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Dance Moms Spoilers: Abby is the Worst. Some More Again.


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So in the past few weeks I've seen Maddie red carpet shots at The Duff movie premiere and Abby at some third-string Oscar Night showing/party. I expect next season there won't be any dancing at all on Dance Moms.

The Duff?  A bit beyond her age, eh?  I'm surprised that Moron Melissa and Abby didn't have Maddie on the Red Carpet at the 50 Shades of Grey premiere!

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So apparently Kalani was suppose to compete at Nuvo under Club Dance.


Looks like she was the only one from her studio there.  She did really well - 1st in Teen and won Nuvo Breakout Artist.  


The fact that Kalani does so well in real dance competitions really does not reflect well on Abby - who can't seem to choreograph for the girl to win even in her fake invitationals.


Jojo was there too with Underground Dance Factory - she placed 5th in Junior and also won Nuvo Breakout Artist.

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Looks like she was the only one from her studio there. She did really well - 1st in Teen and won Nuvo Breakout Artist.

The fact that Kalani does so well in real dance competitions really does not reflect well on Abby - who can't seem to choreograph for the girl to win even in her fake invitationals.

Jojo was there too with Underground Dance Factory - she placed 5th in Junior and also won Nuvo Breakout Artist.

Which why i don't understand why she's there. Maybe Kira needs money and Kalani wants exposure. But is it worth it?

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I think that the show has evolved quite a bit from the way it started, and the way it was probably pitched to the Moms when they signed on.  I do fault Holly for keeping Nia around once things took an obvious turn for the abusive.  And I really fault her for being a lap-dog at the beginning of this season and shitting on Kelly for suing and Christy for leaving, only to whine a couple of weeks later about how none of the other Moms support her when she picks a fight with Abby.

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I think Holly is realizing the gravy train can only last for so long and is putting up a fight on camera so that she can have some credibility when she inevitably has to return to her job in education. She at least has to pretend that she doesn't condone child abuse


I think you are spot on, from spoilers it sure looks like there's a good chance that Nia and Holly are done, time to go listen to AfterBuzz for the last couple weeks I guess.  It's proven my impressions wrong before.

Or it's just another con. Create drama to get people interested in the show again or belittle production so when the show ends - due to low viewer turnout - she can again place the blame at someone else's feet. I think it's the latter but she does really need the show to continue at least one more year until she gets the new LA dance studio up, running and making a profit. If they cancelled the show now - she'd have a hard time doing that - as people move on rather quickly these days and she'd be forgotten. She isn't thinking about any of the kids' futures - she's thinking about her own longevity.

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@gimipizzauoldtroll This is the link to the comp results before it airs



Episode 23: Maddie takes 2nd overall & division behind Mackenzie

Episode 25: Maddie takes 3rd overall

Episode 27: Maddie solo is cut

Do you think we will ever see Maddie taking 2nd behind Mac?  Or 3rd overall? Or a scratched solo?  I wonder how that will play out in those episodes.

Do you think we will ever see Maddie taking 2nd behind Mac?  Or 3rd overall? Or a scratched solo?  I wonder how that will play out in those episodes.

It'll be interesting to see how the producers handle it; Abby has already made an enemy out of them, and they control what gets shown these days, not so much her. 


Ava beat Maddie in the Junior division at National's on May 31st

Good Lord!  There are reports of hell experiencing freezing weather and NORAD reports that it's picked up flying porkers on its radar. 


Apparently Ava may have been representing Candy Apples DC.  How will Abby and Collins try to explain this away?

Edited by cali1981
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Good Lord!  There are reports of hell experiencing freezing weather and NORAD reports that it's picked up flying porkers on its radar. 


Apparently Ava may have been representing Candy Apples DC.  How will Abby and Collins try to explain this away?

She was under her mom's studio not Candy Apples. 


Also, fwiw, i think Ava has grown a ton as a dancer and it shows. Her body is very awkward, I won't even try to get away from that, but she shows control and strength while Maddie shows tricks. While tricks are fun to watch, with the wrong judging panel, they can cause more harm than good. My guess is, Maddie relied on tricks and Ava had a good lyrical number. If you follow Ava away from the DM mess; she actually places very well throughout the country and is often in 1st place, almost always top 3. 


