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Zach and Tori

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She is still very bitter and mad about how the farm situation went down. Now she is lecturing her pod cast viewers and Instagram viewers. Telling them to stop with their negative posts . This won't bode well. She will drive off her supporters like she has alienated Matt. Zach should tell her to keep her big mouth shut. To me there is nothing at all appealing about Tori. Nothing!

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Except that the Reddit crowd is the Tori fan club.  Basically, she said "No grudges just boundaries; this crap about keeping the kids from their grandparents needs to stop. They can visit anytime they want," however horribly they're treated when they do.  Last time I checked, major highways run both ways and Zach has nothing better to do.  Tori is a big petulant baby!

Edited by Dibs
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Most of the posts that I read on Reddit were extremely critical of her for that  Instagram post. She obviously knew that she had crossed the line because she took it down when the negative replies came flooding. in. 

As far as Matt going to see the grandchildren we saw how he was treated when he delivered Christmas gifts a few years ago. Tori refused  to greet him and Zach did not invite to come into the house. So yeah Tori have your father in law who has multiple mobility and health issues travel over an hour to stand outside and be treated like an outcast. Oh and make it known that his partner of years is not welcome. She is not fooling anyone with that boundary crap. 

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We must not be reading the same Reddit (?), because there are tons of posts supporting Tori (mostly young and dumb kids who have also gone "no contact" with so-called toxic relatives) and few posts in defense of Matt or critical of ZiT.  Comments pro-Tori get a million likes, and those against get downvoted.  I don't even see the recent post "blasting" Tori that one poster here alluded to.  And I, for one, have been banned from posting on it for supporting Matt.  Tori has 2m followers, so obviously her vitriol resonates with many viewers.  There are also a lot of bitter ex-wives who identify with Amy and seem to believe Matt and Caryn are devils incarnate.

But you can all read the LPBW Reddit sub and judge for yourselves.

Edited by Dibs
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Maybe we are reading different posts on Reddit. I was referring to the posts following the screen shot of Tori's explanation of setting boundaries. For every one in support of her I read just as many negative posts. She was getting skewered on Instagram for that post.  Why do you think she took if down?

 I know that she has lots of  supporters probably around her age sho think nothing of trashing their parents and using the threat of not seeing the grandchildren like Zach did when he said on cameral to Matt, what is it worth it to you to see your grandchildren when the farm negotiation went south. Adult children who use the grandchildren as weapons to hurt their parents because they didn't get what they want.  So i hope they are happy with letting their children play in a drainage ditch and in a weed infested dirt back yard on their little "farm."  


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That's the same post, but obviously we're reading the replies very differently!  Check the upvotes and downvotes for each comment.

Maybe someone else can weigh in on it since we disagree.

Another post asks if Tori is jealous of average-size daughters (specifically Elizabeth Johnston's).  Again, it's a Tori lovefest...


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No desire to go back and count votes. The Tori lovefest if there is one is not that important that I would spend time counting  up votes and down votes. But hey if it is to you go ahead and let us know. 

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It's not time-consuming to "count votes"; they're right there to be seen when you read the posts, which you say you've done.  I'm just curious why the discrepancy in our perception of this.  No biggie.

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8 hours ago, Dibs said:

We must not be reading the same Reddit (?), because there are tons of posts supporting Tori (mostly young and dumb kids who have also gone "no contact" with so-called toxic relatives) and few posts in defense of Matt or critical of ZiT.  Comments pro-Tori get a million likes, and those against get downvoted.  I don't even see the recent post "blasting" Tori that one poster here alluded to.  And I, for one, have been banned from posting on it for supporting Matt.  Tori has 2m followers, so obviously her vitriol resonates with many viewers.  There are also a lot of bitter ex-wives who identify with Amy and seem to believe Matt and Caryn are devils incarnate.

But you can all read the LPBW Reddit sub and judge for yourselves.

I use the same name i use here. MY  are posts all over LPBW subs.But remember there are a lot of posters there it's hard to go back and check.But they are there.Much looser over there.Love it.

Edited by parkinglola
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Oh, no.  After having three boys, Audrey has given birth to a daughter (average-size, of course).  Tori will go off the rails!

Any bets as to whether "shop will open" again and she'll go for a fourth in hopes of that mini-me?

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4 minutes ago, Dibs said:

Oh, no.  After having three boys, Audrey has given birth to a daughter (average-size, of course).  Tori will go off the rails!

Any bets as to whether "shop will open" again and she'll go for a fourth in hopes of that mini-me?

Wasn’t their first baby a girl?

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11 minutes ago, SDVegas said:

Wasn’t their first baby a girl?

Yes, my bad (I was thinking of another family).  But new babies sometimes generate "baby fever" in other mothers.

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1 hour ago, Absolom said:

Many people left this thread and went to reddit and other places.  It's rather sad.

Well they sucked all the fun and snark out.They won't let stoppro post without review anymore.So thats over for them cause there are no moderators.

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3 hours ago, Absolom said:

I was more referring to the one sided views and opinions.

You know what they say: everybody's got one (and we're each entitled to it).

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And in this thread I don't see where it is one sided. We go back and forth and in the end everyone has a right to voice their opinion. 

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1 hour ago, Joan of Argh said:

Good grief and she’s a teacher..

Tori is STOCKING eBay and Poshmark!



A kindergarten teacher?  For like one year???  My low expectations have been met.

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As for Reddit, I do lurk there, although between the bad grammar and faulty logic I feel like I lose IQ points every time I do.

It's definitely more active than this site.

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2 hours ago, Dibs said:

It's definitely more active than this site.

At this point, ANY OTHER FORUM is more active than this site...how things have changed (and not for the better).

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On 5/27/2024 at 2:12 PM, Absolom said:

Many people left this thread and went to reddit and other places.  It's rather sad.

I left so I wouldn't be jumped on by a posse or called erroneous names just because I disagree with four or five posters. 

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16 minutes ago, Sharla said:

I left so I wouldn't be jumped on by a posse or called erroneous names just because I disagree with four or five posters. 

Sorry that happened. I have to say I must have missed such posts.

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