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S02.E08: Flirting with Danger

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31 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

Dreamy to look at?  Where?  I don't see it.  He looks like a giant asshole and he looks short as well.

If they look half way decent on TV, I've found those same people off camera to be flawless and very charismatic! True enough, more than likely Adam looks like a troll on now, but in person it's possible those eyes could melt a cold, cold heart! 

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2 minutes ago, Avon.Blakes7 said:

If they look half way decent on TV, I've found those same people off camera to be flawless and very charismatic! True enough, more than likely Adam looks like a troll on now, but in person it's possible those eyes could melt a cold, cold heart! 

I don't see anything special about his eyes, I mean he has two of them but that's it.

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Just now, Neurochick said:

I don't see anything special about his eyes, I mean he has two of them but that's it.

Just giving the benefit of the doubt! I don't care how good-looking a person can be, if they're a jerk I won't even shake hands! I'm as impressed as anyone over physical beauty, but the ugliness from within will always be a turnoff! That's probably why I hate finding out the "TEA" about past favorites who act or sing! If I find out they're tyrannical to fans and staff, it really colors my opinion of the person! "Mommie Dearest" probably changed a lot of hearts and minds! Wes so far the only one I'd give the time of day!

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Initially I thought Adam was attractive, but the sloppy dress and his shit attitude pretty much wrecked any physical attraction.   

I think Hannah is a very pretty girl.   Bugs seems to be a hard worker, but not really any more so than Amy or Julia were as second stews (Amy was awesome).  I think the editing monkeys are definitely making more out of Hannah's breaks than was probably the reality of the situation.     Other than Bugs and Adam no one it complaining about Hannah.  If anything the others seemed to sympathize with her.  


As as far as Bugs not being part of the usual drama, I may be mistaken, but it looks like she gets pretty in the thick of it, at least in the preview I viewed.   


I get that the crew is not supposed to get involved with the guests; however I'm going to be annoyed if Bugs or Bobby dimes Hannah out to the captain.  She was discrete enough that no one knew until Bugs read the text messages on the I-Pad, which was after the guests left.  The tip does not appear to have been negatively affected.  Hannah didn't go running to the captain about Adam's onion crap until she saw Adam lie to the captain & it was apparent that the guests were unhappy.  


After watching Hannah throw herself at Bobby & Ben last season, I guess I'm just happy to see her being on the receiving end of attention from a good looking, seemingly nice guy.

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1 hour ago, AttackTurtle said:

Initially I thought Adam was attractive, but the sloppy dress and his shit attitude pretty much wrecked any physical attraction.   

I think Hannah is a very pretty girl.   Bugs seems to be a hard worker, but not really any more so than Amy or Julia were as second stews (Amy was awesome).  I think the editing monkeys are definitely making more out of Hannah's breaks than was probably the reality of the situation.     Other than Bugs and Adam no one it complaining about Hannah.  If anything the others seemed to sympathize with her.  


As as far as Bugs not being part of the usual drama, I may be mistaken, but it looks like she gets pretty in the thick of it, at least in the preview I viewed.   


I get that the crew is not supposed to get involved with the guests; however I'm going to be annoyed if Bugs or Bobby dimes Hannah out to the captain.  She was discrete enough that no one knew until Bugs read the text messages on the I-Pad, which was after the guests left.  The tip does not appear to have been negatively affected.  Hannah didn't go running to the captain about Adam's onion crap until she saw Adam lie to the captain & it was apparent that the guests were unhappy.  


After watching Hannah throw herself at Bobby & Ben last season, I guess I'm just happy to see her being on the receiving end of attention from a good looking, seemingly nice guy.

Discretion isn't a justification for getting intimate with a charter guest.  You aren't suppose to do it.  Hannah went into overdrive flirting with the guest.  Since when do guests get tuck in service?  As far as the tip being affected-it would be like saying the Captain and the First Officer were drunk but Malia managed to pilot the yacht without problems.  The reason for the rules is avoidance of potential conflicts.  What if some fat old fart primary  summoned Hannah into his stateroom and put the moves on her-would she have to worry by turning him down if the tip would be affected?   We saw what happened when the chief stew Adrienne joined the charter guests for dinner the year following a charter she crewed.  Everyone from the Captain on down was surly about her.  Especially when she started spilling dirt on the crew.

