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World Of Dance - General Discussion

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Wow, that was boring. Here's a hip hop dance group dancing against a hip hop dance group, followed by two hip hop dance groups dancing against each other, & then we'll have some hip hop dance groups, & look over there! it's a hip hop dance group!. Then there are two girl groups who can lift their legs high. They need more variety.

  • Love 6
16 minutes ago, GaT said:

Wow, that was boring. Here's a hip hop dance group dancing against a hip hop dance group, followed by two hip hop dance groups dancing against each other, & then we'll have some hip hop dance groups, & look over there! it's a hip hop dance group!. Then there are two girl groups who can lift their legs high. They need more variety.

To me, World of Dance should showcase (or, I guess “duel”) the amazing types of dance out there in the world.  I love me a great hip hop group, but even I stopped paying attention after a while. 

  • Love 3

Junior team duels under the cut:


VPeepz (92+92+94=92.7) vs Battle Droids Crew (90+90+91=90.3)

Intention (87+88+86=87) vs Get Down District (89+88+87=88)

MKAM (9+88+92=90.7) vs Elektro Crew (93+90+90=91)

JDC (98+95+95=96) vs Dancetown Divas (96+95+94=95)

The Crazy 8’s (94+92+94=93.3) vs. West Springfield Dance (92+89+87=89.3)

Redemption round:


Dancetown Divas vs. MKAM

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo

VPeepz vs Battle Droids Crew - for me, there was no contest between these two performances. VPeepz delivered a much better performance with better choreography. The Battle Droids routine was entertaining but the choreography was too simply in general, but even more so compared to the VPeepz routine.

Intention vs Get Down District - I did not like Intention's routine. It felt way too light on actual choreography. Sorry, but running in place and slowly walking to a formation are not great ways to show off your technical prowess. They were generally clean but this routine did them no favors. It was boring and didn't have good choreography or a lot of dance skills. I was expecting the typical contemporary routine (which bores me) and I got even less than that. They had a few tricks that showed they have some skills, but they really need a better choreographer. Get Down District's routine was more interesting to watch. They were synchronized (which can be difficult with wacking) and I liked their vibe.

MKAM vs Elektro Crew - overall, I thought MKAM did better. Their choreography was better for the most part, and they were cleaner. Elektro Crew made some smart choices, the most important being to choreograph to the music. That move that the J-Lo loved went with the music which is why it had an impact. When they showed it again during judging without any music, it was clear that the move itself wasn't that impressive. They were just all moving to the left together. Wasn't Ne-Yo the one complaining last week because one of the routines didn't have enough narrative? And this week he's thanking Elektro Crew for not having too much narrative so he doesn't have to think? Make up your mind, Ne-Yo. I would have chosen MKAM to go through to the next round.

Dancetown Divas vs JDC - even though I am just about all contemporary-ed out, I preferred JDC. Their routine was packed with difficulty and tons of choreography. Dancetown Divas took way too long to actually start dancing (as opposed to posing in formation) and their choreography was too simple. I thought Dancetown was really overscored. Seriously, a 95 average?

The Crazy 8’s vs West Springfield Dance - I usually do not like kiddie competition dancers but the Crazy 8's had amazing control in their technical skills. I had the same issue as whichever judge said that they need some transitions between all the tricks. I liked that West Springfield had a concept and they stayed in character but the choreography and performance didn't live up to the idea of what they were doing.

Redemption: Dancetown Divas vs MKAM - I thought Dancetown Divas got a bit repetitive which opened the door for MKAM. Unfortunately, there are already so many hip hop groups that I think the judges decided to go with an act that wasn't hip hop to add some variety to the next round.

Despite other people's complaints about seeing so many hip hop groups duel against each other, since that's what the judges put through, I'd prefer to see similar styles battle against each other instead of some of the weird duels we've seen in the past (like how fair is it to put a tap dancer against a contemporary dancer?).

