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The Real Housewives Of Toronto - General Discussion

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On 3/29/2017 at 8:13 PM, oakville said:

I love this show! Kara is the villain but nowhere near as evil as Jody from RHOV.

Okay, you'll have to help me here--my memory is that Jody had an acid tongue and said some mean things to Mary, but I don't recall Jody concocting and acting on premeditated plans to cause illness or injury to Mary.  I recall Jody just hated her and wanted her to go away/get iced out of the group/disappear from her life and the show.

To me, Kara's intentionally trying to inflict physical harm on her "guests" merely because they didn't behave or react the way she wanted them to is far more evil or malevolent behavior.

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I don't know bagatelle, I have enjoyed the segments without Kara.   Personally, I enjoyed the RH shows when they were windows into another world with all of the  real estate, fashion, jewellry.. and the harmless eccentricities of the housewives, before the table flip, cancer scam, and sky rocketing egos.  Recent years have had me slipping away to do household chores when the drama was OTT.  RHOC, once  a favourite, lost me for good last year.  RHBH is slipping rapidly with Rinna's revolting behaviour and "The Three Faces of E." 

Edited by LadyK
wrong word
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19 hours ago, strongoxman said:

Okay, you'll have to help me here--my memory is that Jody had an acid tongue and said some mean things to Mary, but I don't recall Jody concocting and acting on premeditated plans to cause illness or injury to Mary.  I recall Jody just hated her and wanted her to go away/get iced out of the group/disappear from her life and the show.

To me, Kara's intentionally trying to inflict physical harm on her "guests" merely because they didn't behave or react the way she wanted them to is far more evil or malevolent behavior.

Jody & her daughter created chaos at almost every event. She accused Mary of being anti semitic. She kept trying to sue the other cast members over her second hand bag store. The events were always ruined because Jody would screech at everyone.

Kara is snobby & not behaving like a McGill alumni should. She is becoming like Vicky who gave herself awards & stumbled.

Kara is trying to brag too much, but her threats are pretty empty.

Roxy is behaving like a spoiled brat over her birthday party. She's a grown woman. She is not Stacy from vanderPump Rules.

11 hours ago, bagatelle said:

The only housewife that I don't care for is the gym lady. She doesn't bring much.  I wonder why they hired her.  Kara may be annoying, but the show, so far, really needs her.  Everyone else is too nice. That's why I like them, they are very nice, but the show will be dull with just them.

Jana Yoga makes me laugh. She could become like Brandi Glanville.

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4 hours ago, oakville said:

Jody & her daughter created chaos at almost every event. She accused Mary of being anti semitic. She kept trying to sue the other cast members over her second hand bag store. The events were always ruined because Jody would screech at everyone.

Okay, thanks for confirming my memory that as shrill as Jody was, she never tried to inflict physical harm on anyone.

Oy, Slice somehow found someone even worse than Jody.

Edited by strongoxman
4 hours ago, strongoxman said:

Okay, thanks for confirming my memory that as shrill as Jody was, she never tried to inflict physical harm on anyone.

Oy, Slice somehow found someone even worse than Jody.

I don't think Kara will physically assault anyone on the show. She is making idle threats.

Jody ruined the Vancouver show because they couldn't film with her threatening lawsuits at castmates during every episode.

I enjoyed the Vancouver scenery. Ronnie had an amazing house on the water.

There was a pretty Russian woman on the second season who had to replace a Mob wife,

3 hours ago, halkatla said:

I hate Roxy. She´s dumb and mean. And more.

Roxy is  very aware of her wealth. She treats her dog well , so that is good enough for me.

Roxy probably is stuck since a lot of the labels she feels it necessary to wear and then remind everyone she is wearing clothes that cost lots and lots of money probably don't make too many items in her size if at all.  It would be nice to actually see a woman who isn't gaunt who actually dresses well.  Instead of the price tag gusher that is Roxy who looks pretty much like she is stepping out of a limo to her 1990 prom.

