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My favorite bits in no particular order:


1) The giant bee. All of the animals with Bruce's voice were great, but that one was my favorite. I still crack up at "Bye, world."

2) The ipecac scene. So very disgusting, but it's the obviously over the top vomiting sounds they all make that makes it all work for me.

3) The cutaway with Peter turning the house into a giant puppet. I don't think I've laughed harder at any moment from this show than that one.

4) The first appearance of the Kool-Aid Man. Such perfect timing.

5) This bit from Ollie Williams:


Ollie: "Bring me some soup!"

Tom Tucker: "What kind?"

Ollie: "Chunky!"


6) Essentially, anything Adam West does, but my favorite has to either be "Nobody messes with Adam We," or him eating taffy.


ETA: The part from "Mr. Griffin Goes to Washington," where the CEO chooses Peter to be "That Guy," and it immediately cuts to Peter about to stick his tongue into a fan.

Edited by Galileo908

Girls turning 30...I've been seeing that cutaway in action lately.


"Let's see what's under Christmas...ugh, another puckered anus." Peter must've gotten his Erotic Advent Calendar from r/GoneWild. Also, they implied that he looked at child porn. Ugh.


I liked seeing Jesus speed date. But that was about it for his plot, especially when it turned out that he was a jerk, a liar, and an adulterer.


"Our marriage is too important." Lois cheated several times, and she drew the line at Jesus?


So that ending with Adam West was...weird.

I don't watch a lot of 'Family Guy', but there are moments that I like (I don't like to see cartoon characters throw up, so I avoid those scenes when possible).  Anyway, I always have to watch the episode where Stewie kidnaps the cast of 'Star Trek:  The Next Generation'. (it's on right now) I love all of their scenes, especially the one where they are all bickering at the McDonald's drive-through ('I want a McBLT'. You could ask. Sometimes it's a regional thing'. 'Are they still serving breakfast?' Sometimes they serve breakfast all day'. 'Wil:  I want a hamburger. No, a cheeseburger.  And a hot dog!'  Patrick:  'Shut up!' and smacks him.)  And the fact that those were the actual actors and not sound-alikes made it even funnier).

Edited by BooksRule
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Yes, Chris is that dumb that the first thing he does in a dream is to slice off his own hand. Thankfully the episode got much better once the time travel started.


Yeah, we really needed to see Brian beat Pavlov to death with his own bell. And everyone farting with Jane Austen. But I liked seeing Vinny's VO appear, even for a brief moment. And yes, that was pretty much the 1990's in a nutshell.

While I did like Meg calling out Peter and Lois for claiming to care about her when they've treated her like shit for years, I so don't buy their apology and promise to be nicer to her at the end.  They'll be back to treating her like crap the next episode.  I so would love for her to pull a Gone Girl on them.


I was pleasantly surprised by Peter and Lois having a romantic night at home, especially when these days the show displays them as a "divorce any minute" couple.

Anybody else think that it's a great episode idea for Meg to pull a Gone Girl on her whole family?  After the way they've treated her, they'd definitely have it coming.

After the way the entire world has treated her, I'd like to see an (dream, imagine spot, or Halloween episode probably) episode where she finally snaps and starts systematically killing most of the population of Quahog in hilarious ways and while mocking every horror movie cliche in the book, because they all definitely deserve it.


When Meg is written and treated halfway like a human being and when she grows a spine and gets back at the people that are constantly tormenting her are her best moments on the show, every other time she's filling a role that could just as easily be filled by any random John Doe the Griffins run across.


The writers have stated that the ONLY thing they can think of to do with Meg is torture her every single minute she's on screen. They either need to come up with something else to do with her or just write her out entirely because the treatment of the writers of ol butt monkey Meg crossed the line so many freaking times and thus stopped being even slightly funny and solely became very mean spirited and depressing a LONG time ago.

Edited by immortalfrieza
  • Love 1

Peter Griffin is basically like Homer Simpson's even dumber brother that can often be even more of an asshole. With both the writers will make them as big of an asshole and as much of an idiot as they need to in order to make the plot or joke of the episode work, while sometimes making them much less so for the same reason. I'd say Peter is consistently much worse out of the two when it comes to both however, and the world of Family Guy as a whole is generally much more crapsack itself than that of The Simpsons, which is why Peter tends to get away with being an idiotic asshole while Homer tends to see at least some suffering for it.

Edited by immortalfrieza

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