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Past Seasons Talk: From Seattle Grace to Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital

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It could have been an interesting storyline, IMO, given the background of the characters.  Jo getting violent with someone given her past was not unrealistic, especially if that person put their hands on her first.  Alex reacting violently and threatening Jason rather than going to the police also made sense, given what we know about him and his past.  Jo has never really gotten any character development at all, but Alex has certainly been shown to have a violent streak and a mistrust of authority, so everything that happened was certainly in character for both (or at least in character for how we were supposed to view Jo back in season 9).  But, unfortunately, the whole purpose of the storyline was to end the triangle and get Jo and Alex together, so once that happened, any bit of follow up was completely dropped.


And while Jason didn't come out of the storyline looking great (not that it would have mattered since he was never seen or mentioned again), I would argue that neither Alex or Jo came off looking all that great either.  Which would have been okay with me as a fan of both of them if they had actually explored any of it.  I don't mind the writers showing their uglier side as long as its done well.  So, personally, I didn't see a Damsel in Distress or a Knight in Shining Armor, I saw two really screwed up people who deal with things in a really bad way, but who also have a connection and understanding based on that reality.  I wish it would get explored more.  

I also thought it ended super weird with Jo beating him so badly he needed brain surgery and Alex threatening him.

I've always wondered if they intended to continue the triangle longer into the next season but then Charles Micheal Davis was cast in The Originals so they wrapped it . It ended abruptly, even for Grey's.  I didn't remember details so I looked it up quickly on Wiki and it says:

After a heated fight which involved Jason hitting Jo, she fled to Alex's house. He settled her into his bed. When Alex showed up at the hospital with Jason, who had been severely beaten, Meredith and Cristina assumed that Alex had done it, but it turned out that Jo herself had done it. When he grabbed her arm, she fought him off and he fell back and hit his head on the fireplace. She claimed he was fine when she left and still yelling.


If that is what happened then he fell and hit his head and that's why he needed surgery. Yes they fought but she didn't beat him in the head to require the surgery. Its been awhile, I can't remember exactly what happened.

Edited by windsprints

I've always wondered if they intended to continue the triangle longer into the next season but then Charles Micheal Davis was cast in The Originals so they wrapped it . It ended abruptly, even for Grey's.  I didn't remember details so I looked it up quickly on Wiki and it says:

If that is what happened then he fell and hit his head and that's why he needed surgery. Yes they fought but she didn't beat him in the head to require the surgery. Its been awhile, I can't remember exactly what happened.

I wondered about that possibility to. It would make sense if he left earlier in the season but Charles Michael Davis's last episode was 9x23. It was always obvious that Jason was a temporary roadblock before Jo and Alex got together so I don't think think they intended to keep Jason around in the next season.


Thanks for the clarification regarding the altercation, my mistake. They have sent a lot of mixed signals about it since, with all the vague references to Jo having anger problems. I remember when Jo was working with Callie and talking about her anger issues Jo tells her she's put guys in the hospital before including Jason and two guys before that.

Edited by Marni

I hated the storylines that ended Owen and Cristina's relationship. I mean it was an opportunity for SO (especially her) and KMK to do some good acting but I hated those arcs. They were so awful.


As awful as it was it showed the harsh truth. I didn´t like them either, but they did open my eyes. I liked Mrs Rodriguez though.

Why did you hate the arcs? Just curious what you think.


Sandra herself said she felt complete and ok to leave as her character Cristina  - Cristina and Owen´s relationship after this episode. I completely understood her and can fully appreciate what she said after I saw what Owen did in S11 with Amelia. I salute her.

Owen is a manipulative jerk from S6 onwards, in S5 his true colours were tainted by PTSD, so he was likeable. Although it is quite sad when someone is more likeable with a mental disorder than with his own true colours!!!

But he found another manipulative jerk Amelia so may they be blessed. But I keep thinking if you have two jerks living together, a catastrophe is about to happen.... 

