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All Episodes Talk: You Take Them Both and There You Have

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 I wish the producers had been a little risky when Mrs. G left and not replaced her.  It was a move that didn't make any sense.  They could have even split the girls up and still had them interact at the shop.  The latter seasons were such a disappointment structurally.

Agreed. I never saw the point of adding a surrogate Mrs G for young women their age.

I saw LOGO today which I didn't know I had. LOL!! Anyway, even in Season 7 the girls were funny. Edna's Edibbles burnt down and the jokes were still rolling. From the train ride to Peekskill, the girls were cracking the one liners and Tottie was being her annoying self. George Clooney shows up and does an admirable job. All the girls are wearing baggy clothes. You gotta love 1985 fashions.

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There was another episode about crossing the race line. I'm sure of it, and it was not Brian and Sylvia because I just watched that. It was later in the run, and Tootie (older and not so screechy) had a good go-off about how no one seems to care what the black family thinks in that situation. "Oh, they'd jump for joy, right?" Anyone remember that? 

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Yes, and Juliette Lewis was the rebellious girl who Blair turned around by the end of the episode. I get that it was an attempt at a spinoff but yeah, the series never got a proper ending because of it. Bummer.

It also had Seth Green and Mayim Bialik. I gotta say, I probably would've watched the shit out of that spinoff, had it happened.

As a child I loved this show, however, watching it as an adult, some things stand out.  As mentioned earlier, Jo is such a bitch.  She rarely ever smiles or say anything nice, it's always some nasty comment.  But more than that, Mrs. Garrett seems full on insane.  She strikes me as a woman on the verge of a nervous breakdown.  I don't know if it's just the broad acting of Charlotte Rae or the weak scripts, but I find her character very disturbing.  Also, what's the point of having long red hair if you're just going to keep it constantly tied up in a bun?


The 'Tootie confronts teenage prostitution' episode was on this weekend... I know I'm going to hell but I laughed so hard.  It was a really disquieting episode though....


Could never stand Mrs. G.  My hair is long but I wear it up for comfort.  My guess is she doesn't want it flying into the strudel.  You could tell Jo had a heart, really.  Charlotte RAe and Sally Jessy Raphael are the epitome of shrill.  If I had to be on a reality show with both of them I'd carry an axe.

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But more than that, Mrs. Garrett seems full on insane.  She strikes me as a woman on the verge of a nervous breakdown.  I don't know if it's just the broad acting of Charlotte Rae or the weak scripts, but I find her character very disturbing.

I agree. When she tenses up and says "Girrrrrrrrrllllllllllllzzzzzzzzz?!?!?!" I cringe. When my mom sounded like that, it was time to get away. (Whether or not it was something I did, which it wasn't always.)

I don't quite agree about Jo, though. She didn't put down Tootie and Natalie, just Blair, and that was an even match. And her attitude was appropriate sometimes. Like when Mrs. G's son visited, the first time. Blair was hounding her with questions and Jo told her she was out of line. "But Mrs. G said we could ask her anything and we didn't have to be embarrassed!" "She was talking about sex. This is personal!"

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Logo had some of the early Endna's Edibles episodes on last night. In one Jo is dating this tall blond guy who turns out to be rich. She finds this out just before dinner with his parents at a fancy restaurant and proceeds to be a total bitch and ruin dinner, showing up in camo, make a big deal about her dad being a con and mouthing off in general...all because she thinks the guy didn't tell her he's rich because he's embarrsed by her. She's apparently to stupid to stop and think that if he were embarrassed by her he wouldn't have invited her to meet his parents.

There was aso apparently a character added in the this season I had completely forgotten. There was some girl (okay d by Delores in Grease 2) who was shoplifting in the store. She was in the opening credits so I guess she was supposed to be a thing but I don't remember her so I guess she flamed out early. This show did not do well when it tried to throw other characters in the mix.

I didn't remember Natalie and Tootie being so much younger than Jo and Blair. I remember Too tie being a grade behind Nat but I was surprised Nat was sophomore when Jo and Blair were freshmen in college. It makes it even more ridiculous they would be living and hanging out together.

