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I wonder if he said it's the last season just to make that episode more suspenseful. They never did resolve the thing with the dog, and I honestly did expect it to be important eventually. Caroline Quentin was right, you know.

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For me, this season felt curiously like season five in the way it unfolded.  Also--and this is just my personal quirk--the writers really crossed a line for me when 

Doc Martin tried to put the dog down.

. Just no. They should not have gone there.

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Now has been shown in U.S., and it was truly one of the most wretched season finales I’ve ever wasted my time to watch. This show jumped the shark at least 2 years ago. Here they had an opportunity to perhaps explore some change or progression in Doc (e.g., related to Dr. Timoney’s life-altering accident? Buddy’s loyalty? A turn for Ruth’s brain tumor? An evolution on the part of Louiser?). Instead, they revert to the tired old cliche (three times now, at least) of a hostage situation, Doc being obnoxious in said situation, Penhale screwing up a rescue, some medical crisis on scene, Doc as the White Knight, and Louisa going googly again watching him do it. They can’t get along and they’re not happy, but we’re supposed to be believe this is a happy ending.  The still and the B 'n B -- who cares? My cat could do a better writing job at this point.

Edited by Tuneful
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The finale doesn't air here until Thursday, but I can tell you now I will be glad when it is over. This has been such a boring season and I am so tired of Doc and Louiser's relationship/not relationship. I want to be the therapist and just scream at them to give it up. Share custody of James, be civil to each other and move the heck on. Or one of them move permanently but this has been a waste of a season and talent. I am so disappointed. My sister gave up on it at the end of last season, but I had such hope for some character growth that I stuck with it. I will watch on Thursday to say bye to Morwenna, the Larges, the Tishells, Ruth (whose talent was grossly underused), to the dog if he shows up and to the gorgeous scenery. But I am done with Doc and Louiser. Thanks, boring writers. You took a fresh, quirky, charming idea and ran out of gas quickly.

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Yes. And for pity sake, get some decent childcare for that adorable toddler if there is to be an eighth season. We know both Martin and Louisa had difficult childhoods (appallingly cold and neglectful parents for Martin, absent and feckless ones for  Louisa). One would think James' physical, intellectual and emotional well-being would be their highest priority. But no, they cobble together childcare  by hiring seemingly anyone passing through the town or individuals who can't keep  any other kind of job.

Martin and Louisa must be among the top earners in Portwenn. Surely they afford to engage a nanny or some other qualified caregiver to take care of their son.

Their attitude on this matter bothers me almost as much as Martin's treatment of the little dog, Buddy.

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Just saw this ep. Louisa has always seemed passive/aggressive to me. And have we ever seen

her in shorts or pants? I think she always wears a dress or skirt.


I wonder why Ruth is letting Bert get away with using that still even if his whiskey tastes good. I

never thought Auntie Ruth was much of a drinker.


My favorite part of the ep was Janice, Morwenna and Al watching the antics on the beach with

Penhale, Doc and the vet. I loved it when Morwenna said, "I like dinner and a show." So funny.

I do hope they do something with Al & Morwenna. Al is kind of a sad sack but he's sweet/kind &
I think they'd make a good pair.


For a minute there in the office when the vet was telling him that Buddy misses him and then
Doc looked at Buddy he seemed to almost melt there for a minute. Knowing that Martin Clunes

is such an animal lover I don't know how he manages those scenes with Buddy. On the special

that was aired just before the season started they showed Clunes playing with Buddy and I

wonder how Buddy manages to deal with Martin being kind to him and playing with him and then

as the Doc being so mean to him. How is it not confusing for him? But then I guess he's a highly

trained actor!! (Buddy the dog, I mean.)


It does feel like we're the only ones watching though. I'm loving this season.

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I wonder why Ruth is letting Bert get away with using that still even if his whiskey tastes good. I

never thought Auntie Ruth was much of a drinker


I thought she was considering it as a possible money making venture. Some kind of boutique whiskey sales operation, if that is feasible in that part of England.

