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The Brave - General Discussion

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On 10/28/2017 at 12:59 AM, blackwing said:


I wish this show was getting better ratings, I can't understand why Seal Team with David Bore-an-ass is so popular, he's such a terrible actor.   Seems to me the Brave might be suffering because of the similar theme, but we had E.R. and Chicago Hope (both medical shows set in Chicago hospitals) co-existing peacefully for years, and both were well received and acclaimed.

I love this show! For one thing I don't dislike any of the characters. I tried "Seal Team'. I made it an entire 15 minutes into the pilot. I also have a hard time telling McGuire and Amir apart. Unfortunately, this show is up against this seasons biggest new drama "The Good Doctor" so that is a ratings killer. 

This was easily the worst episode to-date.  Hoffman is just a stereotypical "rogue agent", I hated Patricia sleeping with him, and there was no reason not keep this windbag gagged other than PLOT!!!!!. If this had been the first episode, I wouldn't have bothered with watching.

On ‎1‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 5:02 PM, threebluestars said:

Was that Anne Heche's husband??

Overall, I was more interested in the missing US hacker girl than the backstory stuff with Patricia. I find her a more interesting character in the present, and I didn't really care for the flashbacks. It was dull. I hope the second part gets more interesting. I wish we'd been able to spend more time with Verina.

They're not married, but he is her "partner".

Yes to all the second paragraph.

On ‎1‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 7:50 PM, dargosmydaddy said:

I was underwhelmed. Didn't care about Patricia's backstory, and Preach and Amir were too easily rattled by what'shisname. Also, did I miss something as to why they didn't just keep him gagged and therefore unable to make cryptic and unnerving comments?


On ‎1‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 8:52 AM, JudgeyMcJudgyPants said:

I agree that everyone got too rattled by him. Don’t these folks go through hours and hours and hours of psychological training to not get rattled in situations like this.  Writing like this annoys me.

All of this.  Why did they even allow this jerk to talk at all?

The Jaz episodes were 10/10; this was 1/10.

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39 minutes ago, jhlipton said:

This was easily the worst episode to-date.  Hoffman is just a stereotypical "rogue agent", I hated Patricia sleeping with him, and there was no reason not keep this windbag gagged other than PLOT!!!!!. If this had been the first episode, I wouldn't have bothered with watching.

They're not married, but he is her "partner".

Yes to all the second paragraph.


All of this.  Why did they even allow this jerk to talk at all?

The Jaz episodes were 10/10; this was 1/10.

I agree, they took the worst from SEAL Team and magnified it without a combat payoff. I guess that is part 2.

What was with the remote control of  submarine. I thought that they couldn't receive such messages the ocean itself insulating things and the watch keeping traditions having sailors put in command inputs.

On 1/24/2018 at 10:07 PM, Lyanna19 said:

Ok I have one question who was whatshisname referring to when he said "your boyfriend" to Jaz. Dalton or Amir? I'm hoping Dalton, (I know there are a few who don't want this romance, but I do) this guy is very astute do I'm guessing he picked up some vibes between Dalton and Jaz.


Hoffman was referring to Dalton. After Dalton hit him and demanded for him to talk, he says to Jaz..."Does your boyfriend always have such a short fuse?"

I agree with everyone in preferring to watch this team handle missions, not play babysitter.

Also, did it bug anyone else that Patricia had a flirtatious smile on the whole time in every scene she had with Hoffman, even when they were talking about something serious?

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@calipiano81 thanks for the clarification, I must have not been playing attention, all I heard was "your boyfriend"

And yes it did! (Bug me about Patricia and that smile) also I thought Anne Heche was gay? Or is she bisexual? I'm too lazy to Google it, but I didn't know about the real life husband.

Still for all it's little short comings I like this show, I'm hoping for more Jaz time tho...

2 hours ago, Lyanna19 said:


And yes it did! (Bug me about Patricia and that smile) also I thought Anne Heche was gay? Or is she bisexual? I'm too lazy to Google it, but I didn't know about the real life husband.

Anne and Ellen broke up in 2000, shortly before Anne had a full mental breakdown. She later married a cameraman, had a baby and then left him for Tupper.

I admit that her being part of this cast made me reluctant to watch this, even tho this plot line is is right up my alley. Something about her voice sets my teeth on edge. But she doesn’t bug me as much as I anticipated. 

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On 1/26/2018 at 1:09 PM, jhlipton said:

This was easily the worst episode to-date.  Hoffman is just a stereotypical "rogue agent", I hated Patricia sleeping with him, and there was no reason not keep this windbag gagged other than PLOT!!!!!. If this had been the first episode, I wouldn't have bothered with watching.


Completely agreed.  It was also so cliched. You can't have a strong, capable woman without also writing it that she let herself get drawn into an inappropriate work-related sexual relationship early in her career. :/

I thought this was early for a season finale, but hadn't realized it is because the show is ending. Bummer.  :(  I really like it.

Much better than Part 1.  I was rolling my eyes a little at the hacking stuff.  However, the scene with Jaz at the bar and the compound infiltration more than made up for it. 

