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S02.E02: The Ultimate Failure of Scientology

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On 8/24/2017 at 10:06 AM, Lady Iris said:

I was sorely reminded of Tom Cruise's insane rant back when about the evils of seeking treatment with antidepressants against somebody, I forgot who, was suffering from post partum depression. Its heartbreaking that what Tayler was suffering from could have been eased with proper medical treatment. Nobody, in today's day and age, should suffer needlessly. What kind of supposed church would allow their followers to suffer? These stories are just gut wrenching and I can't commend Leah and Mike for taking on this beast.

Brooke Shields had discussed fairly openly her issues with post-partum after she had her last kid.  She spoke of her use of anti-depressants and that's when Tom Cruise went on with Matt Lauer and got flippant and pretty much chastised her for speaking out because he felt she was pushing others to use them as well without knowing what she was saying.

He did end up apologizing.  I think he even invited her to his wedding or something.  Some big thing he was doing.  But the PR machine for Scientology went into overdrive afterwards and he was sent on an apology tour after that.

It's kind of sad how they seem to prey on people who have mental issues and promise them help only to take their money and give them nothing in return.  To me, that sounds like something the FBI should be involved in in some way.  

13 hours ago, bethster2000 said:

I won't, either.  This episode was very hard for me to watch.  My uncle was a Scientologist for most of his adult life.  He spent an entire inheritance of roughly $700,000 on Scientology courses and training.  He devoted his life to it. 


Thank you for having the courage to share this...continued strength, health and peace to you.

9 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

What does Scientology have against psychology and medication for various mental troubles?  It's proven both work.  It's like they're stuck in the dark ages... oh, it's just a personality failure. Here's some vitamins.

Someone once said Scientologists hate psychologists for the same reasons politicians hate journalists.

This episode was so sad.  This "religion" is horrible because they take advantage of the human need to belong.  Humans are social creatures.  We want to be a part of and will do almost anything to stay a part of.  That's not a flaw, it's a necessity from the time humans lived in tribes; alone a person would perish, but with a tribe they'd likely survive.  

So this "church" this "religion" takes advantage of that; "if you don't do what we say," they tell people, "you'll be cast out, you'll be alone" and that fear takes over.  And this "church" has zero compassion for going through life on life's terms.  They don't believe in psychology or psychiatry because Hubbard felt that Scientology was enough for a person to be able to solve their own problem, all by themselves.  

The two people who committed suicide were trying to figure their lives out; trying to figure out of they belonged in the tribe.  Sometimes what a person needs to do is to join another tribe, or stay a lone wolf for awhile.  But Scientology doesn't seem to care about that, because they have no sense of spiritual honesty, which means humans go through shit because we're just that, human and being human means being imperfect.

Last Sunday was the last say for Harlem Week (Month really) so there are several huge street fairs all over.  I was checking one out and saw, to my horror that Scientology had a huge booth; I don't remember if they had one in years past.  I know there was a Scientology office, or something in Harlem, but they moved from that area, to one that, I'm sure is cheaper.  I looked at them and thought, "Yeah, you're probably losing white members so now you've decided to recruit black people," SMH; oh, and there wasn't too much interest, people stopped, looked and kept on walking.

6 hours ago, BengalKitty said:

I thought when Sea Org members leave, they are given the bill for all the courses, auditing, room and board that had provided during their "career.". The woman who keft after he husband committed suicide dudn't mention.  Maybe she signed affidavit and in exchange the so-called debt was forgiven?

I got the impression that due to the circumstances of her husband's death that Co$ wanted her to leave SeaOrg. She said that her supervisor approached her about leaving. I imagine their tactics differ when the want a SeaOrg member to leave vs scaring them into staying.

7 hours ago, BengalKitty said:

I thought when Sea Org members leave, they are given the bill for all the courses, auditing, room and board that had provided during their "career.". The woman who keft after he husband committed suicide dudn't mention.  Maybe she signed affidavit and in exchange the so-called debt was forgiven?

I think I read on Ortega's site she was hit with a freeloader's debt of 100K+ which she has not paid.

EDIT: Found it 160K, she never paid it, after leaving SeaOrg she says she...


“I moved in with my parents and got a job at a WISE company,” she says, referring to firms that operate as fronts for Scientology through the World Institute of Scientology Enterprises (WISE) network. She was also hit with a freeloader debt of $160,000, but she didn’t pay any of it.

I recommend the article, it is called "Disconnection, neglect, and suicide: Scientology, it’s even worse than you think" and the story of her husband is the tip of the iceberg with her family. She had a sister who also hung herself and her other two sisters (one is a man now) are out of Scientology and disconnected with her mother as well.

