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Dexter (The Original Series)

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Ok. . .I'm just now getting around to watching this series. It's on my list of Things to See when Unemployed/Underemployed/Sick/Need a BingeWatch. 

I'm only into the 2nd episode and what the effing eff is with the whole Hi Brother! Hey Sister! insane re-expository every damn time?! Does this continue?! Or is it just Hey, New Series: Setting the Stage (ham-handedly, I may add). . .? 

Right now, it's expositioning itself all over the place. Again. And now again. And look, here's Sister! Brother! 

Are they the Berenstain Bears of Miami? 
And please don't get me started, Papi, on the muy caliente-ness of the set. Because it's in Miami, in case you didn't know (salsa blares in every exterior scene).
Now I'm going to go get some carnitas tacos while someone fills me in. 
Gracias, tontos!

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Hee! I'm hoping there's mas caliente-ness--it's honestly boring right now and I'm waiting for someone to get killed and maybe even for someone to Take! It! Personally!


Thanks for the vote of confidence; stopped at season 1, ep 6. Might skip ahead to season 2. . .? I know so many people love it and I DO want to get on board, but when I think of the still that I couldn't capture that had the clamshell cellphone text message that read, "Brother: You'll want to get over here right away!" all I could think of was a huge, dopey, pink-bow-wearing Berenstain Bear in a police uni. 


I wish they'd ended the final episode with Dexter sailing out into the storm intercut with shots of someone from the office (Angel, or Quinn, or Masuka) discovering something incriminating about Dexter. Like Deb's confession letter or the tape of Deb going to the gas station to burn down the church or something. The fade to white as Dexter disappeared into the maelstrom just as he was finally discovered would have hit me way harder than bam!lumberjack.


I still don't think it could have redeemed the squandered/misguided final episodes but at least there would have been some closure for secondary characters at Miami Metro, including La Guerta. I feel like the writers expected for me to be more invested in Harrison than I ended up being, too. I would have been okay with him dying instead of Deb. I also wish that Hannah had betrayed Dexter. Season 8 was generally underwhelming and at times shockingly stupid, but there were still things the writers could have done to fix it. For some reason, no one did.


And the Brain Surgeon should have been played by someone with more screen presence. That guy turned out to be super lame.

Edited by JayKay
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I honestly wanted Dexter to either get caught and suddenly fully realize what havoc he raised on his "loved ones" lives or to have him and his sister get away with everything all dark passengers gone only to find little Harrison playing with something hella spooky. Maybe a dead bird or a skeleton head. The show ends with a close up of Harrison doing that Dexter smile.

That's how I would have ended the show anyway.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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I'm not sure how I would have wanted it to end, but I absolutely hated how it ended. Debra, who was my favorite character at that point, who had suffered so much because of her brother - SHE has to be the one to die? And he gets to live? While his poor, innocent child is in a foreign country with a heartless killer? Yea, that makes all kinds of sense. I think a better ending would have been Dexter dying to protect/save his sister. Deb could marry Quinn and raise Harrison. And someone cart Hannah McKay off to a locked cell and NEVER let her out. Yea, that would have been better. This was my favorite show for the first 4 seasons. I tried, TRIED with it the last 4. And the first half of this season was promising. But the end - no, just no. Normally whether I cry or not with a show/movie/book is a real litmus test for how amazing it is. But this time I was crying out of anger. I was so pissed off at the writers for this crap. 

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I wanted it to be that he did get caught by Doakes and that the last 6 seasons were Dexter slowly going crazy. Prada was the prosecutor. Arthur Mitchell was a friendly counselor who couldn't help him. Season 5 villain was his lawyer. The season 6 killers were missionaries who tried to save his soul in prison. LaGuerta testified against him. Each season represents him villifying people in his life or his trial. Season 8 would be his forensic psychiatrist. Hannah McKay would just be a manifestation of his anger at his mom and Rita. His brother was not a serial killer, but an actual doctor, whom Dexter killed. The final scene is everyone who was Dexter's alleged victim in the I guess viewing room while they flip the switch for the death penalty.

