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Desi Hoppers - Upper Team (98+94+96=96)

Sean & Kaycee - Junior (97+96+95=96)

S-Rank - Upper Team (92+91+90=91)

Jaxon Willard - Junior (95+96+91=94)


Flip - Junior Team (81+83+84=82.7)

Hilty & Bosch - Upper (79+78+78=78.3) ELIMINATED

Karen y Ricardo - Upper (100+100+99=99.7)

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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What irritates me is the camera cutting to the judge reactions during the dance. That's why dances seem so short, half of their performance time is made up of shots of the judges looking astounded. I know this is a judge-centered show, but the title is World of Dance after all, not World of Three Judges.

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On 6/1/2018 at 8:08 PM, CelticBlackCat said:

There isn't enough time for a full act, some of them were really short.  Are they editing some of the performances out to give JLo & Co. more screen time?

No, it looks like the dancers were told that the maximum time for their routines was 75 seconds. Some are a little shorter than that because you have to end the routine on an 8 that makes sense. But based on what we saw of the routines and what we heard of the music, it doesn't seem that the show edited the routines to make them shorter on camera. So far we are seeing the full routines. I remember last season there were a few groups who we just saw 10 second clips of without any comments from the judges or an intro package. That really annoyed me. Either show these dancers or don't, but airing blink and you missed it clips is a shitty thing to do, especially when they could have easily shown more dancers if they edited out all the totally inane comments from the judges and the endless finger sliding.

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I was surprised they showed the judges telling each other what they were giving as a score before locking it in. I figured they were doing that (after all, they need to be sure the "right" person moves on); I just didn't think they would show that. Wouldn't they want the illusion that the scores were made independently?

Faster dancing does not equal better.

Real annoyed with the ridicules overreaction to the salsa dancers.

I'll watch when I can mute the judges or fast forward through them. 

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This show still irks the hell out of me since it seems the judges collude before actually giving their scores (and last year's winner HAD to have been pre-determined), but I did enjoy a number of the performances.

I liked Desi Hoppers routine despite absolutely hating their song choice. Sean and Kaycee were impressive and had wonderful choreography.

The Colombian salsa duo, while decent, were way overpraised. JLo is biased towards all things Latin. They did not deserve perfect scores AT ALL.

I guess I will watch for the routines but there is so much that could be improved with this show.

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It sure is a super-fast watch - everything is so unbearably loud and shiny and formulaic and pointless and boring - I just ff through everything but the dancing.  So much better without the sob stories and emotional manipulation.

I really liked the krumpers although I am always confused by krump being presented in routines.  The classical krumpers were likewise very cool and now I know some things about David Garrett, so that is interesting.

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One of the krumpers "Konkrete" made it pretty far in last season's SYTYCD. It came down to him vs. Kiki Nyemchek for Jenna's choice to be her partner for when it got down to the Top 10. Really though, they gave us more of an animation/Dragon House style routine. Nothing wrong with that, just not traditionally krump IMO.

The Japanese Fabulous Sister's were so fast they couldn't even cut six times to the over the top judge reactions. They only managed a couple of NeYo and Derek's reaction shots lol.

This was the Oprah, "And you get a car, and you get a car" episode. Not a single no. The Connection guys should've got a no. There was nothing worthy of scores in the 80's (and they got all 90's!!) from them.

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On 6/4/2018 at 2:39 PM, atlantaloves said:

I am hoping that they will actually show some REAL DANCERS this year, like TAP dancing folks...it takes training, you are not making poses. 

I'm pretty sure that a fair amount of last year's contestants had studio training. And at least half of the groups we saw in this episode were studio trained as well. For the record, I don't think that lack of studio training means you aren't a real dancer.

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This week's performances!

Charity & Andres - Junior (97+96+93=95.3)

Fabulous Sisters - Junior Team (94+93+97=94.7)

Connection - Upper Team (90+92+90=90.7)

The Lab - Junior Team (95+92+95=94)

Pasha & Daniella - Upper (79+93+87=86.3)

BDash & Konkrete - Upper (96+93+94=94.3)

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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World of Dance is referring to this as the front row view of Karen y Ricardo's performance. Translation: it's an unedited (meaning no cuts to the judges for reactions) and the entire routine is shown from one camera angle without zooming in. I wish they would release all of the routines like this! And I really wish SYTYCD/DWTS would do this because I am so tired of their swoopy camera and unnecessary closeups.

