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S02.E18: Lesson Learned

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A week off 'til air date:

Will is troubled with a moral decision when his former teacher, Dr. Bella Rowan, is faced with a life-threatening disease. Dr. Rhodes and Dr. Bardovi get involved in a sensitive situation when Rhodes disagrees with the father of a young patient regarding a risky procedure. Dr. Charles and Sarah handle an unusual case with a pilot that causes Sarah to have memories of Jason Wheeler's suicide. Maggie takes an aggressive approach to training a new nurse.

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My NBC station wasn't coming in last night, so I haven't seen the episode. But I'm surprised that there are no comments yet. I was hoping to come on here and find out if Natalie & Will are actually a thing now. Since I dislike the idea of Will & Natalie, I'm really hoping that the preview was misleading. I'll be back with some thoughts after I watch the episode tonight.

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There was a scene at the very end of the episode where Natalie hugged a grieving Will. Whether the show uses this as a springboard into a new thing for Will & Natalie remains to be seen, I guess, but it seems far from a given to me. 

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5 hours ago, Sandman said:

There was a scene at the very end of the episode where Natalie hugged a grieving Will. Whether the show uses this as a springboard into a new thing for Will & Natalie remains to be seen, I guess, but it seems far from a given to me. 

You see, I came across that differently. I do think they will become a couple by the end. It's because of Nina walking in on them hugging for far too long. Since she's had her suspicions about them, I think it's going to lead to her breaking up with Will, and I do think the season will end on Will and Natalie hooking up. 

What was nice is that Sharon's the one to help Will come to do the right thing with his dying mentor, not Natalie. He was being irrational and almost like season 1 Will but he did do the right thing in thee end. 

Connor also had a moment of weakness this episode when he had flashbacks to his father. I am super glad that he did change his mind, though. It was nice to see him mostly come to the conclusion himself, with a little help from Robyn. I really do like those two together. Also, hey other doctor who's acting like a jealous girlfriend with Robyn? Back off. 

Good to see Maggie get a storyline. I think having a nurse-centric episode could be really neat. We had a Graveyard Shift episode, so why not having an episode about what the nurses do? I liked the new nurse, though I hope she doesn't go the way of Wheeler. 

So, Reese is reacting to Wheeler's suicide by trying to save any patient who has depression. I do wonder if psychiatry is right for her.

Manstead can be buried in the dirt for all I care. I really hate the couple, especially when it's being telegraphed from space that they're ending up together and poor Nina is getting her heart broken. At least Patti's married to Colin, or else I'd fear for her future on the show. 

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I'll agree that the shot of Nina seeing Natalie and Will and backing away was the worst kind of anvilicious -- I do think Nina is going to break up with Red Halstead over his lingering feelings for Natalie; I'm not sure (or maybe I'm just resisting the inevitable?) that breaking up Nina and Will leads inexorably to Will and Natalie getting back together. I don't think the basic reasons for why they don't work as a couple have changed, even though Will has shown some signs of growing up this season.

I also liked that it was Goodwin who bonded with / got through to Red Halstead about Dr. Rowan's care.  I'll co-sign the "Back Up The Truck, Dr. Bardovi" order, too. 

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How thirsty is Bardovi?  

Do you think the PTBs actually think the audience is rooting for a Will/Natalie hookup?  Because I know I shouldn't extrapolate a consensus just from us, but I don't think a single person here wants that, and that's unusual to have complete agreement.

Can we call Doris Resting Nurse Face, or something?  Like, you were new once too, bitch.  Although I think...whatever her name was...would have known how to do the IO lines and dose adenosine if she'd finished her PALS.

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1 hour ago, starri said:

Do you think the PTBs actually think the audience is rooting for a Will/Natalie hookup?  Because I know I shouldn't extrapolate a consensus just from us, but I don't think a single person here wants that, and that's unusual to have complete agreement.

Unfortunately, this is not entirely true. I follow Patti Murrin and Collin Donnell on Twitter (seriously, those two are awesome on Twitter), so they sometimes retweet the Chicago Med Twitter, and there was a post asking if people like Manstead or Shorestead together. It was definitely more of an even split between the couples than you think. A lot of people root for Manstead because "they've been there since the beginning", so as much as we collectively agree, Med fans as a whole do not. 

