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Speculation with Spoilers: We're all Seers Now


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Lots of well thought out perspective from both sides of the Ragnar-Rollo story.  I've always seen the two sides of it, which to me is the sign of good writing.  I could totally understand why Ragnar was reluctant to trust Rollo too much as he always seemed to pick and choose his spots when he would stand or not stand against own brother depending on what was in it for him, just as I could see why Rollo would be so resentful that Ragnar seemed to continually trust in Floki or Athelstan or whoever before him, cutting him out of the loop even as he expected Rollo to do whatever was required to back him up.  While it made sense to me that Ragnar would feel betrayed that Rollo seemingly chose this nice new cushy life with the Franks over his brother and his own people, I also couldn't really fault Rollo for taking the opportunity he was given and running with it instead of perpetually playing second fiddle and muscle to his brother and risking never ending up with anything more than his wifeless and childless drinking shed outside the great hall to show for it.  I was hoping we were going to see a Rollo and Ragnar 2.0: The Next Generation sort of continuation of that dynamic in Ivar and Sigurd as Sigurd had been the only brother to really take just how dangerous Ivar could be seriously or call him out on his shit, but we know what happened there.  Hirst gets the idea on a whim to chuck an ax through Sigurd's chest at dinner and that's the end of that.

It makes a certain amount of sense to me that Rollo would want to return to see what kind of  shambles of a kingdom and family his supposedly charmed life brother left behind.  He got his and getting older does give you certain perspective on things.  I'm not quite buying though that from what limited interactions with Hvitserk he could have realistically had over the years that he truly could have perceived that Hvitserk is the "forgotten brother" to the point that if he's going to get involved at all that's why he should be throwing his muscle behind him over Bjorn who he knew for most of his childhood and helped train to fight.  Even if we were to buy it, how does that square things for Hvitserk?  He's now enemy to two of his brothers and we know that Ivar being Ivar isn't suddenly going to start respecting or deferring to him.  Hvitserk is the still the brother who's done nothing but follow one brother or another and shown almost no defining characteristics that tell us what kind of leader he might be if he weren't being shuffled back and forth.

I guess at this point all we can do is wait and see how it plays out, but the interviews Hirst and the cast are giving aren't exactly filling me with confidence.

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Thanks so much for posting that Spinxella.  I loved the interview, and I love The Grimfrost company from Sweden. Also, really glad that the actor visited Bjorn's burial mound in one of the Scandinavia's homelands of Sweden.

Grimfrost is one of my fav stores, have bought many things from them! :)  https://grimfrost.com/

Thinking of buying the Grimfrost's TYR next. 

22 hours ago, green said:

Thanks for the heads-up on Bjorn's paternity.  Time to start seething for real now.

For what it's worth after all my other posting on the subject, it's possible the answer will be in the negative.  It's something that's a question mark for Rollo, and that would mean there is something new we'll learn about Rollo and Lagertha's past relationship, but it's possible that we'll find out that Lagertha knows Bjorn is Ragnar's son.


Admittedly it would seem like a waste of time to devote time to it if Bjorn isn't Rollo's son, because why bother if nothing changes, but maybe it could cause some sort of development in Rollo and Lagertha's storylines by dealing with these issues from their past which happen to tie them together.  Plus I really have no vested interest in who is Bjorn's real father, so it doesn't matter who his father is to me, I basically agree with what Alexander said that Bjorn will be true to himself, which is the most important thing. I think someone mentioned Bjorn mentioned Ragnar alot, this may be the thing that has him truly let go and see himself as his own person, rather than emphasize as someone's son.

I think it would be kind of cool if this issue brought us some "flashbacks" with younger Rollo and younger Lagertha.  Don't know if they are doing anything like that but it could be interesting to see a pre-show younger and more innocent Lagertha and Rollo interacting to flesh them out more.  To see some of the choices brought them to where we met them when the show started.  We had that neat flashback to little girl Lagertha in the last episode.  So pretty up Clive and Katherine(not hard in either of their cases lol) use a little soft focus on the lens and we can get a glimpse of what they were like before.

Edited by tessathereaper
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OK, I had read a SPOILER months ago that Lagertha would be accidentally killed by Bjorn during battle as she was trying to protect Ivar.  At this point, I don't know if that's true because it sounds outlandish that she would do that.  If that spoiler is true, then Bjorn would not be Rollo's son.  Has the Seer ever been wrong in his prophecies?  

