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The Wendy Williams Show - General Discussion

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The show is syndicated on two different channels here in NYC; it just played again and they kept the fainting episode in (which I missed earlier).  It did look scary - Wendy looked shook.   I don't think it was a stunt.  

I can only imagine tomorrow's ratings will be through the roof from lookie-loos wanting to check out Wendy and hear what she has to say about the experience, and also the people who want a front row seat in case lightning strikes twice.

Edited by patty1h
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I think WW is trying to cover something up. Like a TIA (mini-stroke). She was blaming the costume but what was so different about it from what she usually wears other than the crown? She always wears a wig and those studios are kept to a minimum comfortable temperature in order to keep the audience "awake". David Letterman was notorious for one of the coldest studios that filmed in NYC. When she did return after numerous commercials she kept her hand on that clear podium to stay steady. Even when Jerry O'C came back on stage dressed as the Naked Cowboy the first thing I heard was him asking her if indeed she was ok. I hope that it was a low blood sugar episode like someone upthread suggested and not a mere warning for something bigger to come. I guess if she's back on tomorrow it was something small. If it's a rerun I'd say that she probably has seen her MD and needed some further testing to make sure she wasn't going to be in harms way by continuing to film the show. I don't think that the stress of her family is helping either. Some days your drama Wendy is better than the drama that you report on. Be well. 

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I don't think Wendy was faking it because she is always scared to death of falling down. No way would she do that on purpose. 

1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

I think WW is trying to cover something up. Like a TIA (mini-stroke). She was blaming the costume but what was so different about it from what she usually wears other than the crown? 

Right?? she said she was overheated from the costume. Not a chance. Something happened and it was scary as hell to me. Of course I had to rewind it a few times to make sure I was seeing what I thought I was seeing.  She started to slur and then had a look on her face like "what is happening to me" right before she started falling backwards.  Wendy is covering up the stress in her life and the unhappy marriage she is in by putting on a happy face for her show everyday when she is probably miserable inside. It's taking a toll on her health and I don't think she's eating, either, she's skinny as a rail. This is JMO of course. I pick on her a lot, but I'm feeling sorry for her now. She did come back from commercial like a trooper, though. Kudo's to you Wendy for your professionalism in that moment.  Please get rid of your husband, you don't need him, he's just not worth it! 

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On 10/30/2017 at 4:20 PM, wings707 said:

I am back and have been watching for only a week.  I took a long break and I now remember why.  She is still all twirled up about Tamar's divorce.  I don't know who she is other than from DWTS a few years back.  

I am annoyed with the gossip twat who laced into Kevin Spacey.  Good god, it was an isolated, drunken incident 30 years ago and he apologized.  I have known he was gay for decades, stop making that a big deal AND a secret. Secret to whom?  Shame on you both for throwing him into Weinstein's category. 

Suzanne is back with her act.  She looks different and I am not sure how.  There is an icy energy between them.  I would love to know what happened.  Suzanne is one of the producers so there is a lot of things that could have happened behind the scenes.  Why do I think it Mr Wendy is very involved.  :>)

Wendy's breasts are vulgar knowing she bought them.   Bad decision.  

They and most were disgusted that he abused a 14 year old.  isolated incident or drunken incident  is no excuse for an adult to abuse a child!  He come out (of course most already knew ) to bury the lead . The story is that he sexually abused a child. I actually thought the gossip lady and WW showed the reaction most people I know had.  This isn't about being gay it's about sexual abuse.

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28 minutes ago, imjagain said:

They and most were disgusted that he abused a 14 year old.  isolated incident or drunken incident  is no excuse for an adult to abuse a child!  He come out (of course most already knew ) to bury the lead . The story is that he sexually abused a child. I actually thought the gossip lady and WW showed the reaction most people I know had.  This isn't about being gay it's about sexual abuse.

Right. Even if this was an isolated incident, should people look past it simply because the well-known person apologized and the crime took place over 30 years ago? I sincerely doubt anyone would feel that way if they or their  child was sexually abused by someone regardless if that person was famous or not, drunk or not. An apology should not be sufficient or take the place of prison when it comes to anyone who has committed sexual abuse. 

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23 hours ago, jumper sage said:

I think he is just as bad if not worse.  Pedophilia is horrible.  He is lucky that the state of New York has one of the most lenient pedophilia laws in the nation.  A person has until the age of 23 to file.

I think we are going to see something happen with Wendy.  I don't know what but there is a literal buffet of shit going on right now.

I agree with your entire post, but I bolded the part that has me wondering if you are psychic. 

