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S04.E11: Big Girl in the Big Apple

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Whitney tags along on Todd's New York trip to attend a dance workshop with The Fitness Marshall, but when she accepts an offer to be in a music video, he goes into an angry tirade and abandons her in Central Park.

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She just admitted that she bought both seats! So that does answer that question.  And that was the video I saw that Todd posted on FB. And Todd just said he lived in NY on and off the last 7 years.  Wow we are getting some truths on this one! And Todd is showing his real side of being irritated with her.

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1 minute ago, crazycatlady58 said:

I hope they tip the guy peddling  a big tip.

I hope so too! They also charge the shit out of you for those rides.  I had one after the NYC Marathon and we were not that far and it was $100. Lessoned learned.

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Just now, Brooklynista said:

3 seats on a plane?? How much could that cost? Granted this was just a shuttle flight but what about a trip to Vegas?

And couldn't she have just cuddled up in the row with Todd?? 

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2 minutes ago, crazycatlady58 said:

I hope they tip the guy peddling  a big tip.

Neither hubby nor I are near Whitney in size, but both of us together are darned close.  When we did the ride around Central Park, you BET we tipped the guy well.  Plus, he was fascinating to talk to.

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1 minute ago, Brooklynista said:

Well if I were him I wouldn't want her sitting on my whole left side. Friend or not.

True. But since when does what anyone but TWIT wants count?  *shudder* Todd. sharing a bed. with Twit. *shudder* I hope was given hazard pay. Because as he so eloquently put it "you don't wake up from that nightmare". 

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It looked like she had purchased 2 seats. That was a 2 and 2 layout plane I think. I noticed she said she only bought two "when [she] could afford" to. What about the rest of the time?

I'm on Team Don't share the bed! Eww. Give me my space. I dislike sharing a bed with my mother when we travel. She's a cuddler and I'm always hot. It's not a good mix.

She definitely wanted as much of the eating trimmed out as possible. She was filmed drinking water and taking 2 very large bites. One is a bright yellow something rectangular and one was about the size of a large strawberry but appeared to be meat? Also, I had that sweater (it's gotten too big on me since I'm spite dieting to Twit). Todd did get a bit of a spite edit so far though. So far she's alluded to him drinking the entire bottle of red wine and she's starting to chatter about how he doesn't seem as happy to be there as she is or that something is bugging him about being around her. Maybe the barnacle wants to be scraped off and set free.

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I worry that she has now reached a point at which she is not at all concerned about seatbelt extenders, additional plane seats, or any accommodation required for her size.  She shouldn't feel ashamed of those needs, but one hopes they would motivate her to change, and that does not seem to be the case.

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So Buddy just said Wanda is shitting in the corner so yep not cleaning litter boxes still. 

Omg I cannot take the fitness marshall's voice omg!!!! 

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Dude. He makes his money by making people feel like they have a connection with him and therefore want to give him MORE of their money. He doesn't want to date you, cuddle you, bump nasties with you, nor marry you. Get. Over. Yourself. 

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Go, Whit! Todd barfs after that workout, but Whit sails through no problem!

(Cue my own barfing at seeing that as usual you will not see Whit work more than three or four motions of an action before cutting away.)

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13 minutes ago, Maggienolia said:

True. But since when does what anyone but TWIT wants count?  *shudder* Todd. sharing a bed. with Twit. *shudder* I hope was given hazard pay. Because as he so eloquently put it "you don't wake up from that nightmare". 

Boundaries. She has no concept of boundaries.

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2 minutes ago, Maggienolia said:

Dude. He makes his money by making people feel like they have a connection with him and therefore want to give him MORE of their money. He doesn't want to date you, cuddle you, bump nasties with you, nor marry you. Get. Over. Yourself. 

But... but... but EVERY man is lusting after Twit!  And every woman as well!  You just don't KNOW, H8er!  LOL

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4 minutes ago, Maggienolia said:

Dude. He makes his money by making people feel like they have a connection with him and therefore want to give him MORE of their money. He doesn't want to date you, cuddle you, bump nasties with you, nor marry you. Get. Over. Yourself. 

How can she? She's naturally SENSHUS.

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My gaydar is pinging at the Fitness Marshall. Gee, if the TLC cameras are filming this guy, of course he know all about Twit. It's free publicity for him. Now Todd and Twit are fighting. Story Arc number 8 of this season. Gah,  I just can't watch, but love the snark. 