Ava is an example of dancer growth while Maddie just hasn't...the spotlight comes with consequences. Think Gabbi Douglas after she won the All-Around and bombed the individuals. Fame comes with a price tag; she's lost her focus and isn't growing as a dancer. 

Edited by Loves2Dance
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She was under her mom's studio not Candy Apples. 


Almost as good since Abby loathes Ava's mother Jeanette almost as much as she does Kathy.  This is the description of  the YouTube clip of Abby storming out of Nationals while the guy with the microphone on the stage is saying "you can't leave".  It's not clear what she she is bitching and moaning about but replies "yes I can", picks herself up and does indeed leave.


"If you didn't know what happened at nationals maddie,mackenzie, nia and ava had solos ava got 1st nia got 2nd in the teen division maddie got second in the junior division and mackenzie got 4th then the cadc group dance got first overall and the aldc of 2nd so abby got mad called the competition fake said she would never return again and walked out the aldc then won best studio but didn't accept the award."


Abby calling any competition "fake" is wildly laughable.

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Almost as good since Abby loathes Ava's mother Jeanette almost as much as she does Kathy.  This is the description of  the YouTube clip of Abby storming out of Nationals while the guy with the microphone on the stage is saying "you can't leave".  It's not clear what she she is bitching and moaning about but replies "yes I can", picks herself up and does indeed leave.


"If you didn't know what happened at nationals maddie,mackenzie, nia and ava had solos ava got 1st nia got 2nd in the teen division maddie got second in the junior division and mackenzie got 4th then the cadc group dance got first overall and the aldc of 2nd so abby got mad called the competition fake said she would never return again and walked out the aldc then won best studio but didn't accept the award."


Abby calling any competition "fake" is wildly laughable.



I'm assuming Ava and Nia were in the teen division. Who beat Maddie in the Junior division? And I can't believe they awarded Mac fourth - I watched the dance on Youtube and she still looks like the little kid in the bumble costume - she's definitely not a Maddie or Chloe.

I'm assuming Ava and Nia were in the teen division. Who beat Maddie in the Junior division? And I can't believe they awarded Mac fourth - I watched the dance on Youtube and she still looks like the little kid in the bumble costume - she's definitely not a Maddie or Chloe.

No, Ava competed in the Junior division as did Maddie. Nia was in teen. 

Thank you for that info! I thought Ava was older than that.

It likely has to do with the way the birth dates were cut off for this particular competition:

Maddie is September 30, 2002

Ava is April 10, 2002


So technically Ava is only a few months older. 


To compare, Nia is June 20, 2001 and Kalani is September 23, 2000.

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Dance Moms is on Tuesday at 9:00 PM on Lifetime. The Little Couple is on TLC. I hope that helps.

This week is a new episode. I don't think it was on last week.

I know that but it isn't showing up on my tc guide anymore grr

Never mind it must have been something to do with last week because I just checked again and guess what... it's here

I'm lame I know

Edited by MrsMommy

If Kira is indeed pregnant - that will give Abby one more thing to hold against her as far as being a bad mom - more drama - and let's see Melissa's reaction. She'll probably be all over Kira for getting pregnant by her boyfriend while disregarding she was shacking up with hers while he was going through a bad divorce.

Good for her! There were things I didn't like about Kira - but anyone who defends their daughter like she does and is looking out for the best interest of what their child wants to do in the future - not just the here and now - has my respect. Kalani reminds me a lot of Chloe - just really sweet kids.. I adore Nia too - she's never been anything but herself.

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I wonder if Abby will be hiring a bunch of former students to teach.


Seems likely, Payton is actually a heavily awarded dancer so she's a good choice if you aren't using BA and BFAs, I had no idea that hip-hop was her forté though.  She just graduated from high school and seems really excited to take class and spread her wings in LA, she also came off as a really sweet young lady that loves Abby a lot.