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The show comes on at 1pm where I am and the episode that aired here didn't have the collapse edited out. It seems like Wendy has gotten even thinner then she was previously. I wonder if that had something to do with her passing out too? I agree that it seemed like more then just overheating. 

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49 minutes ago, Jaded said:

The show comes on at 1pm where I am and the episode that aired here didn't have the collapse edited out. It seems like Wendy has gotten even thinner then she was previously. I wonder if that had something to do with her passing out too? I agree that it seemed like more then just overheating. 

Yea.  For a couple seconds there she was hallucinating or seeing something.  Then she went down.  Bizarro.  I hope shes ok  

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The slurring of speech seemed like a stroke. The fainting and dramatic fall to the ground seemed fake. All of the sudden she's standing there and looking into the camera. Then she realized that she needs to fall somehow but didn't know how to. I agree it couldn't have been the costume. She wears more or less that type of outfit any other day.  

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11 hours ago, druzy said:

I agree with your entire post, but I bolded the part that has me wondering if you are psychic. 

I was thinking the same thing when she had her spell yesterday.  SOMETHING is going on.....................

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It was extremely bizarre yesterday.  She was obviously confused and slurring, then appeared almost to hallucinate like she was seeing something come at her, then just collapsed straight downward.  I agree she has gotten extremely thin lately so not sure what all she is taking but that combined with stress and lack of food made for a scary moment.  Also was strange how she did come back after the incident and carried on to finish the show like nothing happened.  

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Well, Wendy managed to make a show out of her fainting episode.  Glad she's okay.   Thought Wendy's hair/wig looked FABULOUS today - best it's ever looked.  YMMV.

Edited by Fishy
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2 hours ago, Minney said:

It was extremely bizarre yesterday.  She was obviously confused and slurring, then appeared almost to hallucinate like she was seeing something come at her, then just collapsed straight downward.  I agree she has gotten extremely thin lately so not sure what all she is taking but that combined with stress and lack of food made for a scary moment.  Also was strange how she did come back after the incident and carried on to finish the show like nothing happened.  

It was almost like she was fighting an outright seizure, and then fainted.  Very very scary.  Do y'all remember, a while back, that news reporter that was giving a report on air and she suddenly started slurring and not getting words out.  It was so scary, like you're witnessing someone have a health crisis like a stroke. Thankfully her outcome was better, no stroke but migraines.  Hopefully Wendy will be ok too.  Im sure she saw a doctor, I hope anyway.

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12 hours ago, ByaNose said:

The slurring of speech seemed like a stroke. The fainting and dramatic fall to the ground seemed fake. All of the sudden she's standing there and looking into the camera. Then she realized that she needs to fall somehow but didn't know how to. I agree it couldn't have been the costume. She wears more or less that type of outfit any other day.  

But also she had all that head gear on, the wig and then the top of Lady Liberty.  The head traps the most heat and then under the lights...I would have dropped long before.  Thats one thing about dressing up, no face makeup or head stuff.  I cant take it for some weird reason.  Limits the options lol

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14 minutes ago, Tammee said:

But also she had all that head gear on, the wig and then the top of Lady Liberty.  The head traps the most heat and then under the lights...I would have dropped long before.  Thats one thing about dressing up, no face makeup or head stuff.  I cant take it for some weird reason.  Limits the options lol

I didn't see it as full headgear. Just a green wig and then the crown didn't cover her whole head. It was like a normal crown in that the circle sat on her head. 

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36 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I didn't see it as full headgear. Just a green wig and then the crown didn't cover her whole head. It was like a normal crown in that the circle sat on her head. 

True, plus Im sure they made it with that in mind.  A lightweight foam or something

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13 minutes into the show and Wendy is still yapping about her passing out yesterday. I'm bored. Thanks for ruining the only 18 minutes of your show worth watching (hot topics). I've already changed channels. 

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33 minutes ago, Tammee said:

True, plus Im sure they made it with that in mind.  A lightweight foam or something

That is why I'm calling foul on her being just overheated from her costume. It's a feather light excuse. Plausible if she was wearing a costume (like a college mascot). I just wish her well and hope that she gets the medical attention she needs and Big Kev doesn't push her to keep the show going on if it's at the expense of her health. He likes her big paychecks. There's that mistress to support as well as Little Kev going to college. 

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I believe her fainting was real.  The link I posted above mentions her thyroid condition causes her to overheat.  This has happened before. 

I like JLo.  I know nothing about her music, I am talking about her acting and presence in interviews.  Who cares if she is now living with JRod after only 8 months?  Wendy does!  So silly.  My husband and I moved in together way before 8 months.  And no, I don't care about them having kids and doing this.  It is already routine for them!  