Edited by fifty8th
Updated Info
7 hours ago, Neurochick said:

I know there was a Scientology office, or something in Harlem, but they moved from that area, to one that, I'm sure is cheaper.

You'll be delighted to hear that they opened a large new "Ideal Org" in Harlem last summer! Video tour.

Tony Ortega's blog post about it.

Edited by 2727
On 8/23/2017 at 2:25 PM, iMonrey said:

Sadly, shunning a child because they have abandoned their religion is not unique to Scientology. 

I'm just now noticing that it seems as if everyone on this show is interviewed twice. While Marie was telling her story, the show kept cutting back and forth to her telling it to Mike and Leah, and then to her telling it directly to the camera in an otherwise empty room. Which means, apparently, the show sends a camera crew to get the whole story and then Mike and Leah show up and she had to tell the whole story all over again. That seems needlessly cruel given the emotional pain she goes through in relating it.

It also occurs to me that one problem this show might have is the network it airs on, because A&E's credibility is really in the toilet right now. The show that airs immediately following this one is a documentary that, impossible as it may seem, is trying to push the idea that Scott Peterson might actually be innocent of killing his wife Lecy.  A&E did the same thing with Jon Benet Ramsey's family earlier this year. And the commercials on this show are promoting the upcoming series with Rob Lowe and his sons hunting for Bigfoot. 

So taken altogether, someone would be rightly justified in criticizing this show just by pointing out what network it airs on. The one with all sorts of crazy conspiracy shows, plus Hoarders and Duck Dynasty. A&E used to have some class and now it's all crappy exploitation nonsense.

Don't forget their failed fake KKK documentary. That was just last year, Google it. 

Edited by kieyra
16 hours ago, 2727 said:

You'll be delighted to hear that they opened a large new "Ideal Org" in Harlem last summer! Video tour.

Tony Ortega's blog post about it.

Oh, I knew about that place, but the previous one was on more of a main drag, closer to Fifth Avenue.  The Ideal Org building isn't on a main drag.

On 8/27/2017 at 2:32 PM, BengalKitty said:

I thought when Sea Org members leave, they are given the bill for all the courses, auditing, room and board that had provided during their "career.". The woman who keft after he husband committed suicide dudn't mention.  Maybe she signed affidavit and in exchange the so-called debt was forgiven?

Sea Org members get pressured to pay this bill, and you're told you can't leave unless you pay it. However, some who are already starting to get past the mind control simply say no and walk away. Once they get out, they soon realize that CO$ can't come after them for the debt and so you are eventually free of it. 

It's basically a threat used to keep people from leaving, but as it arises from the "billion year contract" its not an enforceable contract under the law. 


“I moved in with my parents and got a job at a WISE company,”she says, referring to firms that operate as fronts for Scientology through the World Institute of Scientology Enterprises (WISE) network

My reaction to this was basically.  What?  Co$ has infiltrated potato chips.

Then I googled to make sure Co$ hadn't infiltrated potato chips. 

I continue to be amazed every time someone being interviewed brings up another odd phrase only common in Scientology - this time I believe it was "shore flap."  Each time it happens, it just hammers home the indoctrination of the ex-COS members, and the long list of bizarre rules and regulations created by the twisted mind of LRH.  They use these phrases so casually, followed by Leah and Mike nodding and knowing exactly what is being talked about, while we watch and wait for Mike Rinder to explain it to us.

Edited by laurakaye


In the documentary, Going Clear, this subject was touched on.  L. Ron Hubbard, assuming he was a genius per normal, wrote an entire manuscript of what he assumed would be the major psychiatric discovery of his time.  He sent his writings to the AMA, and the American Psychiatric Association, and they laughed.  They then became the enemy, and he created Dianetics, where psychiatry is the big bad.

Here is a link to the Wikipedia article.   I'm sure you all will appreciate the irony of Hubbard acknowledging he had a mental illness, and begging the VA for help.  Piece of shit who knew mental illness existed, yet denied help for all of his followers past, present, and future.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology_and_psychiatry

Edited by RedheadZombie
Deleted a quote.
On 8/23/2017 at 2:04 AM, BabyVegas said:

Every time I watch this show I'm struck by how sick Rinder looks during the interviews. He looks like he knows what's coming and he wants to go back in time and change it. I feel terrible for him and I hope that participating in this show does help him make amends for what he did while in Scientology.

I will never stop hating this "church."