Roxy is the one who taints the pool for me.  Kara is heinous.  Really heinous.  But she is also her own worst enemy.  Which makes her a nice little train wreck to watch from the comfort of my own home.  I know a lot of Karas in my own life so far and I try everything I can to eliminate them in any and every way I can if possible.  I do love that the other four women all caught on real quick to Roxy's whole "us against her" attempt to cast herself as some victim and turn them all against Kara.  The rest all not only made the effort to find out about Kara on their own but also made a point of making sure Roxy knew that.  I think Ann is the only one with a tiny axe to grind about Kara having to blab about her husband's business but even she seems ready to keep giving Kara a chance despite also enjoying the little digs.  Roxy is way too thirsty and way too eager to create a RH feud for plot while she actually offers up nothing.  Her poor assistant actually seems to think she was hired to be a real society mover and shaker's assistant and instead finds herself caught up as just another narrative point that Roxy has money.  Money I tell you.  And I see no love for her dog.  Rather she loves the fact that it is nothing but another avenue to make sure we know she spends money.  And her talking heads as as painful as Kara's.  The over top top simpering and gushing makes me think I'm watching a sketch from the Hotwives series. 

I really am surprised at how ordinary some of the wives live compared to their gushing self proclamations of worth.  Ann has that cottage but lives in a typical suburban home it seems.  Nothing wrong with that but the crass over sized limo pulled on the curb just made it look weird.  So too for the homes of Roxy and Grego.  I live in a much nicer house.  Maybe I should be on one of these shows?  Again. Not saying their houses aren't nice but they don't look like something to aspire to either.   Ann's decor other than her closet seems nice but both Roxy and Grego's (Grego's public living areas) have try too hard interiors to the exteriors and locale.  Like they poured what they could into the decor to pretend it is the house they wanted to afford rather than the one that they actually can.  Both have way too heavy handed "style" attempts that I saw that made it look like some upper scale dental office that flips to a brothel in the after hours for visiting Eastern European businessmen that want to pretend they have an unlimited expense account.

I did laugh that Ann has a closet that looks like some college apartments.  When she pulls out what is supposed to be a fabulous gown but instead isn't even on a hanger let alone a good one it is crammed into such a small space.  I was so thinking that the daughter was going to be her grand daughter!  Ann has a great body but she has aged herself decades with that face.  Why she did that to herself at such a young age is beyond me.  I did note that her son (by a previous marriage right?) looks old enough to be able to objectify without being too pervy. 

Joan really wants us to know she has money too right?  I'm okay with that as a viewer since it seems that she and her husband are the type to be insecure enough to think they must spend to establish themselves.  Not just for the show.  I do think she needs someone to take her in hand and show her how to spend in terms of quality to impress as opposed to quantity.  That dock party was hideous.  Give me that setting and limit it to a hundred people, a great dj, real food, not mass produced burgers.  I'm not saying it had to be linens and crystal, but give me a good knosh of lobster from Nova Scotia, crabs flown in from Vancouver, pasty from Montreal and some great beef from pretty much all of Canada.  A relaxed time but also a nice energy that a small crowd can bring.  Great food and a crowd that you can immerse yourself in or flit through comfortably is going to be a hell of a lot more impressive than tossing cash at some cheap over crowded sweat thrash sponsored by Solo Cup.

Kara has to make everything about herself.  I really do wonder about her husband.  He seems nice.  He really has her number and shuts her down.  A couple of times now.  So why didn't he talk her out of this show?  Because she is a horrible person who simply cannot help herself.  As a HW villain she is perfect.  As someone who is always going to shot herself in the foot and do so on camera for her kids to have archived for the rest of their lives?  Not a good move.

I find Ann's husband a bit creepy and I don't even know why.  I do think having husband talking head segments is too soon.  Wait a season until we know the women before the husband climb aboard like that.

I liked Grego with her kids.  While it was a "scene" it felt like the relationship with her kids was sincere and not just "on".

Jana needs to get over herself a little bit.  Her professional life is a bit boring and the glimpses of her personal life seemed aimed at reminding us she is still young and viable and has plenty of time.  I agree.  But the slight shift she manages to bring that up in her talking heads makes me think maybe she actually doesn't.

