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1 minute ago, mooses said:

Wait...Josh wants Elena to leave and he trashed Jessica/Cody during his speech? Why?

I'm assuming to keep Elena in the dark that she is Josh's true target.

Veto will be crucial for all three people on the block tomorrow.  I wonder who Josh will put up if Mark or Elena win the veto.

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Paul is telling Elena that her main competition in veto is Jess.  He says maybe she can use her personal connection with Jess to guilt trip her so she won't try as hard or some such nonsense.

Elena to Paul:  "If y'all hadn't lied to me about votes last week, I wouldn't be on the block."

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13 minutes ago, Nashville said:

The issue isn't simple lying per se - hell, anybody can lie - the issue is specifically lying about Production-related issues such as the nature or particulars of rewards, penalties, etc.  It falls into the category of "using Production as a strategy", which is not allowed. 

I think the issue isn't even that she did something wrong, as I agree that she did, but I think the issue was just how do you punish her? They clearly went with "tell her not to do it again" instead of some tangible punishment like taking the hex away or whatever. And I think that's the correct play. You shouldn't be able to use production, but you also shouldn't freak out too much when people naturally try to mislead people about what their mystery power entails. Just tell them to stop and move on. 

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Paul claims it was a last minute decision to switch the votes.  She says there's no way that decision was made 5 or 10 minutes before the vote and that they knew a couple of days in advance who they were going to vote out last time.

Camera switched.  Raven ranting about the cat ears thing and saying stuff like, "Guess whose mom is in the hospital?  Me.  Guess whose uncle died from cancer? Me." etc., etc.  I'm not sure what her point was.  She said something about if someone was going to try to play the sympathy vote.

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I am not saying that Josh isn't an idiot. But Jess & Cody have had since the first week this need to blame Josh for everything. Mark, Cody's ally turns on him and votes out Jillian and he's not mad at him but screams at Josh for lying to them after they didn't talk to him for 2 weeks and then basically tell him the night before this is what he has to do. 

Then getting Jess being annoyed just at Josh for dumping garbage on her in a competition when everyone else was doing the same thing. I don't mean to be mean, but I'm sorry that your father passed away but that doesn't mean the game is put on hold on the day of his anniversary. Those two things are separate. 

Don't get me wrong, Josh is a lunatic. But these two cannot see through the fog. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
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Raven up in the HOH- Whose  Aunt passed from Cancer? Whose  Uncle passed from Cancer? Whose little puppy with one leg passed from Cancer?  so let's not get personal!  

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1 minute ago, SiobhanJW said:

I am not saying that Josh isn't an idiot. But Jess & Cody have had since the first week this need to blame Josh for everything. Mark, Cody's ally turns on him and votes out Jillian and he's not mad at him but screams at Josh for lying to them after they didn't talk to him for 2 weeks and then basically tell him the night before this is what he has to do. 

Then getting Jess being annoyed just at Josh for dumping garbage on her in a competition when everyone else was doing the same thing. I don't mean to be mean, but I'm sorry that your father passed away but that doesn't mean the game is put on hold on the day of his anniversary. Those two things are separate. 

I agree. I do think he was taunting them on the sidelines as well, though, trying to get under their skin. Cody was all fired up about Josh calling Jessica a "thing" for a full week there.

1 minute ago, Brian Cronin said:

Raven has these SUPER weird leaps of logic, like "I'm dying, so I can't be lying." It's hilariously dumb. 

I just heard her say "They day they hid the cat ears, my mom was having surgery!" ...Okay.

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4 minutes ago, mooses said:

I agree. I do think he was taunting them on the sidelines as well, though, trying to get under their skin. Cody was all fired up about Josh calling Jessica a "thing" for a full week there.


I understand that, but sometimes you have to swallow your pride and realize you are playing a game and try and make deals if you can. This is their biggest problem, they are F**k everyone else, and we are going to do this on our own. They don't even try. And then they throw a hissy fit (last week as an example). Why don't instead of you picking a fight with Josh- sit down and have a conversation with him like he asked. Maybe as HoH he will have something interesting to say. 

Edited by SiobhanJW
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I'm pretty sure Paul and Josh are lying to the rest of the HOH crew about what Elena said.  They're saying that she did actually suggest names of who should go up instead of her and then tried to say she didn't.  I might have missed something in that convo but I don't think she said names. 

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1 minute ago, SiobhanJW said:

I understand that, but sometimes you have to swallow your pride and realize you are playing a game and try and make deals if you can. This is their biggest problem, they are F**k everyone else, and we are going to do this on our own. They don't even try. And then they throw a hissy fit. Why don't instead of you picking a fight with Josh- sit down and have a conversation with him like he asked. Maybe as HoH he will have something interesting to say. 

Oh yeah. They've made terrible decision after terrible decision. The one time they should have said "F**k everyone else" is during their HOH and it's the one time they decided to play nice! I totally agree that their position in the House is their fault.

...But if I were Jessica I probably would've thrown a punch at Josh by now ;)

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Can someone put a damn sock in Jessica's pie hole! 

She so busy getting attitude because she's on the block with Marlena. 