Although why anyone would think of going into business with Bert Large remains a question.

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Yes, Sigourney Weaver! I laughed when she was called "American" as she walked out of the shop.


Sad at the end when Martin showed so much emotion for once when talking about James and the separation.

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Dusty, I wondered the same thing, but I don't see Ruth as being that hard up for money

that she would condone a venture so illegal or be a part of it even as a silent partner.

That seems out of character for Ruth. I hope Al asks her about it cause I think Al would

find it strange too that Ruth knew and even allowed it. She could be in heaps of trouble

as it is happening on her property.


Yeah, Bert Large would be the last person I'd go into a financial venture with too!!


Did you happen to see ep 5? I just saw it and really enjoyed it. Martin is so painful to

watch as he struggles to get on with Louisa. He is so damaged. I don't think I've ever

seen him smile, as noted by some of the villagers in this episode.

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Dusty, I wondered the same thing, but I don't see Ruth as being that hard up for money

that she would condone a venture so illegal or be a part of it even as a silent partner.

That seems out of character for Ruth.


I thought it was out of character too. But it wasn't the only thing this season that seemed odd to me concerning Ruth. When Louisa learned that Mrs. Tishell was back in Portwenn,  she - not surprisingly - expressed her worries about any future conduct on the part of the mad pharmacist to Ruth. Ruth was instantly dismissive of her concerns, telling Louisa she would not have been discharged  had there been any likely issues about future conduct. I thought at the time it was a very cold response to a mother whose baby had been kidnapped. And Louisa was quite right. Mrs. Tishell was still obsessed with Martin.

Martin is so painful to watch as he struggles to get on with Louisa. He is so damaged


I think he needs far more than weekly counselling.


And when on earth is Officer Penhale going to go after a more age appropriate romantic partner? He is getting creepy.

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I have no idea what the episode number is, but last night I watched the one entitled 'The Doctor is Out' - or words to that effect and I loved it.   Now, I have to go back and try to watch the rest of the season as I think this may have well been episode 5 and I have only seen bits and pieces of the preceding 4...what makes it worse is that in the boonies where I live, there is apparently NO way to view previous episodes of the current season unless I go onto amazon and purchase each one individually....bummer.

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becauseIsaidso, that is the last episode of the seventh season. There are no additional episodes at this time. Season 8 is expected to air sometime in 2017.

Edited by dustylil
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Also--and this is just my personal quirk--the writers really crossed a line for me when 

Doc Martin tried to put the dog down.

. Just no. They should not have gone there.


I came here specifically to see if that bothered anyone else.

I was horrified - I could not believe that they left it that way, no redemption, no hesitation on his part - he was going to kill that poor dog because it annoyed him.  That's it for this show for me.  I can't root for a character who would kill a dog like it was a mosquito.  Now I hope he's stuck with Louisa's stinkeye for life.

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With respect, he did have a hypodermic needle in hand didn't he?

Surely in a town that size there would be a Humane Society or similar organization to deal with strays. It wouldn't be left to an annoyed individual.

There is curmudgeonly and there is cruel. I think he was the latter.

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I do hope the therapist encourages Louisa to prioritize her issues with Martin.  When she starts snarling at him over things like his preference for fish it begins to feel like she hates everything about him. 

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My husband and I have been binge watching this for a few weeks now and we're just past this episode. I felt the same way you did--kind of frustrated with all the complications and MIA characters. It's encouraging to hear it stayed good enough to keep your interest.