Jerry O'Connell (yesterday) was terrible.  Why men dressed as women have to do such a fake exaggerated voice is beyond me.  It is obnoxious and not funny.

She is extremely thin but not easy to see due to her breasts but it was very obvious today in her all black skin tight clothes.  It is a shame she doesn't want them reduced due to the scars that could result.  She cannot count on not keloiding. 

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1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

That is why I'm calling foul on her being just overheated from her costume. It's a feather light excuse. Plausible if she was wearing a costume (like a college mascot). I just wish her well and hope that she gets the medical attention she needs and Big Kev doesn't push her to keep the show going on if it's at the expense of her health. He likes her big paychecks. There's that mistress to support as well as Little Kev going to college. 

Yes. She doth protests too much. I get a slight vibe from Wendy that she's not taking a liking to, or attempting to embrace and enjoy her age...the mid 50's?

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55 minutes ago, chenoa333 said:

Yes. She doth protests too much. I get a slight vibe from Wendy that she's not taking a liking to, or attempting to embrace and enjoy her age...the mid 50's?

I get the show late here (3 pm EST). When listening with the knowledge of what y'all had posted kept my ears opened for clues. Clue 1: When she stated that Big Kev scooped her up and removed her from the stage. She did get a preliminary EKG to make sure that she wasn't having a cardiac episode.  Then she probably got the chat re: the show must go on or never to show your vulnerability. IRL it might have caused some speculation but it wouldn't have ended her career if she took a day off. Big Kev knows that his main paycheck comes from her working. In that respect, of course he would push her to keep on going. She loves him and doesn't want to lose face (or him) so she'd do pretty much whatever he tells her to do. It's not like he's her manager and then she goes home to a different husband at night. She doesn't. Clue 2: She stated that upon backstage triage it was determined that she was low in electrolytes. Um, no. You need blood work to assess chemistry levels other than blood sugar (which can be done on site)  I'd have been ok with this if she had stated she later got tested and it was discovered. Shady Wendy. You are covering something up. 

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14 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Shady Wendy. You are covering something up. 

Oh, hell yea she is. She may be diabetic or something even more serious. Celebs don't always let the public know what is going on with their health and rightly so. They have a right to their privacy. Unfortunately for Wendy, this happened on air for all to see. She tried too hard today to make the incident sound like it was not that big a deal. I guess there wasn't much more she could do or say. All I know is what I see and what I see is a woman who is falling apart, sickly skinny and has not been looking good since the new season began. Maybe she's taking the dieting to an unhealthy extreme. Her personal life must be falling apart behind the scenes but she will keep pretending all is ok just to save face in front of an audience every day.  The cheating allegations with her husband and her son's drug situation must be adding to her stress level no doubt. 

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Pills, booze, late onset anorexia and menopause.

I hope that she gets help ASAP. This mini episode might be a warning one before the big one.

She has to realize that being that underweight is not good for her heart. 

Does also she realize that she is already loosing her cognitive functions? She can’t remember names or gets complitely lost in her stories. 

I am legit worried that she will drop dead or that she will not wake up one day.

Who the fuck brag about eating a freaking grapefruit???

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11 minutes ago, LIMOM said:

Who the fuck brag about eating a freaking grapefruit???

Someone with late onset anorexia. Just like you stated. I don't think her vegan diet is doing her any favors. Done correctly it can be a good diet but combined with eating "issues" it can have harmful effects. I think her obsession with weight has to do with Big Kev's wandering eye. 

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2 hours ago, wings707 said:

She definitely looks anorexic to me.  She is at the menopause age but that has nothing to do with her weight or passing out.  

A lot of people become anorexic with food issues because thats the only thing in their lives they can control.  W had/has so much chaos in her life with all the outside projects (thank goodness its cut down some) I can totally see it..  I hope dr drew or dr oz, hell Id even take dr dre at this point hee

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Ok.  The fainting incident was scary.  I've almost fainted before, blackout, and it is scary.  I hope she is ok but I have to admit, I think it is a diet thing.  I think she's pushing her body too hard.

About the Kevin Spacey thing.  I am, in no way, defending him but I have one question that has yet to be asked.  Where were this 14 year old's parents?  I know he was not the average kid but he had to have parents or at least a guardian.  Did they just let this kid run all over Manhattan?  In the 80's?  Cause that sounds safe.  Especially considering he was on Broadway which meant he could've had weirdo stalkers and fans.  I'll be damned if I let my 14 year old go to an adult party where there will be drinking without me tagging along.  That's my question, where were this kid's parents.