Edited by Babalooie
2 hours ago, Babalooie said:

OK, I had read a SPOILER months ago that Lagertha would be accidentally killed by Bjorn during battle as she was trying to protect Ivar.  At this point, I don't know it that's true because it sounds outlandish that she would do that.  If that spoiler is true, then Bjorn would not be Rollo's son.  Has the Seer ever been wrong in his prophecies?  

Another good point, though why in the world would Lagertha try to protect Ivar?  But none the less, that would be horrible to do to Bjorn have him kill his own mother, the character doesn't deserve that.    But in any case I think that supports the possibility that this plot is more about Rollo and Lagertha(and the late Ragnar) than Bjorn, about tying up loose end from the past.  The possibility that Bjorn could be Rollo's is simply the impetus to have them confront these things, it doesn't necessarily mean Bjorn ends up being Rollo's son.

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I'm very excited about the next part as well,I've spending lots of time scavenging for spoilers and hints.I've also thought that Lagretha will be dead by the end of season 5,as she doesn't seem to be on credits for season 6,but again there's no credit for Hvitserk ,and he's in the director's script that was shared on Instagram. .

I'm sort of confused didn't Ivar say he'll hand Kattgat to Harald,he seems in charge of it in the trailer?

Edited by Hyrrokkin

I just watched the trailer on youtube, ha.  Looks pretty interesting.  I don't like the snippet of Aethelred seeming to conspire against Alfred.  Why turn an actual historical figure who was dead by the time Alfred became king into a villain? These things bug me.

Show returns November 28 - such a long wait still.

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14 hours ago, magdalene said:

I just watched the trailer on youtube, ha.  Looks pretty interesting.  I don't like the snippet of Aethelred seeming to conspire against Alfred.  Why turn an actual historical figure who was dead by the time Alfred became king into a villain? These things bug me.

Show returns November 28 - such a long wait still.

Exactly!,I don't mind some of the things they mixed up(such as making Halfdan and Harald brothers),but somethings just make me wonder why not just do the real deal?(I'm still not over dead Sigurd).Anyways,I saw that coming since Alfred was a kid,preferring someone over another creates rivalry,and thus this conspiring plot.

Edited by Hyrrokkin
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1 hour ago, magdalene said:

So who is going to be the sacrifice next episode? Certain glimpses I got when I googled the French trailer leads me to believe maybe the Seer?  Any thoughts?

It looks like possibly the Seer is seeing and feeling it as it is happening, or is prophesying it while lying in his bed of dirt (or whatever it is).  I read somewhere that Floki returns and HE is the one being sacrificed.  I guess we'll find out soon.

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On ‎3‎/‎16‎/‎2017 at 12:54 AM, spinxella said:







Leaked page scripts from Season 5B.

Floki is living in Iceland. Aud might be his love interest. Lots of new characters.

Ivar and Hvitserk are back in Kattegat with new love interests Thora and Freydis.

Ubbe is leading the Saxon Army for King Alfred The Great. Torvi is with him.

Aethelwulf is dead and buried next to Ecbert. 

Judith lives on. :)

We'll see King Alfred's wife Elsewith and his daughter Ethelfled.

Bjorn is in York and hooking up with Gunnhild.


Based on Instagram/Snapchat photos, Lagertha is living in England now. Probably exiled by King Harald.

Alfred's brother Aethelred is still active and seems to be taping a lot with Alfred and Ubbe.


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1 hour ago, Babalooie said:
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If you're wondering how long Floki will last, the filmography dates on Gustaf Skarsgard's IMDB page will give you a clue.




One can’t totally rely on IDMb in circumstances where episode information on future seasons aren’t available. In Vikings case, IDMb isn’t even showing cast listings for future episodes of this season.

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On 12/31/2018 at 10:17 PM, Babalooie said:

Very interesting theory regarding Lagertha.

Accept we already have the spoilers about what happens with Lagertha.  So no no no to Iceland.  Even though this is a spoiler thread still I'll put it in a spoiler tag to be double sure:


First we already saw clips of Lagertha running around with shorter hair after she went "mad" and seemed to be a prisoner in a outside cage at one point saying it can't end this way.  So no she is not planning to exit to Iceland no way no how.

Second there was a spoiler way earlier that says -- and no timeline is given here -- that she dies protecting Ivar of all people from a death blow in a battle intended for him but striking her instead and I think at the hands of Bjorn if I remember correctly.  That is so tragically weird but also so Hirst if true.