I hope the show settles a bit.  I'm still finding the forced elements of bringing these women together a bit rough.  I think a good part of that is Roxy.  She clearly jumped ship as soon as she met the rest of the cast and saw them as better than Kara.  I get that in some ways.  But I also think roxy is taking advantage of Kara's propensity for self drama to try and make more of this little tiff.  And I definitely think it is way heavy handed on her part to make herself some incredible victim in something she clearly is taking huge pleasure are pretending she is at the center of.  There really is nothing there to be at the center of when you break it down.  Again, I do love that even Ann seems to see right through her.  But Roxy does nothing but simper and gush and brown nose when around the others and try to collectively trash Kara.  Yawn. 

It was funny at how awkward and phony the first episode was.  Ann wants to throw this party but isn't fabulous to figure out the plus de plus of Toronto herself?  I get it. Scripted.  But try not to pull back the curtains and show the audience the pulleys and levers so fast producers.

As much as I would hate having this particular Kara in my life, on my tv she makes me laugh.  I do cringe at her incredibly contrived moments with her son as sidekick.  Find an adult to play with Kara.  Or hire an assistant.  Its like I'm watching a housewife from one of the US franchises decide she is going to DIY the whole horrid "gay best friend" thing and raise her own.

If Roxy wasn't on this show I could sit back and just watch.  She is making me FF way too often for me to say I enjoy the show.  But Ann, Joan, Grego and Jana make a great core that seems to have the right amount of organic chemistry that feels like they all could actually become a social set outside the show.

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10 hours ago, tenativelyyours said:

I really am surprised at how ordinary some of the wives live compared to their gushing self proclamations of worth.  Ann has that cottage but lives in a typical suburban home it seems.  Nothing wrong with that but the crass over sized limo pulled on the curb just made it look weird.  So too for the homes of Roxy and Grego.  I live in a much nicer house.  Maybe I should be on one of these shows?  Again. Not saying their houses aren't nice but they don't look like something to aspire to either.   Ann's decor other than her closet seems nice but both Roxy and Grego's (Grego's public living areas) have try too hard interiors to the exteriors and locale.  Like they poured what they could into the decor to pretend it is the house they wanted to afford rather than the one that they actually can.  Both have way too heavy handed "style" attempts that I saw that made it look like some upper scale dental office that flips to a brothel in the after hours for visiting Eastern European businessmen that want to pretend they have an unlimited expense account.

Roxie lives in the Yorkville/Annex area and those homes cost millions. It's not the size, it's the location.  Also the Muskoka "cottages" aren't affordable either.

7 hours ago, bagatelle said:

Roxie lives in the Yorkville/Annex area and those homes cost millions. It's not the size, it's the location.  Also the Muskoka "cottages" aren't affordable either.

Er...everything in Toronto costs millions - the average house is $1.5 M, and that $1.5 house is probably under 2,000 square feet.

1 hour ago, PRgal said:

Er...everything in Toronto costs millions - the average house is $1.5 M, and that $1.5 house is probably under 2,000 square feet.

Yes!  And the closer you get to the core, sometimes those million dollar homes are smallish fixer uppers!

Edited by whydoievencare
20 hours ago, tenativelyyours said:

I really am surprised at how ordinary some of the wives live compared to their gushing self proclamations of worth.  Ann has that cottage but lives in a typical suburban home it seems.  Nothing wrong with that but the crass over sized limo pulled on the curb just made it look weird.  So too for the homes of Roxy and Grego.  I live in a much nicer house.  Maybe I should be on one of these shows?  Again. Not saying their houses aren't nice but they don't look like something to aspire to either.   Ann's decor other than her closet seems nice but both Roxy and Grego's (Grego's public living areas) have try too hard interiors to the exteriors and locale.  Like they poured what they could into the decor to pretend it is the house they wanted to afford rather than the one that they actually can.  Both have way too heavy handed "style" attempts that I saw that made it look like some upper scale dental office that flips to a brothel in the after hours for visiting Eastern European businessmen that want to pretend they have an unlimited expense account.

I did laugh that Ann has a closet that looks like some college apartments.  When she pulls out what is supposed to be a fabulous gown but instead isn't even on a hanger let alone a good one it is crammed into such a small space.  I was so thinking that the daughter was going to be her grand daughter!  Ann has a great body but she has aged herself decades with that face.  Why she did that to herself at such a young age is beyond me.  I did note that her son (by a previous marriage right?) looks old enough to be able to objectify without being too pervy. 