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

Just started season 10... it's insane how annoying Katherine Avery is. When Bailey is doing surgery on Richard and Katherine starts screaming from the gallery.. wow. This premiere overall is super messy. I did notice that they put in jokes about Meredith possibly being Richard's daughter due to his affair with Ellis, to which she replies 'they met when I was 3.' Perhaps this was Shonda dropping an anvil about Maggie's arrival at the end of the year. It also pisses me off that while they knew it was Oh's last year, they continued to run her story into the ground with the repetitive Owen stuff. 


I love drunk, sad Callie. "Everyone I love cheats on me or dies. Or cheats on me AND dies. George did both!" 

Edited by BaseOps
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Continuing rewatch... the writers have gotten about as subtle as a hammer to the head. When they wanted to drive a wedge between Mer / Cristina, they were SO over the top with the "motherhood getting in the way of surgery" stuff. I liked the idea behind that story, but they never just let it breathe. Also, my distaste for Katherine Avery is never-ending. 


One thing I do love and miss is Cristina / Alex interaction. One of the biggest missed opportunities ever was them barely exploring the living dynamic between them when they were both in Meredith's house. 

  • Love 1

I thought I'd gotten over the Mark hate because of his love for Sofia. Wrong. I just watched the episode when they're planning a goodbye party for Callie and Arizona. Apparently Mark wants the party to be huge, and points out - this isn't a baby shower for some nurse who can't keep her knees together. HATE. He was a huge man-whore. In fact, he's the biggest whore in the history of the show. And let's not forget that he knocks up Callie during casual sex. Too bad Lexie didn't break his penis for good.

I strongly disliked him when he came on the show. I hate that he shamed Rose into having sex with Derek. He's a huge misogynist asshole and he probably wouldn't ever change, he would have simply made an exception with Sofia. Even Donald Trump adores his daughter (at least one of them).

I appreciated Mark's humor in the later seasons, but his death was so over the top. I would say he got the best death in the history of the show. I'm sure a new viewer would assume that Mark Sloane was a loving and kind man, as well as supremely professional. He was a pig. RIP.

I thought I'd gotten over the Mark hate because of his love for Sofia. Wrong. I just watched the episode when they're planning a goodbye party for Callie and Arizona. Apparently Mark wants the party to be huge, and points out - this isn't a baby shower for some nurse who can't keep her knees together. HATE. He was a huge man-whore. In fact, he's the biggest whore in the history of the show. And let's not forget that he knocks up Callie during casual sex. Too bad Lexie didn't break his penis for good.

I strongly disliked him when he came on the show. I hate that he shamed Rose into having sex with Derek. He's a huge misogynist asshole and he probably wouldn't ever change, he would have simply made an exception with Sofia. Even Donald Trump adores his daughter (at least one of them).

I appreciated Mark's humor in the later seasons, but his death was so over the top. I would say he got the best death in the history of the show. I'm sure a new viewer would assume that Mark Sloane was a loving and kind man, as well as supremely professional. He was a pig. RIP.


Hasn´t Owen become like him? I read what you wrote and it screams Owen for me. They truly bear the same characteristics.


There is one difference though - I liked Owen when he came on the show in S5 until Teddy came or he brought her there as a present for Cristina and he used to have romantic feelings for her back in army days. What a pig as well.Then he only chose Cristina because a gunman pointed the gun at her. What a loser!


I read in one interview that Shonda contemplated last season to give Owen a kid by sleeping with Callie - this being one of the ways to give him a kid.  That is quite a bad joke.


Why do both Owen and Mark get women to the place that they do anything they ask of them? Except Cristina!!! What a truly woman to admire. Not even that pig Owen could change her mind.So proud of her.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
There is one difference though - I liked Owen when he came on the show in S5


I loved S5 Owen!  He was arguably my favorite male character of the whole series. But no one can remain on the show for very long without being ruined beyond recognition :) 


Which seasons of this show would you guys name as favorites and least favorites? And what were your favorite and least favorite characters and relationships (romantic or otherwise!)? 

  • Love 1

I loved S5 Owen!  He was arguably my favorite male character of the whole series. But no one can remain on the show for very long without being ruined beyond recognition :) 


Which seasons of this show would you guys name as favorites and least favorites? And what were your favorite and least favorite characters and relationships (romantic or otherwise!)? 


I really love S1, S2, S5, and parts of 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8. I think the larger the cast got, the messier the storytelling got and the less I loved the show. 