The guy uses a lot of logic and I give him credit for trying and he puts together a nice, clever video there but clips already online say no to that. 

Also his Harold battling Bjorn stuff made no sense since he showed Harold killing the would be tough guy at York after losing the battle saying that could be Harold fighting Bjorn.  That was wrong too.  And I doubt that even Hirst will have Bjorn usurp Harold to become the first king of all of a united Norway because there is fudging history and then there is massacring it and to Norwegians this is a very big deal.  Like replacing George Washington with the Swamp Fox or something.  Maybe Bjorn gains Kattegat in the short term -- but not the rest of Norway -- but then FINALLY sails off back to the Mediterranean.

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Interesting bits from the ETCanada article:



What we’re going to see straight away in season six is different aspects of Ivar, of his character. He’s going to be very vulnerable. He’s going to be in a totally alien environment in which he is really trying to fight to stay alive. He is challenged like never before. He’s with someone who’s actually more powerful, more cruel, more ruthless than he ever was, and he has to try to survive this. But also, he forms a new relationship, which is completely different from any relationship he’s had before, in which he is fatherly, in which he’s emotional, in which he is sensitive, in which you engage with him in a totally different level.

Re: Floki


Well, I can’t say… that would be a spoiler. [How we pick up with Floki] is something that must remain under wraps, because it’s so important and so emotional and so fantastic.

This is good to hear.  I wasn't really going to watch but probably will now.


I think I’ve resolved the storyline of Hvitserk and Ivar, but also Ubbe (Jordan Patrick Smith).

Ubbe and Bjorn come into the show much more in the end of 5B, and share a stage with Ivar, and all their stories, good and bad, are paid off. So no one is going to be left [behind]. It’s not ambiguous. It’s a very satisfying finale. [Fans] might be weeping, but still, they’ll be happy that things will be resolved and all the storylines have resolved themselves. I felt very happy that I was able to do that, to properly pay off things I had set running seven years ago, and was able to do justice to all these great characters.

1 hour ago, Babalooie said:

Well, it looks like we WILL have Floki in some form in the first episode of Season 6.


Oh crap.  I do NOT want Floki back.  He had THE perfect and highly deserved ending.  Everyone loved it.  Anything after that will just ruin things.

Weird cast list.  Freydis is listed as back too.  Probably in flashbacks Ivar is having.

Also Alfred which I'm glad for because the England stuff is part of my favorite stuff as well as Kattegat now that the likeable crew is back in charge.  It is when they go to any place other than Kattegat or England that the shows nosedives for me. 

But no Harold listed.  Now I wonder if he did die off the cuff which would suck. 

And no Lagertha either.  This omission says we won't get to spend too much time in Kattegat the first episode.

Looks like tons of Russians though.  Seems Episode 1 will be at least 9/10 Ivar's Most Excellent Russian Adventure stuff which I don't like that percentage mix.  And why can't we stick with history and have Ivar return to England instead.  He had settlements in Ireland too they mentioned so he could go pick up a new army there.  These main guys on the show pick up new large armies all over the place no matter how many Red Shirt Vikings die constantly in battles.

And I don't want to see Ivar's soft vulnerable side like another link said.  There will then sure to be someone on the thread saying "I used to not like Ivar but I'm changing my mind now."  No no no!

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You can't trust the info on IMDB - it's a fan site and notoriously unreliable.

More dependable are photos and info from cast and crew.

The actress who played Freydis is still on the show in season 6 playing a new character, a woman who looks like she could be Freydis Doppelganger, only with dark hair. You can see her in the season 6 sneak peak.

Harald isn't dead.  There are multiple shots of Peter Franzen filming season 6.

I don't know about Floki.  He could be indeed dead or Hirst could be really sneaky and hiding some surprise there.

I have heard various rumors and speculation that either Hvitserk, Ubbe or Bjorn die next season.  Or all three die.  There are rumors that Hvitserk is burned alive.  The Ubbe death spec is mostly based on a pregnant Torvi looking sad at somebody's grave site in the season 6 sneak peak.  And Lagertha saying "He died for all for all of us."  For all I know she could mean Ragnar or Bjorn.   Other people claim that the Ubbe actor filmed to the end of the series. Torvi could look sad over a variety of people dying.