I admire Rinder for being sufficiently clever to know that he should not interrupt the guests they are interviewing. He speaks very little and that demonstrates excellent media savvy. He must know the viewers are not interested in hearing him agree with the person interviewed. Leah speaks a lot more but still not very much. They both would state a steady stream of phrases that agree such as, "Absolutely", "Totally", "Positively", "For Sure". On most interview shows that is what we hear over and over from the people doing the interviews. It's a big mistake for them to speak much more than that. For the  most part, the audience wants to hear what the guests have to say - not how the interviewers agree with them.

My point is just that Mike and Leah have both learned the best way for them to conduct these interviews. Generally speaking, we really don't want to hear very much from them. There are plenty of other documentaries in which they tell their stories. In this show, we want to hear the stories told by their guests.

The only negative feedback I would give them is that I keep hoping they will tell us some way to send some money to contribute to a fund that is actively trying to arrange for the downfall of this cult. I have not yet seen them give out that info and every time I see one of these episodes, I keep increasing (in my mind) the amount of money I want to contribute. I won't specify the current amount I have decided to contribute because I think that should be a private decision for every member of the public. I just hope by the time this series has completed, there will be a very large groundswell of support (talking about money) that  people want to send and that they will tell us their choice for where to send that money and what will be done with it to hasten the demise of these terrible criminals.


P.S. I hope someone here who is more familiar with these things will post an explanation of just how and why this Scam has been able to collect Billions of dollars from their members and what they are doing with this money and how we (in the form of the Government) can sue them or imprison them and recover this money. I see very little difference between what the  Gov should do with Scamatology and what they have tried to do (unfortunately not too successfully) to Madoff and other Criminal Scammers of his kind.

Edited by MissBluxom
8 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:


In the documentary, Going Clear, this subject was touched on.  L. Ron Hubbard, assuming he was a genius per normal, wrote an entire manuscript of what he assumed would be the major psychiatric discovery of his time.  He sent his writings to the AMA, and the American Psychiatric Association, and they laughed.  They then became the enemy, and he created Dianetics, where psychiatry is the big bad.

Here is a link to the Wikipedia article.   I'm sure you all will appreciate the irony of Hubbard acknowledging he had a mental illness, and begging the VA for help.  Piece of shit who knew mental illness existed, yet denied help for all of his followers past, present, and future.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientology_and_psychiatry

Just a little clarification (I hope and I think). The Psychiatric Association declared that his theories were just scams and declared him to be a phoney and his theories to have no good effect on peoples' mental difficulties. At that point, LRH took great offense and for the rest of his life he tried to bring about the downfall of Psychiatry. I felt this demonstrated his incredible lack of rational thought. But it was quite amazing just how much success he was able to carve out for himself and how much money he was able to extract from a gullible public.

2 hours ago, MissBluxom said:

The only negative feedback I would give them is that I keep hoping they will tell us some way to send some money to contribute to a fund that is actively trying to arrange for the downfall of this cult. I have not yet seen them give out that info and every time I see one of these episodes, I keep increasing (in my mind) the amount of money I want to contribute. I won't specify the current amount I have decided to contribute because I think that should be a private decision for every member of the public. I just hope by the time this series has completed, there will be a very large groundswell of support (talking about money) that  people want to send and that they will tell us their choice for where to send that money and what will be done with it to hasten the demise of these terrible criminals.

While I get why you would want to do that, the Cherch is already claiming Mike and Leah are only doing this make money.  I feel like starting a collection to bring about the end of the CO$ would only reinforce that belief and would probably undercut their credibility with the the "under the radar" and "on the fence" Scientologists who are watching the show.  And yes I do think the questioners are watching the show.  

49 minutes ago, WInterfalls said:

While I get why you would want to do that, the Cherch is already claiming Mike and Leah are only doing this make money.  I feel like starting a collection to bring about the end of the CO$ would only reinforce that belief and would probably undercut their credibility with the the "under the radar" and "on the fence" Scientologists who are watching the show.  And yes I do think the questioners are watching the show.  

Very important point Winterfalls. Thank you. Well worth thinking about. I see that I spoke too soon.  But I still feel the need to do something.

On 8/28/2017 at 11:02 PM, ParadoxLost said:

My reaction to this was basically.  What?  Co$ has infiltrated potato chips.

Potato chips are suppressive. BEWARE.

On 8/29/2017 at 9:53 AM, laurakaye said:

 while we watch and wait for Mike Rinder to explain it to us.

I love that man.  Watching someone who has caused great harm take full responsibility  -- no hedging, no hiding, no ameliorating, no refusing to own what he's done, no body language or verbal tics to mitigate his involvement, he's  just present and open and owning it -  makes me want to stand up,  applaud and declare him a man for all ages.

1 hour ago, ParadoxLost said:

Now there is a new sinister undertone to Lay's Bet You Can't Eat Just One ad campaign.