One of the reasons crew is not suppose to get involved with guests is once the charter/show is over, the guests usually have pretty rich lives to get back to as opposed to the crew who either pick up other charters or take a job on shore.  In Hannah's case she went back to Australia and is looking to settled down.  Last year Danny was bragging about I believe some guys from Oklahoma digging him because he was so wonderful and the person he had quoted tweeted he wasn't all that impressed with Danny.  Fine company on the charter not so much afterwards. 

Of course some of this is fake because these "guests" are given deeply discounted charters and often times want the crew to visit their businesses for promo purposes.

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My reference to the tip was with regard to the fact that Adam's disregard of guest preferences absolutely could've impacted the crew's tip.  I was not insinuating that one should/should not sleep with a guest for the sake of the tip.  I was making the point that while Hannah screwed up, it doesn't appear that her actions hurt her crew.

I absolutely understand why the crew is not supposed to cross the line with guests; however I don't think what happened here is exactly earth shattering.  In Hannah's case, the flirtation was not at all one-sided. Both she and the guest are mature adults and we're clearly into each other.  As for his reputation....he was on "millionaire matchmaker"...pretty sure that ship has sailed.

I like Hannah and have been far more offended by the behavior of the likes of a Bobby than I am by this blunder on her part.

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I'm so distrustful of previews that I wonder if Hannah actually did cross a line with the guest and if Adam really is talking about Malia. Hannah said to Sandy, "He pulled me aside and kissed me." It's possible the discussion had nothing to do with this charter and "he" is one of the crew members or even someone from Hannah's past. It's also possible Hannah arrived at the guest's door only to hear those noises coming from inside. The producer talking to Adam asked, "Did you guys have, like, a thing before coming on the boat?" Malia wasn't mentioned specifically. While "the thing" could be with Malia, it also could be with anyone else, including a guy with whom he had a beef. I'm wondering if maybe it was the charter guest and Adam is explaining why he ignored the request for no onions.

5 hours ago, Passing Strange said:

I'm so distrustful of previews that I wonder if Hannah actually did cross a line with the guest and if Adam really is talking about Malia. Hannah said to Sandy, "He pulled me aside and kissed me." It's possible the discussion had nothing to do with this charter and "he" is one of the crew members or even someone from Hannah's past. It's also possible Hannah arrived at the guest's door only to hear those noises coming from inside. The producer talking to Adam asked, "Did you guys have, like, a thing before coming on the boat?" Malia wasn't mentioned specifically. While "the thing" could be with Malia, it also could be with anyone else, including a guy with whom he had a beef. I'm wondering if maybe it was the charter guest and Adam is explaining why he ignored the request for no onions.

I mean, sure, but it sounds like you're predicting zebras when more often than not, the hoofbeats are just horses. 

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I was definitely irritated that Bugs commented on Hannah having a cigarette while the primary finished a drink. The reason I was irritated is because from the moment the primary stepped on board, he's been trying to get Hannah to have a drink with him. She's tried to deflect, change the subject, ignore, and explain the rules. None of it worked. He could not be redirected. When the female guests went into the crew quarters, Bobby couldn't get them out even when he said he might get into trouble. They only left when Bugs told them there were drinks upstairs. My irritation with Bugs is that she was so busy looking for Hannah's mistakes that she couldn't really see when Hannah needed help from her second stew.

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On 6/21/2017 at 1:34 PM, Avon.Blakes7 said:

That old double standard is so prevalent everywhere! Was watching RHWP the other day and Charrisse hired a butler for her "Champagne Room" unveiling! The women think nothing of handling the guy; rubbing his chest, feeling the lapels of his jacket! If he even looks at them hard, he would be in trouble! I well remember how my own female boss thought nothing of touching me when she felt like it! If a guy even says something nice at work, "sexual harassment! Where's my lawyer!"

