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Zach and Tori

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I would not be surprised if the farm came with a lot conditions from Matt. Without the farm, and now that Amy’s wedding (at the farm) is over, what is Matt’s storyline? Zach and Tori want to be Little People, Big World 2.0, but they can’t have that to themselves without the farm, and Matt’s not really willing to give up control of it.

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2 hours ago, EllaWycliffe said:

Whether they legit discussed it off camera we'll never know, but there's many episodes over the years where Matt discusses that he wants one of the kids to take over, that he wants a legacy where his grandkids grow up on the farm, that he wants his sons to work with him on the farm... but also that he isn't interested in splitting the farm up, and wants the kids to decide amongst themselves who will get what. He's also expressed repeatedly that he simply wants to sell and retire, and he's tired of waiting for the kids to step up to the plate. 

If whats said in private is similar to what's said in public, then Matt is all over the place with what he wants to do with the property. My vibe personally? He's not interested in selling and likely won't. And if he dies, the property will likely be left to the four children so they can "fight over it" as he has occasionally stated on the show. 

I will wait until these episodes air before I make a call on who is being entitled. Zach certainly seems angry and Tory seems protective of Zach so regardless of who's right, I think Zach has some hurt feelings over the situation. Matt and Caryn rolling their eyes and laughing over the situation comes off a wee bit well, not exactly hurt. If they genuinely want to see the grandkids, they might want to tone down the public mocking of the grandkids parents. 

Here's my thinking. If Zach made a fair market value offer for the farm - and knowing he DID buy a piece of property for 1 million - Zach not only has the money but the knowledge to know what fair market value is - and Matt wanted control of the land or usage concessions, or wanted significantly more, or both, then Zach has the right to be pissed off. Why? Because why pay full price or more for property that the prior owner still controls. 

If Zach offered under fair market value BECAUSE  Matt wants concessions about access or control - this is where negotiations might be an issue because Matt can't expect fair market value for property he is selling but still wants a lot of access to and control over. That's unreasonable on Matt's part. Put in simple terms - if the property is worth 100k, and Matt sells it and walks away and never looks back, fine, but if its worth 100k and Zach pays 100k and Matt can still be on the property and cut down trees and plow up fields and put up structures at will, and Zach has little to no say in usage - is it really fair to ask for 100k when you don't control the property use?

If Zach offered under fair market value and refuses any concessions of control to Matt, then Matt has every right to say no and be annoyed over Zach being entitled. Its a valuable piece of property and Matt deserves fair market value if he is selling because a non family buyer would simply be required to buy at fair market value. 

Where Matt may be the asshole here is if he is wanting full market value pricing for the farm but ALSO wanting significant control and usage concessions - you can't demand top dollar and also still use the property as though you are still the owner. 

MY THOUGHTS:  Tori "runs the show" in Zach's family.  Tori has a problem (BIG problem) with Matt "running the show" on the farm that tends to reflect poorly on her husband, Zach.  Tori believes (with good cause) that she, Zach and her 3 children are CRUCIAL STORY LINES to keep the very lucrative show on the air.  The show also bestows on her various other income streams from Instagram advertisers that further enhance their financial prosperity. 

Tori determined it was much better for their family to live nowhere NEAR MATT so that's why they moved. 

We'll see how the producers wish to create story lines around whether the 3 Zach and Tori kids have access to Matt and Caryn. 

Viewer curiosity should fuel higher ratings and that's what most of this family squabble is about anyway, IMO.

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I don’t really have a problem with Matt and Caryns reaction, in previous seasons both Tori and Zach have been just as rude when discussing Matt and the farm on camera… Tori and Zach have also been rude and outspoken when discussing Amy and her choices.

It seems to be the Roloff way to openly bitch and whine about each other… I think a lot of it is amped up for the show.

I kind of wish the show would end because the same old topics…. arguing over the farm, having babies, Amy and her MAN, Caryn and Matt’s relationship is really getting old and it’s not that interesting.  😴💤

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1 minute ago, pdlinda said:

Tori "runs the show" in Zach's family. 