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If it sounds like Louisa hates everything about Martin, I have to agree with her. I don't see ANYTHING redeeming about him, he's been horrible to Louisa. If I were married to Martin, I would go from loving to hating him because, as I watch this make-believe show, I hate Martin myself. And making HER go to therapy to solve HER problems ... it's not been HER that caused the breakup. Yeah, Martin wants her back, but can he force those words to come out of his lips? No. Louisa tried everything with him, making him breakfast and bringing it to his office ... and she gets rejected every time. After a while, it's impossible to get those love feelings back. I wish she had run off with the architect, he was cute and fun for her. Heck, Martin can't even hug his Aunt Ruth. This show used to be fun, but now it's just watching Martin be cold and uncommunicative. Such a contrast to S1, when he first came to Portwein. He actually SPOKE to people back then.

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Talking about the clothes Martin and Louise wear or do not wear ... Martin has been seen several times in pajamas, and Louisa regularly wore jeans (even ones with fashionable "bleach" stains) is earlier episodes. Remember the episode where she made dinner for Martin? Wearing jeans.

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Sounds like they are about to film for the 2017 series; a walk-on role is being auctioned off as part of a Christmas festival this month:



On ‎7‎/‎22‎/‎2016 at 8:56 PM, photo fox said:

Nice!  For some reason, I didn't think they were making any more.

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On 10/30/2014 at 6:55 AM, Boton said:

I don't know, I found this season really depressing, and the final episode especially so.  I know we have to have Martin on some growth arc where he opens up a little more, and I did love the line in a previous episode about having a family -- Louisa, James Henry, and Ruth.  But this episode just seemed like piling on to me.  I'm always frustrated by Louisa; ever since the episode a few seasons back where she had a pouty fit because Martin made fish for dinner (you know, the temerity of actually picking up fresh food and cooking it and all....).  And this season was no different.  


She gets into a snit because he fails to live up to her expectations at a job that someone new to town could have told you he would not do well (handing out sports awards at the school).  And by the end, in this episode, he's doing everything he can to save her life and their marriage, including performing surgery through an episode of his blood phobia, just so he could take care of her.  And she is still treating him like he kicked her puppy. 


I hope the final season brings Louisa around more than I want to see changes with Martin.  

I am late to the discussion but I just discovered the show and have just now finished season 6. But I too was depressed with it. 

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Sorry, @ethalfrida

The show should come with a warning from the Surgeon General not to watch beyond Martin and Louisa's wedding.

It was delightfully fun at first but turned completely dour and sad in the last season or so. I tried to be loyal, but when I ended up yelling in my head for almost every single character to SHUT UP, SHUT UP! it was time to pack it in.

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19 hours ago, Lord Donia said:

Sorry, @ethalfrida

The show should come with a warning from the Surgeon General not to watch beyond Martin and Louisa's wedding.

It was delightfully fun at first but turned completely dour and sad in the last season or so. I tried to be loyal, but when I ended up yelling in my head for almost every single character to SHUT UP, SHUT UP! it was time to pack it in.

IKR??? It reminded me of an old show called Mad About You. I hated how they wrote in those superficial problems for a show that had been so entertaining.

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I, too, hope the new season brings Louisa around more than Martin. I know the show has danced around Martin having Aspergers; I have a child on the spectrum. I totally get Martin's perspective, even though I don't share it, and I would expect Louisa to do a better job of it. She's very good at understanding her students, especially the ones who don't fit in. I don't understand why she doesn't see the affect Martin's parents have had on him and show some compassion. 

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21 hours ago, howiveaddict said:

Series 8 is now on Acorn.  A new episode every week.

@howiveaddict: I hate to ask this question so openly in this forum, but since this forum is somewhat lifeless, and I've been watching "Doc Martin" since the beginning, do you know of another forum that has a little more activity in it?  Sorry Mod, no disrespect meant, but since the next season will be the last, I would like to get to talk with other fans. DM is a niche show, so it doesn't appeal to everyone. I happen to be a Martin Clunes fan and have enjoyed all of his series, including "William and Mary".

p.s. I'm totally surprised that Acorn TV (of which I've had an account for a few years) is now streaming somewhat live!!