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2 hours ago, starri said:

Do you think the PTBs actually think the audience is rooting for a Will/Natalie hookup?  Because I know I shouldn't extrapolate a consensus just from us, but I don't think a single person here wants that, and that's unusual to have complete agreement.

Based on comments on Chicago Med's facebook page, I'd say there is quite a number of people rooting for a Will/Natalie relationship.

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I got frustrated with last night's episode.  Perhaps, I think too much.  Okay, with the Dr. Rowan situation.  She's a former doctor.  Why would she not have an Advance Directive as to what life saving measures you want if terminally ill or in a vegetative state? Especially, when she first discovered that she had dementia?  Some folks don't, but, a medical professional who knows what this means in the last stages?  I don't buy it.  Then the next thing is that the Nursing Home leave decision making up to the hospital? No way.  With no one in charge, the County would have stepped up and been appointed her Guardian.  That was just all kinds of nuts, HOWEVER, the biggest whopper of a tale is that a Medical Doctor would go on a keep her alive at all cost WITH NO REGARD for her quality of life or physical pain of CPR, feeding tubes, restraints, etc.  It boggles the mind.  His complete turn around in the end, once his boss pointed it out was something that a doctor with half a brain would have thought of within 5 minutes. Please.  If shows are going to really portray dementia, I wish they would work, do their homework and really do it justice.

I agree about Reese.  Didn't she say that she took ADD meds once?  Does she have a diagnosis? Is she autistic?   She seems to struggle with just about anything that comes her way.  She's a huge brooder.  I worry that psychiatry is really not for her. Maybe, she's just a malcontent, but, I can't see her being happy.  And why so sour when learning that her boss reported the pilot regarding his addiction?  It's a matter of public safety for goodness sake.  She just seems to not get a lot of things.  Maybe, one of the least mature doctors I've seen.  Oh well....I still like the show.  lol 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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I thought that having the pilot suffer from pica was interesting.  When they mentioned hydrocarbon particles (?) on his lungs, I thought he was 'huffing' gasoline or something else to get high on purpose (instead of having a compulsion to do so).  Pica was different than the norm.  I have a cat with pica so I've read about it (she eats plastic grocery bags if I leave them around and also nibbles the end of the toilet paper roll.  I have to be careful not to leave bags around and I have to drape a dry washcloth over the toilet paper roll so she can't get to it.  Cats!)

I agree about Reese being broody.  When she sits and looks at a patient, I think she's trying to show that she's listening, but she always seems to look to serious and worried that I would be nervous if I was her patient. 

When they first showed the 'mentor' doctor lying in bed, I thought it was Margo Martindale.  Then I thought it was possibly Kate Mulgrew, made up to look older.  I didn't recognize the actress's name in the credits (I don't think). 

Edited by BooksRule
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I really liked the three parallels of teaching:  Will talking about how good Dr. Rowan was; Maggie teaching badly until Will talked about Rowan's methods and then she changed to the better; and Connor and his sycophantic student.

Why is it that whenever Halstead gets close to Manning, he starts sucking majorly.  I understand he was really attached to his former teacher (I'm wondering why, is he disconnected from his own family?) but she's no longer in there. She can't even recognize him any more.

I'm preparing myself that "Manstead" is now going to be a thing. I went to the Chicago Med twitter page during the episode and people were celebrating like crazy at the wonderful sensitive moment when Manning hugged him, and the official Chicago Med was retweeting them like crazy and joining in the celebration.  Also ignoring any tweets that were anti-Manstead.  I'm afraid I'm going to have to write Halstead off for the rest of the relationship.

Nice to see Connor again even if he got the D storyline.  He and Sharon both need more screentime.

Can Reese please go into ED medicine already?  Her  lack of boundaries make her a terrible psychiatrist.

6 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

At least Patti's married to Colin, or else I'd fear for her future on the show. 