That being said, it doesn't mitigate the nasty, asshole-ness of Spacey.

Then, today, Wendy was harping on this message and mentioned how the people on House of Cards can work with him now.  Um, Wendy, wasn't your hubby accused of sexually harassing women who worked for you?  Ask yourself, Wendy, how you lived and worked with Kevin after that.  Ask yourself how you kissed him after that.  Granted, it wasn't a teen but it was still sexual harassment.

Wendy's hypocrisy is getting really thick.

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4 hours ago, LIMOM said:

Pills, booze, late onset anorexia and menopause.

I hope that she gets help ASAP. This mini episode might be a warning one before the big one.

She has to realize that being that underweight is not good for her heart. 

Does also she realize that she is already loosing her cognitive functions? She can’t remember names or gets complitely lost in her stories. 

I am legit worried that she will drop dead or that she will not wake up one day.

Who the fuck brag about eating a freaking grapefruit???

There was a woman in my office, totally articulate, great memory, etc.  Then one day she started showing the same sort of things.  My boss begged her to see her doctor  because blood, or oxygen or something wasnt going up to her brain lol. She was kidding but serious, you know.  Thankfully she did and sure enough, cardiac blockages.  She was out 10 weeks but came back better than ever!

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8 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

13 minutes into the show and Wendy is still yapping about her passing out yesterday. I'm bored. Thanks for ruining the only 18 minutes of your show worth watching (hot topics). I've already changed channels. 

She didn't start with her own story.  She talked first of the attack yesterday, then I think she had a second hot topic, and then got into her story so it would be about that time

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8 hours ago, wings707 said:

Jerry O'Connell (yesterday) was terrible.  Why men dressed as women have to do such a fake exaggerated voice is beyond me.  It is obnoxious and not funny.

OMG he was awful!  It looked like Wendy wanted to smack the shit out of him during Ask Wendy, and rightly so.

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13 hours ago, Destiny74 said:

Ok.  The fainting incident was scary.  I've almost fainted before, blackout, and it is scary.  I hope she is ok but I have to admit, I think it is a diet thing.  I think she's pushing her body too hard.

About the Kevin Spacey thing.  I am, in no way, defending him but I have one question that has yet to be asked.  Where were this 14 year old's parents?  I know he was not the average kid but he had to have parents or at least a guardian.  Did they just let this kid run all over Manhattan?  In the 80's?  Cause that sounds safe.  Especially considering he was on Broadway which meant he could've had weirdo stalkers and fans.  I'll be damned if I let my 14 year old go to an adult party where there will be drinking without me tagging along.  That's my question, where were this kid's parents.

That being said, it doesn't mitigate the nasty, asshole-ness of Spacey.

Then, today, Wendy was harping on this message and mentioned how the people on House of Cards can work with him now.  Um, Wendy, wasn't your hubby accused of sexually harassing women who worked for you?  Ask yourself, Wendy, how you lived and worked with Kevin after that.  Ask yourself how you kissed him after that.  Granted, it wasn't a teen but it was still sexual harassment.

Wendy's hypocrisy is getting really thick.

Maybe they were asshole who didn't give a shit about him. Maybe they were drug addicts who were getting high. Maybe they were they church nuts , who were in church. Maybe they had a crazy amount  of trust in his ability to protect himself. Who knows?

My point is children get abused with parents of all kind. 

Of course his parents shouldn't let a 14 run free.... but children have been abused while their parent was in the next room. I guess that question bothers me because, it then changes the conversation.  No offense. 

Edited by imjagain
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1 hour ago, imjagain said:

Maybe they were asshole who didn't give a shit about him. Maybe they were drug addicts who were getting high. Maybe they were they church nuts , who were in church. Maybe they had a crazy amount  of trust in his ability to protect himself. Who knows?

My point is children get abused with parents of all kind. 

Of course his parents shouldn't let a 14 run free.... but children have been abused while their parent was in the next room. I guess that question bothers me because, it then changes the conversation.  No offense. 

No offense taken.  However...

You don't think the parents you described in the first paragraph should take some blame?  Blaming the parents for not properly taking care of their child is in no way taking away any of Kevin Spacey's blame.  No way at all.  It does not make it ok to try and rape a 14 year old boy simply because they are alone somewhere.

As a parent it upsets me that this happened to this young man.  Really pisses me off.  It also scares the shit our of me.  I do the very best I can to protect my kids but they have to live their lives.  I would feel at fault if my child is ever assaulted.  But I would feel guilty beyond compare if I let my kid go to a party he should not have been at, and got assaulted.  That's why I wondered where the parents were, because I projected in my own situation.  Either way, I would want the assailant castrated.