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On 9/24/2017 at 6:21 PM, Jacks-Son said:

@howiveaddict: I hate to ask this question so openly in this forum, but since this forum is somewhat lifeless, and I've been watching "Doc Martin" since the beginning, do you know of another forum that has a little more activity in it?  Sorry Mod, no disrespect meant, but since the next season will be the last, I would like to get to talk with other fans. DM is a niche show, so it doesn't appeal to everyone. I happen to be a Martin Clunes fan and have enjoyed all of his series, including "William and Mary".

p.s. I'm totally surprised that Acorn TV (of which I've had an account for a few years) is now streaming somewhat live!!

I don't know of any other forums.  I wish I did know. I really like Martin Clune.  Be sure to watch the extras show on filming of DM, also on Acorn.  Do you watch the show Vera, staring Brenda Blethin?  It's a detective show, but much is set near the sea side.  Also The Coroner is set in a seaside town like Port Isaac. It is a mystery, but full of quirky characters.

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I’ve never heard of either, but I’ll check them out.  If you like period pieces, try “Poldark” (There’s a 1975 version and a 2015 version), they’re both available on Acorn TV.  Also, perhaps you can give “800 Words” a try.  “800 Words” is an Australian dramedy and features quirky people living in a New Zealand town called Weld. It’s also available on Acorn TV.  Have you seen “William and Mary” featuring Martin Clunes?

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Does anyone know if PBS will be showing season 8?  Activity will probably pick up if and when that happens, although probably not much.  This forum tends to not get many posts, although it seems a lot of people are reading them.

Edited by Nessie
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1 hour ago, Nessie said:

Thanks @Jacks-Son.  Doesn't sound like it will be on PBS anymore, but I remain hopeful. I hate when shows go from a previously free channel to one I have to pay for.  I don't even know what Acorn TV is.

Well, it will probably air on PBS eventually, considering it has only been renewed for two additional seasons and the series will end then. So, hold out hope. Acorn TV is a streaming service that airs British series. Most British series can be found on there. Whether it's a mystery, romance, drama, comedy, or period piece; it can be found on Acorn TV. The service is $4.99 per month and the service can be viewed on Roku, Apple TV, Amazon, Sony, and online at their web site. As a streaming service, it's reasonably priced compared to the other streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, & Amazon. You can sign up for a free 14-day trial membership and if you like the service, keep it.  If it doesn't meet your demands, cancel and pay nothing. I live in the States, but I love my British shows shows. All the seasons of Doc Martin are available and the current season started airing last week.  You can check it out here:

Acorn TV

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7 minutes ago, Jacks-Son said:

Well, it will probably air on PBS eventually, considering it has only been renewed for two additional seasons and the series will end then. So, hold out hope. Acorn TV is a streaming service that airs British series. Most British series can be found on there. Whether it's a mystery, romance, drama, comedy, or period piece; it can be found on Acorn TV. The service is $4.99 per month and the service can be viewed on Roku, Apple TV, Amazon, Sony, and online at their web site. As a streaming service, it's reasonably priced compared to the other streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, & Amazon. You can sign up for a free 14-day trial membership and if you like the service, keep it.  If it doesn't meet your demands, cancel and pay nothing. I live in the States, but I love my British shows shows. All the seasons of Doc Martin are available and the current season started airing last week.  You can check it out here:

Acorn TV

Thanks again.  I'll have to check it out when I get some time.

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You're welcome.  Good luck.

All this talk of Martin Clunes and "Doc Martin" spurred me to rewatch the first few episodes of season 1 of "William and Mary" starring Martin Clunes and Julie Graham. I really like how they learn to connect and their realization that despite the differences in professions (She a midwife and he an undertaker) they really do click. I like Martin Clunes better as William Shawcross than Dr. Ellingham. I've watched Caroline Catz in the first episode of "Murder in Suburbia" and didn't appreciate the desperate woman vibe. Never saw her in "DCI Banks" or other roles, so I'll reserve judgement.