I always loved the chemistry of the original 5 interns... each and every one of them had unique and dynamic relationships with each other, whether it was George / Meredith, Izzie / Alex, Alex / George, Cristina / Meredith, Cristina / Izzie, etc. I also really enjoy Bailey's relationships with the original interns. Burke and Cristina were always interesting to watch, and so was Cristina / Owen in S5 (then it got unbearable). I always thought Callie and Alex would make an interesting couple. 

Edited by BaseOps
  • Love 3

I'm a bit unusual in that I stopped watching after half of season 3 because I hated the original 5 interns. To a man and woman they were horrible human beings.

I did a marathon of seasons 4-8 before season 9 started and I now love Alex and Christina, still don't like Meredith or Izzie, I'm meh on George. I loved Lexie and still miss her, thank god for Supergirl!

I love Jo and Stephanie, I'm a huge fan of Callie to. I'd love to see more of Callie and Jo working together, and Stephanie with Maggie.

I loved the Mercy West intro, I like April and Jackson, I really liked Reed I was sorry she was killed off.

  • Love 1

I'm a bit unusual in that I stopped watching after half of season 3 because I hated the original 5 interns. To a man and woman they were horrible human beings.

I did a marathon of seasons 4-8 before season 9 started and I now love Alex and Christina, still don't like Meredith or Izzie, I'm meh on George. I loved Lexie and still miss her, thank god for Supergirl!

I love Jo and Stephanie, I'm a huge fan of Callie to. I'd love to see more of Callie and Jo working together, and Stephanie with Maggie.

I loved the Mercy West intro, I like April and Jackson, I really liked Reed I was sorry she was killed off.


You remind me of something I often forget which is how much I enjoyed Jo while she worked with Callie. I was really disappointed that they dropped that. I find Jo to just be underwhelming... her character is written all over the place and we don't know enough about her. But I found her working in ortho to really make sense, and I liked her dynamic with Callie. I'd be happy to see more of that. 

You remind me of something I often forget which is how much I enjoyed Jo while she worked with Callie. I was really disappointed that they dropped that. I find Jo to just be underwhelming... her character is written all over the place and we don't know enough about her. But I found her working in ortho to really make sense, and I liked her dynamic with Callie. I'd be happy to see more of that. 


Me too.  I like Jo just fine, but I agree that she is one of, if not the most, underserved character on the show.  The writers need to give her a personality and stick with it, and bring back the snark that she used to have in season 9.  I also find that I enjoy watching some of the older characters actually teach and I want to see the newer characters learn.  Some of the best character development can come from watching these characters learn and watching the characters we have watched for so many years, show what they have learned, as opposed to having characters just appear out of nowhere as fully formed and arrogant SuperSurgeons (Maggie and Amelia I"m looking at you.)

Edited by Deanie87
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Me too.  I like Jo just fine, but I agree that she is one of, if not the most, underserved character on the show.  The writers need to give her a personality and stick with it, and bring back the snark that she used to have in season 9.  I also find that I enjoy watching some of the older characters actually teach and I want to see the newer characters learn.  Some of the best character development can come from watching these characters learn and watching the characters we have watched for so many years, show what they have learned, as opposed to having characters just appear out of nowhere as fully formed and arrogant SuperSurgeons (Maggie and Amelia I"m looking at you.)


I must admit to not caring for the Jo character, but I think the show's first mistake was predestining her relationship with Alex. From the moment the two interacted, it was obvious the show was trying to make Jo his new permanent love interest. It was only a matter of time. During the season, I felt the series tried way too hard with the character -- exploring many different angles, all of them as subtle as a sledgehammer. She was so over-the-top and obnoxious (like Catherine Avery, Amelia Shepherd, etc.) that investing in her character emotionally has proved difficult, despite my regard for Alex and belief that his complexity has not been explored appropriately. In fact, while I'm never glad to see Alex used sparingly, I have been overjoyed these past three seasons whenever an installment features minimal Jo. She (and Stephanie) have eclipsed April and Jackson as being the most "writer's pawn" characters of the show. (Although Maggie's a close third.) 