I fear for her future right now because Shore and Halstead are going to be over sooner rather than later.  I just hope that the show runners like the character enough that they'll keep her on recurring even though her romance is going to hit the trashbin.

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On ‎3‎/‎31‎/‎2017 at 4:37 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

I got frustrated with last night's episode.  Perhaps, I think too much.  Okay, with the Dr. Rowan situation.  She's a former doctor.  Why would she not have an Advance Directive as to what life saving measures you want if terminally ill or in a vegetative state? Especially, when she first discovered that she had dementia?  Some folks don't, but, a medical professional who knows what this means in the last stages?  I don't buy it.  Then the next thing is that the Nursing Home leave decision making up to the hospital? No way.  With no one in charge, the County would have stepped up and been appointed her Guardian.  That was just all kinds of nuts, HOWEVER, the biggest whopper of a tale is that a Medical Doctor would go on a keep her alive at all cost WITH NO REGARD for her quality of life or physical pain of CPR, feeding tubes, restraints, etc.  It boggles the mind.  

The Dr. Rowan situation was my least favorite story. Like you I had a hard time believing that Dr. Rowan wouldn't have an Advance Directive. I also think it was stupid to allow Will anywhere near the case; he's obviously way to emotionally close. Also the whole the hospital gets to make the decision had me going what?


On ‎3‎/‎31‎/‎2017 at 7:05 PM, statsgirl said:

I'm preparing myself that "Manstead" is now going to be a thing. I went to the Chicago Med twitter page during the episode and people were celebrating like crazy at the wonderful sensitive moment when Manning hugged him, and the official Chicago Med was retweeting them like crazy and joining in the celebration.  Also ignoring any tweets that were anti-Manstead.  I'm afraid I'm going to have to write Halstead off for the rest of the relationship.

I've been preparing myself for a Will & Natalie relationship since Will asked Maggie if he should tell Nina the truth that he "use to" have feelings for Natalie. To me, it's obviously how the whole Will & Nina thing will play out now. I was really hoping Natalie and Will would NOT because a thing.  I just do not get the appeal of Will & Natalie, but I always seem to root for the couple that's destined to not last.

On ‎3‎/‎31‎/‎2017 at 0:38 PM, Lady Calypso said:

Manstead can be buried in the dirt for all I care. I really hate the couple, especially when it's being telegraphed from space that they're ending up together and poor Nina is getting her heart broken.

Haha I feel the same way. Hate the idea of Natalie & Will.

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I don't think I like medical shows much, at least this one. The Dr. Rowan storyline was just stupid on so many levels. Does Halsted think people will live forever? I mean, I do, but I'm not an MD. 

I like Nina--I hope we still see her once she ditches Halsted. 

Is pica a psychological problem or a physical one--don't some people eat things because their bodies crave a missing mineral? Paste was my snack in first grade. Won't the pilot and his wife report Dr Charles for confessing that he is compulsive so he can lose his license too? 

I'm really surprised Rhodes didn't ask the boy what he thought about losing his arm.

Starri, Doris Resting Nurse Face--ha! I believe Robyn has Resting Knowing Smile Face which drives me crazy. Manning is afflicted with Resting Overly Concerned Face.

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47 minutes ago, MakeMeLaugh said:

Is pica a psychological problem or a physical one--don't some people eat things because their bodies crave a missing mineral? Paste was my snack in first grade. Won't the pilot and his wife report Dr Charles for confessing that he is compulsive so he can lose his license too? 

It is a psychological disorder.  And they can't report Dr. Charles and "make him lose his license" because he doesn't have the same health requirements that a pilot does, because if he has a heart attack or stroke or faints at work, no one dies.  That's why it was going to cost the pilot his license, not because he has a problem, but because his problem makes him a danger to passengers and therefore not safe to fly.

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1 hour ago, MakeMeLaugh said:

 Doris Resting Nurse Face--ha! I believe Robyn has Resting Knowing Smile Face which drives me crazy. Manning is afflicted with Resting Overly Concerned Face.

This cracks me up and is so true!