Edited by Jacks-Son
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Caroline Catz is the worst. She totally ruined DCI Banks for me. I can't stand her in DM either. Her OR her character, I guess. 

I re-subscribed to Acorn TV yesterday. I only see a 7-day free trial. I'm going to have to look elsewhere. iTunes is charging me $6.99/mo. Acorn site says $4.99/mo. 

I'm getting caught up on Vera and watching the new Doc Martin eps. I don't see any character threads so I guess I'll just have to complain in episode threads about "Louiser." 800 Words sounds like something I might like. Thanks for posting the recommendation. 

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There probably aren't enough posters to start a thread for each individual season 8 episode, and I'm not even sure a general Season 8 thread will draw enough posters. We could probably create the thread that encompasses the entire season, but are there enough Acorn TV / ITV viewers here?  Speaking of, Season 8, Episode 2 aired yesterday, so I will be watching that soon.

I happen to like Caroline Catz and I love how she views Mrs. Tishell. She watches her like a hawk and will not let her get near James. She's also clearly defensive of how people talk about the Doc. The show even had an inside joke in the first episode of season 8 when someone remarked that Al Large only dates Doc Ellingham's assistants.

You may like "800 Words", but this 3rd season seems to be a bit off.  I don't think the writers know where they are going this season and I hope they haven't lost their edge.

BTW, you said iTunes is charging you $6.99/mo.  What exactly do you get for that monthly charge?

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The $6.99 is for a subscription to AcornTV. Last time I had it I had trouble with Acorn billing me for months after I cancelled it. My credit card finally had to block any Acorn charges. It was a pain. 

I don't like Louiser. She's the one who was attracted to Martin in the first place. Why? And if there's a good reason why, he's still not ever been anything but who he is. So her annoyance annoys me. 

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Thanks for creating this thread.

The second episode of season 8 was better than the first. Joe's deliberate deafness to what people were telling him was a bit over the top. The Curate was trying to make him understand that an 8 week romance is really too short of a time to make a decision to get married and he refused to listen. The first episode was a bit too comical for my tastes, Joe's experience with the stone and the Curate's irritation with him was borderline ridiculous.

You mentioned in another thread that Louisa was first attracted to Martin, but I didn't see it like that. She clearly thought that Martin was not right for the available GP opening and she thought he was too eccentric and a bit of a stalker. Eventually, she learned that he was just socially different and lacking in empathy.

This season seems to show a subtle change in Martin's disposition with her. He still acts the same way towards other people, but with Louisa, he's more tolerant and agreeable. Louisa, as of now, doesn't seem to have picked up the personality adjustment and still treats him as if he's still not agreeable and difficult. He seems willing to make sacrifices for her now. He's agreed to have a dog; he's willing to adjust his schedule to accommodate her and James; he's actually worried about her and work; and he's sort of gentle with her and making time for them to be together and have date nights. 

He's still impolitic with people, e.g. the nursery school manager with the hygiene problem, but Louisa is always there to divert his awkwardness and rude behavior. She knows and accepts how he treats others, but she has yet to notice that his behavior towards her has changed.

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On 9/25/2017 at 8:41 PM, Jacks-Son said:

I’ve never heard of either, but I’ll check them out.  If you like period pieces, try “Poldark” (There’s a 1975 version and a 2015 version), they’re both available on Acorn TV.  Also, perhaps you can give “800 Words” a try.  “800 Words” is an Australian dramedy and features quirky people living in a New Zealand town called Weld. It’s also available on Acorn TV.  Have you seen “William and Mary” featuring Martin Clunes?

Seen and like all of those shows. I binge watched William and Mary a few months back.  It was hard to believe that the woman who played Mary,  also played a character in the Blechley Circle.  I love the small universe of British actors.  Just like  the woman who plays Martin's wife , Louisa is also on DCI Banks.  I've really gotten into British shows the last few years, and I see the same actors in vastly different roles over and over again.

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