Fortunately, Rhimes seems to acknowledge the thinness of Jo's character. Hopefully there'll be some changes made. 

Edited by upperco
  • Love 1

I must admit to not caring for the Jo character, but I think the show's first mistake was predestining her relationship with Alex. From the moment the two interacted, it was obvious the show was trying to make Jo his new permanent love interest. It was only a matter of time. During the season, I felt the series tried way too hard with the character -- exploring many different angles, all of them as subtle as a sledgehammer. She was so over-the-top and obnoxious (like Catherine Avery, Amelia Shepherd, etc.) that investing in her character emotionally has proved difficult, despite my regard for Alex and belief that his complexity has not been explored appropriately. In fact, while I'm never glad to see Alex used sparingly, I have been overjoyed these past three seasons whenever an installment features minimal Jo. She (and Stephanie) have eclipsed April and Jackson as being the most "writer's pawn" characters of the show. (Although Maggie's a close third.) 


Fortunately, Rhimes seems to acknowledge the thinness of Jo's character. Hopefully there'll be some changes made. 


I applaud you! So true, you can´t invest in them at all. All three women were pushed down our throats so much, I see them on screen and my blood boils especially with Mama Avery and Amelia. Awful female characters, it is sad but there are women like them in real life. There is something in their personality  that is so horribly smug and posh. Brrrr!

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

I love Amelia Shepherd and Mama Avery. One of the thing I love about this show is that it's never been afraid to show women as obnoxious, career-driven and very ambitious.


I think it works with cases like Cristina, where we got to see several sides of her, and she took no bullshit and was never apologetic about her career being first. We also saw how great she was. With Amelia and Mama Avery, they're just so obnoxious and we were never given real reason to care for them. I know people go on about how "if you saw Amelia on PP you'd love her!", but I didn't watch PP, and I absolutely shouldn't have to in order to make me understand a character. Amelia came on Greys as an obnoxious, preachy, annoying character. At least with Mama Avery, Debbie Allen can act. Scorsone is a total dud, her monologues are so over-wrought that I feel like I'm watching a lifetime movie, and she uses some strange tone to deliver her "funny" dialogue, it sounds like she's a 1940s b-movie detective. 

Edited by BaseOps
  • Love 2

I must admit to not caring for the Jo character, but I think the show's first mistake was predestining her relationship with Alex. From the moment the two interacted, it was obvious the show was trying to make Jo his new permanent love interest. It was only a matter of time. During the season, I felt the series tried way too hard with the character -- exploring many different angles, all of them as subtle as a sledgehammer. She was so over-the-top and obnoxious (like Catherine Avery, Amelia Shepherd, etc.) that investing in her character emotionally has proved difficult, despite my regard for Alex and belief that his complexity has not been explored appropriately. In fact, while I'm never glad to see Alex used sparingly, I have been overjoyed these past three seasons whenever an installment features minimal Jo. She (and Stephanie) have eclipsed April and Jackson as being the most "writer's pawn" characters of the show. (Although Maggie's a close third.) 


Fortunately, Rhimes seems to acknowledge the thinness of Jo's character. Hopefully there'll be some changes made. 


I totally agree that Jo needs a lot of work, and I understand why someone would dislike her, but I don't think that she was any more predestined for Alex than Owen was for Cristina or even Derek was for Meredith.  Owen and Cristina kissed the first time they met and Meredith and Derek slept together.  Alex and Jo didn't really interact until the 9th episode of the season and then they got closer as friends over the rest of it.  They didn't even kiss until the finale.  I think that the difference is that Jo came on with a group rather than as an individual with her own purpose and backstory, etc.  So the interns were kind of shoved down our throats and unfavorably compared to MAGIC (as all new interns/groups are) and so she came in at a disadvantage.  Beyond that, the writing for her has been either non-existent or all over the place and they gave her a backstory that borders on unbelievable at times (as does Alex's sometimes).  Personally, I like that her backstory is similar to Alex's but they made her different enough from Izzie that it didn't seem like a retread.  


With all of the other characters on the show now, who knows if she will really get any focus, and who knows how JC's contract status will affect things.  I hope that the writers do her justice though, because I think that the character has potential and the actress is good when she is given something other than stupid girlfriend storylines.

