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Social Media & Spoilery Speculation

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Ohhhh very good observation that they aren't FB friends anymore!

Does anyone have any dirt on Justin or Evelin? Last names, fb links etc? They're not nearly as interesting as MoElle but....


I couldn't find their facebook pages but Justin and Evelin are part of a few different groups on Meetup:



Edited by GracieK

Dani has completely gotten rid of her fb page so that would explain why she is no longer friends with Mo, but I honestly wonder how long she will stay away, she doesn't seem the type to give up fb for long, give her time she will show up again under another name.

here is the thing I think Dani has failed to realize.  Her life is changed, and while it may not be forever, at least for a while, she is going going to be "that pathetic woman that was molesting a guy 15 years younger who clearly was only with her to get a visa"  That is who she is, oh, after the show people are going to move onto the next thing, but when she shows up anywhere, especially in her tiny town, thats who she is going to be.


IMO, the best thing she could possibly do is embrace it.  The show is popular, and people's opinion of her isn't going to change, however harsh it is.  She should strike while the iron is hot, look at how much money the Honey Boo Boo people made by being America's joke.  If she worked with a production company, or with TLC and did it the right way, she could make a little bit of money before she completely fades into obscurity.  She could put it into savings, although I suspect she will be spending it to find another Mo.  


Maybe TLC could do an overseas dating show with her, or something of that sort.  At this point, TLC has to realize that she is ratings gold.  She is so remarkably unaware of herself.

  • Love 4

I'm not surprised she deactivated on Facebook after having her unfortunate exchange with that Stephie person exposed.  Here I thought a friend betrayed an intimate conversation but apparently (per Stephie) Dani reached out to her thinking Mo was interested in her and I guess Dani thought she could dissuade the competition by sharing Mo's alleged libido challenges.  Mo must have been just thrilled when he saw that Dani wrote he must be gay or need a pill!


Mo has a new profile pic up of him on a bike -- from the looks of things in Tunisia. Ah, the good old days in Tunis! 

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I don't think Dani is a good candidate for another reality show, and I don't think she has the smarts to negotiate anything. She would be taken advantage of, and not in a good way. We're already seeing evidence of this by TLC, putting her on this show when they must have known after talking to her that she's just not running on all cylinders. I really do feel bad for her and I worry that nothing good is going to come of this for her and her family.

  • Love 6

Danielle did not realize that Facebook is public.   Screw the privacy settings, there are ways around it.   So she thought she could carry on with her conversations like always.   Then when she got caught, she deleted like everyone else who gets caught being stupid on Facebook does.   Just like the criminals who boast about their crimes on FB then are amazed when the cops show up.   


Facebook is a public conversation.   Don't post anything you don't want the world to know about.


"Not technically single" means separated but not divorced in my world.

I don't think Dani is a good candidate for another reality show, and I don't think she has the smarts to negotiate anything. She would be taken advantage of, and not in a good way. We're already seeing evidence of this by TLC, putting her on this show when they must have known after talking to her that she's just not running on all cylinders. I really do feel bad for her and I worry that nothing good is going to come of this for her and her family.

Generally, I would agree with you.  But I think that whatever TLC would pay her would have to be more than she is making if she is getting evicted from that small apartment in that little town.  At this point, the damage to her reputation and her family, has already been done and there is no putting the genie back in the bottle.  And she may be one of those people that doesn't really realize that any damage really has been done, she may have her supporters.  She doesn't seem to have much shame, but I don't know if that is to be blamed on a lack of intelligence, some sort of mental incapacity, or if this is just who she is.  I suspect her children may be mortified, but they are going to be mortified no matter what, especially in that small town.  My feeling is, since the damage has been done, and since she seems to be ratings gold, try to make the best of it and at least get some money out of it.

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@hitch4life (Jason Hitch) is having a twitter pissing contest with some lawyer @iamthedriving (W.G. Snuffy Levine).


Jason being unfortunately short in the wit and mental speed department, is losing quite spectacularly, much to my delight and appreciation.

What exactly are they even arguing about? All Hitch keeps blathering about is the guy sending him a resume. WTF?

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I agree with Kacky. I fear that pulling the curtain back even further on this pathetic family could result in actual harm to one or more of them.  I don't keep up with the Honey Boo Boo child molesting fiasco but I think I read that sweet lovable Mama June spent money rightfully belonging to her molestation victim daughter on the perpetrator.  People will act true to type.  if it is true (and we can rightfully question Tumblr as a source!) that Dani has "deep psychological issues" including suicidal tendencies, then I shudder to think of the effect the current -- and upcoming -- public scorn will have on her and her girls.  Remember Nancy Grace was accused of driving someone to suicide -- and she was just one voice as opposed to the vicious mob on Facebook.  TLC can't look away from what is on its official site and I think it has a responsibility here -- maybe even to the point of killing the cringe-worthy scene that was in the previews.  Ratings gold or not, I see this as a potential future case study in courses on ethical  journalism in the age of social media -- it should think about the long game.                   