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http://dancemechanics.com/meet-the-staff.shtmlAbby's staff (Including the studio manager, 2 dance teachers and a former student) have left ALDC and opened up their own studio. Most of Abby's staff has already left, so after these guys left, I don't think there are many left except for her and Gianna. It'll be interesting to see whether she tries to keep the Pittsburgh studio open or if she closes it to focus on LA. I've read there are hardly any kids enrolled at ALDC LA, one lady put a photo of her son dancing and he's the only one in the class so essentially it's a private.


Hope this is the right thread for this, couldn't figure out where it fit.

  • Love 4

http://dancemechanics.com/meet-the-staff.shtmlAbby's staff (Including the studio manager, 2 dance teachers and a former student) have left ALDC and opened up their own studio. Most of Abby's staff has already left, so after these guys left, I don't think there are many left except for her and Gianna. It'll be interesting to see whether she tries to keep the Pittsburgh studio open or if she closes it to focus on LA. I've read there are hardly any kids enrolled at ALDC LA, one lady put a photo of her son dancing and he's the only one in the class so essentially it's a private.

Hope this is the right thread for this, couldn't figure out where it fit.

Interesting. So aldc is officially over.

Didn't see Nia.


I noticed that, too. It seems to be a new account, so that could be a coincidence. But I doubt it. Hoping it means Holly finally got a grip and got her out of that toxic environment completely.


I've not been watching, but have followed conversation here and other reports. She needs to move on, whether back home or in LA but away from ALDC and the show.

I don't blame Holly for getting what she can. The shirts are reasonable priced considering hat other "celebrities" are charging for theirs. I was going to compare it to the ALDC ones but they are out of stock due to the "booty camp" in LA and Pittsburgh - so they say.


Actually - Kendall K had her own Meet and Greet on 8/8 -

Fast forward past the little girl and you can see more of the meet and greet - it was just Kendall and there really doesn't appear to be that many people there considering.


Dance Mechanics has a wide variety of classes. If you noticed the manager came to Abby's 4 yrs ago - probably when things got too much for Abby to handle with the show's success. I've posted before that many of the teachers at ALDC were fairly new. I don't think they will fair well against Dance Mechanics and that may be another reason for Abby's breakdown. To find out that your business manager and teachers are leaving to compete against you when you're trying to open a new studio against big odds in LA would be devastating. Looks like karma to me.

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Nia was def there. Unfortunately. Her mom has also opened an online store selling Nia merchandise. Gross.

Pic: https://instagram.com/p/6vg0kSSxQA/?taken-by=dancemomofficialspoilers

Screenshot from Nia's store: https://instagram.com/p/6xIti3yxar/

Nia's going to have a rough time from Abby with pics like this floating around: https://instagram.com/p/6lDFGpSxYG/?taken-by=dancemomofficialspoilers

Holly is going to ride the gravy train until the last stop.


I don't really have a problem with them selling t-shirts.  While I know it's a stretch to consider any of the Dance Moms girls musical artists, most musical artists sell t-shirts and merchandise to fans at concerts.  This is pretty much the same deal.   Even low level artists do it as a means to make some money and I don't think it's a big deal as long as you aren't charging crazy prices.  At least the shirts seem to be kind of advertising Nia as a pop star and Nia does have songs out for sale.  

Results Season 6 Episode 1:

Group dance: "The Girl In The Plastic Bubble" (Specialty) - 1st in Teen

Brynn solo: "The Coronation" (Lyrical) - 1st in Pre-Teen Division, 1st Overall

JoJo solo: "Own It" (Jazz) - Pre-Teen Division, Platinum, did not place

Other Information Season 6 Episode 1:

ALDC team is Maddie Ziegler, Mackenzie Ziegler, Nia Frazier, Kendall Vertes, JoJo Siwa, Brynn Rumfallo. However, Maddie was not in the group dance due to her absence throughout the week because she spent the time in New York City, working for her film role in The Book of Henry.

BDA team is Ashtin Roth, Chloe Smith, Tessa Wilkinson, Gavin Morales, McKenzie Morales, and Ava Cota.



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