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For a tv series the premise worked. They did live together so they would hang out. Of course, if this was real life I doubt too many freshmens in college would be hanging out with a freshman and sophomore in high school. I did like the timeline though. I graduated high school in 1983 like Blair & Jo. Somehow, back then it seemed so real since I had watched them from the beginning. Later, it was Natalie & then Tootie. I'm sure there were other people who graduated the same year as they did in high school and remember it as well. Although, I think Natalie & Tootie were in the same grade with the show started. Weren't all the girls in Season 1 shown having class together? Just a little fudging until Jo came in Season 2 and then they were put in their "real" grades.

I don't like Jo when she's all "Where I come from......" because that's just an excuse for her to be mean, but I think she's fine the rest of the time.


I saw the episode where Jo dated her college professor and wondered about the law/rules in the 80's.


I was also noticing how thin they looked when dressed down in plain jeans and shirt compared to those 80's outfits when they were suppose to look nice, especially Jo who also looks prettier with her high school hairstyle (I never liked her new hair even when the show first ran).


The show ran for nine seasons. Why does LOGO keep playing the same few episodes over and over?

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Caught an episode today where Blair is dating a med student named Cliff. I didn't remember him at first but I guess he was a recurring character for a while. After seeing him I have a vague recollection of him turning out a stripper? He was Dr Love or some such and Blair accidentally sees him and flips out? It's been so long since I've seen this show.

Anyway this was an odd episode. Blair is ranting at Dr Hogtie that he makes her uncomfortable at parties and she wants to be able to go out by herself. WTF? The guy was hot, apparently smart and in no way came across as smothering. Some movie star attending Langly hits on Cliff and of course Blair gets all up in her grill. Oh and the movie star attendeding college? Must have been researching a role for 90210,because she was at least a decade on the wrong side of college. Oh, this one also had Bootsy another recurring character I'd forgotten. Jami Gertz plays the elitist, disingenuous spoiled brat to portion but she's still an utterly annoying character.

I think Cliff was Blair's boyfriend until the end of the show - if you think he played a bad guy elsewhere I think it's because the actor played one of the guys who raped Jodie Foster in "The Accused"!


Cliff was Blair's boyfriend only for the first season of college. She broke up with him, because she fell out of love with him. She couldn't understand it. He was the perfect boyfriend, but one day, she realized she just wasn't in love with him anymore.  Cliff did come back a couple of seasons after that, and Blair went out with him; I think originally it was Jo who was going to go out with him, but at the last minute, she changed her mind and went out with that jerk, who came onto Joe during their freshman year.


Blair had a couple of boyfriends after Cliff during the run of the show. The last was that guy who wanted her to move in with her, but not marry her and they broke up.  And we all know what happened in the series finale. I think it was set up that Sam Behrens character and Blair would have become romantically involved had the show spun off into a new show with Blair as the head mistress of the school.

Catching the shows on Logo.    It's amazing how it still sucks me in.    Not that this is great writing.  But its was fun then and I still find it interesting.   I think I get the messages a bit more than I did as a kid.


The only thing I can't deal with is these grown women who have money somehow have no choice but to live over the kitchen for years.  At some point someone wanted their own bathroom.   Plus, the sex.   It's was the 80s before AIDS was a big deal.   I cannot believe none of these girls had sex until Natalie finally did- after dating for a year.

Tootie's parents were lawyers, Natalie's dad was a doctor.   Maybe they didn't have Blair kind of money, but definitely "parents pay for an apartment while they are in college" kind of money.  The only one on scholarship was Jo.   It would have made sense she lived over the store with Mrs. G., and the rest of the girls got their own apartment.   Heck they could have gotten an apartment ala Three's Company with Tootie and Natalie sharing a room and Blair having her own space.   There were lots of ways to have them interact with a need for a lot of sets.


Logo showed the burning of Ednas Edibles last night. It was just on like two weeks ago but I missed the first of the episodes last time. All the girls were tired of each other and ready to move on even before the fire, which gave them an excuse to do so. Even when they decided to stay it never came across like they wanted to. Rather they did it because Tootie twisted their arms and even then only because she invoked the Mrs G sympathy. From this point in the series foward National always seems ready to bolt and never look back. It was such an odd writing choice to have the main characters not want to be there.

Something I noticed was Andy invited them to stay with his family. I know he was adopted by Beverly Ann later but was the background of that whole deal? Was he supposedly a secret orphan the whole time he was on the show it did something happen closer to the time he was adopted?

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