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1 hour ago, Ailianna said:

It is a psychological disorder.  And they can't report Dr. Charles and "make him lose his license" because he doesn't have the same health requirements that a pilot does, because if he has a heart attack or stroke or faints at work, no one dies.  That's why it was going to cost the pilot his license, not because he has a problem, but because his problem makes him a danger to passengers and therefore not safe to fly.

Well, pardon me for posting. You go have a nice life now.

Edited by MakeMeLaugh
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It is true that sometimes children especially will eat things because they're missing nutrients. 

But pica is a psychiatric diagnosis, specifically eating things that have no nutritional value likes stones, ice wood or dirt.  It's a diagnosis in the DSM, the psychiatrist's bible.

The specific problem for the pilot is that what he was drinking was causing him to pass out or worse have a heart attack or stroke and that could lead to the plane crashing. If he had had a desk job, it wouldn't be so dangerous.

(When I was pregnant, I used to have fainting spells.  My mother told me that as a doctor she was legally obligated to inform the police if I continued to drive because I could faint when I was driving and cause an accident, hurting other people.  With that threat, I stopped driving for the rest of my pregnancy.)

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I understand he was really attached to his former teacher (I'm wondering why, is he disconnected from his own family?) 

Yes...we know that Will's mother died of cancer some time ago (perhaps as long as a decade ago) and that he and Jay are both estranged from their father (for reasons yet unknown but likely to be divulged in "Generation Gap" this week). So it does make sense that Will would attach to older persons who showed interest in him and his work.

Re: Will and his ladies - Personally, I don't mind him with Natalie. The thing that does bother me,though, is that the whole Nina relationship seemed set up to fail from practically day one. He admitted outright that the whole moving in together thing was happening way before he was ready; but due to his finances he essentially had no other choice. Then we get this whole "backstory" about Nina supposedly having dated half the hospital before Will (like he wouldn't have heard about this, especially given how gossipy Med is?) and then Nina (who works in a whole different part of the hospital) conveniently walking in on Manstead every time they have a personal moment (which isn't even all that often)? It's so ridiculously stilted, to make Nina want to break up with Will and thus leave him free for Natalie.

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The risk of bringing in a new romantic interest to stall the OTP (Halstead & Manning) is that the temporary love interest may be better than the OTP one.

They've been (sky)writing it since the beginning that Nina is only temporary for Will and yet I'm still rooting for those two crazy kids because Nina makes Will tolerable and Natalie doesn't.

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36 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

The risk of bringing in a new romantic interest to stall the OTP (Halstead & Manning) is that the temporary love interest may be better than the OTP one.

They've been (sky)writing it since the beginning that Nina is only temporary for Will and yet I'm still rooting for those two crazy kids because Nina makes Will tolerable and Natalie doesn't.

I'm still rooting for them too! I know that I'm setting myself up for disappointment, but I can't help it. There must be something wrong with me since I always seem to root for the temporary love interest over the OTP.

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On 3/31/2017 at 1:50 PM, Tiger said:

Welp, at least Maggie sorta kinda had a story this week.  

I know right! I was so happy to see her doing something other than holding that damn pager. Now if only  they would give her a real story.

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On 4/5/2017 at 8:15 PM, MakeMeLaugh said:

I don't think I like medical shows much, at least this one. The Dr. Rowan storyline was just stupid on so many levels. Does Halsted think people will live forever? I mean, I do, but I'm not an MD. 

I like Nina--I hope we still see her once she ditches Halsted. 

Is pica a psychological problem or a physical one--don't some people eat things because their bodies crave a missing mineral? Paste was my snack in first grade. Won't the pilot and his wife report Dr Charles for confessing that he is compulsive so he can lose his license too? 

I'm really surprised Rhodes didn't ask the boy what he thought about losing his arm.

Starri, Doris Resting Nurse Face--ha! I believe Robyn has Resting Knowing Smile Face which drives me crazy. Manning is afflicted with Resting Overly Concerned Face.

Dr. Charles by disclosing, didn't violate any HIPPA laws, but I understand what you're saying. As for Doris I wanted the student nurse to snap at her. I usually like Maggie, but was a little annoyed with her impatience. I give her credit for turning it around. I hope Nina moves on to someone who is not interested in a robot.

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