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Must every "reality" show feature vomiting?  First her, now Todd.  Along with the sounds. Blech.

I think one thing I'm not able to tune out? is that Whitney? says everything? like a question? like a 13 year old girl?

Mr. Fitness Marshal has weird facial features and layout.  He's bizarre. But hey- he's now her soulmate; she's everything he stands for and they are each others' spirit animal.

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OH BOY!!! I think we're actually, MAYBE, possibly seeing a moment of TRUTH from Twit. Sadly, it's not going to lead to any real aha-moment for her. Todd was harsh and I think (maybe) angry with himself for getting sick during the workshop he'd come to NYC to participate in. Add to that Miss Twit being her typical selfish self. I don't blame him for the snark. 

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I think so much of the attention she tries to draw about being a fab fat girl has turned into self-deprecating fat girl jokes. Like "hey, look how awkward the flight attendants are that I ask for a seat extender! Haw haw haw; I'm that fat!"  and "I really can't hoist myself into this rickshaw!  Poor horse- I weigh 350 and Todd weighs-what- 125? The driver is going to burn out his legs!!  Hee hee haw!  Life is so fun and funny when you're fat!"  

Sad thing is she doesn't realize that viewers aren't really laughing with her, they're laughing at her.

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It's understandable that she would leap at the chance to be in the video, but she could have said "My friend and I have plans tomorrow.  If you would like to include him, I would love to do it." 

I wondered how she was able to persevere through the class until the Fitness Marshal referred to how she adapted the moves to her ability.

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Isn't it amazing how everyone who sees her wants to feature her in their thing, whatever that thing is. Belly dancing, fitness Marshall video, etc. She's a sideshow and that's what she's not getting.  

Also, did you notice earlier, that comment that her mother hurdled at her.  I thought it was totally uncalled for.  

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3 minutes ago, Kid said:

Also, did you notice earlier, that comment that her mother hurdled at her.  I thought it was totally uncalled for.  

And for once, Twit caught the comment too. Albeit after a beat or two, but she caught it. 

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4 minutes ago, Kid said:

Also, did you notice earlier, that comment that her mother hurdled at her.  I thought it was totally uncalled for.  

What did Babs say? I missed it.

Todd is not holding back.  "I wasn't asked to do the video because I'm not fat."  But I've got to say, he gets as pissy as a middle school mean girl.

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Wait - she's going to be in a "what a big opportunity" video but she doesn't bother to do her hair or put on any makeup? 

Also - is it just me or am I right in thinking it's a really crap move to ditch the friend (supposedly your BEST friend) and plans to accept being in some video? Anyone who has watched the last three episodes knows that this is FAR from the "maybe the last time I get an opportunity like this" for Twit. It's maybe the last opportunity until next week's episode. 

Breathe. It's not real. It's not real. It's not real. 

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Does she really believe that people get respect because they have a "perfect" body, and she gets no respect because she's fat? Does she really think that's why people don't respect her?

It would sure explain a lot.

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15 minutes ago, MegD said:

Out of curiosity, was this "video" ever posted featuring her or is it just a plot point?

Maybe I blinked but I didn't notice a camera crew or even someone with an iPhone in landscape mode.

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Just now, Maggienolia said:

I would LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE to see Pooh (coming on now) go toe to toe with Twit. 

Can you see it?? Would it not be glorious?? 

Nope. Dr. Now from My 600-Pound Life. It's a match made in ratings heaven.

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1 minute ago, okerry said:

Nope. Dr. Now from My 600-Pound Life. It's a match made in ratings heaven.

It would be like a 1-2 punch. Let Pooh go for a few rounds, wear Twit down and then have Dr. Now come in...

Hey y'all doin'? and finish her off.

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When asked who would take care if Wandaleeza while she wad gone, my son started singing, "When I'm gone/when I'm gone/when I got squished by my big mom..."

DS is on Team Babs for this one.

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Poor RICKshaw driver. I was panting with him going up that hill.

I dressed in suits and dresses as a kid. I never dressed like anyone else. And I rocked the shit out of that stuff.

Edited by mamadrama
Wishful thinking
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1 minute ago, mamadrama said:

Poor scrimshaw driver. I was panting with him going up that hill.

I dressed in suits and dresses as a kid. I never dressed like anyone else. And I rocked the shit out of that stuff.

Scrimshaw...    Twit was in a rickshaw.


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