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Zach and Tori

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She is still very bitter and mad about how the farm situation went down. Now she is lecturing her pod cast viewers and Instagram viewers. Telling them to stop with their negative posts . This won't bode well. She will drive off her supporters like she has alienated Matt. Zach should tell her to keep her big mouth shut. To me there is nothing at all appealing about Tori. Nothing!

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Except that the Reddit crowd is the Tori fan club.  Basically, she said "No grudges just boundaries; this crap about keeping the kids from their grandparents needs to stop. They can visit anytime they want," however horribly they're treated when they do.  Last time I checked, major highways run both ways and Zach has nothing better to do.  Tori is a big petulant baby!

Edited by Dibs
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Most of the posts that I read on Reddit were extremely critical of her for that  Instagram post. She obviously knew that she had crossed the line because she took it down when the negative replies came flooding. in. 

As far as Matt going to see the grandchildren we saw how he was treated when he delivered Christmas gifts a few years ago. Tori refused  to greet him and Zach did not invite to come into the house. So yeah Tori have your father in law who has multiple mobility and health issues travel over an hour to stand outside and be treated like an outcast. Oh and make it known that his partner of years is not welcome. She is not fooling anyone with that boundary crap. 

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We must not be reading the same Reddit (?), because there are tons of posts supporting Tori (mostly young and dumb kids who have also gone "no contact" with so-called toxic relatives) and few posts in defense of Matt or critical of ZiT.  Comments pro-Tori get a million likes, and those against get downvoted.  I don't even see the recent post "blasting" Tori that one poster here alluded to.  And I, for one, have been banned from posting on it for supporting Matt.  Tori has 2m followers, so obviously her vitriol resonates with many viewers.  There are also a lot of bitter ex-wives who identify with Amy and seem to believe Matt and Caryn are devils incarnate.

But you can all read the LPBW Reddit sub and judge for yourselves.

Edited by Dibs
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Maybe we are reading different posts on Reddit. I was referring to the posts following the screen shot of Tori's explanation of setting boundaries. For every one in support of her I read just as many negative posts. She was getting skewered on Instagram for that post.  Why do you think she took if down?

 I know that she has lots of  supporters probably around her age sho think nothing of trashing their parents and using the threat of not seeing the grandchildren like Zach did when he said on cameral to Matt, what is it worth it to you to see your grandchildren when the farm negotiation went south. Adult children who use the grandchildren as weapons to hurt their parents because they didn't get what they want.  So i hope they are happy with letting their children play in a drainage ditch and in a weed infested dirt back yard on their little "farm."  


  On 5/27/2024 at 12:24 PM, Dibs said:

We must not be reading the same Reddit (?), because there are tons of posts supporting Tori (mostly young and dumb kids who have also gone "no contact" with so-called toxic relatives) and few posts in defense of Matt or critical of ZiT.  Comments pro-Tori get a million likes, and those against get downvoted.  I don't even see the recent post "blasting" Tori that one poster here alluded to.  And I, for one, have been banned from posting on it for supporting Matt.  Tori has 2m followers, so obviously her vitriol resonates with many viewers.  There are also a lot of bitter ex-wives who identify with Amy and seem to believe Matt and Caryn are devils incarnate.

But you can all read the LPBW Reddit sub and judge for yourselves.


I use the same name i use here. MY  are posts all over LPBW subs.But remember there are a lot of posters there it's hard to go back and check.But they are there.Much looser over there.Love it.

Edited by parkinglola
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There are no words.  Those kids are already top-heavy because of their physical situations, so they fall more easily than normal-sized kids.  And if one of them doesn't fall and hit their head on a rock, they might pick up e-coli or other bacteria from the water.  It's not a crime for a kid to get their face wet, but to allow a child to lie face-down in a moving stream - long enough for Mom to grab her camera to allow an Instagram picture - is insane.

Good grief.

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There's a fine line between letting kids be kids outdoors and careless supervision. Add to that the ever-present camera and trying to get perfect pictures, so there is even less chance of eyes on kids every second.  I was far from perfect supervising my kids when little, but Tori heads into reckless territory here IMO.

  On 8/9/2024 at 5:03 AM, Joan of Argh said:




Can she verbalize well enough to let you know she's in trouble Back-Pocket Tori?

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  On 8/12/2024 at 1:15 PM, BAForever said:

There's a fine line between letting kids be kids outdoors and careless supervision. Add to that the ever-present camera and trying to get perfect pictures, so there is even less chance of eyes on kids every second.  I was far from perfect supervising my kids when little, but Tori heads into reckless territory here IMO.

Can she verbalize well enough to let you know she's in trouble Back-Pocket Tori?


Tori and Zach are a couple of ding dongs.   Zach and the bunch grew up running crazy over that farm so he’s basically not going to do anything and Tori seems to be in complete denial about limitations her kids have.  I appreciate she may not want to coddle them but she seems to swing so far the other way especially when it comes to Lilah.  

I certainly ran around as a kid and even was swimming very early but I always wasn’t falling down according to them constantly or having vision problems.

I did hear Lilah talking in one of their podcasts but could not understand some of what she said but that is probably because I’m not used to her talking at all.  I don’t really know how much kids her age talk in general but she was saying a few words at a time.   I feel like I was speaking in Sentences at her age but I did not have a Jackson cutting me off when I was talking either.