I was worried Dalton was going to get caught monologuing.  I may have been talking to my TV, “just shoot him!”  Then I thought he was going to let him live and take him into custody.  Color me a little surprised, pleasantly so, that he put a bullet in his head.

I’m really going to be upset if Preach dies.

Come on NBC! Don’t cancel this show!!!

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8 hours ago, JudgeyMcJudgyPants said:

However, the scene with Jaz at the bar and the compound infiltration more than made up for it. 

Indeed! Between Jaz's Cockney accent, and McG's anger at having to let the guy beat him up, that scene was highly amusing. (I was also amused by Hannah wincing back at headquarter's... perhaps "Joseph" made quite the impression on her!)

Overall it was a decent-ish season/ possibly series ending, though I do wish it had been Patricia left in the coma rather than Preach. I would imagine if the show gets renewed, there will be some kind of time jump and Preach will have (miraculously) recovered, but if it gets cancelled, I'd kind of like to imagine Patricia getting replaced by Noah, who has been quietly and adorkably awesome all season.

7 hours ago, Netfoot said:

Yeah!  Instead, boost ratings!  Add a dog to the team!

Speaking of which, what ever happened to the dog Adam would feed on base earlier in the season?

14 hours ago, sgallimo said:

Hello! Anyone know who sang "No Expectations" and the end of Part 2? Thanks in advance

According to tunefind.com, it was by AG (feat. Barcelona).

Edited by dargosmydaddy
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14 hours ago, JudgeyMcJudgyPants said:

Much better than Part 1.  I was rolling my eyes a little at the hacking stuff.  However, the scene with Jaz at the bar and the compound infiltration more than made up for it. 

I was worried Dalton was going to get caught monologuing.  I may have been talking to my TV, “just shoot him!”  Then I thought he was going to let him live and take him into custody.  Color me a little surprised, pleasantly so, that he put a bullet in his head.

I’m really going to be upset if Preach dies.

Come on NBC! Don’t cancel this show!!!

All of this, +1. I literally cheered when Adam shot him. “YESSSS!!!!” Then I rewound and watched it two more times. I will be very, very bummed if this doesn’t get renewed. 

I laughed out loud at both “I coulda kicked his ass” AND <cold cock> “you feel better now?!”  Ha! Way to go Joseph!

I also like how they portray Noah & Hannah’s friendship. Good friends, co-workers, no UST (well, Noah may have a slight crush). But it’s not interfering in their jobs. 

I thought the last scene was very well acted, and kudos to the actor who portrayed Captain Halsey, because he sure as shit convinced me he was ready to die along w 149 of his fellow sailors. I thought that was a great twist. Well, prob not a twist to everyone else who saw it coming, but I didn’t and thought it was prob spot on as to how a sub captain would react in a real situation. 

Who knew James Tupper had it in him to be a baddie?! Almost as good a villain as Mr. Schue last week on Grey’s!

Edited by betsyboo
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15 minutes ago, threebluestars said:

I loved the scene with them infiltrating the compound Verena was being held in, and Verena's little smiles as she realized what was happening lol.

I too, noticed her bemused smile as the compound went down. I hope the show gets renewed. If it does, would Verina be brought in as a specialist?  Seems like she has a special talent that they could use. 

Poor Preach. I would think that either he or Patricia would have suffered some sort of visible injury, skull damage, burns, hearing loss or other physical damage.  But, alas on TV no one wants to show what really happens when a bomb goes off only feet from you.

Well, we're pulling for you show!  (Crosses fingers).

Wouldn't have cared if it was Patricia in the coma.

Loved the bar scene too! One question though, whatever happened to Victor after they got him? He sure is cute! (I know, I know, he's the bad guy, blah blah blah, but he did come to a woman's defense and he backed off, that makes him some kind of gentleman in my books....) Who is the actor anyways? (Have to do a Google on him)

Dalton, you the man, on "Top" of things. (Pun intended) got him good, I like the way he took Jaz's shot back at the compound, seems to me he does care about her, not wanting her to go through that emotion of having to shoot someone... But the romantic in me wanted him to reach out to her in some other way too...

Hacker girl was cool even if it's a little unrealistic that she could do all that and no one else, and yes I do know there are some incredibly smart teenage hackers out there, but c'mon defeating everybody?

I hope this show gets renewed, just because I'm hoping for some Dalton and Jaz moments. ( That was a joke I love the others too and I hope Preach makes it, all of them make a great team!

It was fun!

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They could have made this a single-episode by editing out all of Hoffman's stoooooooooooopid blather and it would have been so much better.

Why would they leave anything, much less a potential bomb within 10 feet of this clown.  Highly unbelievable.

18 hours ago, betsyboo said:

I thought the last scene was very well acted, and kudos to the actor who portrayed Captain Halsey, because he sure as shit convinced me he was ready to die along w 149 of his fellow sailors. I thought that was a great twist. Well, prob not a twist to everyone else who saw it coming, but I didn’t and thought it was prob spot on as to how a sub captain would react in a real situation. 