  • Love 2

Jo's never interested me, despite the fact that she's had more screen time than the other interns in her class. Heather was instantly delightful and goofy, a character who cracked me up without feeling like a joke. (Admittedly I love Majorino on Veronica Mars, too). Shane was difficult to care for because of how unhinged he seemed when Heather overtook him in neuro, but he was at least always watchable and when he wasn't insane it was nice to see the actor play a more reserved character than Smash on Friday Night Lights, who I loved.


Leah's descent into crazy town was a joy for me to watch because she seemed to have no self awareness at all and as unfortunate as that was for the character, for me it was hilarious. That scene where she's telling the other interns about her new relationship and they all ignore her and she finally tells them it's Arizona like they were dying to know killed me, but I still felt really sorry for the character and enjoyed watching her. I liked her relationship with Stephanie and thought Leah was written out in a really nice, low-key way. 


I know a lot of people hated that intern group, but I thought there was a lot of potential there. When Heather died and they were all being awful to each other I was ready for a big messy storyline, but...they kind of just flitted around doing their own thing after that.


Quite baffling to me that Jo and Stephanie are the last two interns standing from that class, since neither of them have left much of an impression on me. The actresses both seem lovely, and I think they're both talented and the characters are watchable enough, but...I don't know. There's so many regulars already.

Edited by manbearpig
  • Love 3

Jo's never interested me, despite the fact that she's had more screen time than the other interns in her class. Heather was instantly delightful and goofy, a character who cracked me up without feeling like a joke. (Admittedly I love Majorino on Veronica Mars, too). Shane was difficult to care for because of how unhinged he seemed when Heather overtook him in neuro, but he was at least always watchable and when he wasn't insane it was nice to see the actor play a more reserved character than Smash on Friday Night Lights, who I loved.


Leah's descent into crazy town was a joy for me to watch because she seemed to have no self awareness at all and as unfortunate as that was for the character, for me it was hilarious. That scene where she's telling the other interns about her new relationship and they all ignore her and she finally tells them it's Arizona like they were dying to know killed me, but I still felt really sorry for the character and enjoyed watching her. I liked her relationship with Stephanie and thought Leah was written out in a really nice, low-key way. 


I know a lot of people hated that intern group, but I thought there was a lot of potential there. When Heather died and they were all being awful to each other I was ready for a big messy storyline, but...they kind of just flitted around doing their own thing after that.


Quite baffling to me that Jo and Stephanie are the last two interns standing from that class, since neither of them have left much of an impression on me. The actresses both seem lovely, and I think they're both talented and the characters are watchable enough, but...I don't know. There's so many regulars already.

Yes, Tina was the best as Heather.


Double yes, both Jo and Stephanie are just kinda there.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
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I'm on 11x13 in my rewatch. Some of the worst dialogue ever.


Amelia: "I don't wanna get my own coffee. I mean, I do. I can. I will. I can get my own coffee all day long, I just.. Owen. Thank you for bringing me the coffee. I really like it."


And her speech to the doctors, oh my god... it goes on and on, with literally no real information. She uses 1000 metaphors, several repeated over and over, to basically say that the tumour is tough. It's unbearable. The doctors in the room are gasping and captivated by literally nothing. I remembering being actually excited for a Herman-centric episode, and instead we just got Amelia going on and on with the worlds most boring and useless speech. 

Edited by BaseOps
  • Love 6

Amelia and Stephanie exchanging pompous, screamy speeches is SO RANDOM AND INSANE. Lol this episode is driving me insane.

The thing that got me about 11x13, besides how utterly boring it was, was how upset certain people got because Callie dared to question Amelia's plan. She wasn't wrong.

Amelia should have had other neurosurgeons on stand by for such a long surgery. It didn't have to be Derek. But Amelia had to prove to everyone that she was as good as Derek, her patient be damned.

Callie's questioning was far more selfless because she wanted to make sure Arizona didn't lose somebody else. Amelia was solely driven by ego.

  • Love 6

The thing that got me about 11x13, besides how utterly boring it was, was how upset certain people got because Callie dared to question Amelia's plan. She wasn't wrong.