 I hope they have gotten her help with her speech but Zach is lazy and Tori is in denial. For people worried about their kids being bullied they’re not doing much seemingly to help them prepare for much of anything (age appropriate) For example knowing you’re  a dwarf before some snotty kid tells you on the playground.

Edited by Irate Panda
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  On 8/12/2024 at 3:32 PM, Irate Panda said:

For people worried about their kids being bullied they’re not doing much seemingly to help them prepare for much of anything (age appropriate) For example knowing you’re  a dwarf before some snotty kid tells you on the playground.


Besides Z and T pretending their kids are just like everyone else, when unfortunately, they do have some limits (top heavy, over water), the real crime here is what you just said. I would much rather hear from my parents that I am a dwarf versus someone on the playground. But in Z and T's minds, Jackson owns the room, and Lilah is fearless. I am all for self esteem, but at some point, you have to get realistic. 


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  On 10/15/2024 at 12:44 AM, AZChristian said:

So . . . raise your hands if you're surprised that a kid playing soccer in a furnished room ended up in Urgent Care and got staples to close a head wound.

And they were playing with their father!!!!


::smh:: I had hoped the kids had more safety sense than Matt, but so far neither Zach or Jeremy has shown any.

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  On 10/15/2024 at 12:51 AM, heatherchandler said:

She went to Disneyland without her kids.


Well, she was always going just for herself anyway, toting along kids who were far too young to remember, or even comprehend, the trip.

I think Matt and Cha-Cha used to foot the bill for the family then.

Edited by Dibs
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I thought it was going to be another of those "How is J so big???  You guys!  I caaan't." moments (which are all too frequent with Tori and young mothers her age these days).  Great teacher!  In addition to the misspelling, there's a missing comma.

Zach married his mother, from typos to control issues to holding grudges to her obsession with selfies.

Edited by Dibs
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As a mom of three mostly healthy kids I don’t generally judge other parents but there is a new-ish video of Tori yanking Lilah off of Zach so she could snuggle him on the couch instead of Lilah. I get the “meaning” behind it- she was trying to be funny but she yanked her with such force it made me wince and watch it a second time. I myself have moved my kids by their legs like that when they were babies but in a playful and safe way. This seemed like a hard yank and didn’t sit right with me. I’ve not spoken out on  their other videos because we all grow up different and Instagram only gives us a snap shot but this one sat differently with me. 

Edited by Mountainair
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  On 10/18/2024 at 2:34 AM, Mountainair said:

As a mom of three mostly healthy kids I don’t generally judge other parents but there is a new-ish video of Tori yanking Lilah off of Zach so she could snuggle him on the couch instead of Lilah. I get the “meaning” behind it- she was trying to be funny but she yanked her with such force it made me wince and watch it a second time. I myself have moved my kids by their legs like that when they were babies but in a playful and safe way. This seemed like a hard yank and didn’t sit right with me. I’ve not spoken out on  their other videos because we all grow up different and Instagram only gives us a snap shot but this one sat differently with me. 


Ok, @Mountainair, you made me go search for the post. You're right, she was trying to be funny and she did yank Lilah pretty hard, her head bounced off the cushion. My additional thought is this is what "influencers" have to do- produce witty, engaging, interesting posts that last seconds. Must be exhausting.

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I've said it before: I think Tori consciously or unconsciously resents Lilah not being the perfect average-size Mini Me she was anticipating.  Her disappointment at the time was very evident.  We've seen her behavior and attitude toward her for years now.  This was just another incident.  I don't follow her, but read that she was getting criticized for it on social media.

In other words, yes, I agree she yanked her way too hard and thought it funny.  Tori has an odd sense of humor where Lilah's concerned!  IMO, she has issues and needs help.

As for "influencers," I know young mothers who, like Tori, spend all day every day posing and filming themselves and their children (against their will, since they're too young to consent) and posting it for the world to see, and they don't even get paid for it.  It's an addiction.

Edited by Dibs
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  On 10/18/2024 at 3:54 PM, Dibs said:

As for "influencers," I know young mothers who, like Tori, spend all day every day posing and filming themselves and their children (against their will, since they're too young to consent) and posting it for the world to see, and they don't even get paid for it.  It's an addiction.


It seems that Tori is attempting to generate income anyway she can.  I don't think the "influencer" business brought in the cash they need to stay afloat without the show, so she's branching into other things.

They started that podcast but from what I gather, you need investors, advertisers, sponsors to underwrite a podcast and attract subscribers to make "real money".  I didn't subscribe but saw a few promos on Instagram so not sure the podcast is lucrative.

Then, I saw she was advertising her photography business.

Now, I see she's substitute teaching??  OMG, speaking as an ex-sub teacher many years ago before I had children, I can say that's a very hard job (like herding cats) because kids Jackson's age are eager to "act up" once they know their regular teacher is absent.  Also, the pay is very LOW, in the greater scheme of things.

I sincerely hope that the family thought through their severance from the show and that they have a substantial investment portfolio that they can draw from to help support the family. 

In this economy, with prices SKY HIGH, I can't see how Tori's many ventures can cover their bills without supplemental income.  We know that Zach doesn't produce any income from working, but, hopefully, saved and invested wisely during his many years of working on the show.

Finally, I noticed on Instagram that Lilah is still unable to speak properly and in the last "reel" Tori posted of the family hiking, Lilah wasn't wearing glasses and her eyes were noticeably crossed.

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