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"Happy Holo-ween". Peter makes a hologram of himself to get out of menial household duties. 

Yeah, I saw the hologram trying to replace Peter as well, but it was funny how Lois figured it our and didn't waste repeating it for us to the rest of the family. The hologram shorting out reminded me of the ending to Altered States.

7 hours ago, Taeolas said:

Yeah the scientist guy said something like "We make it out of hardlight so it can do any chores or tasks you ask of it" as he was 'selling' it to Peter.  With the example of the two holograms cleaning up a broken table or something I think. 

He specifically mentioned it was like the Star Trek holodeck and to not think about it. 

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"The Stewaway". During a game of hide-and-seek, Stewie takes refuge in Quagmire's suitcase, only to wind up in Paris; Peter and Lois take a getaway to Vermont, where Lois is intent on breaking Bonnie's Instagram "like" record.

A solid episode. Leave it to Lois and Peter to care more about their Vermont vacation than Stewie!

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8 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

Didn't Peter get thin a while back too? He wasn't even wearing clothes. 

It was liposuction, and then he got muscles. That plot was ALSO about Peter neglecting Chris because of his new lifestyle, but this one wasn’t as emotional. And way grosser. Peter’s head was still fat this time.

2 hours ago, Tachi Rocinante said:

Two recycled stories in a new episode: Peter gets thin and Brian pissing off the Tweeterverse.

Stewie. It was a fair jab at the Beehive, Swifties, and BTS Army, amongst others.

I meant they recycled the ep in which Brian pissed off the Tweeterverse and had to move out, but yeah, already seen it.

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2 hours ago, Tachi Rocinante said:

Stewie. It was a fair jab at the Beehive, Swifties, and BTS Army, amongst others.

Brian straight up called out 'stan culture'. Stewie also was legitimately trying to make a nice comment being a fan since Jolly Farm not just trying to rile people up. It's still relevant even if it's plot-adjacent to other episodes. 

On 10/31/2022 at 5:12 AM, Gharlane said:

Yeah, I saw the hologram trying to replace Peter as well, but it was funny how Lois figured it our and didn't waste repeating it for us to the rest of the family.

Getting caught up, but honestly if I were Peter's family I would've just shrugged, left the real Peter for dead, and stuck with holoPeter. It's clear that the actual Peter hates his entire family and wants nothing to do with them considering how many episodes of the show involve Peter reluctantly going along with what his family wants to do at best and outright ditching them at worst only to end up "missing" them and realizing he wants to spend time with them after all. In fact... Get Stewie two episodes later had the exact same plotline between Peter and Chris! They're recycling plots not just from the same season but not even 5 episodes from each other!

Also yes, holoPeter trying to kill realPeter to replace him was utterly predictable. Going nuts and subsequently trying to kill the rest of the family was less obvious.

On 11/14/2022 at 6:05 AM, Gharlane said:

A solid episode. Leave it to Lois and Peter to care more about their Vermont vacation than Stewie!

Hell, Lois didn't even care about the trip, she spent the whole time trying to one up Bonnie posting pics on some... social media site I can't remember the name of. I spent the the whole time with Peter and Lois in Vermont thinking "You know, if you wanted to make a post that killed Bonnie's so badly Lois heading to freaking PARIS and doing it there would probably do the trick."

If Quagmire had actually spent 2 minutes thinking he could've narrowed down where Stewie had gone and found him easily enough or at least had some clue where to look. Hint: Check the subway routes.

Yet another episode where Stewie acts like a baby in this case being overexcited about hide and seek and then somehow getting hopelessly lost in Paris despite being intelligent enough to build time machines.

On 11/21/2022 at 9:43 AM, DoctorAtomic said:

Brian straight up called out 'stan culture'. Stewie also was legitimately trying to make a nice comment being a fan since Jolly Farm not just trying to rile people up.

Which is in real life how nearly all of these incidences start. A person makes a harmless joke or just tries to make a nice comment as you said only to be ostracized when someone takes offense to it and raises a big stink that gets lots of other people riled up.

At least when Brian did it he was old enough to have a clue that what he was doing could be offensive. This was a post by a 1 year old infant that wasn't even offensive anyway.

The only thing I had to say about Peter's "get thin" plotline that nobody has already said is when Peter took a few steps and apparently was so out of shape he collapsed to the ground on the spot was "Long time no Chicken fight eh Peter?"

The Generation Gap wasa great gag. "The Price is Right Yodeler" is exactly the joke for this show. 

I liked the Nextdoor joke too. I didn't know Charles in Charge didn't have a last name!

I *need* to work 'whore bath' into a conversation.

I liked how Brian liked all the 'dog things'. Different pee smells; crushed Fruit Loops that Stewie knows about. 