Agree. In fairness, Tory is also a lot smarter than Zach so it kind of makes sense. 

2 minutes ago, pdlinda said:

Tori has a problem (BIG problem) with Matt "running the show" on the farm that tends to reflect poorly on her husband, Zach. 

Also fair. It was very noticeable to me at least that once Amy was no longer in the farm decision circle, that Matt turned his irritation onto how Zach was suddenly the problem on the farm. Matt loves to use the show as a platform for his complaints about family members. I wouldn't want my husband facing that.

6 minutes ago, pdlinda said:

Tori believes (with good cause) that she, Zach and her 3 children are CRUCIAL STORY LINES to keep the very lucrative show on the air.  The show also bestows on her various other income streams from Instagram advertisers that further enhance their financial prosperity. 

If she believes this, she's not wrong. I'm not a huge kid fan so I'd watch without kids but most folks aren't tuning in to see Amy and Chris hang out with Matt and Caryn in increasingly awkward and unlikely scenarios. (I myself find this hilarious but its a minority taste). 

That said, the flaw in Zach and Tory hijacking the show is that Zach has the personality of a slug and I don't think the kids are verbal enough to carry the show. I could be wrong, of course. 

13 minutes ago, pdlinda said:

Tori determined it was much better for their family to live nowhere NEAR MATT so that's why they moved. 

Also agree. Its a weird dynamic that I freely admit, I don't understand - "the farm" is this weird end game for all the Roloffs. Personally I think its way healthier emotionally for Zach and Tory to own their own nice piece of property and make a nice life for themselves with their own stuff. Right or wrong, Matt isn't likely to cede control of any portion of his little empire and the endless "I want a legacy, I want one of you to take over, I just want to retire to AZ, but I also want to control every aspect of activity here on the farm" is, forgive me, a bit toxic. 

Its clearly not about affording it - Zach and Tory didn't buy their current place with smiles,  and a handful of shiny beads. And hey, maybe Zach puttering around with his kids DOES make a fun tv show. On their own land. And honestly, Jackson is starting to get to an age where he will remember what was said and maybe its best that he's nowhere near Matt. 

16 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

It seems to be the Roloff way to openly bitch and whine about each other… I think a lot of it is amped up for the show.

Fair enough but they (all of them) only have themselves to blame for the failed relationships.

18 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

kind of wish the show would end because the same old topics…. arguing over the farm, having babies, Amy and her MAN, Caryn and Matt’s relationship is really getting old and it’s not that interesting.  

There's just not much to argue about over the farm - Matt owns it and isn't terribly interested in selling. Chris and Amy are a nice enough couple but I dont find their road tripping plans that fascinating, and Matt and Caryn always present a carefully curated version of their relationship where they are 100 percent happy all the time and yet not planning to wed. Honestly if the show didn't have Zach and Tory cranking out babies, I think it would have been canceled a while ago. 

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I wonder about Matt 's financial picture.  What is the farms worth?  Is it mortgaged?  How much money does Matt actually have after buying Amy out.

Then I have to think why is Matt sinking all of that money into that humongous garage with a home to follow???

If the show is to continue Zack seems the leading character since he has two, maybe three little people.  But he's mad, hurt and has moved out of state.

Wouldn't it be something if Jacob ends up being the winner and makes Roloff farms a marijuana growing farm!!!

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47 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

I wonder about Matt 's financial picture.  What is the farms worth?  Is it mortgaged?  How much money does Matt actually have after buying Amy out.

Then I have to think why is Matt sinking all of that money into that humongous garage with a home to follow???

If the show is to continue Zack seems the leading character since he has two, maybe three little people.  But he's mad, hurt and has moved out of state.

Wouldn't it be something if Jacob ends up being the winner and makes Roloff farms a marijuana growing farm!!!

Exactly I don't think Matt can afford to give anyone "deals" on real estate.... family member or not.