House prices in Toronto are ridiculously high. First your paying for location, then you pay for everything else. The housing demand in Toronto is really high and it's also a popular hub that attracts a lot of rich international buyers which has contributed to the high house prices and the competitive market. To give you some comparison, Roxy lives in the Yorkville area, in this area, a penthouse could cost you $15-20M and you have to pay an annual maintenance condo fee on top of that.  The average cost for a home in Yorkville starts at $650 per square foot. If you want a want detached home in Toronto proper, you're paying at least 2M for a renovated 1300 sq home, or a larger home that is a total gut job.

Are you referring to the son with the deep voice? I don't know how old he is but he doesn't seem old enough to have that ridiculously manly sounding voice, lol.

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3 hours ago, PRgal said:

Er...everything in Toronto costs millions - the average house is $1.5 M, and that $1.5 house is probably under 2,000 square feet.know.

Yes, my house is in central Toronto, so I know.  We're kind of stuck.  I was just explaining to a poster that Roxie's home in the Yorkville-Annex area is far more than the average 1.5 - 2 million.

Edited by bagatelle
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Kara is on her way to becoming  an all star Real Housewives villain. She deliberately put her guests on a water banana so they could get hurt. She admitted this on camera!. She gave Joan a huge wine glass with a bottle of Pelligrino implying that Joan is a lush!. I loved Roxy's surprise party. & that Big Dog gift.

I think that Grego & her husband stayed at the Toronto Ritz for their anniversary. It looks familiar

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Ann's WTF face when Kara cheerfully admitted to attempting to make her guests vomit was something to behold. I feel you, Ann.

I think Roxie's husband, Raghu Kilambi I think, has been described as a tech entrepreneur and banker.

I'm kind of curious as to how everyone stacks up wealth-wise. Joan's obviously at the top.


 Her poor assistant actually seems to think she was hired to be a real society mover and shaker's assistant and instead finds herself caught up as just another narrative point that Roxy has money.  Money I tell you.  And I see no love for her dog.  Rather she loves the fact that it is nothing but another avenue to make sure we know she spends money.

I don't really get Roxie's deal. She was once an ad agency exec according to her bio, so it's not as if she's not capable of working. What does she even do, besides run her website? There's wrong with being "just" a housewife, of course, but she doesn't even have kids to keep her busy. The other housewives on the show have kids, jobs, charities or helping out with their their husbands' businesses to keep them occupied. Isn't Roxie bored?

Edited by Eyes High
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2 hours ago, bagatelle said:

What does Roxie's husband do for a living?  I still like her and still don't care for Grego (boring) and the fitness lady (also boring with nothing to add.)

Any guesses as to who the designer is next week? How successful can he be if he needs to promote himself on a reality show. 

Mr Roxy is very accomplished.


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So far I am enjoying this series. As much as I dislike Kara, she does bring the krazy. Odd that in the visit to her doctor, he never once said she had a broken rib. Or fracture. Or even brusing. My guess would be she bruised the muscles around the rib, which also takes time to heal. I do not for a minute believe that she hoisted herself back onto the weenie with one - or two - broken ribs. 

Good on Jana for asking her why her arm was in a sling. I guess when she was working as a triage nurse she learned that is what you do for a broken rib. Lol. I love people who have the guts to say what others are thinking. Ann seems like the sweetest of the group. To say that her heart hurt for Kara that she felt the need to get back at her guests? (To paraphrase). That takes a seriously sweet person.

I loved that after Joan was rather rude to Roxy regarding Kara after that whatever-it-was-weird-session, Kara presented Joan with the huge wine glass. And who wants to bet that at the trunk show, the largest size will be about an 8. If nothing else than to embarrass Roxy. Karma is a bitch, Kara. Kara is a bitch, too. 