  • Love 3

I wanted it to be that he did get caught by Doakes and that the last 6 seasons were Dexter slowly going crazy. Prada was the prosecutor. Arthur Mitchell was a friendly counselor who couldn't help him. Season 5 villain was his lawyer. The season 6 killers were missionaries who tried to save his soul in prison. LaGuerta testified against him. Each season represents him villifying people in his life or his trial. Season 8 would be his forensic psychiatrist. Hannah McKay would just be a manifestation of his anger at his mom and Rita. His brother was not a serial killer, but an actual doctor, whom Dexter killed. The final scene is everyone who was Dexter's alleged victim in the I guess viewing room while they flip the switch for the death penalty.


Interesting idea.. the ol psychosis story line except the 'real' world was actually fake. Has that happened before on tv? I know a lot of shows have that type of episode but the real usually stays as real.

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I considered stopping watching Dexter because I couldn't handle Deb in the first few episodes.. she always sounded like she was about to start crying in between her constant 'fuck' saying. I like how her character grew the most out of anyone on the show and was super pissed about how her character ended up. It was the worst possible ending they could have given Deb (I guess that goes for the entire show too though).

  • Love 6
Guest Accused Dingo

I forgot how much i enjoyed season 1. I loved the relationship between Dexter and Rita during the first couple of seasons. No the show didn't try to humanize Dexter except when it came to the people he "cared for". People like Debra and Rita. Two of my favorite scenes in season 1 didn't even involve (directly anyway) murder. One was Dexter and Rita talking about how sex was the big elephant in the room and how until it was right for both of them; it wouldn't be right for either of them. Then there was the scene after Dexter had killed a couple who he asked how they could be what they were and make it work. They told jim they shared the same dream. Dexter asked Rita what her dream was and she said; a normal life. I found that scene and the first couple seasons of Dexter and Rita very sweet.

Edited by Accused Dingo

The authors put one or two characters in each series - until the bitter end - which goes every viewer fully on the bag with full intention. Feed you with a hate object, so that you put on the screen. Here it is Debra (Jennifer Carpenter) that ruined the show. This shit running gag has become a fucking fault element. Just missing that Dexter with a blowjob of her happy. (But that she did then after filming)

Just finished binge-watching season 1. I like the premise very much, and Michael C.Hall is a great actor. On the downside, Jennifer Carpenter is extremely annoying, and the salsa music playing in every scene doesn't quite ring true for me. Also, there are some plot holes like how Rudy was able to enter Dexter's apartment whenever he wanted to drop off the doll parts, and how Dexter never got caught for killing all those people. Where did he even bury them? Didn't any of their relatives report that they are missing? Why weren't there any police investigations into findings those people he killed? Those implausibilities aside, this is a fairly entertaining police procedural with a twist and I will probably continue watching. I heard the last couple of seasons suck though, so I don't know if I will get to those.

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Very late to the party but wanted to add my 2 cents. 


I didn't mind the 8th season; the only thing that drove me absolutely nuts was that Hannah made zero attempt to disguise her appearance and no one suggested even once to Harrison that he shouldn't mention her.   I know it was done for drama purposes but it made them all seem painfully stupid.


I thought the ending was not satisfying and it reduces the chance of me doing a re-watch of the series down to zero, due primarily to Deb being killed.  I would have been okay with an ending that exposed Dexter (as long as Debra wasn't implicated) as I would have enjoyed seeing the reaction of all of his colleagues. 


My dream ending would have been Saxon killing Hannah and Dexter taking him out in time to save Harrison but getting mortally injured.  Deb would end up with Harrison who is now as traumatised as little Dex was and the cycle could commence again.

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Painfully stupid, indeed.


My dream ending would have been Saxon killing Hannah and Dexter taking him out in time to save Harrison but getting mortally injured.  Deb would end up with Harrison who is now as traumatised as little Dex was and the cycle could commence again.


If only you, AES13, were hired to write this final season...sigh...