  • Love 4

I didn't love Dancetown Divas as much as JLo seemed to.  To me, they seemed to just try to capture the wow factor of the Fabulous Sisters red skirts from last year, but failed. 

I just thought the scores kept getting more and more inflated.  For those two middle of the pack teams to get in the mid-90's was crazy. 

I liked MKAM better. I thought their choreography was much more interesting. 

  • Love 2
13 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

And less "hey....heeeeey…..heyyyyy"

So much this. I guess because J-Lo does it, they all have to. Multiple times during every routine. I'll bet it's funny if you have closed captioning on though. "Hey hey hey hey." Like the old Gary Larson cartoon about the invention that lets the wearer hear what dogs are really saying. (It's "Hey hey hey hey hey.")

Last week I couldn't believe that the dancers I liked were the ones put through. Well, up until the last couple duels. Last year none of my favorites made it through. Then last night it was back to my favorites getting beaten. Again. *sigh* Although I do admit that the hip-hop groups started to all look the same toward the end of the show so I sort of quit paying much attention.

I noticed the judges are starting to get little vignettes of how funny and clever and best friends they are, like is done on The Voice. Eh.

Edited by saber5055
  • Love 1

Ok while the mirror dance was beautiful, I didn't see how it was a a duel dance. Maybe I missed it or just don't understand how it was a duel dance.

Ok, it is because contemporary dance just doesn't do it for me and I got that the Divas were dueling. I just don't get why one act gets called out for not having a duel performance in a duel and others don't.  

And of course what do I know about dance because I am not a dancer or a judge or anything. 

Edited by toodywoody
  • Love 1
3 hours ago, toodywoody said:

Ok while the mirror dance was beautiful, I didn't see how it was a a duel dance. Maybe I missed it or just don't understand how it was a duel dance.

Ok, it is because contemporary dance just doesn't do it for me and I got that the Divas were dueling. I just don't get why one act gets called out for not having a duel performance in a duel and others don't.  

And of course what do I know about dance because I am not a dancer or a judge or anything. 

I'm assuming the "it's not a duel piece" is just Ne-Yo's go to critique when he doesn't like a performer but doesn't have any constructive feedback to give them.

  • Love 3

I am grumpy about the selective mutism reactions. I feel like producers pull a sob story from any possible thing they could from each group and this was the best they could find in this group of girls. I'm tired of the stories. Let them just dance. No cut aways (hey!) and reaction shots from everyone in the room instead of showing the dance.

Edited by Lyinfait
  • Love 3

S3.E6: Duels 3


The Duels round continues with judges Jennifer Lopez, Derek Hough, NE-YO and a new twist of Redemption! In this round, the top qualifying acts from each division will choose a rival and face off in a head-to-head elimination duel. The judges will score each act based on their artistry, precision and athleticism, and the top scoring act from each duel will move forward in the competition. In Redemption, the two highest scoring eliminated acts have one final chance to compete for the last spot in the next round of the competition bringing them closer to winning a grand prize of $1 million.

Original air date: 3/31/19

Junior division duels:


Ellie and Ava (90+92+93=91.7) vs. Audrey and Mia (91+89+90=90)

Kayla Mak (90+90+93=91) vs. Funkanometry (92+91+92=91.7)

Aydin Eyikan (91+89+91=90.3) vs. Moving 4ward (94+93+92=93)

Julian and Charlize (96+96+94=95.3) vs. The Trilogy (89+90+91=90)

Lauren Yakima (97+95+96=96) vs. House of Tap (92+89+93=91.3)

Redemption round:


House of Tap vs Kayla Mak:

Junior division duels
Ellie and Ava (90+92+93=91.7) vs. Audrey and Mia (91+89+90=90)
Great choreography choices for Ellie and Ava. On top of the amazing control in their turns, the way they landed so softly was great. The only mistake I saw was they were not completely in sync during one of their fouettés à la second but they got synched back up in the next turn. Everything else was technically solid and they made sure to do something more emotional (per the judges' request from the previous round) without being overwrought and flaily.