She has no idea that Elena is a flip flop and trying to work with Paul. 

If she win POV, Cody or even Josh she will be told about Elena. 

But no she would whether lose her shit. 

At least Josh is working his jury mgnt by not going off on Jody or telling them any info yet.  That's how you play big brother.   Don't give much info too quickly. 

I also like Elena isn't letting Paul off the hook.  Paul will definitely vote out Elena if she doesn't win Pov.  He can't control her like Jason/Alex/Kevin. 

Edited by BlackMamba
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2 minutes ago, mooses said:

If Josh is trying to change the target to Elena, he's going to have to work twice as hard now after all his ranting about Jessica/Cody. 

Does he actually have anybody on board the Elena plan besides Christmas?

I think if that has any chance, Christmas will have to take the lead on it.

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I would like for all of them except for Christmas to leave HOH so she and Josh can talk privately.  I want to know what direction Christmas is going to nudge him.

Josh keeps saying that he doesn't want anyone going off on Jess and Cody this week.  They're telling him he needs to quit apologizing to Jess and Cody.

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4 minutes ago, zorak said:

Paul just asked who was going to keep Jessica up all night because veto is tomorrow.

Josh said he needs some sleep.

Edited by vb68
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Just now, zorak said:

Paul just asked who was going to keep Jessica up all night because veto is tomorrow.

This after Josh said that all he asks is that they don't attack them. Paul said who is them. Jess and Cody.  Wake up HG. Paul is a dick.

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Unless she wins POV, I think she's gone..

Paul to Josh: You won HOH this week. You're in power. We're sending Jessica home this week. It's going to infuriate Cody #BB19

Paul "Christmas....thumbs up?" 

Christmas "yeah....if it's needed."

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Paul to Josh and Alex:  "Mark and Elena?  Sketchy as fuck."  Alex agrees.  Alex says he's been trying to bond with her.  Paul tells her to continue bonding with him.

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Josh is smart to tell the house don't attack Jody in their latest butthurt moment.  

I do understand Jessica's frustration to an extent.  She won the DOT.  Save her and Cody.  Cody won safety and she's still on the block.  It's like she done nothing right. But her mouth is detriment.

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Alex told Josh her cousin was raped and murdered.  Then the camera switched.  Before it switched she said she was going to tell him the reason why she doesn't like Jessica.  Then she said the thing about her cousin.

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Paul: "Anyone who wins HOH for the first time fucks up and gets nervous..."

2 minutes ago, zorak said:

Alex told Josh her cousin was raped and murdered.  Then the camera switched.  Before it switched she said she was going to tell him the reason why she doesn't like Jessica.  Then she said the thing about her cousin.

That seemed a little over the top. Like a Raven leap of logic.

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Alex is going on again about Jessica is a sexual predator.  She's bringing up the fingers up Paul's butt and Jessica touching her vagina.  She says it wasn't ok for Jess to say Josh was a sexual predator because Jess is the true sexual predator.

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Just now, zorak said:

Alex is going on again about Jessica is a sexual predator.  She's bringing up the fingers up Paul's butt and Jessica touching her vagina.  She says it wasn't ok for Jess to say Josh was a sexual predator because Jess is the true sexual predator.

They all need to stop saying people are sex predators in the house.  Cody said that mess about Josh and now Alex about Jessica.  I don't see why this is remotely strategy

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Alex just told Josh he is a great player and all kinds of complimentary things.  It's funny to me because Alex is the one who was saying something just yesterday about everyone was going to be up in HOH kissing ass.  I guess that would include her.

Jason is expressing his dislike of Raven and Matt.  Josh is telling him he needs to act like they are his best buddies because they are numbers.

Alex:  "Paul's season was friendship.  Believe me.  Trust him completely."

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1 minute ago, zorak said:

Alex just told Josh he is a great player and all kinds of complimentary things.  It's funny to me because Alex is the one who was saying something just yesterday about everyone was going to be up in HOH kissing ass.  I guess that would include her.

If anything she's trying to see if she or Paul will in danger this week.  

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Alex was saying that it is wrong for Jessica to use her father's death against Josh because that is not what the game is about. She used her cousin's abuse as an example of what she could do if she were inclined to play that kind of game. She doesn't like Jessica slapping her vagina 

The outrage is misplaced IMO. Why is Jessica touching someone's privates uninvited? There would be an uproar if it were a guy doing it.

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He doesn't want them to tell anyone.  I guarantee this will make it's way back to Paul via Alex.  Not that Paul doesn't already know that Josh wants Elena out.  Josh thinks if Elena and Jess are on the block against each other, he can get her out. 

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Just now, Deputy Deputy CoS said:

The outrage is misplaced IMO. Why is Jessica touching someone's privates uninvited? There would be an uproar if it were a guy doing it.

Paul pretty much told someone (I can't remember who he was talking to) that if he was going around doing that to a girl, he would be kicked out.

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Color me shocked that Alex is not pushing for Jessica to go over Elena and is actually open to the idea 


PS: I spoke too soon

BUT she didn't too hard and say she will do whatever Josh wants; Elena out this week

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
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