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S05.E15: Lupe & Ashley D LIVE CHAT

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8 minutes ago, Smoothcoat said:

I'm surprised we never hear Dr Now or  anyone recommend them working out by walking/exercising in a pool. That's good for all kind of people, old people, fat people. Would be a lot less painful for them! Maybe they just don't have access to one?

Pauline got a little miffed with the doctor, who didn't want to recognize her pain, and found herself a pool. I think so many of these people have been mentally and physically immobilized for so long, it doesn't even occur to them to do water exercises.

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8 minutes ago, Maggienolia said:

You take that back!!! Take it back!!! Croissants (done right) are manna from heaven above. Mmmm.... croissants... TAKE IT BACK!!! ;) 

I grew up in a family where a meal wasn't complete without some kind of bread/roll so I feel you. Funny because I was just telling my significant other to remind me to pick up rolls for Sunday because we're having my parents over for Easter dinner and they would be expecting them with their meal. 

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Ok, I'm a few minutes behind the broadcast, fast forwarding through the commercials to catch up a bit at a time, but HOW THE HELL DID NONE OF YOU COMMENT ON THE SWISHER HANGING FROM HIS HAT AT THE FIRST APPOINTMENT WITH DR. NOW?!?! I was expecting to get to that part of the episode and find a wall of comments about what a garbage person he is.


Like, I have known very few people who have ever smoked those as actual cigars; they are pretty much universally used as "blunt wraps" for weed..... And weed is fine and all, but I honestly cannot believe he just casually shows up for a dang medical appointment with a blingin' ass Swisher just staring everyone in the face. Gross. 

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Just now, DC Gal in VA said:

I missed exactly why Ashley eating much less would cause gall stones.

I've been having some gallbladder issues from losing weight quickly. What is happening is that as you lose fat, all this previously trapped cholesterol is roaming around the body. They crystalize and get stuck in the gallbladder. I'm on a medication for it, but I get some mild gallbladder attacks - it really hurts!

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1 minute ago, DC Gal in VA said:

I missed exactly why Ashley eating much less would cause gall stones.

Nevermind, he just answered that question. It ain't easy being overweight even when you're trying to do the right thing.

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Just now, Pers said:

I've been having some gallbladder issues from losing weight quickly. What is happening is that as you lose fat, all this previously trapped cholesterol is roaming around the body. They crystalize and get stuck in the gallbladder. I'm on a medication for it, but I get some mild gallbladder attacks - it really hurts!

OH yeah....

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2 minutes ago, DC Gal in VA said:

I missed exactly why Ashley eating much less would cause gall stones.

On the UK show 'Fat Doctor,' the doctor frequently takes out the gall bladder when doing WLS to avoid gall stone problems.  I thought it was over kill, but maybe not.

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Lol at Dr. Now saying removing the gallbladder could be "a very difficult surgery".  Gallbladder removal is literally the most common surgery in the U.S.


Those skin surgeries always look weird.  I'm not sure how to describe that stuff on the underside.  It's like lumpy and yellow.  And then there's the bloody layer.  Then the skin.

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Wait, what??  He had sex with her after surgery?  She's got some kind of mold now (probably not, but that's what he said)?  Good grief...

eta - am I the only one who likes the background music they use on the show?

Edited by aliya
otherwise I'll forget...
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Are you fucking kidding me? Gilbert insisted they had sex when the got home? Right after her surgery? WHAT A FUCKING SHITBAG.

Lupe, tell Dr. Now! 

WTF is wrong with this guy?!

Edited by Dashing Off
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2 minutes ago, okerry said:

good god, Gilbert - do these two not know about "alternative methods?"

Apparently not. There are other ways to have release that don't involve injuring your wife. He's disgusting. And she's a fool for going along with it. 

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Can some medical professional please chime in and tell me what that green slime was oozing out of her wound? Was that Gilbert's syphillis? Was he putting his dirty dick into her wound??

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