J Lo, I enjoy you as an entertainer, but as a singer, YOU ARE NO KELLY CLARKSON. I know it's hard to resist singing along but you really need to because all that moment did was remind me that you are a dancer who sings, not a singer.

Ahem. Back to the dancing - Audrey and Mia didn't measure up to Ellie and Ava in terms of skills or choreography. They performed well and were committed to their characters but for me, Ellie and Ava clearly won this round.

Kayla Mak (90+90+93=91) vs. Funkanometry (92+91+92=91.7)
Kayla is very talented but her choreography for this round wasn't as effective as her routine in the first round. One of my pet peeves with ballet auditions on shows like this is when dancers wear pointe shoes but don't actually do anything to merit it. I know she can dance en pointe from the previous round, but in this routine, she may as well have been barefoot. Funkanometry's choreography was on the simple side but fun to watch. I liked that their duel moves directed at Kayla weren't mean spirited and that she was able to just laugh at them.

Aydin Eyikan (91+89+91=90.3) vs. Moving 4ward (94+93+92=93)
While I appreciate the audience being supportive, it drives me crazy when they applaud for stuff that isn't that amazing, like the flip Aydin did at the beginning of his routine. For reference, when I was in high school, one of our students decided to add one of those in the middle of the a routine for our spring concert. She pointed to the girl who was in the middle of the formation and said, "I'm going to teach you how to do this flip." Ten minutes later, the girl in the middle was doing it. And as a dancer, J Lo should know that a dive roll is not something that needs to be singled out for praise. I mean, seriously, that's something that little kids do in after school beginner gymnastics classes. All I'm saying is instead of going WOOO and gushng over simple skills, maybe save that kind of enthusiasm for stuff that's actually difficult.

Aydin has great flexibility but his choreography was not good enough. It was boring and simple and not good enough for a competition. For a dance recital solo, it would be great. For $1 million? No. Derek, that was a walk over with a 180, not a 360. Ne-Yo's comment about how Aydin dances like someone who's 35 was ridiculous. 35 is when most contemporary dancers are retired from performing professionally. I did agree with what he said about Aydin's last flip being heavy, but it's not necessarily about getting higher. It's about landing softly and cleanly. He landed heavily and in a messy way.

I wasn't crazy about Moving 4ward's routine. It was good but not great, but I knew the judges would love it because there was a story and it would make them emotional. They were smart to make sure to tell the judges that they listened to their comments from the first round to fix what they said they needed to work on. Because there are four of them, they need to work on their synchronization.

Julian and Charlize (96+96+94=95.3) vs. The Trilogy (89+90+91=90)
Even though there were a couple of different times when Julian and Charlize weren't in sync, I loved their performance. They really brought it. Their routine was entertaining, full of energy and attitude, and fun to watch.

I had the same issue with the Trilogy's choreography in this round as I did in the previous round. Both routines felt like most of the time was a duet with a third wheel in the background doing a leap. The routine was okay but not amazing and I want better than okay.

Lauren Yakima (97+95+96=96) vs. House of Tap (92+89+93=91.3)
Lauren's choreography was much better in this round than the last time around. She obviously has a lot of strength and flexibility, both of which were showcased a lot better in this routine. I agree with Derek - she is really solid with no wobbles. She has so much control.

House of Tap gets automatic demerits for using a Chris Brown song. I knew that no matter what they did, they wouldn't be able to get past Lauren so it was just a matter of whether they could score enough to get into the redemption round.

Redemption round
Even though I know we need some variety in the dance styles, but I preferred Kayla Mak to House of Tap. And poor Kayla was trying to talk into the microphone they handed her but we couldn't hear a damn thing she was saying. Pay attention, sound guys!

