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S19.E04: Power of Veto #1


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10 hours ago, North of Eden said:

I know Matt isn't really old...espeically compared to me...but Raven looks like a LITTLE GIRL...it may not be unseemly but it sure LOOKS unseemly.

Raven would look unseemly with anyone, IMO. She just grates on my nerves so much. 

Showmances never surprise me, but some of these match-ups did. 

10 hours ago, woodscommaelle said:

Did Jessica even realize he called her Alex? I would have thought we'd see some type of reaction but nothing.

That's what I was wondering. Because if she did hear it, and continued to snuggle....how pathetic. 

  • Love 6

BB entertains me the most when the HGs are all in freak out mode and begin questioning everything and everyone.  Now if Christmas stays, pretty much only Jody will be doing that. A few of the Outsiders may be surprised, but not unduly so.  A tie vote, resulting in Cody's vote to evict Christmas, would sow only limited confusion, i.e. who flipped on Paul's side?  But to really get the house rocking, you'd need Christmas voted out by a wider margin, say 8-4.  That would freak out pretty much everyone.  As to how that could happen:

1. Dom decides to vote to save Jillian, thinking to blame it on Elena.  Because she (Dom) would be way down the suspect list of hinky voters, right?
2. Raven decides to vote to save Jillian, because there's no way she's going to share her pity party with Christmas.  Because she (Raven) would be way down the suspect list of hinky voters, right?
3. Josh decides to vote to save Jillian, because he's Josh. And he's going to be blamed for any hinky vote regardless. :)

Odds of this happening, miniscule to none.  But it's fun to think about.

Edited by LordBowen
1 hour ago, candall said:

I saw Paul's point that he might as well align with the power players, but now I'd love to see him organize all the non-couple hamsters into a rebellion machine.  I just really can't stand that these three bro dudes walked in, bumped fists, chose mates, and the six of them could potentially be in charge of the summer.  Zzzzz

I couldn't agree more. It all feels very caveman-y. I loved Alex's quip about the showmances going on the Bachelor while she's there to play the game. It seems like the house-guests feel like they immediately need to couple off and straddle each other while having conversations. It's not organic at all anymore and it wasn't like that in earlier seasons.

Paul is annoying and really shouldn't have been invited back the season after his own. But if he can help break up the 'cool kids' alliance and get some of them out, then I can deal with YourBoy for a few more weeks.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, watch2much said:

I swing back and forth on Cody.  Now I'm kind of liking him again.  I also love how he sees through Paul....who I loathe.  

My primary problem with Cody is simple: Jessica.  Or, more specifically, Cody&Jessica.  I have a sneaky suspicion Cody might make this game a whole lot more interesting if he were playing as a free agent rather than as half of a couple.

  • Love 11
Just now, Nashville said:

My primary problem with Cody is simple: Jessica.  Or, more specifically, Cody&Jessica.  I have a sneaky suspicion Cody might make this game a whole lot more interesting if he were playing as a free agent rather than as half of a couple.

If I know Cody (and I knew quite a few like him)  he's not half of a couple right now.   Jessica is a souvenir he picked up for winning HOH#1 and I don't think he'll have a problem detaching from her when he wants to/needs to. 

  • Love 12
8 minutes ago, Nashville said:

My primary problem with Cody is simple: Jessica.  Or, more specifically, Cody&Jessica.  I have a sneaky suspicion Cody might make this game a whole lot more interesting if he were playing as a free agent rather than as half of a couple.

I couldn't agree more. I am one of the few who enjoys Cody most of the time. But I cannot stand Jessica and I wish he'd drop her like a hot potato. I even fantasized about him shocking the house by putting HER up, instead of Paul. 

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, asabovesobelow said:

Paul is annoying and really shouldn't have been invited back the season after his own. But if he can help break up the 'cool kids' alliance and get some of them out, then I can deal with YourBoy for a few more weeks.

I agree. He's so obnoxious and entitled that he really wears on me. It's very true that a little of him goes a long way, but so far this season is all about Paul. 



Luckily for Cody, though, he apparently caught Jessica in the middle of downloading a nightly software update to her Fembot Speech Interpretation module  - so no harm, no foul.  :>

+1 for the awesome reference to the Bionic Woman. Jessica even looks like one of the classic fembots! 

Edited by vb68
  • Love 3
13 minutes ago, Drogo said:

If I know Cody (and I knew quite a few like him)  he's not half of a couple right now.   Jessica is a souvenir he picked up for winning HOH#1 and I don't think he'll have a problem detaching from her when he wants to/needs to. 

Cody has definitely given the Detachable Jessica option plenty of lip service, to be sure - but I don't know if I'm still buying that as much as I did initially, in the first couple of days of his HoH.  Plz correct me if I'm wrong, but the last 2-3 days all his analysis seems geared towards Game effects on Jody, not Cody.


Dammit, I want to hate Cody so bad, but he won't even pretend to like Paul, or pretend to be excited about these stupid gimmicks and competitions, so I'm torn.

