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S05.E17: Where Are They Now? Teretha & Chad LIVE CHAT

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18 minutes ago, CouchTater said:

Former Detroiter here (born and raised). I do NOT wear head Band-Aids for an accessory.  How dare you, madam?

I will give you a pass since we're 600-lb pals.  :-)

Oh shit, busted! ;-)

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1 minute ago, 55Unicorns said:

Dragging all those people on the road??  I don't know about this, Chad...

Yeah, that is a strange plan. Giving up the apartment just for a few months? Won't they just have to get another one?

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1 minute ago, 55Unicorns said:

Dragging all those people on the road??  I don't know about this, Chad...

Damn, missed what Chad said, something about a storage locker? He talks kinda mumbly to me.

2 minutes ago, CouchTater said:

I just saw a headline today that energy drinks are supposedly worse than regular soda.

Never had one myself..... that's what Mountain Dew is for!

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1 minute ago, poeticlicensed said:

Chad needs to consider doing short haul instead of long haul. That way he isn't behind the wheel so many hours and goes home at night. The money isn't as good but it's much healthier. 

Money will be even worse when he regains the weight and is unable to work again, you are on the money with short haul being better!

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1 minute ago, DC Gal in VA said:

Damn, missed what Chad said, something about a storage locker? He talks kinda mumbly to me.

He wants them to put their things in storage, and take the family on the road with him...to keep him "in line".

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I'd like to know what kind of pain meds Teretha is on, and if that's the real reason why she refuses to get up - because as long as she's in too much pain to stand, the meds keep coming.

She may need Assanti's number.

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Energy Drinks are terrible! My husband loves them, and I can't stand the way they smell! I hate it,  I won't even hold them if they are open. Just gross to me. Give me a Dr. Pepper if i really need a soda or something.

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1 minute ago, 55Unicorns said:

He wants them to put their things in storage, and take the family on the road with him...to keep him "in line".

Not good. He needs to keep himself in line. I'm torn about taking the fam on the road. I've met people who pulled their kids out of school for traveling, but they were on a boat, or in an RV, not sitting in the cab of a big rig. For hours...  You may want to rethink this one, Chad. 

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Just now, 55Unicorns said:

Where does he think they will all sleep...in the cab???  I've seen truck cabs; they aren't that big!

Depends on the truck. Some have huge walk in sleepers with quite a bit of room. 

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I love how when these people fail or don't get the answer they want, or really anything doesn't go their way, they pull out the, "I will just go my own way and find someone else". Hello! There is no one else that's why you are on this show. Put in the work, you will see the results. You want to sit on your ass all day and complain about your pain? I guess you can do that too, but don't expect any more help.

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Oh Terethia. How dare they push you to do more. Shit do something!!

Her husband should be pissed. This man ia clearly sick and she wont do the bare minimum to help herself.

Edited by Brooklynista
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1 minute ago, mysticalflute said:

*looks in*

*waves* Hello. New member here. :) Michigander here too! I'm just...yikes-ing all over the place with Teretha.

Nice to meet ya! Here's your complimentary gasoline soaked pants and your ticket to ride this hand basket all the way to hell!

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1 minute ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Teretha's poor husband, she should be taking care of him! Selfish woman

Amen! He is going to drop dead soon, and then what is she going to do? I feel terrible for him, he really has enough on his plate,he deserves a minute (or two!) to just worry about himself for once.

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1 minute ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Teretha's poor husband, she should be taking care of him! Selfish woman

Seriously, this is another reason why I'd bet she is both a food addict and a drug (pain med) addict. Addicts are stone blind to the suffering of others right in front of them. I wish the EMTs had taken her husband away for help and just left her there alone. She'd get up, you can bet on it.

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1 minute ago, sainte-chapelle said:


Teretha's poor husband, she should be taking care of him! Selfish woman


I hate to say it but it is selfish the way these people who are bedbound use their families. We have all seen the mothers on here who claim they are living for their children yet their children are wiping their mother's butts and raising themselves.

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