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Kayla Mak (90+90+93=91) vs. Funkanometry (92+91+92=91.7)
Kayla is very talented but her choreography for this round wasn't as effective as her routine in the first round. One of my pet peeves with ballet auditions on shows like this is when dancers wear pointe shoes but don't actually do anything to merit it. I know she can dance en pointe from the previous round, but in this routine, she may as well have been barefoot. Funkanometry's choreography was on the simple side but fun to watch. I liked that their duel moves directed at Kayla weren't mean spirited and that she was able to just laugh at them.

So much this! I have felt that both of her performances were contemporary pieces that happened to have some pointe, rather than a contemporary ballet piece. 

I think all of that scoring and shots of slide bar are fake.  I think the judges choose who they want to win out of the 2 and that's it.   After the first 2 acts go and there is someone in redemption they then pick if the next loser is better than the last loser to displace them out of redemption.   Then the producer math bots go to work to manufacture the scores for TV.  

It doesn't make sense otherwise because there are too many slide bar categories and too much math variables to get the scores we are getting.  

  • Love 2

S3.E7: Duels 4


The Duels round concludes with judges Jennifer Lopez, Derek Hough, NE-YO and a new twist of Redemption! In this round, the top qualifying acts from each division will choose a rival and face off in a head-to-head elimination duel. The judges will score each act based on their artistry, precision and athleticism, and the top scoring act from each duel will move forward in the competition. In Redemption, the two highest scoring eliminated acts have one final chance to compete for the last spot in the next round of the competition bringing them closer to winning a grand prize of $1 million.

Original air date: 4/7/19

On 4/1/2019 at 3:24 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Ne-Yo's comment about how Aydin dances like someone who's 35 was ridiculous. 35 is when most contemporary dancers are retired from performing professionally.

Exactly. Which is why I thought it was shade, not a compliment.

I have a crush on Julian.

We were correct thinking this season wouldn't go by without an appearance by Eva Igo. *barf*

Finally, let me quote the judges: "Hey, hey, hey ... heeeeyyyyyyyy! HEY!" And: "Hey."

  • LOL 3

Upper team duels:


Radiance (93+95+93=93.7) vs Main Guys (90+88+90=89.3)

Fuego Dance Crew (93+91+89=91) vs Siudy Flamenco (90+89+90=89.7)

Unity LA (96+97+98=97) vs Style and Grace (88+88+88=88)

The Heima (99+95+96=96.7) vs Exiles (95+93+91=93)

The Kings (100+99+99=99.3) vs Motiv Crew (90+91+89=90)

Redemption round


Exiles vs Motiv Crew

Front row: redemption

  • Love 1

Radiance (93+95+93=93.7) vs Main Guys (90+88+90=89.3)
I kept waiting for the Radiance routine to actually start. All of it seemed like intro/filler without kicking in to the real meat of a performance. Sure, they were synchronized but the choreography wasn't that complex. They had a few tricks that were pretty run of the mill (a solo triple pirouette, a toss in the back) but apparently they were enough to wow J Lo.

I thought the Main Guys group was fine in the opening round but I enjoyed this performance a lot more. They had energy, intensity, and some classic hip hop choreography.

Fuego Dance Crew (93+91+89=91) vs Siudy Flamenco (90+89+90=89.7)
I enjoyed everything about Fuego's performance, from their swag and facial expressions to the choreography and the shapes that they made.

Siudy made some smart choices/changes from the first round to this round. I liked the intro with the fans AND I liked that they didn't use them the whole time. Sometimes when people use props, they feel like they have to use them a lot throughout the routine, so I'm glad that they were restrained in their use of the fans. Like tap, I think flamenco is always going to be a hard sell against other dance styles, meaning a decent hip hop or contemporary routine will usually get a higher score than an excellent flamenco or tap routine, so they were fighting an uphill battle.

