. 


ETA: I have a hard time mustering up much sympathy for people who decide to put their personal business on TV for cash.........


Financially challenged newlyweds land in Vegas daily and I certainly don't think hotels gift penthouse suites to couples just because they are just married ad have no money, If he did call and try to schmooze freebies based on his relationship with TLC, that's just all kinds of wrong and perhaps that's why he got a sad sack/loser edit. If I ran around my town trying to get free stuff based on my relationship with my employer, who is a heavy hitter in my area, I would think my employer would be none too pleased. I realize that technically TLC is not considered Jason's employer, but it comes close enough to skirt the edges of propriety and is just plain bad manners. Sorry, just my opinion. 


Yeah, Jason knew how reality TV worked, but none of us expected the fallout surrounding Cassia.  We all see her as a very nice, sweet young lady.  She looked like a real biatch on her first episode.  People formed opinions.  Nobody's perfect.  The show accentuated all of her bad qualities and left out the good.


As for cash..... it's very minimal.  I don't think any of the participants signed up based on money.  I have some other ideas as to why Jason signed on, but I won't mention them here, because they are my opinions and too likely to be misinterpreted.


I honestly don't know how Jason acquired the comped hotel stay.  What I know is that when Jason and Cassia showed up to check in at the Westgate (that's not the hotel that was going to be comped) in their wedding attire they were upgraded to the penthouse. NO mention of the show, and the Westgate had no reason to suspect the connection.  They were just ordinary newlyweds with discounted reservations for an ordinary room in the same hotel where the rest of their family was staying.  If the penthouse was empty, why not upgrade them, just for good will?


I see nothing wrong with making calls saying, "Hey, I'm going to be on a reality show that will be filming in Vegas, what can you do for me?"  But that's my opinion. :D    TLC gave Jason the "sad sack/loser edit" long before Vegas was in the picture.

  • Love 1
I see nothing wrong with making calls saying, "Hey, I'm going to be on a reality show that will be filming in Vegas, what can you do for me?"  But that's my opinion. :D


Well, I guess you and I will just have to agree to disagree. The company I work for has a lot of name recognition. If I was to show up somewhere asking for perks based on my employment with my company, there's a whole lot wrong with that, not to mention it's tacky to the max.Look at the governor of Virginia. Accepting gifts based on his position is what brought him down. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 3

She looked like a real biatch on her first episode.

I honestly don't know how Jason acquired the comped hotel stay.

My observations are that once the first episode was past, most people were on Cassia's corner and worried about Jason's serial killer vibe and the cretinous matching T-shirts.  Her wing tips and bad hair dye weren't super-popular, but with $8 she can say goodbye to that look.  More importantly, her character was consistently showed as more human and more normal than Jason.


If you actually don't know how he got the comped hotel stays, why first say that you don't think he used TLC as leverage, when in fact he might have done exactly that? It's really hard to believe that crying poor in Vegas will get you a free week.


I think Jason got the cheap edit because he's cheap.  We all think we're great, but sometimes we don't see ourselves like the world sees us.  What he might consider to be his "superior frugal ways" are seen as "cheap" by outsiders.


Barely making ends meet selling garage sale junk on ebay, living with your dad and driving an El Camino without air conditioning and door panels will get you the sad sack edit without anyone trying.

  • Love 8

I'm wondering if they had another wedding in Florida and brought her family up for that. Someone posted photos of the Street where Cassia was supposedly from. Maybe she was too embarassed to have her family on camera.

The Florida wedding was Oct 13.  Vegas "wedding" Oct 19th.  Cassia's tourist visa was denied.  No way could her family get visas even if someone had enough money to pay for the airfare.

  • Love 1

Also, even if they got paid on the low end of the payscale for reality shows, they made a pretty nice payday for 90 days' worth of work. Cassia and Brett and Daya have been pretty outspoken on social media about not liking the way they were portrayed on the show, but it's hard to muster any sympathy for them. They have reality TV shows in other countries, too.


Woah...... I wouldn't take that paltry pay for one day of filming!

CD.... she was considered too "high risk".  They were afraid she would come to the US and overstay her visa, becoming another undocumented immigrant.