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1 hour ago, UsernameFatigue said:

So far I am enjoying this series. As much as I dislike Kara, she does bring the krazy. Odd that in the visit to her doctor, he never once said she had a broken rib. Or fracture. Or even brusing. My guess would be she bruised the muscles around the rib, which also takes time to heal. I do not for a minute believe that she hoisted herself back onto the weenie with one - or two - broken ribs. 

Good on Jana for asking her why her arm was in a sling. I guess when she was working as a triage nurse she learned that is what you do for a broken rib. Lol. I love people who have the guts to say what others are thinking. Ann seems like the sweetest of the group. To say that her heart hurt for Kara that she felt the need to get back at her guests? (To paraphrase). That takes a seriously sweet person.

I loved that after Joan was rather rude to Roxy regarding Kara after that whatever-it-was-weird-session, Kara presented Joan with the huge wine glass. And who wants to bet that at the trunk show, the largest size will be about an 8. If nothing else than to embarrass Roxy. Karma is a bitch, Kara. Kara is a bitch, too. 

The show needs Kara. She creates so much controversy . She reminds me of Vicky from OC. This is a good group. I like them more than RHOV. I think Jana's sound party was weird but I love the pampering at the Ritz with Ann.

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Ann seems like a sweetheart. I'm not sure she'll bring much drama but if they get another season, I hope they bring her back because I've always liked having a balanced and relatively 'normal' personality among the cast that you can rely on for some common sense. I also got a good laugh at her need to bargain for everything she buys, haha.  

Anyone know what Roxy's ethnicity is? She can be anything from Italian to Indian to Persian. Also Roxy, stop talking about Kara forgetting your birthday. Kara can make herself look bad all on her own. Beating a dead horse just makes you look bad too. Shut up already about it Roxy and stop acting surprised that the other women aren't automatically writing off Kara because you have issues with her. I will say, I was surprised that Roxy was genuinely touched by the dog statue. I feel like on most franchises, that kind of gift would have made most of the recipients give a fake thank you and then talk shit about the gift in one of their THs. 

Who puts a sling on when they have a broken rib? Someone who wants to 'show' people they're injured so they can feel sorry for them. Despite it getting progressively worse, she seemed perfectly fine going out without the sling when she met Ann for lunch. Ann's gift was hilarious! 

Kara is just nasty and malicious with her intent. Clearly the drama this season will be centred around her. Guess that's how she earned the centre spot in the opening credits. 

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19 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

Kara is just nasty and malicious with her intent. Clearly the drama this season will be centred around her. Guess that's how she earned the centre spot in the opening credits. 

It is interesting that she got the centre spot in the credits. I thought it would have been Joan. I wonder if that went to her already inflated head.

I saw an old photo of Kara and her husband and she looked fuller in the face and so cute.

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4 minutes ago, bagatelle said:

It is interesting that she got the centre spot in the credits. I thought it would have been Joan. I wonder if that went to her already inflated head.

I saw an old photo of Kara and her husband and she looked fuller in the face and so cute.

I think they film those credits after the season starts...maybe even after filming ends. So sadly, I don't think it plays any part in the reason for her inflated ego...and head, haha.

1 hour ago, RHJunkie said:

I think they film those credits after the season starts...maybe even after filming ends. So sadly, I don't think it plays any part in the reason for her inflated ego...and head, haha.

Right -- I meant that Kara already had an inflated ego and now seeing the finalized show airing on TV and getting centre credits might have inflated her ego even more!

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I'm catching up with episodes online, I'm only partway through the second episode and I have already heard Kara tell three different versions of the "Face Hickey" incident to Roxy and now she's into a fourth with Ann. Plus, there was the comparatively grounded version she discussed with her husband. She has been spouting about it ON CAMERA. It doesn't actually matter if Roxy fumbled and presumed she was acquainted with Ann, Kara has referenced it repeatedly in a highly public manner in her own wildly varying words. Reading through this thread, it seems that the fall-out from the temporary blemish will never truly leave her. Perhaps she'll start hallucinating its return. It will, of course, alter in shape and size with every imaginary manifestation. Perhaps even the location will change. Maybe its ghost is currently hiding behind her left ear.