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If you can believe it, we saw even fewer groups this week than we did last week. Great job, NBC/WOD.

So did The Lab ask to come back? Or were they asked to come back? And in either case, does this mean that any group that's already competed on the show is eligible to come back?

I liked that Pasha and Daniella didn't feel the need to pack their entire routine with back to back tricks. I liked that they were more concerned with using the music well than with going the Karen y Ricardo route of being frantic with tricks. To me, that spoke volumes about their confidence and maturity. I also liked that they didn't feel the need to wear head to toe rhinestones. I wish Ne-Yo hadn't asked if they were couple. I know that being on reality tv means you open yourself up to being in the public eye and having people ask you about your personal life but I wish the judges would focus on the dancers' performances.

Charity and Andres were typical contemporary competition kids but I will give them that because of that, they know which tricks are crowd pleasers.

I remember BDash and Konkrete from SYTYCD so it was great to see them again. They were awesome!

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3 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

So did The Lab ask to come back? Or were they asked to come back? And in either case, does this mean that any group that's already competed on the show is eligible to come back?

Yes. There’s a full list of competitors out there. Putting this in spoilers in case people don’t want to know but there’s more repeats


Its funny, I’ve always 100% followed this show on YouTube. They post all the dances, it takes like, 15 mins to watch them all. (If that?) Super efficient, I have no idea what they do with the rest of the time, but it sorta doesn’t matter for me?

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I was doing other things while this was on. The groups are all looking the same to me, doing all the same things. Only the names are different. I went back to what I was doing instead of watching them all the way through. The dance that made me stop what I was doing and watch transfixed was Pasha & Daniella. Wow, those two were smokin' hot and great dancers who interpreted the music, just the opposite of the frantic Karen y Ricardo who got such raves last week. Then NeYo shades them? WTH. I guess I don't know anything about dance but I know what I like and it was Pasha & Daniella last night. I guess one has to be loud and shiny and formulaic, as crowceilidh said, to get anywhere on this show.

Thanks for posting the routines, ElectricBugaloo. I'll rewatch Pasha & Daniella for sure!

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Two things I noted after checking out the list of contestants...there are 3 tap routines...hope at least one gets through! And two...how are they going to get through all 75 acts if they only see 6 or 7 acts a week and only say no to 1 a week....could be a very long summer!

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I forgot. I thought it was ridiculous that of all the things they could have shown, they showed the group of Japanese Girls (who clearly didn't speak English) listening & reacting to what the judges said (in English) about their performance. I'm assuming there was a translator somewhere, but I thought the whole thing was stupid.

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I just watched all the performances posted here. I thought last night, and again just now, that Charity & Andres could have been Adam Rippon and Jenna on DWTS, or any pair on STYTYCD. Yeah, they were good, but they could have been any contemporary pair anywhere.

Fabulous Sisters: Take away their red skirts and tell them to not move their arms and you've got a bunch of people standing still. Hated them. Guess I'm not a fan of Arm Dancers.

Connection: Looked like every other dance group until The Lab kids came on and did it better. Connection can go home IMO.

Pasha & Daniella: Oh, my. Best of the night, whether NeYo agrees with me or not.

BDash & Konkrete: I liked them very much. Fun and very good at what they do.

I can't believe only six dances in an hour. Man, what a time waster.

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2 hours ago, GaT said:

I forgot. I thought it was ridiculous that of all the things they could have shown, they showed the group of Japanese Girls (who clearly didn't speak English) listening & reacting to what the judges said (in English) about their performance. I'm assuming there was a translator somewhere, but I thought the whole thing was stupid.

They did show the translator translating the first comment.  I'm sure they cut for time the rest of the translations, but I figured they translated each comment.  It would've taken way to long to show us each translation.  

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9 hours ago, kitcloudkicker said:

Yes. There’s a full list of competitors out there. Putting this in spoilers in case people don’t want to know but there’s more repeats

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Its funny, I’ve always 100% followed this show on YouTube. They post all the dances, it takes like, 15 mins to watch them all. (If that?) Super efficient, I have no idea what they do with the rest of the time, but it sorta doesn’t matter for me?

The length of the performances posted on youtube vary a little bit depending on how much they decide to show of the dancers walking onstage beforehand and getting applause afterward but they’re all under 90 seconds long so you can watch all of the dancing in about 10 minutes. The other 30 minutes of the show is the judges’ making useless comments and sliding their fingers (20 minutes of the air time is commercials)!