Unity LA (96+97+98=97) vs Style and Grace (88+88+88=88)
I give Unity credit for just diving right into the performance without the need for a slow intro. They came right out of the gate with full energy. Unfortunately it felt like the choreography bordered on frantic which I didn't love (as the saying goes, speed creates the illusion of mastery). I also felt like if you slowed the choreography down to half time, it wasn't that impressive, interesting, or innovative. It was fine, but nothing to write home about so I found it interesting that the judges said Style and Grace didn't have anything unique.

I thought Style and Grace was fine, but I could tell from the judges' comments that they were toast.

The Heima (99+95+96=96.7) vs Exiles (95+93+91=93)
The Heima had one of my favorite performances from the first round so I was excited to see what they would do this time. One of my favorite things about this routine was that everything flowed naturally from one thing to the next without any awkward or forced transitions. The routine was also packed with choreography and all kinds of moves. It was like the dance equivalent of a patter song (but unlike Unity's routine, it never felt frantic - it was all done smoothly and in control).

The Exiles lost me almost immediately. There's dueling/throwing shade/challenging someone and then there's pretending that you're beating up your competition during your routine which I think is crossing the line into declassé. I liked the magician trick they did near the end, but for me there was no question who won this duel.

The Kings (100+99+99=99.3) vs Motiv Crew (90+91+89=90)
I really liked the Kings in the first round and they exceeded my expectations in this round. They were so high energy and aggressive without being dicks. Lots of smart choreography choices. I loved their ending - you have to end on a strong note and they did it. Sometimes I harp on costumes (usually because they aren't great) but in this case I loved their costumes which were really effective. Red is always a great color on stage, but in addition the gold crossed on top of their black tops were so visually striking. I had nothing negative to say about this group. After their performance, all I could think was, well, whoever is up against them is fucked.

Motiv Crew was fine, but I didn't love them. IIRC this was the same reaction I had to them in the first round. They had some fun choreography but I wanted more.

Redemption: Motiv Crew vs Exiles
These two groups were pretty even for me but I gave the slight edge to Exiles. I would have been fine with Motiv Crew moving forward through.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 2
7 minutes ago, GaT said:

What's with this "goosies" word they keep using? It's "goosebumps", where did they get "goosies"?

J Lo's been babbling about goosies all season which is really annoying. That's why I usually skip the judges' comments. I just watch the 60-90 seconds of each routine. It makes the show go by much more quickly!

  • LOL 1
  • Love 3
13 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

J Lo's been babbling about goosies all season which is really annoying. That's why I usually skip the judges' comments. I just watch the 60-90 seconds of each routine. It makes the show go by much more quickly!

That's what I do too, but sometimes I'm doing something & can't FF at the same time. It's amazing how many times I've heard the word "goosies", if someone who FF most of the show is annoyed by it, they must be saying it every other word during the parts I skipped.

  • LOL 1
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, GaT said:

That's what I do too, but sometimes I'm doing something & can't FF at the same time. It's amazing how many times I've heard the word "goosies", if someone who FF most of the show is annoyed by it, they must be saying it every other word during the parts I skipped.

I can't imagine how tedious this show must be to listen to the whole way through. The judges' comments are so useless. I can barely handle the endless "HEEEEEEY!" interjections during the dances.

  • LOL 2
  • Love 5
5 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

I can't imagine how tedious this show must be to listen to the whole way through. The judges' comments are so useless. I can barely handle the endless "HEEEEEEY!" interjections during the dances.

If I'm watching live, I use the filler time to get reading and housework done, making sure that I'm back for the actual dancing.  Luckily, I was away last night and PVR'd the show, which means I get to FF to my heart's content tonight!

One thing that was interesting about the Kings' performance is how they incorporated moves from their source material into their performance.  But clearly, none of the judges are familiar with Bollywood (Derek didn't even know how to pronounce it).  So they had no clue just how layered and nuanced the Kings' choreography was.