  • Love 1

I agree with Kacky. I fear that pulling the curtain back even further on this pathetic family could result in actual harm to one or more of them.  I don't keep up with the Honey Boo Boo child molesting fiasco but I think I read that sweet lovable Mama June spent money rightfully belonging to her molestation victim daughter on the perpetrator.  People will act true to type.  if it is true (and we can rightfully question Tumblr as a source!) that Dani has "deep psychological issues" including suicidal tendencies, then I shudder to think of the effect the current -- and upcoming -- public scorn will have on her and her girls.  Remember Nancy Grace was accused of driving someone to suicide -- and she was just one voice as opposed to the vicious mob on Facebook.  TLC can't look away from what is on its official site and I think it has a responsibility here -- maybe even to the point of killing the cringe-worthy scene that was in the previews.  Ratings gold or not, I see this as a potential future case study in courses on ethical  journalism in the age of social media -- it should think about the long game.                   

do you really think there is more to pull back though?  I guess my only point is that the damage is done, lemons to lemonade and all that.  The public scorn/judgment is real, but its not going to change as soon as they get off TV.  Especially in that tiny town.  The damage to her kids has been done, they are going to hear it at school.  I just don't think it can get any worse, so you might as well try to get something out of it.  From my POV, she is either going to be super poor and picked on, or she is going to be somewhat less poor and picked on.  And perhaps she can also find some level of support, I mean, she is not the only one out there doing this, or else there wouldn't be any Tunisian beznessmen.


But I understand your point, and I hope she doesn't commit suicide or anything like that.  My feeling is that she is kinda manipulative, and while it may sound insensitive, I could maybe see her using the threat of hurting herself as a way to get someone to stay with her or to do what she wants them to do.

Edited by RealityGal


 Oh snap? Homie don't play that? Maybe if you didn't still quote In Living Color, you wouldn't have to buy a wife.

that means we will compare wifes? Lets do resumes too while we're at it. 23, Brazilian 107 pounds. Top that! Booom!

by the way, reducing a woman down to her weight and ethnicity? You stay classy. #90dayfiance

still waiting hotshot!


but you don't have time for this! All those babies in your neighborhood aren't going to touch themselves, creeper.


finish what you start pal. You think you're better. Man up Puss! Send over that resume. And pictures

You came to me. You want to compare resumes. That's not my fight. It's your sad little fight against the world.


we can do this allll day. Cause i sit around and sell shit on.ebay. back up what you say. Thats all.


It's sad that this is bragging to you. "@hitch4life we can do this allll day. Cause i sit around and sell shit on.ebay..."


you started it hotshot. Send your resume and pics. Show me you can talk. Otherwise just a big Wus talking shit, pal

sn't the "prostit" going to get jealous you keep soliciting pics from somebody online? I mean, that's how you met

 #was it weird for you to buy your wife when she didn't have a "Buy It Now" button like you're used to?


still waiting hotshot. Finish your fight, boy! Send over resume and belt notches of hot women that love your company


I'm not the one with a chip on his shoulder and something to prove. Related: I'm sorry about your micro-penis.


finish what you start pal. You think you're better. Man up Puss! Send over that resume. And pictures


BTW, I don't have to pay women for their company, so we wouldn't be comparing like values anyway.

you have the big mouth. Flapping your gums. Keep flapping. Thats all you have. Enjoy it . Thats your life. Send your resume

Welp, my resume includes a JD, not living with my dad, and not buying a "prostit" for a wife. So far, I'm winning.


  • Love 4

TL;DR Jason is even stupider than TLC makes him look.


The way he objectifies Cassia and uses her as a trophy and trump card in some e-penis competition that he provoked with someone with many times his intellect and accomplishments is disgusting, no one should be surprised anymore that he can't get anyone that gets to see him up close and is not beholden to a citizenship card.  I feel VERY sorry for Cassia now.  I understand she's trying to make things work with this infantile, superficial moron, but it's not "if" but "when" she's going to leave his pathetic, sorry loser life.

Danielle's FB page:



"404 page not found"

Edited by Toaster Strudel
  • Love 2

Yikes, all he has is 23 and 107 pounds?  First off, women aren't objects so lets just get that out of the way.  Second, if a woman is the only accomplishment you bring to the table thats just sad.  Third, if you define winning by how young and skinny your fiance is then I guess pedophiles are tops in Jason's book.  Fourth, even if you're defining accomplishment by how pretty your mate is, Jason still doesn't win.  Cassia isn't ugly, but she is no Heidi Klum.