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On 12/7/2022 at 10:35 PM, PWHCHCH said:

I first learnt about the whores’ bath a decade ago thanks to Penny on Happy Endings. This is the first time I’ve heard it mentioned since. 

For me it was a throwaway line in the first Austin Powers movie, when he was teasing/attempting to flirt with Vanessa Kensington. I've heard a few variations since then, but it wouldn't end well to mention them in this forum. 

I got a chuckle out of the guys passing through Stoolbend while Cleveland was asleep.

And here I thought Peter dressed as the QAnon Shaman was the only reference to January 6th this episode, but no. Chris Parnell edited Stewie doing the Josh Hawley fist bump, and fleeing with Josh Hawley.

Doug got killed offscreen, I bet we'll see him again. We just got a voice cameo from Foud, who hasn't been on the show in ages.

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I was really hoping it WAS really Meg that sold Stevie out to Doug. Boo.

3 minutes ago, Galileo908 said:

I got a chuckle out of the guys passing through Stoolbend while Cleveland was asleep.

Me too. Also laughed at Peter and the others bogeying to the Archies. And Shawn Mendes helping Lois with ApplePay.

But damn that ending got dark real fast: Chris having sex tapes of his own parents was just gross, and Stewie was apparently a rape baby.

Edited by Spartan Girl

I don't like the scooters. They're all over the place where I am. 
I liked the pooping was a 'Muskie event' at the debate.

57 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

Chris having sex tapes of his own parents was just gross, and Stewie was apparently a rape baby.

To be fair, it seemed like all of the kids were. Lois has strong thighs. 

9 hours ago, Galileo908 said:

I got a chuckle out of the guys passing through Stoolbend while Cleveland was asleep.

And Quagmire, I think, telling Joe to not tell Cleveland about was funny. This is what, the second or third mention of Cleveland's short-lived show?

9 hours ago, Galileo908 said:

Doug got killed offscreen, I bet we'll see him again. We just got a voice cameo from Foud, who hasn't been on the show in ages.

I assumed it was a throw-away line as well but found it sinister how candidates kept having misfortunate accidents. I wonder if Stewie was involved with Doug dying in a plane crash? 🤔

8 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

And Shawn Mendes helping Lois with ApplePay.

I must be old b/c I have no idea who he is! 😀

8 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

I don't like the scooters. They're all over the place where I am. 

Oh gawd, yes! Those things started appearing around here right before the pandemic. It wouldn't be so bad if they parked the discarded scooters instead of leaving them laying on the ground in the middle of the sidewalk and grassy areas.

6 hours ago, rmontro said:

They got me at the end when Peter stepped out of the shadows to say he complimented his own meat bag.  I should have expected it after the Meg/Chris shadow tease earlier.

I knew the second shadow wouldn't be Chris but figured it would be Meg since it was her shadow the first time. 

We got another anthology episode. This time summing up movies as first loves.

About time Cast Away got taken down a peg. Loved the sudden turn to Captain Phillips.

Incredibly fitting that Joe starred in the Dirty Dancing spoof.

At least Peter's story about Meg Ryan was fun and different. It had to be a set up for "Shut up, Meg," right?

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Welp, tonight’s episode is proof that they’re running out of ideas. Although I did get a laugh at Peter’s all being a literally wet dream.

I bristled at the implication that Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayze didn’t get along because they hooked up during Red Dawn. That was NOT what happened, and to imply otherwise is just tacky even for Seth.

Edited by Spartan Girl
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I thought this was another parody collection. The meta bits were good though. 'Not the year for it Peter'. 

I think I liked Dirty Dancing better. The whole wire hanger to the jaw gag was killer. Quagmire was better being derisive. 

I'm not sure why 1985 Peter had 80s hair. I never could get into Harry Met Sally. 'Watered-down Woody Allen movie' is right.

I didn't see "Shut up Meg" coming, and I totally should have. 

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On 12/11/2022 at 10:04 PM, Spartan Girl said:

Also laughed at Peter and the others bogeying to the Archies.

Simpsons  ......  do do do-do      do     do


Al -     ready did it     do do do-do     do     do

(ah,  honey honey)


So, "THIS" is now apparently Peter's NEW favorite song

Great, looking forward to a whole year of Peter somehow "working"

THIS song into every other episode now.


"Single White Dad". Peter is mistaken for being a single parent, and relishes in the perks that come with it.

Takeshi's Castle (AKA, MXC) already did "Donkey Kong house") but it was still funny. Loved how Lois came outside to investigate the strange noises outside and I loved how she was onto Brian's lame attempts to seduce her.

2 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

I think the biggest surprise of the whole episode was that Peter could change a diaper. 

Oh yes. That was so well done it almost actually deserved the whole “Holding out for a Hero” bit. Of course it also mocks how fathers are glorified for doing the bare minimum for what they expect from mothers. 

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