Edited by yuggapukka

I had a feeling that Kara would have forgotten to tell the designer to bring some clothes in larger sizes. I felt for Roxy there. As comfortable as you are in your skin, no one likes to be among a group and so obviously excluded from the festivities. I don't see how that makes Kara a gracious host but the designer was really sweet about it and seemed to acknowledge Roxy's situation more than Kara did. She was also rude in her suggestions that Jana couldn't afford the dresses...why did you invite her then? If you don't think Jana can afford a dress, why the hell do you do think she can afford a $25K table at a charity event? And I can't get with Kara's fashion - the best thing I've seen her wear is her outfit BEFORE she got dressed for the party, lol. She always seems to have two looks - one look is where it seems like she's a 12 year old that was forced to wear what mom picked out and the second is like a 2 year old that gets to dress themselves and decides to go with the most colourful patterns, the most frills, the most of everything. Either way, from far she always seems to look like a young child with an oversized head playing dress up.

And the highlight of the night...Ann's bag! I haven't laughed so hard and genuinely over something on the HW franchise in a long time but man did that get me. Where do you even find something like that? At this rate, Ann will end up being my favourite HW of any franchise. She seems like a genuinely kind person that's the perfect combination of business acumen but laid back fun. Her personality is awesome and her kids have already had some great lines on the show so far.

Seems like Joan will be wanting to give Kara the benefit of the doubt when she finally learns of what's being said behind her back but if she doesn't figure it out by the end of the season, she'll figure it out when she's looking back at these episodes now and realizing that Kara was trying to make the room laugh at Joan's expense.

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Kara is a very devious person.  She claims to be a good Christian.  Meanwhile she is plotting behind everyone's back to hurt them.  She deliberately hurts Roxy.  The cookbook with the wrong name at the non-birthday party.  Now she invites Roxy knowing that none of the clothes will fit her.  The designer gave her away when Roxy talked to him.  Kara insults Jana by acting like she can't afford the clothes.  I assume she thinks Jana does not have a rich husband like the others to pay the  bills.  Kara now appears to be spreading dirt about Joan behind her back.  What part of these actions make Kara a good Christian?

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1 hour ago, LakeGal said:

Kara is a very devious person.  She claims to be a good Christian.  Meanwhile she is plotting behind everyone's back to hurt them.  She deliberately hurts Roxy.  The cookbook with the wrong name at the non-birthday party.  Now she invites Roxy knowing that none of the clothes will fit her.  The designer gave her away when Roxy talked to him.  Kara insults Jana by acting like she can't afford the clothes.  I assume she thinks Jana does not have a rich husband like the others to pay the  bills.  Kara now appears to be spreading dirt about Joan behind her back.  What part of these actions make Kara a good Christian?

No part. I just don't get it. For someone who seems to pride herself on being some sort of grande dame, Kara also shamelessly violates basic etiquette rules left and right. She seems determined to make everyone else hate her. 

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I loved the first gown on Ann, the colour was perfect in her.  I do t really care for Roxy, but I did feel for her that all the dresses were sample size.  That would suck. Kara just comes off as so brittle and unnatural all the time.


toronto looked really nice in this episode.  I must take the ferry over to the islands soon.

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Ann's bag was hilarious, but I wouldn't want to lug it around.  Maybe if it was half that size.

Kara intentionally set out to embarrass Roxy by not telling the designer that her group needed size variance.  She did the same with Jana(?) with the "less expensive dresses can be found over here" shit.  Kara knows she's on TV & has a mic…she knew she was being shady.

IDK how many episodes are left, but there'd better be a reunion.  I need these ladies to know all Kara's BS.  And as much as I support charity, I'd laugh if no one showed up to her event, let alone bought a $25,000 table.

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I am enjoying this show much more than I thought I would (and much more than the Vancouver version). Ann is hilarious. I loved it when she said that she goes to high tea once in a lifetime, and wore broccoli in her hat. Kara on the other hand looked ridiculous in her get-up. Also loved the ladies betting on whether Joan or Kara would come out on top in their discussion. 

The yoga poses at the golf tourney was ridiculous. Did the women actually even golf? If I were golfing I would not be impressed by someone expecting me to do yoga in the middle of a tournament. 