Has he even put in a paved surface for his train to run on for train tours, that thing was bouncing, crunching, jerking and a VERY rough ride on the gravel when he drove it a short distance with family onboard.

I can't imagine paying to ride in it while it's jerking and bouncing like that.  😣

I've been on similar trains at other amusement parks and they were always driven on pavement or cement.... never gravel with potholes.

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2 hours ago, EllaWycliffe said:

That said, the flaw in Zach and Tory hijacking the show is that Zach has the personality of a slug and I don't think the kids are verbal enough to carry the show. I could be wrong, of course. 

OMG this made me laugh so hard! My ribs are hurting because of it! I have never seen a better summary of Zach’s personality…. He truly is a Zach-Slug! If someone comes up with an edited picture of this I’m gonna die laughing! (Sorry Zach!)

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16 minutes ago, Dustbunny said:

Exactly I don't think Matt can afford to give anyone "deals" on real estate.... family member or not.

It'll be interesting if they ever actually reveal the nature of Zach's offer versus Matt's counter.

Its a valuable property so Matt shouldn't be expected to sell it cheap simply because of family relationship. At the same time, Zach shouldn't be expected to pay more than fair market value simply because Matt wants more. And if there are usage conditions in the mix, thats a whole added factor that can indeed affect the price - who wants a property with a high price tag that isn't really yours to do with as you like? A non family member is not going to pay top dollar for a property where the prior owner can still use the property as they please up to and including having an office on the property and driving all around the property building new structures on whims etc. To a point if Matt wants to sell, he has to accept the fact that he IS selling

10 minutes ago, LilyD said:

OMG this made me laugh so hard! My ribs are hurting because of it! I have never seen a better summary of Zach’s personality…. He truly is a Zach-Slug! If someone comes up with an edited picture of this I’m gonna die laughing! (Sorry Zach!)

Hee hee I wish I was artistic and I would make you one. I just remember this one scene in a very early season where Jeremy was going off with friends and Zach was in his grubby shorts and grubby Civil war cap sitting on a rock, *slowly* eating goldfish crackers.... and "Zach is a slug" came to me. 

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13 hours ago, EllaWycliffe said:

Its a valuable property so Matt shouldn't be expected to sell it cheap simply because of family relationship

I have wondered about its actual value. Because of its location and size, Matt should be able to get a decent price. But…the  Roloffs aren’t very house proud and I have a feeling the place is pretty gutted.
The farmhouse will need a lot of renovation work because of this, plus the fact that a lot of it was designed for LP and not for people of average height. Add to that the number of “interesting” buildings around the place and Matte numerous unfinished projects. So a future owner will have to bring a big bag of money to fix these issues.

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28 minutes ago, justduckey said:

From her most recent video on Instagram, I’d say Josiah is an LP. 
They’re probably saving the reveal for ratings though.

I agree AND I believe ALL the controversial issues surfacing recently are expressly and exclusively designed to boost ratings for the show.  In that regard, I would have to say they will be successful.

For example, on my Google daily newsfeed there isn't a day that goes by that doesn't include a story about LPBW!!

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1 hour ago, justduckey said:

Also the comments section on Matt’s most recent Insta post are a sh*t show with Zach and Jacob going at Matt and the fans, respectively. 

Omg the Roloff Crazy Train has finally gone off the tracks!!! 
I was laughing so hard, Matt battling it out with 2 of his useless prick lazy kids while the fans screamed and argued amongst themselves about who was right… freaking hilarious!! 
I can’t wait for the new season, hopefully it’s more insanity! 😂😂😂

Go Matt GO!!!!  

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1 hour ago, Joan of Argh said:

Omg the Roloff Crazy Train has finally gone off the tracks!!! 
I was laughing so hard, Matt battling it out with 2 of his useless prick lazy kids while the fans screamed and argued amongst themselves about who was right… freaking hilarious!! 
I can’t wait for the new season, hopefully it’s more insanity! 😂😂😂

Go Matt GO!!!!  

oh lord! lolololol!!!! I just spent the last hour reading the insanity and couldn't believe my eyes, people calling each other names, screaming, fighting over who is right, Matt or his loser kids!

