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Season 19 Live Feed Discussion

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1 minute ago, Katesus7 said:

Oh good lord, this could take forever. And now I have a memory of saying this exact thing in OTT just as Krissy won....

It happened here just as Paul won.  Lol!

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Just now, Sara2009 said:

Do you hate Jessica and Cody?

Yeah....yeah, pretty much makes sense.

Hopefully, people are smart enough to get out Cody instead of Jessica. As long as he doesn't win veto, he should go. But watch; these numbnuts will be dumb enough to evict Jessica. 

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2 minutes ago, Michichick said:

Wtf, why did I feel relieved that Paul won? I hate that dude.

Me too. But I like the people he's aligned with and I really like Jessica and Cody not getting what they want. So ngl I just cheered. Would not have expected that from myself a week ago!

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Wow, an announcement from the BB announcer guy telling everyone to behave themselves, "no nose to nose, it's just a game." It went on for quite a while. Now I wonder why we're seeing fish but can hear everyone in the background. OK, announcer guy said everyone back in the house.

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Paul is coaching Christmas saying "it's not worth it, it's not worth it". 

It sounds like there was a cease fire on a personal level between Cody and Christmas, with Cody agreeing for Jessica. Because of course she can't apologize like a human fucking being (like Josh).

The producer voice was Heath, the lead comp guy. 

Edited by Callaphera
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2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Oh...someone left the mic on, so BB producer is telling people to not get physical.

It;s interesting.  They must be a little worried. After Jessica's display in the live show, Can't blame them.

I bet Jason is a pawn this week.

Paul calls the guy Rich, but maybe he got the voices confused?

Edited by vb68
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Everyone has to take off their mic belt and we can see the BB house again!  We're seeing an empty kitchen, but hearing Paul. Oh joy. He's talking about what might be up in the HOH room for him.

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Heh, Christmas asking Jessica/Cody if they can be cordial and just live together peacefully. 

Yeah, sure. I can't WAIT to hear Jessica/Cody bitching alone in the Have Not room.

You know, this may be the first time where the HOH comp goes exactly the way I wanted early on. Too bad Paul's gonna turn into a cocky asshole this week. Hopefully, he puts up Jessica/Cody and that's that. Better to not give either a chance to take the other off the block. 

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Jessica: "I have been blindsided by every aspect of this game. Every. Day."

No. You were blindsided by your showmance. Get it straight, lady.

Oh, she's bitching that Christmas took shot at her during her pre-eviction speech, when Jessica wasn't allowed to say anything to defend herself. Welcome to Big Brother!

Edited by Callaphera
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Ugh, Paul is going to be insufferable.  It's clear he's going to put up Jess and Cody this week.  One of them will almost certainly go, which I'm more than OK with.  I just wish it wouldn't be at the hands of producer's pet Paul.  

Also, I really hope that next week the rest of the house smartens up and targets the Mark/Elena/Matt/Raven/Dom voting block.  They seem to be strongly allied and things would just start getting predictable and boring if they roll over the rest of the house.

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4 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Oh...someone left the mic on, so BB producer is telling people to not get physical.

Someone clearly was about to and it must have been Josh.  

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2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

Heh, Christmas asking Jessica/Cody if they can be cordial and just live together peacefully. 

Yeah, sure. I can't WAIT to hear Jessica/Cody bitching alone in the Have Not room.

You know, this may be the first time where the HOH comp goes exactly the way I wanted early on. Too bad Paul's gonna turn into a cocky asshole this week. Hopefully, he puts up Jessica/Cody and that's that. Better to not give either a chance to take the other off the block. 

Didn't Paul say he had " BIG PLANS" or some such bs?

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Just now, me5671 said:

Ugh, Paul is going to be insufferable.  It's clear he's going to put up Jess and Cody this week.  One of them will almost certainly go, which I'm more than OK with.  I just wish it wouldn't be at the hands of producer's pet Paul.  

Also, I really hope that next week the rest of the house smartens up and targets the Mark/Elena/Matt/Raven/Dom voting block.  They seem to be strongly allied and things would just start getting predictable and boring if they roll over the rest of the house.

Yes, I totally agree.  

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Just now, Sara2009 said:

Didn't Paul say he had " BIG PLANS" or some such bs?

He can claim his plans changed because things changed in the house after he said that. 

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1 minute ago, Callaphera said:

Jessica: "I have been blindsided by every aspect of this game. Every. Day."

No. You were blindsided by your showmance. Get it straight, lady.

Oh, she's bitching that Christmas took shot at her during her pre-eviction speech, when Jessica wasn't allowed to say anything to defend herself. Welcome to Big Brother!

Chin up, Jessica!  It's very likely that you'll have an opportunity to take a shot at Christmas during your pre-eviction speech this time next week!

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 No no, y'all. Haven't you heard? Paul has this super amazing secret plan which will blow everyone's minds and is foolproof and awesome, and he knows this because he is a vet. I would be shocked if Jess/Cody were the noms.

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Just now, me5671 said:

Chin up, Jessica!  It's very likely that you'll have an opportunity to take a shot at Christmas during your pre-eviction speech this time next week!

Hahahaha! Whatever will poor Jessica and Cody do when they cant hide out in HOH?

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Just now, Callaphera said:

I came back from the bathroom and was met by Jeff. Bring back the kitties, please.

As long as we only get Jeff once a week for a few minutes, I can live with that.

i just hate how he mugs the camera every time he asks a question. He's literally standing parallel to Jillian so he can stare at the camera.

Seeing as the questions are vague and not giving anything away, there's totally a buyback. Jillian's getting no additional information about the game. 

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Ugh Paul, Production hasn't given him enough? This cast had enough to make a good season on their own. They didn't need Paul to ruin it and be given a win.

I'm voting Cody to win what ever this den is. Since he's the only one after Paul I would like to see what production gives him if he was to win or if they'd let him win.

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Just now, peachmangosteen said:

This week is going to be hard for me to get through. I legit don't think I can do it.

Hold strong. We can do it with Friendship. Friendship will prevail.

So, if I was wrong about Paul coaching "it's not worth it" to Christmas (hers was the next voice I heard, so I assumed) and instead coaching Josh that it's not worth it... what the hell set off Josh? Did he get another gut feeling that he's being targeted?

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2 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

As long as we only get Jeff once a week for a few minutes, I can live with that.

It sucks though that we are missing immediate reactions to the HOH competition when feelings are so raw.

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1 minute ago, peachmangosteen said:

My only hope now is that Paul's super crazy plan is to nominate Matt/Raven as pawns but then Jessica wins the veto. LOL.

Man, if Paul doesn't nominate Jessica/Cody outright...we'll know what his secret plan is. Which is to attempt to keep the bigger targets around, which will backfire on him.

Feeds back! Jessica crying and Cody...being Cody.

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Well, one of my questions was answered: Cody and Jessica are already isolating themselves. Just in the Have Not room now.

May they each feel a thousand spikes up the asses for the rest of the week. It couldn't happen to a nicer couple.

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The bathroom is so fancy at first I thought it was the HOH room. Straight talk from Paul to Josh. "It's your fault, Josh . . You're doing it to yourself."

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