  • Love 1

IMO they should have featured fewer couples, maybe 4 instead of 6. I think last night was super rushed feeling. Yes some couples were a bigger draw (come on who could resist the train wreck b that is Danielle and Mo) but felt like the other couples got shafted on coverage. Last night felt like they just ran out of film and just threw the last 4 weddings together in 10 minutes total.

Edited by EyeofHorus
  • Love 4

I think Jason got the cheap edit because he's cheap.  We all think we're great, but sometimes we don't see ourselves like the world sees us.  What he might consider to be his "superior frugal ways" are seen as "cheap" by outsiders.


Barely making ends meet selling garage sale junk on ebay, living with your dad and driving an El Camino without air conditioning and door panels will get you the sad sack edit without anyone trying.


Oh, I agree with you!  Different perspectives.  The whole family, including me, is "unique".  

Ron, Jason, and the dogs have lived together for many years.  It's less expensive than maintaining separate households.  Besides, who would get custody of the beloved dogs?  Jason loves his El Caminos, Ron loves his Mercedes.  Most of the time one or the other is driving a vehicle in some form of disrepair while they are restoring it.  They both love collectibles.  Some of the "garage sale junk" has sold for hundreds of dollars.  At least they are making ends meet.


I guess I didn't make myself clear.  I was trying to say Jason got the sad sack/loser edit long before he *might* have attempted to use 90DF as leverage for discounted/free perks in Vegas.  I was upgraded to the penthouse once in a 5-star hotel.  I didn't ask for it.  Who knows why?  Guess I just had the lucky ticket.  I was also upgraded from a 2-star to a 5-star because there was a convention booked in the 2-star and it was easier to move my small group than dozens of conventioneers.  I received a free dinner just because I said, "I'm from out-of-town and I love your restaurant.  I eat here every time I'm in town."

  • Love 1


Not everyone understands that reality shows are producer driven.  What a horrible introduction to American life.... to have cameras in your face for hours, twisting and editing, recording every stupid sentence and every dramatic expression.  Then, dealing with an abusive audience that believes everything they see, interprets it from their own perspective, and goads the participants to react. imo, Jason and Ron don't have their shorts in a bunch over the way they were portrayed.  It was very hard on Cassia, however. She had no idea what to expect and was doomed from the first episode.

"an abusive audience"?  It's not a live play.  It's a taped show.  Unless people are camping out in front of their homes, any of the participants can easily avoid the "abuse".  


I'll buy that Cassia is surprised at the audience reaction.  It's not at all what she wants or how she sees herself. 


On another reality show, House of DVF, 2 of the contestants do not have social media profiles that are searchable.  Easy to avoid any "abuse" that way.  Or you know, forgo the measly paycheck and unwanted exposure and don't sign up to be on a reality show.  There are options.

  • Love 2

I am over TLC and its fraudulent promos.  They had me believing that the words, “I’m Gonna Go Home”, was spoken by one of the foreign fiancés, when in fact the line was spoken by a drunken Jason as he left his bachelor party.


I don't know what to make of Mohamed.  He doesn’t seem to understand that even though they said “I do” or in their case “yes”, INS will not necessarily grant his approval for a green card.  And, given the fact that Danielle is unemployed, if she cannot find an appropriate sponsor, they will terminate his petition.  She misrepresented her finances to get him. And he misrepresented his intentions.  Grifters!  They both got what they deserve. 

  • Love 11

I guess I don't see what's so horrible about calling some hotels and trying to cash in on being filmed (if that's how it happened). Obviously it didn't pan out since the TLC crew shut it down, but I'm not seeing how that makes Jason a horrible person if that's what he did.

I also happen to be employed by an entertainment company that everyone here would recognize and I would never play that card for anything, but I might try to reap a benny or two if I were being filmed for "reality" tv. Not that I'd ever be stupid enough (or train wreck enough for interest) to do so, but why not see what you can get? In the grand scheme it's still not as bad as leaving your beloved completely alone in an unfamiliar place while you go out with the guys. Jason sucks, I think we can all agree, but I personally don't think that means everything he does sucks.

I think Dani roping in the mayor to perform a sham wedding for tv is far worse than trying to get a hotel room.

Edited by Squirrely
  • Love 1

Give this woman an Emmy please because I really bought her tears of frustration in Las Vegas.