For anyone that is interested, the Kings danced to a remixed version of "Malhari" (from the movie Bajirao Mastani): https://youtu.be/l_MyUGq7pgs

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Rehearsal: The Kings

Amazing how good this show could be if the cutaways to the judges and spectator faces are removed, the sound is only the music with no "HEY! Hey! Heeeyyys!" heard, and we get to actually see the entire routine through the lens of one camera, not five shot from multiple angles.

  • LOL 1
  • Love 3
On 4/8/2019 at 4:07 PM, realdancemom said:

I haven't watched this episode so I can't comment on it.  But "goosies" is JLo's term for goosebumps.  She says it a lot.

Didn't JLo start using the word "goosies" when she was a Judge on "AMerican Idol"?  When a singer would give a wonderful performance, JLo would say they gave her "goosies"(short for goosebumps), and she would rub her arms for emphasis....I think, she thinks its sounds cute. 

  • Love 2

I love the rehearsal footage and see what changes to the final product.  That’s really cool.  The kings were impressive.  I didn’t see their first round.

I will say that some of the hip hop groups were clearly overmatched and it left me yearning just to see something else.  You could see the top 3 for sure separating themselves...if you can’t beat them then not sure why they put anyone else through because we were watching some really slow and labored basic groups.  

  • Love 1
17 hours ago, BuckeyeLou said:

Didn't JLo start using the word "goosies" when she was a Judge on "AMerican Idol"?  When a singer would give a wonderful performance, JLo would say they gave her "goosies"(short for goosebumps), and she would rub her arms for emphasis....I think, she thinks its sounds cute. 

After I wrote what I did, I also remembered JLo using "goosies" in AI.  Luckily, Keith and Harry didn't pick up on it like Derek and NeYo are doing.

14 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

I love the rehearsal footage and see what changes to the final product.  That’s really cool.  The kings were impressive.  I didn’t see their first round.

I will say that some of the hip hop groups were clearly overmatched and it left me yearning just to see something else.  You could see the top 3 for sure separating themselves...if you can’t beat them then not sure why they put anyone else through because we were watching some really slow and labored basic groups.  

Even though the adult teams also had a lot of hip-hop like the youth teams, I think this category definitely established the top three.  I enjoyed all three of them and think they are the ones that are going to make the cut.  The other categories are more up in the air except I do think Amy Yakima is a lock.

Like other years, it's mostly contemporary and hip-hop with a little bit of Latin.  This show is not fair for tap, flamenco, or pointe.  For tap and flamenco, they need to put a mike on the floor and use a wooden floor so you could hear them more.  The floor also is not friendly to pointe.  It looks slippery to me.  I also think that Kayla had to dance contemporary during the duels/redemption round.  The judges want to see a battle and have that duel mentality.   They want the audience to be ramped up.  Most classical ballet is "pretty", "flowy", etc.  I like what Kayla did in her redemption round.

  • Love 1

S3.E8: Cut 1


In The Cut round one, the acts face the deepest and most intense cut of the season with judges Jennifer Lopez, Derek Hough and NE-YO. The top six acts from each division remain but only the top three highest-scoring acts from each division will move on to the Divisional Final and be one step closer to winning a grand prize of $1 million. This week, Derek Hough mentors the Upper Division and special guest Jenna Dewan returns to mentor the Junior Team Division.

Original air date: 4/14/19

6 hours ago, Tikichick said:

If I had a nickel for every time that's flown out of my mouth during WOD ... 

MKAM would get deserved respect there for sure.

I thought MKAM won their dual and didn't need to go to the redemption round.  They were good in the redemption round too but I'm sure the judges wanted more diversity in the styles.