8 hours ago, suebee12 said:

Two things I noted after checking out the list of contestants...there are 3 tap routines...hope at least one gets through! And two...how are they going to get through all 75 acts if they only see 6 or 7 acts a week and only say no to 1 a week....could be a very long summer!

The same thing happened last season. The show released a list of all the contestants and then we saw maybe half of them perform their full routines on the show. During the last qualifiers episode, they showed some super quick (like 5-10 seconds long) clips of some of the other groups. Some of the other groups we never saw at all. 

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Well, everyone made it through tonight. Bleh. I would like at least a few shown that didn't make it for comparison's sake.

I am also beginning to think that they need to adjust their required score to make it, if in the qualifiers they only need an 80 or above to make it and most of them are scoring in the 90s. 

So far, I am kind of bored this season.

Can someone please tell me what style of dance the Japanese girls were doing?

20 hours ago, GaT said:

Wasn't Jenna Dewan wearing those black & white striped pants last week also?

I believe that the qualifiers were probably all taped on the same day and then broken up into separate shows, which is why Jenna and the judges are all still in the same outfits on week 2. I know that's what happens on The Voice when it looks like the judges are wearing the same clothes a few weeks in a row.

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I was happy to see The Lab back. I was super bummed when they lost last season. 

Charity and Andres were my favourite of the evening. Then again, I'm a sucker for contemporary and lovely music.  I just thought their routine was beautiful and their chemistry was off the charts. 

I wasn't crazy about the Latino hip-hop group. 

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I alone hate the Borringwood dance and wish the Hoppers were hopping back home, and I loved the salsa pair.  But I FF'd through everything but the dance and the score and got through REALLY quick.

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Odd how some of the videos had Closed Captioning (Super Cr3w was one), but most didn't.

For the judges' Dance-Off, I would rate best-to-worst as:

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On 6/7/2018 at 12:03 AM, jhlipton said:

I alone hate the Borringwood dance and wish the Hoppers were hopping back home, and I loved the salsa pair.  But I FF'd through everything but the dance and the score and got through REALLY quick.

You're not alone in loving the salsa pair.  Previously, I also wrote that I liked them and were 100x better than Swing Latino.  I also wrote that I didn't like Desi Hopp0er until the music picked up.  Before that, I thought they were doing easy stuff.

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Late to comment because I don't care enough about this show to watch it right away.  Agree with a lot of the previous comments.

Remembered BDash and KonKrete from SYTYCD.  I loved their routine but I agree with the poster that said it didn't look like krump.  But I'm an old lady in my 50's so maybe I don't know what krump is.  The only exposure that I have with it is on SYTYCD.  KonKrete was a krumper on that show and his routine looked more like krump on SYTYCD.  I don't recall BDash being a krumper on that show.  I remember him but not his style.

Liked Pasha and Daniella.  They are a good looking couple.  He is really good looking which shouldn't matter but I noticed.  Ne-Yo wanted lifts but rumba doesn't have lifts and that's what it looked like they were doing.  I loved how they moved fast and then they slowed it down.  Derek commented on that.  But he also said to be careful that there were too many slow movements and they only had a short amount of time.  I guess they must fit SYTYCD more than WOD.  This show just wants a bunch of flash and tricks.  I like that they were a mature couple with dynamics and showed emotion.  They were not about tricks.

In contrast, Charity and Andres were technically very good.  They did difficult dance moves and were synchronized. 

The junior team The Lab made the older team Connection look like amateurs. 

I could see Fabulous Sisters in a show not necessarily in a competition.

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So in three weeks we've seen like 19 acts altogether and had only 2 no's.

At first I was a little skeptical of the 17 and 14 year old hip hop duo, but in actuality they were pretty much on point. With the prop if felt very jazz-ish for the a hip hop piece.

If I was a locker I wouldn't anything to do with this show going forward. They axe Hilty and Bosch and then they severely underscore by at least 7 or 8 points the crew from Korea. They are clearly gone in the next round given how little the judges thought of them tonight.

This really felt like a show to make up the numbers in the next round. I could easily see the Netherlands breakers going out at that point, same with the young hip hop crew from Hawaii.