Amelia should have had other neurosurgeons on stand by for such a long surgery. It didn't have to be Derek. But Amelia had to prove to everyone that she was as good as Derek, her patient be damned.

Callie's questioning was far more selfless because she wanted to make sure Arizona didn't lose somebody else. Amelia was solely driven by ego.


I totally agree. I can say without a doubt that the middle of S11 is easily the worst bunch of Grey's episodes ever. Poorly written, awful dialogue, and just downright boring. Honestly, it feels like a parody in parts. There's absolutely no joy in watching the episodes. Amelia literally screams at everyone, all the time. Her talk of being "legendary" is not endearing. It really feels like the episodes were written by people who have never watched the show, or only had a passing glance at it. These episodes were the confirmation I needed that Grey's will be unwatchable if Ellen leaves. 


And I'm DREADING watching the next episode... the "Owen helps a kid over the phone" one. Ugh. 

Edited by BaseOps
  • Love 5

I nearly broke my computer while seeing this episode. Watch out. 


Hah, yea I've seen them all before, just rewatching on Netflix now. I'm halfway through... cringing. The docs singing Staying Alive? Blegh. The middle section of S11 is a total mess, awfully written, boring, and ridiculous. 

  • Love 1


I think it works with cases like Cristina, where we got to see several sides of her, and she took no bullshit and was never apologetic about her career being first. We also saw how great she was.

Amen. Bottom line is, there may be another character just like Cristina, by a great actress who can pull it off, but a "Cristina" type character will never be a new and awesome thing again.

Sandra Oh as far as I can recall has been the first truly unapologetic female character on network television. I can't say anything about the big screen, I'm not sure about the stage either, but on tv, yeah.  So they should continue to portray her type of character, but find credible actresses and write good backstories. But don't expect to ever recapture that feeling you got when you first experienced Yang and all her awesomeness as well as all the disapproval from those viewers that hated her because she was so unapologetic/caustic. It ain't gonna happen because she did it first, captured hearts and set the bar for this kind of female character. 

Edited by represent
  • Applause 1
  • Love 1


Christina could only be thought of as the first truly unapologetic TV character if you only started watching television 12 years ago.

OK, if you say so. "Yeah, I just discovered television 12 years ago so forgive me......"   But no, I haven't noticed any characters like her, not on the tv screen. I've seen some tough ones but none nearly as caustic with an I don't give a shit attitude. I really can't think of any before her. 

Edited by represent
  • Applause 1

I totally forgot about the storyline with Owen's mother and her younger boyfriend. Did the writers forget they had done this storyline with Thatcher just a few years before? Owen goes completely insane, it's awful. 


"I'll be changing her passwords, her locks, her phone numbers!" 


Lol okay Owen..

  • Love 3

Amelia literally spends season 11 yelling at and condescending nearly every other character. Derek, Meredith, Callie, Herman, Steph, Owen.. the list goes on and on. Do the writers think that's endearing? She's absolutely unbearable, delivering pompous speech after pompous speech in her quivering voice. It's a shame because aside from the middle section, S11 had a lot of potential and some really enjoyable stuff. She totally ruined the season for me. 

  • Love 3

I dare to say Shonda got the idea of getting rid of Derek when she made Amelia regular for S11 - back then she must have made up her mind to off McDreamy in S11. She replaced Cristina with Maggie in the cardio wing,so there was no need for another surgeon to join the stuff.

Shonda made this wicked plan long before she wrote 1121. JMHO


Amen. Bottom line is, there may be another character just like Cristina, by a great actress who can pull it off, but a "Cristina" type character will never be a new and awesome thing again.

Sandra Oh as far as I can recall has been the first truly unapologetic female character on network television. I can't say anything about the big screen, I'm not sure about the stage either, but on tv, yeah.  So they should continue to portray her type of character, but find credible actresses and write good backstories. But don't expect to ever recapture that feeling you got when you first experienced Yang and all her awesomeness as well as all the disapproval from those viewers that hated her because she was so unapologetic/caustic. It ain't gonna happen because she did it first, captured hearts and set the bar for this kind of female character.


