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In the first time for this season, I caught this episode (because it was their 250th) and I really did enjoy seeing Liam Neeson kicking Peter's ass. For some reason it felt so satisfying (other than the fact that, for some reason, I found Peter being one giant ass, more so than he usually is and it was good seeing him being handed his ass).  Now, like someone mentioned above, it wasn't  as satisfying as seeing Meg handing Peter his ass, but still satisfying. Also, I was happy that the writers just left it at that and didn't have Peter win the fight in some other way. 


As with Stewie's and Lois, story, well at least Lois wasn't a total bitch.

Edited by TVSpectator
The whole twist that the whole thing was staged? Futurama did this.


Peter:  Look, it's a plane.

Quagmire:  Peter, tell me you're not going to grab the flare gun, like Homer did

Peter:  Um......

Quagmire:  and tell me you're not going to aim right at the plane, like Homer did

Peter:  Ummmmmm..........

Quagmire:  And tell me the plane isn't going to blow up.  Tell me that isn't going to happen, Peter.

Peter:  Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..................OK.

Quagmire:  You are so going to do that, aren't you???

Peter:  Yep.

Quagmire:  (sigh)  Sometimes I think Gilbert Gottfried was right.

                    You really can't take a dump without watching Homer Simpson do it first.

Edited by Twilight Man

Peter:  Look, it's a plane.

Quagmire:  Peter, tell me you're not going to grab the flare gun, like Homer did

Peter:  Um......

Quagmire:  and tell me you're not going to aim right at the plane, like Homer did

Peter:  Ummmmmm..........

Quagmire:  And tell me the plane isn't going to blow up.  Tell me that isn't going to happen, Peter.

Peter:  Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..................OK.

Quagmire:  You are so going to do that, aren't you???

Peter:  Yep.

Quagmire:  (sigh)  Sometimes I think Gilbert Gottfried was right.

                    You really can't take a dump without watching Homer Simpson do it first.

(South Park kid) "Simpsons did ittttttt..."

The guys go to an asylum seeking inspiration for a new horror movie idea, but end up accidentally killing a man they think is keeping them hostage. Wracked with guilt, they each try to pin the murder on someone else. Meanwhile, Stewie is on a mission to destroy Brian's glasses because he's annoyed by how pretentious Brian's been acting when he wears them.

This episode was okay for the season premiere. I enjoyed Stewie the most in the episode, especially when he said to Lois, "Why do you feel the need to narrate every little thing you do." That was too funny. 


If Seth wants to kill off Brian again, make it permanent. He is one of the most annoying characters on FG. 

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For Father's Day, the guys locate Joe's estranged dad, but when Joe tells them the man can't deal with people who have disabilities, Peter pretends to be Joe. Meanwhile, Stewie's doctor tells him that, height-wise, he'll never grow past 5'11", so he begins to pal around with Tiny Tom Cruise to fully comprehend how it must feel to be a short person.

I would have loved it if it was revealed that Meg convinced Brian to take the pills on purpose because she KNEW it would screw him up.

That would have been funny, but it was just nice to have Meg actually appear in an episode that wasn't centered around her without something ridiculously horrible happening to her that the writers somehow think we're supposed to find funny.


OT: As usual, an episode that focuses mostly on Brian and Stewie is actually worth watching, but the other plot actually wasn't half bad either for once. Drugged up Brian and Stewie worked well enough as a plot device and a stab at child medications, not a lot of laughs in the episode but the plots were good enough that I didn't really care.


Tune in next week when we'll have a bizarre not funny episode that goes out of it's way to make we the viewers all hate the entire cast.


BTW, since this is actually the first episode of the season aired and Peternormal is actually the fourth shouldn't they be relabeled?

Edited by immortalfrieza

"You know, if I couldn't talk and you were a normal baby, we probably wouldn't have these problems." I like it when Brian gets meta.