  • Love 3

Longtime lurker, first time poster here. I think Cassia overshot her prospects. She was messing with that young man enlisted in the army; from his social media, to put it bluntly, he seemed like a young Jason, kind of goofy and weird but still malleable. When she saw Jason, she saw dollar signs, he's an officer as opposed to enlisted and older, so Cassia probably assumed he was getting more money and better benefits. Where she messed up was Jason is a reservist, has a horrible full time job, and is set in his ways. The army kid is probably making more money or has a better earning potential, and would've bent over backwards to make her happy. Just like Mohamed she got out-beznezzed by her beznezz; thats what she gets for being a love cheat.

  • Love 5

do you really think there is more to pull back though?  I guess my only point is that the damage is done, lemons to lemonade and all that.  The public scorn/judgment is real, but its not going to change as soon as they get off TV.  Especially in that tiny town.  The damage to her kids has been done, they are going to hear it at school.  I just don't think it can get any worse, so you might as well try to get something out of it.  From my POV, she is either going to be super poor and picked on, or she is going to be somewhat less poor and picked on.  And perhaps she can also find some level of support, I mean, she is not the only one out there doing this, or else there wouldn't be any Tunisian beznessmen.


But I understand your point, and I hope she doesn't commit suicide or anything like that.  My feeling is that she is kinda manipulative, and while it may sound insensitive, I could maybe see her using the threat of hurting herself as a way to get someone to stay with her or to do what she wants them to do.

and i would think her kids are old enough to know that their mom is going to look really freaking crazy on TV and there will be backlash on them before the episodes were even shown.  I know sometimes apples don't fall far from the tree... but.... they don't seem as delusional.  but I could be way off base.

  • Love 1

Oh snort!  It is true our little minx Dani is looking for the next knight in shining armor!  Forget my former sympathy.

Meet people like El Diablo Blanco on MeetMe!
Sep 6, 2014 - Q: Would you stay in a sexless relationship? asked by Danielle Jbali ... Q: Do you care what other people think of you? asked by Danielle Jbali.
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There is more on MeetMe but now they want me to join to see -- no thank you!  Someone who is a member look for Danielle Jbali stat!   "El Diablo Blanco" is a buff guy I forgot to see where he hails from ....


There was a another one I glimpsed in which Dani was asked what she would do if she could turn back time and she said she would be in Doha ... oh sniff ...     

Sep 6, 2014 - Q: Would you stay in a sexless relationship? asked by Danielle Jbali ... Q: Do you care what other people think of you? asked by Danielle Jbali.

Oh mah gawd!  At least she has learned a bit of a lesson, and she's trying to rob the cradle locally with men miles out of her league.  That's progress.  I believe it was earlier in this very thread that I wagered she'd be back cougaring up the foreigners.


  • Love 2

Regarding Justin's twitter hissy fit.   Okay fine, he's a tool.   But not impressed with the other guy either.   He's a JD and has nothing better to do than troll Justin?   Loser meet Loser.


Guess Danielle still isn't getting it.   And clearly wants to be public about another relationship since she is asking about if someone cares about what other people think.   She knows this show will follow her for ever and wants to be sure that it won't affect her getting another man into her bed.   Seriously, she really needs to learn that you can be a complete person without a spouse.

  • Love 2


Oh snort!  It is true our little minx Dani is looking for the next knight in shining armor!  Forget my former sympathy.

Meet people like El Diablo Blanco on MeetMe!
Sep 6, 2014 - Q: Would you stay in a sexless relationship? asked by Danielle Jbali ... Q: Do you care what other people think of you? asked by Danielle Jbali.


She can't possibly be thinking that guy is an option.  Unless she is trying to get into jiu-jitsu....that guy is really into jiu-jitsu

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Have to agree with you there. I think I already posted that I have a male friend who's been scammed repeatedly. He doesn' WANT a normal, attainable woman. She has to be spectacular and there has to be some kind of complication. I've told him as much, and he thinks I am the kook.

this is such a guy thing.  A friend of mine once said it best..."men love bitches and women love assholes" - it certainly isn't a blanket rule, but it seems to apply to a lot of people.  I mean, gosh, most of the men in the two seasons of this show....

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Ah Dani is actually hitting on guys closer to her own age.  *golf clap*




"jack. Q: What do you think would be the hardest thing for you to give up in your life? asked by Danielle Jbali. A: Probably smoking,"



(shows anonymous on website but in google it shows "Danielle Jbali" )

is she also asking him about the willingness to stay in a sexless relationship?

I like how El Diablo Blanco answered that he would not break up a family so would cheat (if in sexless relationship).

Meanwhile props to Danielle for her lusty ways. What about her age, shape, finances, living quarters, track record, etc. is conducive to hot pursuit of sex partners?

Unrelated note --

What if Mo reveals himself in the series finale to be Sasha Baron Cohen playing a role??? Kind of Borat meets Ali G?

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