I totally agree with you.  I am a middle-aged woman, having lived through the various phases of what was/is acceptable in the workplace and life in general.  I wish these reality TV women would stop acting like immature pre-teens when a handsome man is in view.  Good gawd, learn some restraint and how to behave respectfully.  I am not speaking just to this show, I see it in many platforms and I am appalled by it.  It does not speak well for the feminist movement and all the sacrifices made for the past few decades.  I did not want to be equal to men so that I could paw them like I was pawed. 

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1 hour ago, Maccagirl said:

I totally agree with you.  I am a middle-aged woman, having lived through the various phases of what was/is acceptable in the workplace and life in general.  I wish these reality TV women would stop acting like immature pre-teens when a handsome man is in view.  Good gawd, learn some restraint and how to behave respectfully.  I am not speaking just to this show, I see it in many platforms and I am appalled by it.  It does not speak well for the feminist movement and all the sacrifices made for the past few decades.  I did not want to be equal to men so that I could paw them like I was pawed. 

Paw'd would be the right word! I came into the office to pick up my check while on vacation so I was dressed in tennis clothes! If you're older, you know that means a lot of skin is exposed with shirt and shorts, "very short" and tight! My boss's idiot admin. asked "why are you wearing stockings?" Then my boss decided to come out to take a closer look, head almost at my crotch putting on her glasses so then she could touch my legs! They're quite smooth, shapely, and long! "Girl, you won't believe how this feels!" It was funny to them, but I was only 24 being "manhandled" by old ladies in '81! lol! 

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54 minutes ago, Avon.Blakes7 said:

Paw'd would be the right word! I came into the office to pick up my check while on vacation so I was dressed in tennis clothes! If you're older, you know that means a lot of skin is exposed with shirt and shorts, "very short" and tight! My boss's idiot admin. asked "why are you wearing stockings?" Then my boss decided to come out to take a closer look, head almost at my crotch putting on her glasses so then she could touch my legs! They're quite smooth, shapely, and long! "Girl, you won't believe how this feels!" It was funny to them, but I was only 24 being "manhandled" by old ladies in '81! lol! 

Avon.Blakes7: That is unacceptable and I am sorry that happened to you.  Why cannot we simply live by what our parents always preach: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  It's pretty basic and simple.  Uggghhh.

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7 minutes ago, Maccagirl said:

Avon.Blakes7: That is unacceptable and I am sorry that happened to you.  Why cannot we simply live by what our parents always preach: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  It's pretty basic and simple.  Uggghhh.

Well I wasn't traumatized, but it definitely gives me a great anecdote when there's a discussion of double standards observed in this country!

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On 6/21/2017 at 1:25 AM, diadochokinesis said:

Danny did it last year and yep, Hannah was all, "Ooh, no!  Unprofessional!"  Yes, the primary is cute but dude...  Not while the charter is going. If they exchanged emails and kept in touch after the charter then I don't really see an issue with that. Bugs is on Twitter talking about doing something with the Oklahoma guest from last week. Most of the crew tweets with previous guests and stuff. You just have to keep it aboveboard. *rimshot*

I scared my dog with the squeal when I saw that Adam and Malia apparently were hooking up and stuff before the season. It actually really impacts my thoughts on Malia. I thought she was a young dolt before who needed to grow up and learn some life lessons. Now though...  She purposefully led Wes on. Even if she wasn't with Adam when she came onto the boat and started flirting with Wes, she had that history with him and apparently still had feelings for him. She led Wes on and that's not cool.   

I  can't stand how Malia was flip flopping between Adam and Wes. And then picks the biggest douchebag, Adam.  I also can't stand how she's like 'oh, I'm a cute girl who was brought up with all boys and I just wanna be one of the them'. She's a total tease!