They were probably "holy shit, I really married this inconsiderate douche" tears instead of "should I really marry this inconsiderate douche" tears. The former seems even worse.

Edited by Squirrely
  • Love 5

Ok, so am I the only one who notices that Chelsea almost cringes when Yamir goes to kiss her? It's always a forehead kiss or a cheek kiss or a completely missed the boat kiss. Even the wedding kiss was like hell to her. He's always the one trying but doesn't hit the mark.

Oh I don't see that at all.  I think she's like obsessed with Yamir.  and loves that she got a boy band boy.

  • Love 1

So whose choice was it to, basically, con the viewers with all those doubts and talking out of etc... TLC or Jason and friends ?

I'm not judging, it's a good TLC fake show I like to watch, I'm just curious if the participants decided to play us themselves.

Yeah, producer-driven staging and choreography are reality shows' stock-in-trade. It's my opinion that only the most-sheltered or naive viewers accept everything they see on their screens as real-time gospel.

However, the Cassia/Jason fake Las Vegas wedding melodrama, as shown last night, crosses a line to me. So many outright lies, rationalizations, justifications and explanations. I'm half lol'ing at all the dancing and half extremely skeptical. I wonder if the two weddings will be discussed during the reunion?

Cassia seems equal parts combative and sensitive on her social media. I hope things work out for her, I do. But the overall Hitch situation is one big phony clusterfuck to me -- in more ways than one.

  • Love 2

Ok, so am I the only one who notices that Chelsea almost cringes when Yamir goes to kiss her? It's always a forehead kiss or a cheek kiss or a completely missed the boat kiss. Even the wedding kiss was like hell to her. He's always the one trying but doesn't hit the mark.

They both seem about 11 to me.  I was putting off to whatever religion it is that she is.  No public pda and all. 

Do you know what the reason was for Cassia's tourist visa being denied?

Tourist visas from these countries are usually denied for single people with no family connections in the U.S. if the consulate knows you have a relationship with a potential spouse, or even a boyfriend, it will always be denied. The reason is as stated by MsMagoo that people just overstay their visa. Very generally, If they end up marrying a U.S. citizen that overstay is waived and not held against them.

it isn't easy to get into the U.S. from many countries. That is part of the reason why people use the fiance visa. In addition to the poor financial situation of everyone on the show which might prevent a visit, the U.S. won't allow many people in for a visit.

I'm honestly shocked that Danielle was able to get Mohammed a fiance visa with her precarious financial situation and her past frauds.

Mohammed is trapped, he can't leave and ever hope he will get another fiance visa granted, because it looks like fraud. This is his only chance. What a disaster that turned out to be.

But I doubt any of these relationships last much more than the minimum necessary, and maybe not even that long.

  • Love 2

I'm not sure that Mohammad is forced to stay in a house where the electricty gets turned off. She lied to him about the financial situation (and given her background in financial fraud, she may have lied to the government as well. )

If she was a young girl immigrating alone from another country to marry a guy, she wouldn't be thought badly of for leaving a chaotic situation with no electricity and where the financial situation is so badly misrepresented.

The whole situation of Danielle and Mo is really bad.

Edited by rose711
  • Love 6

The 90 Day Financé facebook page is trying to make #mancrushmonday a thing. God I wish i was kidding! https://m.facebook.com/90DayFiance?refsrc=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F90DayFiance


Oh good gawd, I'm almost afraid to read the 363 comments, most of which are probably from Mo's harem declaring him the most desirable husband material ever to be birthed.


Oh, who am I joshing?  I'm off to read each and every comment on that thread.  

  • Love 3

Oh good gawd, I'm almost afraid to read the 363 comments, most of which are probably from Mo's harem declaring him the most desirable husband material ever to be birthed.


Oh, who am I joshing?  I'm off to read each and every comment on that thread.  

OMG. A million points to the person who voted for Attorney Paul Dolce.

  • Love 8

The 90 Day Financé facebook page is trying to make #mancrushmonday a thing. God I wish i was kidding! https://m.facebook.com/90DayFiance?refsrc=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2F90DayFiance

Ok be honest lol. Who voted? I got tired with the comments there, you guys seem snarkier...I mean smarter!!! I like here better.

I don't understand that people say Danny is batting for the other team. He's pure hipster to me, I don't see gay at all.

  • Love 2

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