At this point it's hard to separate wishful thinking and wild speculation from real spoilers with some of this stuff floating out there.

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I thought Hvitserk would die this season trying to take out Ivar so I think he is the best candidate to die next season.  The two women he fell in love with both died at Ivar's hands and he has nothing to live for but his "journey" he started by stepping off the damn boat which he thinks has to end with him killing Ivar. 

The rumors that Hvitserk was burned alive probably appear online because they come from real history by the way because that was how history records that he did actually die after being captured by some enemy though not Ivar.  I posted that somewhere on this sub-forum myself and will re-post it here again.  People could have read these posts and think it was about the show instead of real history OR Hirst could finally go back to real history for the first time since Ragnar met a lot of snakes at his demise.

Wikipedia about Hvitserk:


After having avenged his father together with his brothers, he went to Gardarike (Garðaríki). Hvitserk also pillaged with the Rus. He was, however, opposed by such a large foe that he could not win. When asked about how he wished to die, he decided to be burned alive at a stake of human remains

So it was Hvitserk historically and not Ivar that actually went to Russia. ("Rus" are the Russians).

If Floki is listed I alas don't think he will just be in "previously on" or in a flashback scenes.  I think Hirst will screw up and have him survive the cave-in somehow.  Fortunately no one else was listed in the cast list from the Iceland crew.  At least I don't think so but then I never knew who they were anyway.  Just saying I HOPE Floki's story (and Iceland) are over or are about over.

Glad to hear Harold isn't dead.  I will never forgive him for what he did to that French farmer family or even killing Halfdan but he is an interesting character and commands the screen.

So the Freydis actor will be back with dark hair and probably as a Russian Viking to torment Ivar's soul maybe by reminding him of Freydis?  Except Ivar doesn't have a soul.

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It's official, my mind has been corrupted by watching too much of this show. I had a dream last night... I was hanging out with some random actress (I don't even remember who it was). I think I was some random actress too. Somehow, we found ourselves at the set of Vikings, probably because we were visiting someone. They were filming the scene with Floki and my friend said something like "I thought he was dead." And someone from the crew told her "No, this was just the beginning." 

Let's see if I'm a seer...

On 2/4/2019 at 1:07 PM, green said:

If Floki is listed I alas don't think he will just be in "previously on" or in a flashback scenes.  I think Hirst will screw up and have him survive the cave-in somehow.  Fortunately no one else was listed in the cast list from the Iceland crew.  At least I don't think so but then I never knew who they were anyway.  Just saying I HOPE Floki's story (and Iceland) are over or are about over.

I've seen Edge in season 6 set photos, maybe he can, I dunno, sail from Iceland to America so the show gets to include that detail?

This finale would have been such a perfect ending for Floki that I can't think of how they could top it. If he forgives the murder/cannibalism and sails to America with Edge that will risk seeming like a waste of the largely unpopular Iceland storyline, and I don't see how much he could contribute to the England/Ivar plots. The only idea I've actually liked has been Floki admitting that Athelstan won and becoming something we haven't really seen before - a genuine Christian convert. Thus far all the Viking conversions have been fake or political, but spoiler alert, these days we've got churches over here. Floki has been the most fanatical follower of the old gods and he's just had his search for meaning crushed by the failure of his community and the discovery that Irish monks got to Iceland first. When he's already lost so much of what mattered to him, trying to fill that void by becoming just as fanatical about a new religion doesn't seem impossible to me.

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What did you guys think of that promo?  They want us to believe that the mysterious figure on that horse with Bjorn's sword is Bjorn - which makes me think it is not Bjorn.

Okay, I have had this crack pot notion - don't laugh - could it be Floki? 

Hirst has said that this final stretch of the show is about the conflict between the Viking faith and Christianity, with Christianity winning out. We know that the Norse eventually converted to the Christian faith.  The last we saw of Floki was him buried in the rubble cackling when seeing that Christian cross.  Now somebody put that cross there and maybe that somebody rescued Floki. Floki was always one of the most religious characters on this show. He killed Athelstan not just because he was jealous but also because he felt Athelstan threatened his faith.  He could have had a conversion experience in that cave if he managed to survive.  Floki was a fanatic as a believer of the old gods, he could be just as fanatic as a converted Christian. He could have ended up with Alfred and his armies and is now facing Ivar and Hvitserk.

Anyways, I know I am probably completely off.  What do you think of the promo?

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