Disappointed in the Elektro Botz, I've seen much more innovative and clean animation and popping than what they gave us. Especially for the show closing act.

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Elektro Botz gets credit for choosing a song that you wouldn't expect to see in a hip hop routine (that kind of got canceled out by the fact that I hate that song). I didn't think their choreography or performance was good enough to go through. They weren't awful but they didn't do anything to grab my attention.

The Rascals were similar. They weren't bad or anything but they weren't great. But if I had to choose betwen the Rascals and Elektro Botz, I would have chosen The Rascals.

I really liked the Lock n lol Crew. It's so rare to see a locking group/routine on dance shows. At most, we are lucky to get a few counts of locking in a hip hop routine so I love that ALL they did was locking. They were fun to watch and I liked that the yellow sweaters really stood out onstage. I am so tired of dark costumes against dark backgrounds.

I really enjoyed the old school vibe of the Ruggeds! I'm all for innovation and pushing dance forward, but I also love groups like the Ruggeds and the Lock n lol Crew who clearly have so much love and respect for older styles in their purest forms.

Michael Dameski was like every contemporary competition kid I've ever seen. At least his routine wasn't angsty and there were no bicycle feet.

LD Dance gets points for sass and the unbelievable amount of energy needed for a routine like that. At first I was excited to see the one guy in the group but his role ended up being like every recital I've ever been to where there's one boy in the dance class so he gets a different costume and he gets to be right in the middle and then he gets to do different choreography than everyone else. When he was just kneeling on the ground and waving his arms around, I was disappointed that they couldn't think of anything better for him to do.

Josh and Taylor were fine but a standing ovation? Nope. The choreography was okay and the execution was mostly fine, but if you're going to do a chair dance then it needs to be a lot more interesting than that.

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This week's performances:

Elektro Botz - Upper (93+88+86=89)


Rascals - Junior Team (83+83+88=84.7)


Lock N Iol Crew - Upper Team (80+79+84=81)


The Ruggeds - Upper Team (82+83+85=83.3)


Michael Dameski - Upper (90+95+93=92.7)


LD Dance Company - Upper Team (79+73+71=74.3) ELIMINATED


Josh & Taylor - Junior (94+94+92=93.3)

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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My two favorites of the night were Josh & Taylor and Elektro Botz, in that order. None of the groups made an impression on me and I don't care enough to rewatch any performances. The group dancers here and on AGT are all blending together. Most of the groups are made up of people who make me think I could be in that group in that they don't do much but stomp and wave their arms.

It was interesting that judges sent LD Dance home after saying there was no way they could "step it up" or "bring more" if they got sent through. The heck? How do they know any of the people put through will "bring it" next round? Not that I thought LD Dance was so great, but at least it was different than groups of people stomping and waving their arms.

Too funny that Derek learned that as one grows older, one gets too big to fit through a chair back. Oh, to be 17 again, right Derek? But what was up with JLo running out there to sit in the chair? Nice dance move. Not. I would have liked to have seen more of NeYo in the LD Dance costume though. That would have been worth a watch.

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This show is tanking.

I knew LD Dance wasn't going to make it when they didn't have any kind of intro package. Can they please make it a little less obvious? A little suspense would be nice.

I liked Josh and Taylor, Michael Dameski, and the Elektro Bots. I guess I'm just not much of a fan of big crew dances, although out of the ones tonight I did enjoy watching The Ruggeds.

20 hours ago, PhD-Purgatory15 said:

At first I was a little skeptical of the 17 and 14 year old hip hop duo, but in actuality they were pretty much on point. With the prop if felt very jazz-ish for the a hip hop piece.

Was it supposed to be hip hop?

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Well, they were introduced as hip hop.

But then again, this show seems to think that there are only really three styles of dance that matter (hip hop, ballroom, and contemporary)...so unless you are the token tapper, you probably shouldn't bother applying for WoD if you are outside those three.

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5 minutes ago, PhD-Purgatory15 said:

But then again, this show seems to think that there are only really three styles of dance that matter (hip hop, ballroom, and contemporary)

Yeah, I noticed that as well.  When they first announced the show last year I was hoping to see more of a variety of dance styles.  Unfortunately, the few that were outside of that box didn't make it very far.

Edited by marykat71702
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18 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

This week's performances:

ElectricBoogaloo, I know that you don't put the "play arrow" on the YouTube videos but Michael Dameski's is in a very interesting spot!

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