It all makes sense now ... you can't eat one potato chip, anti-drug propaganda says you can never try drugs just once without becoming addicted, and the Scientology outpost near my office is more or less at the intersection voted "best place to buy drugs" in my city.  


Okay, maybe not, but I still think my logic makes more sense than some of what we've seen on this show ...

Film noire, if you continue spreading vicious lies about potato chips I'll be forced to disconnect from you. ;)

And I totally agree with you about Mike Rinder. I find it very admirable that after causing harm at the cherch's bidding for so many years, he is now standing up and trying to help other victims. Compared with former cohort Marty Rathbun, who now appears to be totally under the cherch's thumb again, I think what Mike (and Leah) are doing with this show is so amazing. 

On 8/25/2017 at 6:52 PM, Lugal said:

Someone once said Scientologists hate psychologists for the same reasons politicians hate journalists.

Dianetics started off as an idea called Excalibur in which lrhuckster was going to reform psychology.  He sent his book to the Psychiatry Association (blanking on the name), and they laughed at it.  He got angry and declared war on them as his enemies from that point on.

On 8/27/2017 at 2:32 PM, BengalKitty said:

I thought when Sea Org members leave, they are given the bill for all the courses, auditing, room and board that had provided during their "career.". The woman who keft after he husband committed suicide dudn't mention.  Maybe she signed affidavit and in exchange the so-called debt was forgiven?

My guess is they just let her go without complaint.  She was a liability to them.

Edited by smorbie
everything I thought was wrong. move along
On 8/31/2017 at 2:45 AM, film noire said:

Potato chips are suppressive. BEWARE.

I love that man.  Watching someone who has caused great harm take full responsibility  -- no hedging, no hiding, no ameliorating, no refusing to own what he's done, no body language or verbal tics to mitigate his involvement, he's  just present and open and owning it -  makes me want to stand up,  applaud and declare him a man for all ages.

Very good and very true. So many people would do anything to avoid accepting fault. But when you think about it, what else makes any sense?

P.S. I see on IMDB that Leah is getting monster ratings for this show. I don't mean network ratings. I mean the IMDB rating for how much people like the show. This show is liked by the IMDB public as much as the best Godfather movies and Shawshank Redemption. There are only a handful of video productions that have ever gotten these kinds of ratings.

But much more important, Leah seems on track to win an Emmy and this kind of powerful publicity will surely help knock the wind out of this scam's sails and I hope it will be a major factor in bringing about the death of the scam. The latest episode (the one that discusses The Bridge) makes it very clear these people are guilty of "False Imprisonment" and "Unlawful Confinement" and those are serious crimes. I am just longing for the day that one of two things happen:

1) One of the major celebs (like Tom Cruise or John Travolta) comes out and says, "I was wrong to support this thing. It is a terrible destructive force and only exists to line the pockets of the person at the top). He belongs in penitentiary.

2) He is put into the penitentiary for the rest of his miserable life. (talking about Miscabitch).

Edited by MissBluxom

I don't think any of the top three (Travolta, Cruise, or Alley, who is these days famous mostly for being a scientologist, I guess) will ever leave.

Travolta is in it forever because his wife is.  She has the children and the disconnection powers.  And, I don't care to listen to any of the gossip about him, but I do believe this man loves his children above anything else in his life, and will sacrifice to stay with them.

Cruise can't admit he's wrong.  That is not a skill, I believe, he possesses.  Also, at this point he's the crock's messiah.  They do everything but chew his food for him, so he's in it for life.

Alley's a true believer if you can imagine.  Plus, as I said, right now that's the only thing keeping her in the public eye.  So, she's there for good.

Edited by smorbie
2 hours ago, smorbie said:

I don't think any of the top three (Travolta, Cruise, or Alley, who is these days famous mostly for being a scientologist, I guess) will ever leave.

Travolta is in it forever because his wife is.  She has the children and the disconnection powers.  And, I don't care of listen to any of the gossip about him, but I do believe this man loves his children above anything else in his life, and will sacrifice to stay with them.

Cruise can't admit he's wrong.  That is not a skill I believe he possesses.  Also, at this point he's the crock's messiah.  They do everything but chew his food for him, so he's in it for life.

Alley's a true believer if you can imagine.  Plus, as I said, right now that's the only thing keeping her in the public eye.  So, she's there for good.

I think you are probably right. But if you saw last night's episode about the bridge, how can anyone continue to believe after seeing how people pay close to a million $ to get the the top of the Bridge only to find out that it never really applied to them and they have to start all over ... AND ... pay for the whole thing all over again. I.E. another million $s?