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37 minutes ago, Destiny74 said:

No offense taken.  However...

You don't think the parents you described in the first paragraph should take some blame?  Blaming the parents for not properly taking care of their child is in no way taking away any of Kevin Spacey's blame.  No way at all.  It does not make it ok to try and rape a 14 year old boy simply because they are alone somewhere.

As a parent it upsets me that this happened to this young man.  Really pisses me off.  It also scares the shit our of me.  I do the very best I can to protect my kids but they have to live their lives.  I would feel at fault if my child is ever assaulted.  But I would feel guilty beyond compare if I let my kid go to a party he should not have been at, and got assaulted.  That's why I wondered where the parents were, because I projected in my own situation.  Either way, I would want the assailant castrated.

Honestly, it is kind of though to blame the parents in this instance.

We have so little information regarding the encounter. It could have been a luncheon with all the cast and Kevin moved on the kid. The kid could have been chaperoned by a friend. WTH knows?

or he could have uninvolved parents.

however, the fault lies entirely on the predator regardless of the circumstances, imo.

And there are tons of disgusting picture of him and Brian Singer and their horrific parties.

It is amazing that it took so long for all those people to get busted.

Back to Wendy, she needs to stop trying to make those two talentless white men happen ie Rappaport and O’Connell.

Did she become a talent agent on her spare time?

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I agree with you @Destiny74 that parents these days have to be proactive as far as monitoring their children. It has been whispered about for ages that these men in power abuse their authority. That weird Hollywood scene even seems to condone it at times. Many starlets (the Kardashian/Jenner girls, Paris Hilton, Drew Barrymore) were known to go clubbing in their teens. Definitely underage and inappropriate. What were their parents thinking? Until we as a collective society say it no longer is acceptable people will do it because in general there are no consequences. 

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15 hours ago, Tammee said:

A lot of people become anorexic with food issues because thats the only thing in their lives they can control.  W had/has so much chaos in her life with all the outside projects (thank goodness its cut down some) I can totally see it..  I hope dr drew or dr oz, hell Id even take dr dre at this point hee

On another website, someone mentioned that she switched from being an addict to being anorexic and it was her new high. It makes sense to me.

She also gets so defensive when people mention her appearance, something is very wrong.

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19 hours ago, LIMOM said:

Does also she realize that she is already loosing her cognitive functions? She can’t remember names or gets complitely lost in her stories. 

This is so true! I think we have all noticed how she has been struggling this season. She pauses for too long on Hot Topics because she can't remember what she was saying, or pauses for too long on the couch during an interview because she forgets her line of questioning. It's all so strange. And it's not just overheating. Her staff is most likely very aware of exactly what her health issues are. 

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6 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

This is so true! I think we have all noticed how she has been struggling this season. She pauses for too long on Hot Topics because she can't remember what she was saying, or pauses for too long on the couch during an interview because she forgets her line of questioning. It's all so strange. And it's not just overheating. Her staff is most likely very aware of exactly what her health issues are. 

But you know, the scary thing is, this happens to me too.  Im also a woman of a certain age (lol 52) and it started this last couple of yrs.  And its more than walking into a room while forgetting what for.  I can be sitting or doing whatever and get a bright idea  and if I dont write it down, its gone.  I have to write evvvvvvvvvvverything if I want to remember.  On the plus side, Im glad W is having a full workup done.

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53 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I never realized Christy Brinkley was such a flake. 

I DVR the old episodes of The Tonight Show from when Johnny Carson hosted when they air on Antenna TV nightly. The past few months they've aired a handful of episodes she appeared on. Even in the early 80's she was flaky. 

Edited by Jaded
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I'm on the fence about her being a flake or just so media savvy that she metes out only so much. Very calculated. She's been at the media game for a long time and as a model she does know how to project her best face forward. 

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1 hour ago, Tammee said:

But you know, the scary thing is, this happens to me too.  Im also a woman of a certain age (lol 52) and it started this last couple of yrs.  And its more than walking into a room while forgetting what for.  I can be sitting or doing whatever and get a bright idea  and if I dont write it down, its gone.  I have to write evvvvvvvvvvverything if I want to remember.  On the plus side, Im glad W is having a full workup done.

Ohhh, yes.  Me too.  It is frustrating and a bit scary, honestly. 

13 minutes ago, Jaded said:

I DVR the old episodes of The Tonight Show from when Johnny Carson hosted. The past few months they've aired a handful of episodes she appeared on. Even in the early 80's she was flaky. 

Where are they airing?  

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