Now I'm STOKED for the new season! 😁


Edited by Dustbunny
autocorrect hates me
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14 hours ago, Dustbunny said:

Now I'm STOKED for the new season! 😁


LOLOLOLOL....we all KNOW that was the PLAN all along!  They have to "juice up" the story lines to keep the advertisers happy. 

I bet with each increase in audience base, the Roloff's rake in more $$$$ to feed their ever-expanding family.

I'm sure Audrey and Jeremy might have second thoughts about severing ties with the show (I wonder how well they are doing financially with their "lifestyle website" but I read that Audrey's family is wealthy so perhaps she gets access to a trust fund, or whatever).  Molly is a functioning professional, and happily married, so she's not involved in the family squabbles

As for Jacob, Izzy and their baby, a regular paycheck must be a "thing of beauty" and I fully expect some "flash points of dissention" from them.

In all, the show is off to a rousing start in 2022!!

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2 hours ago, pdlinda said:

I bet with each increase in audience base, the Roloff's rake in more $$$$ to feed their ever-expanding family.

How exactly does TLC determine how many people are watching? I'm not going to watch, but if I did how would they know? So far nobody has ever contacted me to find out if I watch the show. Are phone operators standing by so I can call and let them know I didn't watch? 😂





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1 hour ago, chenoa333 said:

How exactly does TLC determine how many people are watching?

I believe they have companies like Nielsen and Arbitron (not sure about spelling) who have statistical models to determine how many viewers a show receives for each episode.

I've never received a call either; however, I know that advertising rates are set by the # of viewers each episode receives.  


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I apologize in advance for this long-winded post but IMO Zach and Tori are boring and their kids aren’t old enough to carry the storylines, so unless Zach is taking over Amy’s role of “fighting” Matt, I don’t see what they’re bringing to the show that’s exciting, I mean we can only watch Jackson ride a scooter so many times unless they’re going to drag the birth out like they did Amy’s wedding.   Of course they could start kissing up to Amy and film more with her and MY MAN! Otherwise, it’s basically Z and T film, Amy and MY MAN film, Caryn and Matt film…. Was the show’s actual goal after Jeremy and his brood left to make Zach’s family the stars of the show or was that just talked about on here?

 I’d also like to know how much of Zach’s story is from his own thoughts and how much is Tori-driven.  Again, I don’t really have a dog in this fight (except Murphy and hopefully he’s spared the nonsense) and I do think some things are exaggerated and some are real from years of frustration on multiple ends, but was Zach expecting to actually run the farm or just buy some land to do whatever on the farm, I don’t quite remember…(chemo brain). I mean I know he’d could hire people like Matt and/or Amy did, but they still had to make somewhat coherent decisions.  

As much as Amy can’t say Parmesan cheese and Matt rides around screaming , “Yeah” on a tractor, I never though either of them were lazy or dumb.  Irritating as hell….yes! Amy’s time management was problematic as was Matt’s grandiose idea of Roloff Farms being the Disney empire and going over board on various things. 

Now, maybe I missed a lot of Zach’s stellar scenes, I did go years without watching, but most times I saw Zach, he was starving his party guests, falling over lighting a grill, being walked BY Murphy, trying to give mediocre tours at the farm, and mumbling about things I didn’t quite understand.  I have a hard time figuring out what he is talking about sometimes.  I’m not sure if he mumbles, it’s my translation skills, or he just doesn’t always make sense sometimes, but I find him awkward to listen to.  

Oh well, I guess I can hold out hope there’s scenes of MY MAN peddling AMY’s little fudge and leftover painted rocks outside of strip joints.  I get Chris is probably just some boring regular dude, but I’d really like to know what he thinks of this bunch.  Maybe Chris could be the realtor, but didn’t Zach ignore his advice on pricing his house the first time, so maybe he’d represent his BFF, Matt causing friction amongst him, Zach and Amy (new storyline!) In the season finale, I’m waiting for Matt to be served eviction papers because his loans are being called in by the bank.  (PLOT TWIST, Jackson OWNS the bank😂

Edited by Irate Panda
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On 5/16/2022 at 5:05 AM, pdlinda said:

I agree AND I believe ALL the controversial issues surfacing recently are expressly and exclusively designed to boost ratings for the show.  In that regard, I would have to say they will be successful.