Best quote of the night. Runner up goes to: "Nobody runs from Tiny Tom Cruise!" "Yeah, except all three of your wives."

Was that really Tom Cruise doing the voice or someone else?

It was a pretty funny episode, other than Peter being a dick and Lois' usual attitude about Meg's birthday.

Edited by OnceSane
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Does this mean that Stewie now has a celebrity villain, like Peter had with James Woods? Also, I found the whole Tom Cruise being caught in a Zappo shoe box similar to how Peter and Brian caught James Woods.

Was that really Tom Cruise doing the voice or someone else?

It was a pretty funny episode, other than Peter being a dick and Lois' usual attitude about Meg's birthday.

Yeah, that was my thoughts about Tom Cruise's voice also. I just wonder if it was him or someone doing an impression of him. Also, I really don't know how secure/insecure he is about himself being portrayed as tall as a toddler.

As with this episode, I liked how Joe was able to beat up Peter!

Edited by OnceSane
quoted post was edited
For some reason I like how Quagmire's dad is the only woman he can't stand being with.


This is such a good running joke. 


Joe should be able to beat up Peter. He is an active member of the police force. The best part was after the fight, Joe takes his glasses off and the dad was like *gasp* Joe!


IMDB lists Sean Kenin as Tiny Tom Cruise, but yeah, he really sounded spot on. I do hope this is a running gag too.

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I don't like how uncaring they're making Lois now. When she was asking Dr. Hartman if there was something in the charts about Stewie possibly having a disease or something. She's usually more caring when it comes to Stewie and Chris.


Once again I enjoyed Stewie in this episode more than anyone. The whole story with Tiny Tom Cruise was funny, especially the drive by on his big wheel. I hope Tiny Tom Cruise is in future episodes. Didn't care too much for the main story of Joe and his dad, Joe's dad didn't have any funny quirks like Peter, Lois, & Quagmire do with their relatives.


I don't know if it's hard for Seth to come up with anything funny for the rest of the main characters. I think they need really good supporting characters to pull it off like Ida, Jillian, Death, Carter, Connie, etc.

Edited by ShadowSixx

Joe should be able to beat up Peter. He is an active member of the police force. The best part was after the fight, Joe takes his glasses off and the dad was like *gasp* Joe!


IMDB lists Sean Kenin as Tiny Tom Cruise, but yeah, he really sounded spot on. I do hope this is a running gag too.

 He should since he is more physically fit than Peter but then again, I felt that Peter went over the line by allowing Joe's dad to move in with him. So, I felt that it was a bit like karma for Joe to beat up Peter.


As with the glasses, that part reminded me of Superman and how he would take off his Clark Kent's glasses and no one could tell who he was. 


Also, thanks for the voice listing. 

I'm trying to remember if that is the first time they actually mentioned Peter's real father since that original episode.


Heh, and I hate thinking logically when it comes to this show but we know Stewie gets to be tall when he grows up because we've seen future Stewie....as has Stewie (but he might not remember or know about that).

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Was it bad that I was hoping that Lyle would turn into Tiny Tom Cruise? Stewie is just not having luck with small people this season which is just funny. He's 3 for 3 in entertaining me for S14. 


Funny how Cleveland, Joe, and Peter were taken away for being "insane". Poor Joe and Cleveland forever getting made fun of for being African-American and disabled respectively. 


Brian still gets on my nerves, he's forever talking negatively about a subject only for him to end up doing it like stealing Stewie's twitter blurbs and last week with the ADD medication. 

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Brian still gets on my nerves, he's forever talking negatively about a subject only for him to end up doing it like stealing Stewie's twitter blurbs and last week with the ADD medication. 


That's just part of their larger plan to make the entire family unlikable by playing up all of their negative personality traits. Brian is now a complete airhead liberal dilettante hack instead of just not being as smart as he'd like to think. Peter is a complete sociopathic jerk instead of a goodhearted moron. Lois is psychopath. Etc.

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