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S05.E14: Steven and Justin's Story Part 2 LIVE CHAT

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5 minutes ago, MGodfrey said:

Does it satisfy the drug lust?

No. Toradol is not a narcotic. It won't get ya high. I get it from time to time for migraines. It also burns like a mofo as a shot.

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1 minute ago, notyrmomma said:

you can leave a cat for a couple days with some food, water, and a litter box.  You can't do that with a dog.

Yeah but I don't like dogs, so I wouldn't mind if they suffer.

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1 minute ago, Michael Stabosz said:

No Dr. Now!  Bad doctor!  Don't inflict this monster on those poor nurses again!

I felt bad for that one nurse who was near tears. She had to clean up his pee. And nurses aren't crybabies.

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Just now, Michael Stabosz said:

I agree, but at least he's trying.  Which is more than we can say for Steven.  I like the general direction Justin's life is going.

His father.

I wonder what the father does.  I didn't get a job vibe from him

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1 minute ago, Anchorabu said:

Dr Now:  "ok Steven, lets see how you're doing."

mom:  "Steven is an ass, that's how he's doing."

Your Mom is a genius. :o)

(Edit: I mean that sincerely, not sarcastically)

Edited by DrNowsWeightScale
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1 minute ago, DrNowsWeightScale said:

Normally, I'm all for a person seeing a therapist, but Assanti's psychological issues seem so deep, I don't know if he can be helped.

And now he's asking the doctor about drugs?

He needs a psychiatrist 

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I'm going to hell (especially because I'm a nurse and I've been train to accept a patients pain complaints for what they say) but I hope he is in true pain. And he clearly didn't do any kind of rehab because they stress that you are always an addict and have to avoid your drug of choice at all costs.

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1 minute ago, notyrmomma said:

He needs a psychiatrist 

Don't psychiatrists just prescribe medications? I had to see several different ones for clinical depression for years, and none of them wanted to do anything but give me more anti-depressant meds (which never helped me). 

I don't know if Assanti could benefit from more pills, psychology, or therapy.

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1 minute ago, poeticlicensed said:

Naked again for the camera. I'm keeping count. He loves ripping off that hospital gown 

If he can shock or outrage people, he will.  ANYTHING for attention.

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Because Steven is so big...Does his body require a higher dosage of painkillers to get him high? I work in healthcare ( in fact, one of the docs I work with is a Suboxone prescriber) and I would ASSume he'd need a higher dose but...

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1 minute ago, Haenim said:

Is he gonna call the cops on Dr. Now for not giving him pain meds for his drug addiction?

Calling the cops on his father once years ago worked for him then, so he seems to have learned that's the go-to solution for everything!

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I'm sure he needs a higher dose, but he's also openly admitted he was exaggerating the pain in order to get meds, so I don't think it's a dosing issue.

Edited by leighroda
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1 minute ago, DrNowsWeightScale said:

Don't psychiatrists just prescribe medications? I had to see several different ones for clinical depression for years, and none of them wanted to do anything but give me more anti-depressant meds (which never helped me). 

I don't know if Assanti could benefit from more pills, psychology, or therapy.

He would benefit most from a sledgehammer blow to the temple.

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Just now, DrNowsWeightScale said:

Don't psychiatrists just prescribe medications? I had to see several different ones for clinical depression for years, and none of them wanted to do anything but give me more anti-depressant meds (which never helped me). 

I don't know if Assanti could benefit from more pills, psychology, or therapy.

I think he actually needs some psychiatric meds...then give him talk therapy

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9 minutes ago, Anchorabu said:

Mom:  "They need to just stop feeding him."

Mom is right.  What would happen if they brought him a week's worth of food and refused to bring him any more if he ate it all before the week ended?

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