For example, on my Google daily newsfeed there isn't a day that goes by that doesn't include a story about LPBW!!

This may be because Google tracks every move on the internet. If you read something about LPBW, you'll get that. If you're thinking about buying a new tv and google it once, you'll get an overload on tv adds... Google caters to your needs....

16 hours ago, pdlinda said:


I'm sure Audrey and Jeremy might have second thoughts about severing ties with the show (I wonder how well they are doing financially with their "lifestyle website" but I read that Audrey's family is wealthy so perhaps she gets access to a trust fund, or whatever).  Molly is a functioning professional, and happily married, so she's not involved in the family squabbles


taking my reply to Audrey and Jeremy's thread.

2 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

Of course… he’ll OWN THE SKY!

and apparently Lilah runs around naked 



Unfortunately, Jackson will never fly a plane like that.  The military has a height requirement--I believe it is 5'2" for the Navy.  I had a friend in college and she spent her freshman year trying to stretch herself to make height.

The Air Force no longer has a pilot height requirement, but you need to be 4'10" to join the Air Force.  Zach is 4'2" or 4'3" and most achons are under 4'4".

There's a greater chance that Lilah dances at the Pirate's Cove.

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There are actually quite a few professions with physical requirements like height or vision for example. Some think it's unfair but those people tend to forget that those requirements are as much for your own safety as for other people's safety. 

As for them posting on Jackson wanting to be a pilot...I think most young kids dream of the standard jobs like pilot, doctor, astronaut or firefighter. And most of us end up with boring office jobs 😉  I'd say, let him dream, the harsh reality of what someone can or cannot achieve in this world, will sink in soon enough. 

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On 5/5/2022 at 9:23 PM, EllaWycliffe said:

Well, he shouldn't sell at a discounted rate regardless - thats his retirement.

That said, he also needs to concede that he is unwilling to sell to his children for anything less than top dollar and prefers a nice profit over one of his kids following in his footsteps and that making a nice profit is much more important to him than creating a legacy on the farm. 

Then he needs to shut up about how he wants the grandkids on the farm because he's made his choice over watching Jackson etc grow up on the farm versus a nice sum in the bank. That's all - he's made his choice, I respect the profit factor, I can't say I'd make a different choice... but I would stop the public guilt games over how disappointed I am that no one wants to live my dream. 

I felt for some time that Matt never really wanted to hand the farm down to his kids. He’s a control freak and needs money. All this BS about building his dream home with his mistress was just talk. He has a huge ego and never felt Jeremy or Zach would ever measure up. Last season when he was dangling the farm in front of Zach, he shot down every idea Zach had but seemed to think it was a great idea to spend $$$ on those weird statues for “Punkin” season…Matt is a little tyrant and blowhard. Caryn should stay out of this mess as she is not related to the family and isn’t even engaged to Matt.

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I don't know about disrespect but her not being married to Matt means she's not entitled to the privileges of marriage. She's not legally family. Chris seems to be catching a lot of anger for acting concerned about the move to Battle Ground and he is a married member of the family and the public does seem to think he's overstepping.

Oregon doesn't recognize common law marriage - and I don't think they would qualify anyway since they live apart, so if they're intentionally choosing not to marry I hope they have some contingencies in place for medical and financial decisions in the event one of them is incapacitated. 

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It can be seriously awkward if they are assuming it's understood they are life partners or whatever. The big concerns are the medical and financial decisions if one is incapacitated - as unmarrieds just dating, Caryn technically can't even talk to the doctors unless she's got medical power of attorney - and thats not impossible but not easy to get on an emergency basis if you're not legally family. 

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