29 minutes ago, MissBluxom said:

I think you are probably right. But if you saw last night's episode about the bridge, how can anyone continue to believe after seeing how people pay close to a million $ to get the the top of the Bridge only to find out that it never really applied to them and they have to start all over ... AND ... pay for the whole thing all over again. I.E. another million $s?

In Scientology it is a crime to listen or watch anyone disparage their crock.  If a person admits to having done so, he has to pay an exorbitant amount of money for time-consuming auditing and possibly a fine.  They can't hide it because they are harangued from the time they walk in the building until they leave. So, as Leah says they confess and then they just stop doing it.  I doubt very many practicing scientologists watch her show unless it is part of their job to discredit her.  

So, they don't know what's on level 8 or level 7 or about Xenu and level 3 until they, themselves, have spent the money and the life to get there.  Tonyortega.org has a short video (maybe 30) that he posted just today that explains it better than I can.  But the short answer is, they just don't know.

I like to think no one would continue to follow it if they did.  But since it's a crime to ask questions or to read or watch anything that might be negative, they remain in the dark.

As to why they'd do it again?  I have no clue.  I guess they are still trying to find something that's worth all that money, the sunk-cost fallacy

Edited by smorbie
1 hour ago, smorbie said:

In Scientology it is a crime to listen or watch anyone disparage their crock.  If a person admits to having done so, he has to pay an exorbitant amount of money for time-consuming auditing and possibly a fine.  They can't hide it because they are harangued from the time they walk in the building until they leave. So, as Leah says they confess and then they just stop doing it.  I doubt very many practicing scientologists watch her show unless it is part of their job to discredit her.  

So, they don't know what's on level 8 or level 7 or about Xenu and level 3 until they, themselves, have spent the money and the life to get there.  Tonyortega.org has a short video (maybe 30) that he posted just today that explains it better than I can.  But the short answer is, they just don't know.

I like to think no one would continue to follow it if they did.  But since it's a crime to ask questions or to read or watch anything that might be negative, they remain in the dark.

As to why they'd do it again?  I have no clue.  I guess they are still trying to find something that's worth all that money, the sunk-cost fallacy

What a *BLEEPING*  *BLEEP* *BLEEP* shame! It's almost impossible for anyone to escape this cult. So very disappointed in our Justice Department and FBI and Law Enforcement Agencies and IRS that not one of them seem to be able to put a stop to these criminals. Someone in a diff thread said that all they really need to do is revoke their tax status. Now that people are rallying to the fight, can't they withstand the crazy lawsuits now? Can't they terminate this huge crime being perpetrated on the most vulnerable of our neighbors? It just makes my blood boil. It makes me crazy with anger.

13 hours ago, MissBluxom said:

What a *BLEEPING*  *BLEEP* *BLEEP* shame! It's almost impossible for anyone to escape this cult. So very disappointed in our Justice Department and FBI and Law Enforcement Agencies and IRS that not one of them seem to be able to put a stop to these criminals. Someone in a diff thread said that all they really need to do is revoke their tax status. Now that people are rallying to the fight, can't they withstand the crazy lawsuits now? Can't they terminate this huge crime being perpetrated on the most vulnerable of our neighbors? It just makes my blood boil. It makes me crazy with anger.

This is where we can help, I think.  If enough of us get angry and start demanding changes, things will change.  Scientology has lost members, is hounding the ones it still has into bankruptcy and is continuing to spend like there's no tomorrow.  I know they have a billion dollars.  But, money is still finite.  If the citizens of Clearwater, or LA made it their number one pastime to organize and destroy the church, it could be done.

This show is a step toward that.  Leah is doing her part.  Those of us who are becoming informed need to start thinking about what we can do to bring this thing down.

Edited by smorbie
On 8/30/2017 at 0:41 PM, WInterfalls said:

While I get why you would want to do that, the Cherch is already claiming Mike and Leah are only doing this make money.  I feel like starting a collection to bring about the end of the CO$ would only reinforce that belief and would probably undercut their credibility with the the "under the radar" and "on the fence" Scientologists who are watching the show.  And yes I do think the questioners are watching the show.  

I can see there are many problems with the suggestion that Mike & Leah should suggest good ways that audience members can support the downfall of CO$. It would almost certainly be wrong for them to "announce" their number one choice of a cause that deserves money and then recommend we send that cause money.

But maybe they could do a show next season that discusses "ongoing struggles against CO$" and lists various activities that could use financial support without saying much of anything about people sending them money.  I'd really appreciate if they did something like that so that people who want to support victims or causes could go ahead and send them financial support. Or maybe there's an easier or better way?

Edited by MissBluxom

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