I don't understand why Joan is so surprised that Kara may have talked about her. FFS she gifted you with an enormous wine glass Joan as a dig at how much you drank at her dinner. And presented it in front of everyone. 

It is amazing to me how unaware Kara is of how she comes off on this show. Delusional, pretentious, petty, mean. I wonder how the charities she involves herself with feel about how she is coming off? Also I thought it was funny that she did not know what the I in AMBI stands for, since she apparently knows so much about it. The letters are the first and last initials of the two founders. Guess she doesn't know the last name of one of the two founders - lol. 

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I've never seen anyone as self-aggrandizing as Kara.  It's a hugely unattractive trait in anyone, but she really takes it to the highest level.  I am truly surprised that both Ann and Joan - who have seen her in action and questioned her on a few things - both claim to like her - I don't see anything to like.  I found it enjoyable when Ann pushed her to come to Spain - Kara really had to work to maintain her faux friendly demeanor.  Also, I find her way of speaking to be kind of odd - "my yeas are yea, my nays are nay" and her conversation with her mother "fifi frou frou" - is that ingrained familyspeak?

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Kara's husband's money has all gone to her head...maybe that's why it's so damn big...literally and figuratively. She wrote up an invoice for Ann who didn't even confirm that she would purchase a table and she's spent all this time pushing her charity for her own competitive sake yet she questions Ann' behaviour as a friend for trying to convince her to go to Spain? That conversation with Ann just shows what a phoney person she is because kept making excuse after excuse when the real reason is that she knows that the women aren't impressed by her. Kara talking about how busy she is, Ann had the line of the night when she said it's a good thing that she only has 8 kids, a full-time job, lol. 

I suspect Spain may be a lot more enjoyable to watch without Kara there anyhow. Can't wait for her to hear what an amazing time they had without her so then she can take offense that they dared to have fun without her. 

It seems Ann is there to primarily showcase her husbands plastic surgery business, which kind of surprises me since I thought the guy was fairly popular and successful. Does he still appear as a regular on City LIne?  So, is it necessary to promote his new products?  Although if that fat burning thing works, I want to know the price. 

I love Ann.  Anyone else notice how her coloured contact lenses keep changing colour?  

I do wonder if she'll buy that table from Kara, after all.  

2 hours ago, bagatelle said:

I do wonder if she'll buy that table from Kara, after all.  

That's certainly the $64,000 question, isn't it?


2 hours ago, bagatelle said:

I love Ann.  Anyone else notice how her coloured contact lenses keep changing colour?

Do they?  That's hilarious, I hadn't noticed!  I'll be looking for that now.

1 hour ago, whydoievencare said:

That's certainly the $64,000 question, isn't it?

Or the $25,000 (price of a table) question. ;)

I think Ann will likely buy a table and have the other ladies as her guests. 1) Ann plays the peacemaker and won't want Kara to feel bad at "her" event.  2) Charity looks good--not a slam against Ann, I'm sure she donates plenty to charity off-camera. 3) If she doesn't buy a table, no one else will which means no camera time for Kara's charity event.

I'm convinced that Joan knows Kara is the liar, but is drawing this out so she (Joan) has a storyline/feud for this season which can potentially bleed into a season 2.

I like Roxy, but her app sounds stupid…so it'll probably be a huge success.

Kara is the kind of person who projects her own bad behavior on others and then complains about the outcome.

OMG, I cannot stand Roxy, so pretentious and full of herself. She created this whole drama, exaggerating what Lash Girl told her and frankly, the girls were wasted and Joan left her panties on the dock. All true. Who does that at a new friends' dinner party?  Kara was hurt and is allowed to feel that way. Jana and Grego were happy to carry tales to Joan without even checking to see if Roxy's embellishments were true. Joan made me proud. She checked the source and went directly to both. I don't know why Joan made such a big deal of Kara telling Ann as she, Jana and Grego trash talk the others handily when they connect. Hypocrite much?  This program needs to get it together. Kara is the typical insecure wreck, like a female Woody Allen and has become the stereotypical villian.  Yawn.  Yoga girl is boring, Grego not much better. I think I like Ann the best because she is so unpredictable but I wish she would leave her face alone. Joan is my favourite hands down, kind, honest and takes pride in herself.  Roxy is only fabulous in her own head and needs a stylist desperately and that has nothing to do with her weight. I expected more, too bad. I hope it improves, Toronto should represent!