I still think the whole "Pendant of Protection" thing is outrageous. There was zero risk of consequence to Paul for choosing it. Zero. That's not a "temptation," that's called "a gimme." They might as well have just been upfront and told all the HGs "Paul is here and he is safe for three weeks." Period. Let's not pretend he got to "choose" whether or not to take a "temptation." "Do you want to have this thing that will give you three weeks safety is someone else has to pay for it?" That's not a "temptation." And I guarantee you: nobody else is going to win three weeks of safety. Nobody. It's just sketchy as hell.


how can you have three showmances in the first week?  If I've just met a big group of people I can barely remember everyone's name. How are they in relationships?  I know it's strategic and not "love", but it's still really amazing to see three couples already.

Because the producers deliberately cast girls who say things like "I will use my looks to get ahead" and jocks and bro-dudes who tell them they want to "hook up with the babes." That and one or two random weirdos and those are the only people they will cast anymore because this is exactly what they want.

And I'm sick to death of this junior high mentality, like Jessica being jealous of Alex because Cody is looking at her. I don't know how the show arrived at the conclusion that these are the sort of immature people we want to watch all summer but it's all we ever get anymore.

On a shallow note? Elena has muppet mouth.

Edited by iMonrey
  • Love 13
1 hour ago, Nashville said:

My primary problem with Cody is simple: Jessica.  Or, more specifically, Cody&Jessica.  I have a sneaky suspicion Cody might make this game a whole lot more interesting if he were playing as a free agent rather than as half of a couple.


1 hour ago, Drogo said:

If I know Cody (and I knew quite a few like him)  he's not half of a couple right now.   Jessica is a souvenir he picked up for winning HOH#1 and I don't think he'll have a problem detaching from her when he wants to/needs to. 

I like Cody.  (There.  I said it.)  I do not like Jessica.  I'm loving how conflicted Cody is right now.  He was initially attracted to Jessica because, well, let's be honest here, the boobs and that's what he's programmed to want.  Then comes Alex, and he's suddenly attracted to a woman for reasons other than boobs and pouty lips, and that has hit him like a ton of bricks.  I loved his Freudian slip in bed, and I'm with whoever upthread said that Jessica took it that Cody was starting to say something about Alex, not that he called her "Alex."  Otherwise, all hell would have rained down upon Cody if she had realized that he really did call her another woman's name in bed.

  • Love 9

I'm happy Alex isn't going.  I always like to watch those "I'm NOT going to lie!" people, for the short time before they're eliminated, or survival instinct kicks in.


It's fascinating to see Cody's brain circling around the idea that he might prefer a woman besides the one who inspired his initial va-va-voom! response.  C'mon, Cody, you're so close.

  • Love 7
10 minutes ago, Nashville said:

On the plus side, we haven't seen Ramses kicking air for all of one episode now.

I think he has chilled a bit.  He is quite pleasant on bbad.  I was pleasantly surprised, and I like him now. 

I love how Cody's game blew up in his face in seconds.  Wjat an epic start to a season. 

Edited by Cherry Cola
  • Love 2

Yeah agreed that I think Jess thought that he was starting a sentence to talk about Alex no that he called her Alex or she'd have brought upon him great vengeance and furious anger. Part of that was probably self-protection/ego projection like a "Did he just say what I thought he did?? Nahhh... not to ME!" kind of thing. She'd never go there that Alex of all people could have swayed him away. It just doesn't happen in Jessica World I'm sure...

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, Nashville said:


Frankly, I don't think Jessica did; I think she may have thought Cody was starting to say something about Alex, but stopped.  Reason being - a normal human reaction to being called by someone else's name is to either joke it off or get pissed, and Jessica did neither.


I agree with you.  I don't think Jess caught that slip up.  I played it back a couple times and I think she thought Cody was starting a sentence with Alex's name. 

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, iMonrey said:


I still think the whole "Pendant of Protection" thing is outrageous. There was zero risk of consequence to Paul for choosing it. Zero. That's not a "temptation," that's called "a gimme." They might as well have just been upfront and told all the HGs "Paul is here and he is safe for three weeks." Period. Let's not pretend he got to "choose" whether or not to take a "temptation." "Do you want to have this thing that will give you three weeks safety is someone else has to pay for it?" That's not a "temptation." And I guarantee you: nobody else is going to win three weeks of safety. Nobody. It's just sketchy as hell.


Yeah, I'm honestly fine with Paul getting three weeks safety, because obviously, you don't want to lose the guy you just brought back right away (and BB knows that three weeks of safety often translates into much more, as people work you into their plans when they know they're stuck with you no matter what). But just be upfront about it.

On 7/6/2017 at 8:50 AM, Drogo said:

You're not alone.  I like Cody.  He's a Marine (+1000), he was the only one to not kiss Paul's ass (+100), and he's playing according to his own plan.  Don't talk about your game out loud, don't float along.

Interestingly they all reach a point in the season where they have to keep secrets from each other and not reveal where their head is at for fear of tipping off their 'outside allies' - at least Cody won't have to worry about that because by that point, no one will expect him to say anything anyway.

I don't think Cody needs to worry about that, because I don't expect him to be around much longer. Don't think the producers are much of a fan either. Robotic play just isn't very interesting.  I am sure that we have a much more worthy foe to Paul out there, once more and more of his personality comes out and he sows dissension. Right now, it makes sense to stay together as a team and take out "Jody."(hate hate those stupid couple names).

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