They did a similar thing -- ship about to cross enemy waters -- on 24 and the pathos was turned up to 12.  This was so much better.

1 hour ago, Casually Observant said:

He got in the car and it blew up with no time to do anything but die. Doesn't seem like he could have survived at all. Theories anyone?


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17 hours ago, Lyanna19 said:

Dalton, you the man, on "Top" of things. (Pun intended) got him good, I like the way he took Jaz's shot back at the compound, seems to me he does care about her, not wanting her to go through that emotion of having to shoot someone... But the romantic in me wanted him to reach out to her in some other way too...

Oh, I don't think he took the shot so she could escape the emotion of killing someone - she's their sniper. I assumed he took it because he was pissed about all of it - Hoffman, kidnapping the girl, stupid henchmen - I took it that he was just pissed and wanted to shoot someone!

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Like everyone else I want this show to continue. For me, all the characters are so likable.  (Which is rare fro me since I tend to dislike or only tolerate at least one of the "good guys" in all the shows I watch). I even like Patricia, though I do think she shines when she is interacting with Dalton.  Their dynamic just seems right.  Oh no! I think I'm shipping them.  The returned necklace and hand holding at the end.  I think I'm doomed again. Sigh.

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Remember when Dalton was talking to Jaz a couple of episodes ago after she was rescued but had not been cleared?  Dalton said he had sliced a guys throat who had killed one of his team mates and had to be restrained because he wanted to take 5he guys head off and mount it on a rack?  He also said that guy the dark side of him was always there.  Patricia and Preach were in the hospital as a direct effect Alex’s  bomb.  Dude was dead man walking.  Adam went off the reservation to exact vengeance, the scary thing was it was not in rage he was logical and restrained.  He could have taken the computer before Alex returned to his hideout, he waited because killing Alex was on his personal agenda.  Hurting his boss and a teammate painted a bullseye on Alex that he did not realize was going to happen.  Alex thought he knew the team but his arrogance led to his downfall. IMHO

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On ‎1‎/‎31‎/‎2018 at 2:24 PM, piequinn35 said:

Ok how did Alex get off that car blast?

In a hand-waving kind of way, I think he hacked the video feed of the car blast.  He said to Patricia something like - I waited for you to warn me, up until I opened the door.  So he knew she had been given orders to kill him, and he knew how it was going to be done.  Manipulate the video to show him walking up to the car and putting his hand on the door, then pause video, get away from car, start video at the moment he blows the car himself.  In my head, it works, so that's what I'm going with.

Sure hope they renew the show.  I like all the characters, some more than others.  I like the way they get the headquarters people out in the field occasionally. I especially like the pace at which they have disclosed information about the team members.

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1 hour ago, seewillrun said:

In a hand-waving kind of way, I think he hacked the video feed of the car blast.  He said to Patricia something like - I waited for you to warn me, up until I opened the door.  So he knew she had been given orders to kill him, and he knew how it was going to be done.  Manipulate the video to show him walking up to the car and putting his hand on the door, then pause video, get away from car, start video at the moment he blows the car himself.  In my head, it works, so that's what I'm going with.

Sure hope they renew the show.  I like all the characters, some more than others.  I like the way they get the headquarters people out in the field occasionally. I especially like the pace at which they have disclosed information about the team members.

But, there should be a person following him and confirming the remains... Oh well :)

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9 minutes ago, xtwheeler said:

Aaannnd, according to TV Grim Reaper, canceled. :(

I checked out TV Grim Reaper, and not a reliable source. They're based off of predictions, not accurate reports (for example, they had Dynasty go from likely being cancelled to likely being renewed in a couple of weeks). So I won't be surprised if it's cancelled, but it's not officially cancelled yet. Deadline or TvLine are sources that can be trusted. 

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On 10/9/2017 at 10:08 AM, Drogo said:

This. He's looking a little young to have made E-8 before crossing over.  The show could have easily given him a different nickname, so it bugs.

For comparison my First Sergeant, he would not allow soldiers or the Captain to call him Top, was 32 when I  joined my unit. The Platoon Sergeant who broke me in before being promoted to  First Sergeant of another company a couple of years older than him.


In any case as a Special Forces team Sergeant, third in command of an A-Team Dalton would have been "Top" at that point of his career before getting a warrant and as a Warrant Officer would be the second in command of a team. Since Army Special Forces don't take Lieutenants directly. In a few cases those Warrant Officers mke Captain and stay Special Forces and as close as the soldiers with that career path came to the regular Army were as Privates and Specialst in the 75th Ranger Regiment 

20 hours ago, threebluestars said:

I really loved the characters, and I'm so mad it's not coming back. I've lost so many shows this year, it's awful. It makes me not want to watch anything new until I know it's getting a season 2.

Yes. 13 shows is all a series gets now. And many times a decision is made after 5 or 6 shows. When there is an ensemble cast like this show, that’s barely enough time to be keeping the characters straight!

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