Upper division:


Jonathan y Jorge (91+90+91=90.7)

Derion and Madison (94+95+95=94.7)

All Ready (92+92+92=92)

Briar Nolet (93+96+97=95.3)

D’Angelo Brothers (90+92+93=91.7)

Poppin John (95+95+95=95)

Junior teams:


VPeepz (100+98+98=98.7)

Elektro Crew (91+90+89=90)

JDC (92+89+93=91.3)

Crazy 8’s (91+93+93=92.3)

Get Down District (89+89+88=88.7)

Dancetown Divas (93+92+95=93.3)

  • Love 1

Upper division:

Jonathan y Jorge (91+90+91=90.7)
Thanks, show, for reminding me why I hate you so much sometimes. Instead of showing all of the spins in the opening of their routine, let's cut the judges so we can SEE them as they yell, "HEY!" for the millionth time. FUCK YOU, SHOW. Seriously. I know that sounds harsh, but we're eight episodes into the third season and I am so sick and tired of the cameras cutting to the judges during the routines. The judges get to hog all the screen time during their critiques, so why is it necessary to NOT SHOW ME THE ENTIRE ROUTINE WHILE IT'S HAPPENING? What I liked about this routine was that it wasn't non-stop tricks. I like the combination of actual dancing with the tricks (which you know are necessary for these judges). They were fun to watch and they were so high energy.

Derion and Madison (94+95+95=94.7)
I'm over these overdramatic hairflinging routines that end with one person walking away or stepping on the other person.

All Ready (92+92+92=92)
I think their hip hop/ballroom fusion is not for everyone, but I find it really interesting. I liked their scarf work too.

Briar Nolet (93+96+97=95.3)
Wow, did she do a double tour? She was doing a lot of moves that are typically done by male dancers and she made them look so effortless so DAMN. That is ridiculously impressive.

D’Angelo Brothers (90+92+93=91.7)
Good music choice which allowed us to hear their tapping. I was surprised that Derek didn't give it a higher score.

Poppin John (95+95+95=95)
I am always wary of dances with props but he used his really well. Smart choreography and great performance. Honestly, I didn't see anything innovative or new, but it was well done.

Junior teams:

VPeepz (100+98+98=98.7)
I know the judges are trying to be supportive but I wish they would STFU during the performances. The last thing I need is to listen to them yell "HEY!" "WHOA!" multiple times during a routine. Gawd. It really distracts me from the actual routine, which was great in this case. I wish there was a way for me to mute the judges' annoying voices and inane comments and still hear the music. This is exactly why I wish the show would post more front row and rehearsal videos of all the routines. The choreography and performance were great. It's too bad the judges' critiques were limited to more inane comments. Just keep doing what you're doing, VPeepz.

Elektro Crew (91+90+89=90)
Sorry, but the basketball as a prop during this dance reminded me too much of High School Musical. High five to the girl who did a back tuck with a full twist though!

JDC (92+89+93=91.3)
They had some great solo tricks but I wanted more focus on the group dancing.

Crazy 8’s (91+93+93=92.3)
I didn't like that they wasted the first 20 seconds wih their entrance/intro. This was one of those routines that never seemed to really get anywhere. I kept waiting for it to really kick in. There needs to be more than this one little girl doing solo turns in the middle. It's also really annoying when the judges act totally clueless or ridiculously impressed about stuff like a backbend.

Get Down District (89+89+88=88.7)
This was a fun routine and it was clean but the choreography wasn't competitive enough. It wasn't a $1 million routine.

Dancetown Divas (93+92+95=93.3)
Too many roll offs and posing. A lot of the choreography was very basic. Great hair and costumes though.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 2


There was a maturity to All Ready and Poppin' John's performances that I really appreciated. OTOH, there was something that really bothered me about the Crazy 8's performance. I think it was the attention paid to the one member who has selective mutism. I feel the edit that's coming is that somehow she's going to be "cured" of it through the power of dance/this show, and it makes me feel cringy when I watch their performances.

  • Love 8

The Kings, VPeepz, and crazy 8's. 

For the win.

In that order. Although, depending on what they do next round? Could be VPeepz and then The Kings (doubt it though).

And we got a "heeeyyyy AYYYEEE!!" This time. 

Thought of y'all when he did that.

And I'll admit freely that the little one w/selective mutism has stolen my heart. 

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