Edited by Observing
Word correction
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When the women walk to the limos, I always check the background to see if I recognize the street.

I noticed Joan's new pied-à-terre is on a rather basic street and her gorgeous modern place is by far the nicest on the block. I gather it's right downtown somewhere, but I can't figure out which area.  Any guesses?  I'm curious, with all their money, what neighbourhood they picked to build a home.

Edited by bagatelle

I don't believe Roxy's dog would not eat chicken that was not organic.  Even Ann was surprised Roxy's dog has a chef.

Kara is such a name dropper.  The only reason she bought her high tea dress was because she was told Katy Perry had looked at it.  It made me laugh.  The designer probably knows Kara and just told her that to make the sale. 

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Kara's and Graham's kisses look so uninspired - press lips together, hold for ten seconds.  Does she live her life according to a script?  Kara seems phoney even when with her husband or her boys - she's really a conundrum.  I don't see anything that's redeeming about her.  Not one thing.  I do have to laugh - the camera always seems to be looking for her sour facial expression - you know, the disapproving purse of her lips - and always films them.

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Was it not a weird moment when they showed Roxy attempting to brush her hair during the fat shaming machine presentation?  I mean, she's in the middle of a presentation to a munch of doctors and she's laying on her back.  Not the easiest position to brush your hair. 


I would have liked to hear if any of them noticed any difference.

Edited by Tiggertoo
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The fat melting machine that Ann and her hubby were presenting in Spain doesn't seem any different than one I have seen advertised for a few years now called Cool Sculpting. One would think plastic surgeons all over the world would have heard of this product by now. And really, Roxy seems like the only one that even has fat that could be melted, so I thought the choice of "models" was just an excuse for the women to go to Spain. Which did look amazing, BTW. 

One thing that annoys me about these franchises is how much lag time there is between when they are filmed and when we see the shows. I am currently watching RHoNY, and the time frame is end Oct/early Nov for this week's epi. On the RHoT show this week, it appears to have been filmed the end of August, at least for the trip as the bomb scare at the Frankfurt airport was the end of August. Eight months ago. Ugh. 

Kara has the worst fashion sense. She was making fun of Ann's dress for the gala, when hers was even uglier. Ann seems to think that if she is wearing a designer, the outfit must look great. Not so much. And what is it with some HWs and ugly bags? I have no idea who the designer was of the bag Graham gave her because Kara was sqeeing in her chipmunk voice, so I could not make it out. But it looked like a dozen other ugly black bags I saw on my last trip to the mall. 

So did Ann just end up buying one ticket to the gala, and not even a table? Love that no one else went. Personally, hubby and I contribute both time and money to a local animal charity that is close to our hearts, and if I am going to drop $2500 it will be to a charity that is important to me. Not to some random fair weather friend. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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I cant stand Kara half the time. But she is entertaining in a horrible way. She has the most hideous clothes and weird phone cases. 

Roxy is annoying too. No offense but why does she wear such tight dresses half the time. They dont flatter her at all.

I loved how the guy, she was in that meeting with, looked after Roxy said people dont normally wear the same clothes twice. His face was "you delusional fool".

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19 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

Kara has the worst fashion sense. She was making fun of Ann's dress for the gala, when hers was even uglier. Ann seems to think that if she is wearing a designer, the outfit must look great. Not so much. And what is it with some HWs and ugly bags? I have no idea who the designer was of the bag Graham gave her because Kara was sqeeing in her chipmunk voice, so I could not make it out. But it looked like a dozen other ugly black bags I saw on my last trip to the mall. 

I thought she said it was Celine.  It looked like Celine to me, which I didn't realize was still so in demand.  They're kind of heavy.

I don't mind the clothes Kara wears, because not many people can wear them. It's like she's in character. She's so into dutifully performing her HW role that she rattles off the designers names too.

Roxy also listed the designer names she intends to wear, although why Pink Tartan was included is beyond me. I always thought the brand was a write off for the more successful husband.

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