I can't say if this character is pioneering in the TV universe bc I don't watch Tv that much, but I think that in  the universe of Greys will be nearly impossible to recreate a character like this. The meeting of an excentric character and a fabulous actress produced something singular and hardly repeatable.



Amelia literally spends season 11 yelling at and condescending nearly every other character. Derek, Meredith, Callie, Herman, Steph, Owen.. the list goes on and on. Do the writers think that's endearing? She's absolutely unbearable, delivering pompous speech after pompous speech in her quivering voice. It's a shame because aside from the middle section, S11 had a lot of potential and some really enjoyable stuff. She totally ruined the season for me.

It's difficult to miss this cringe inducing character and actress. This is the meeting of a tiring character with a poor actress, the oposite of Cristina/Oh. Actually, she was the strongest reason that made me disinvest at the show. It's funny bc people used to acuse KMK of overacting, I'd like to see what do they call to this bawling actress. Always mouth wide open yelling and with an extravagant, distracting  set of body movements so over the top that I frequently forget what she was saying or FF her scenes. Enough of histery passing for acting! A festival of show off. She makes KMK look  like sheepish.

Edited by Nanda
  • Love 1

She's good enough to make Scorsone look like a stain by comparison.


Yes, Sandra is a brilliant actress, one hell of an actress.


I don't recall Sandra Oh being that great an actress, decent, but she's not exactly Meryl Streep.



Meryl is one of a kind, a masterpiece.  Hard to find anyone in movie  history to compare with her.


Sandra is a truly gifted actress, an artist whose heart beats for acting. I never get tired of watching her act Cristina, I can rewatch her scenes endlessly and always find something unique, something new, the way she gave life to Cristina on screen is an extraordinary achievement due to her talent and hard work.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
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  • Love 4

I totally forgot about the storyline with Owen's mother and her younger boyfriend. Did the writers forget they had done this storyline with Thatcher just a few years before? Owen goes completely insane, it's awful. 


"I'll be changing her passwords, her locks, her phone numbers!" 


Lol okay Owen..

Owen is the worst.


It's why I have no problem with him and Amelia together.  They can go off together and be the worst somewhere else.


He really takes the enjoyment out of a lot of scenes and I hate to say that because I actually do like Kevin McKidd.


I had already been having issues with Owen, but his behaviour in I believe it was 11x08 really cemented my dislike of the character.


Derek, Maggie, Meredith arguing in front of the patient and he doesn't tell them to cut it out.  He pours gasoline on the fire and leaves.  Good job chief.


Then he goes to the lab with Callie and sees an issue with how the army guys are pushing each other and gets pissy at Callie about it because she doesn't stop it and doesn't understand.  When the one guy gets hurt he takes it out on Callie, even though he was there and could have done something to stop it as well.


He was such an unrelenting jerk to Callie in that episode that I just couldn't buy the friendship they were trying to push between them in later episodes.  I was glad they seemingly abandoned the friendship between Callie/Owen for the Meredith/Alex/Maggie/Callie group.

Edited by North
  • Love 4

Owen is the worst.


It's why I have no problem with him and Amelia together.  They can go off together and be the worst somewhere else.


He really takes the enjoyment out of a lot of scenes and I hate to say that because I actually do like Kevin McKidd.


I had already been having issues with Owen, but his behaviour in I believe it was 11x08 really cemented my dislike of the character.


Derek, Maggie, Meredith arguing in front of the patient and he doesn't tell them to cut it out.  He pours gasoline on the fire and leaves.  Good job chief.


Then he goes to the lab with Callie and sees an issue with how the army guys are pushing each other and gets pissy at Callie about it because she doesn't stop it and doesn't understand.  When the one guy gets hurt he takes it out on Callie, even though he was there and could have done something to stop it as well.


He was such an unrelenting jerk to Callie in that episode that I just couldn't buy the friendship they were trying to push between them in later episodes.  I was glad they seemingly abandoned the friendship between Callie/Owen for the Meredith/Alex/Maggie/Callie group.


I agree with your interpretation. Everything is so different now with Hunt. Plus, remember how he yelled at Callie for the veterans´ programme in episode 3.


