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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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The best fucking part of this is that Paul keeps repeating all of Jessica's claims, that all the other HGs are Paul's dogs, that he points and they go, that he is playing a psychological game.

And he fucking is. But they're all "LOL more Jessica bullshit blah blah blah that bitch sucks". 

God, I feel bad for the editors. The past 48 hours are weeks worth of footage.

Edited by Callaphera
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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

And now Josh is going outside with the pots and pans.

Seriously, can someone take them away? Or hit Josh over the head with them?

Line starts behind me. It's the same line to slap Raven, FYI.

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Why is ok that Josh is ruining BB property (pans). Normally if they are messing with anything in the house, it's STOP THAT. I guess if they think it's "good TV" all bets are off.

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26 minutes ago, zorak said:

And the fact that Paul and some minions stood outside the closed door and then opened it and continued to stand outside the room makes it pretty obvious that Paul put him up to it.

Did Cody and/or Jessica see or notice them?

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Just now, Callaphera said:

Cody: "They crave jury so bad."
Jessica: "It's eight thousand dollars. Like, get a job."


Just now, peachmangosteen said:

Cody: They really want jury.
Jessica: It's fucking 10,000 dollars, get a job.

And with that . . . Cody and Jessica become legends in my eyes.

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6 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I say we all band together and give Cody America's Favourite Player, just so nobody else does and Paul freaks the hell out after the show's over.

I am in! Cody will get all of my votes. Paul will have a meltdown on live TV! 

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1 minute ago, wings707 said:

Josh said, America is going to hate us   Paul, no they're not.  Josh has moments of brilliance.  

It's not so much brilliance so much as it just glaringly obvious that America is not going to go for this. 

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Just now, Brian Cronin said:

It's not so much brilliance so much as it just glaringly obvious that America is not going to go for this. 

For Josh that is brilliance.  

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Just now, wings707 said:

For Josh that is brilliance.  


1 minute ago, Katesus7 said:

I can't believe these assholes have put me in a position of rooting for fucking Jessica/Cody. This season, man. 

Seriously. I still don't like Jess and Cody, but holy shit, Jess is handling this like a champ. And the others are just going SO disgusting. 

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I've had enough of all of them, they're disgusting vile people who have no self awareness as to how they look right now. They will all deserve what they get when they come out of that house and they better can a true and accurate edit on all this nonsense. 

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This is horrifying.  When they wake up in the morning will they all feel like they drank too much and wonder what they did last night?  This is drunk behavior. 

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