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On 6/21/2017 at 0:30 PM, epc said:

Remember when Adam and Malia took off to walk to the falls? And they had the conversation, where he asked her about where she wanted to visit next? I thought at the time that the conversation was odd and stilted, but I didn't know why... Well, Santorini is in the Greek islands, right?? So perhaps they had already been there, and this was a sort of an in-joke between them. Maybe I'm reading too much into it.

Ha! I was right - they did already know each other!

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5 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Bugsy is not backing down from her position.  She looks so much better with the less brash hair color:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/below-deck-mediterranean-hannah-ferrier-texting-charter-guest-bugsy-drake-reacts

What else is she going to do but double down on it? If I were Jason, I'd make a point of coming back to chastise her for the invasion of his privacy! She not only exposed it on the show, but ran to Bobby of all people! I just can't understand her logic/rationale! ;-(

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4 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Bugsy is not backing down from her position.  She looks so much better with the less brash hair color:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/below-deck-mediterranean-hannah-ferrier-texting-charter-guest-bugsy-drake-reacts

There's really no saving her face, though. I don't find her attractive in the least and haven't since the first episode.

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I just had time to watch the episode where Hannah and charter guest Jason connected (in some unconfirmed manner). Hannah has always remained professional with the guests so what if she veered off course one time. She's on a yacht where the pickings are slim when it comes to attractive men. Bugsy is (like another poster mentioned many pages ago) NOT attractive to any of the men on the yacht. Or pribably most men on land. Hannah is gorgeous. Bugsy is jealous. None of the male employees on this charter are hot. And last but not least, it's reality tv. 

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The reason why Malia didnt hook up with Bobby was because he couldn't offer her anything. Think about it. She got with Adam because he was the chef and older than her and more experienced on yachts. She probably figured he would have some pull while on the boat because of his position and experience plus she gets special meals and desserts cooked for her daily. She then realize Wes could offer her a promotion and a way up. She went for Wes because he could offer her a promotion and then Adam was old news. She was balancing the two of them for awhile because they were both giving her things. Bobby couldn't offer her anything and was her equal so she wasnt interested. She's a manipulator basically and sleep her way to the top. The downfall is she isn't as cute as she thinks she is and is starting to look rough. Very ho-hum looking towards the end of the season especially. I guess the stress of balancing and manipulating men wears on you.

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3 hours ago, dailydose87 said:

The reason why Malia didnt hook up with Bobby was because he couldn't offer her anything. Think about it. She got with Adam because he was the chef and older than her and more experienced on yachts. She probably figured he would have some pull while on the boat because of his position and experience plus she gets special meals and desserts cooked for her daily. She then realize Wes could offer her a promotion and a way up. She went for Wes because he could offer her a promotion and then Adam was old news. She was balancing the two of them for awhile because they were both giving her things. Bobby couldn't offer her anything and was her equal so she wasnt interested. She's a manipulator basically and sleep her way to the top. The downfall is she isn't as cute as she thinks she is and is starting to look rough. Very ho-hum looking towards the end of the season especially. I guess the stress of balancing and manipulating men wears on you.

I don't know about that...Bobby can't offer anything to anyone and he's fugly and annoying as hell. 

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9 hours ago, dailydose87 said:

The reason why Malia didnt hook up with Bobby was because he couldn't offer her anything. Think about it. She got with Adam because he was the chef and older than her and more experienced on yachts. She probably figured he would have some pull while on the boat because of his position and experience plus she gets special meals and desserts cooked for her daily. She then realize Wes could offer her a promotion and a way up. She went for Wes because he could offer her a promotion and then Adam was old news. She was balancing the two of them for awhile because they were both giving her things. Bobby couldn't offer her anything and was her equal so she wasnt interested. She's a manipulator basically and sleep her way to the top. The downfall is she isn't as cute as she thinks she is and is starting to look rough. Very ho-hum looking towards the end of the season especially. I guess the stress of balancing and manipulating men wears on you.

This actually makes quite a bit of sense, especially when you consider that she admitted to sleeping with her previous captain.

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