Back in season 5 their friendship was indeed honest when she told him not to give up on Cristina that she is a jar full of love,and there was also a funny deleted scene between them where he told Callie he hoped she would find a back-up penis. Everything has changed with him for the worse. I see no redemption for Hunt´s character in the future. 

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

I see no redemption for Hunt´s character in the future.




Of course there's redemption for him, the man didn't kill or molest/rape anyone, he's flawed, some may think very flawed compared to other characters. But all these characters are flawed, some very self-destructive just like real life people are...It's just I don't care about him because he's just another reminder that Cristina never got the love she deserved because the character was beholden to Meredith Grey. I truly hope SO doesn't come back for the finale of this show unless she comes back with someone that she loves and considers her family. Even if it's a damn puppy, LOL, I'm not kidding. Shonda is full of shit, because as I've said before Meredith has always had a long line of people she could rely on if she cared to, she has many ties but Cristina had none, in the end she had none. Yet they are the "true love story", get the fuck out of here. I'd buy that if Meredith didn't have half the ties she has to characters on this canvas. I don't buy that either woman actually misses the other quite frankly. It's just that if shit every really truly falls apart they can be one another's crutches. 


I'm not saying I never bought the bond they had, I just don't buy that it's all that close that she can continue to sell that true love crap. I hadn't for some time so ... But for me and others like me, we never watched this show for Mer/Cris first.  For me, it was nice and a change to see a close friendship between women because you've seen it time and time again between men on the screens, as in the "bros before hoes motto". But never women, so I give props to Shonda. Men have been written time and time again to put the "love" of their buddies first before relationships with women, but you never really see women  doing the same on screen.  So, I understand where she was coming from with this friendship, but the damn thing became too needy for way too long and it just seemed after a while to hold Cristina back IMO.

Edited by represent

Christina could only be thought of as the first truly unapologetic TV character if you only started watching television 12 years ago.


Yeah, I think Roseanne would have something unapologetic to say about Christina being the first, lol.

Edited by izabella
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Roseanne Conner and Murphy Brown were the two that sprung to my mind, but I'm not sure if there were any before them.

I watched Roseanne as well and Murphy Brown a bit and I still don't think they had the edge that Cristina had, nor did they come off as caustic. But yeah  they were unapologetic. We'll just have to agree to disagree, because I think that the character of Cristina Yang, the actress who played her and the fact that it was an actress of Asian descent in the role, and one without the typical small petite features that Hollywood looks for in their Asian actresses, which Oh has addressed in interviews, all of these factors made the character light up the screen in a way I had not seen on tv before. So, for me there are many factors and I have my perception and others have theirs. We'll agree to disagree.


Bottom line for me is, as much as I loved the Rosanne show, Murphy Brown wasn't must see tv for me but I'll give her, her due, neither woman made me sit up and take that much notice, sorry. Again, like I said, it's all about perception and I guess preference.  Yang made me take notice and it was different in a way the other two were not, at least not for this viewer.

Edited by represent
  • Applause 1

Okay, this will be my last rant on the subject in this thread lol... I've finished my season 9 - 11 rewatch. Amelia is a sociopath. She's horribly written, obnoxious, cruel, unprofessional, annoying, and should have been punched out at least 5 times. A year after Derek dies, and after already having several conversations with Meredith, it's insane how she comes at Meredith first in the ambulance / outside the hospital and then again cornering her in the supply closet. There literally isn't a single episode in the back half of the season aside from 11x21 here Amelia doesn't scream at, condescend or talk down to someone. She's made these episodes unbearable to rewatch in parts. There writing is all over sort of sloppy, clunky, and heavy-handed during the past few seasons, but Amelia is without-a-doubt the worst character in Grey's history. I seriously don't understand what the writers are thinking having her yell at people all the time. How is there fans for her and Owen as a couple? 


Another stray observation.. somewhere along the way, Grey's lost its ability to tell small stories. Everything is so overblown and urgent all the time. I miss the examination of their day to day lives, with interesting patient interactions and genuine character moments. Now the medical cases seem to focus all on miracle saves and doing some NEVERBEFOREHEARDOFPROCEDURE!!!! The stories are a lot more memorable when they focus on the patients themselves rather than some miracle cure (suspended animation in 11x24). 

Edited by BaseOps
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