This season was mediocre for me. Rita was really annoying especially when she started whining about Dexter not wanting to move in together. Jimmy Smits's character was interesting, but he wasn't a very convincing "big bad". The only saving grace for me was the development of Deb's character. She became less annoying this season and came into her own as a detective.

This season is easily the worst. Edward James Olmos's Professor Gellar made me want to throw a rock at my TV every time he appeared onscreen. Colin Hanks is the worst villain ever and Dexter was just stupid as fuck all throughout every episode. The "tableau" killings and how they were set up were the only interesting part of the entire season. I think this season is where "Dexter" jumped the shark.

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Agreed. I loved the season before with Lumen and was sad to see her go. I got excited because of Edward James Olmos and then he was just disappointing. Maybe I can't let go of my Adama Edward James Olmos and his new stuff will forever make me sad (same thing happened with his character in Shield, although it was similar to BSG).


If it were up to me, the show would have stopped at season 5. Dexter and Lumen could have run off into the sunset with each other and lived happily ever after.. or anything, just something better than the rest of the show.

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This was a boring season. Hated the whole storyline at the strip club, especially Quinn falling in love with the Ukranian stripper, and the nasty strip club boss. I was surprised Issac died so early in the season, as he was the most interesting villain. Hannah is boring as hell. The worst part of the season was when Dexter had her wrapped in plastic on his kill table but instead of stabbing her, he had sex with her instead. I literally LOLed, and not in a good way. The only good part about this season was the finale, specifically the last 2 minutes when Deb had to choose between shooting Dexter and LaGuerta, and she killed LaGuerta.

Edited by Mattipoo

This season had some entertaining parts but it was mostly boring and trite. Dr. Vogel was a good addition to finding out more about Harry's code, and her spiritual mother role to Dexter was interesting. Charlotte Rampling lent much depth and sophistication to this show. However, there were too many unbelievable plot lines that just made me so frustrated as a viewer, like how Dexter just suddenly fell so deeply in love with Hannah that he was willing to leave Miami Metro and Deb to be with her in Argentina. I think the writers really overestimated Hannah's likeability among viewers and the "love story" just ended up really annoying and dumb. I don't hate the ending that much, but Dexter does look silly with his beard and lumberjack outfit.

If I were to change the ending, I would have Hannah be killed by the Brain surgeon instead of Deb. Dexter will bring Hannah's body on the boat and dispose of it as his last victim then ride straight into the hurricane never to be seen again. The last scene will be set several years in the future. We will see that Deb and Quinn are now married and have adopted Harrison, and also have a younger daughter of their own. We find out that Harrison inherited Dexter's killer urges and so Deb and Quinn reinstate Harry's code on Harrison who becomes the next Bay Harbor butcher, with history repeating itself.

Edited by Mattipoo
  • Love 8

Yes this season truly sucked. Mainly because the 2 villains were so badly cast. The professor needed to be someone much more authoritative and charismatic to make it believable that he would have so many students falling in love with him and willing to worship him and his doomsday theory. When I see wrinkly, old, chubby Edward James Olmos, I just cannot imagine that hot female graduate student willing to have an affair with him. They would have been better off casting someone like Bill Pullman, Gary Oldman etc. Even Jimmy Smits or John Lithgow would have been great, if they weren't in the prior seasons. As for the Colin Hanks character, he is all wrong for it too, as I cannot imagine him going around killing people and setting up the tableaus all by himself. Ideally, they should have cast someone who can be play as nerdy at first then when the twist is revealed, become really violent, crazy, unhinged and capable of really inflicting violence and damage. Someone like Shia Labeouf, Evan Peters or Finn Wittrock from "American Horror Story" come to mind. I think the mis-casting of these 2 main villains was the main reason the season derailed and never recovered.

Edited by Mattipoo
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The writers certainly dropped the ball and completely gave up on this final season.  There are so many avenues they could have taken, this suggestion by Mattiepoo is one that would have worked so much better...


If I were to change the ending, I would have Hannah be killed by the Brain surgeon instead of Deb. Dexter will bring Hannah's body on the boat and dispose of it as his last victim then ride straight into the hurricane never to be seen again. The last scene will be set several years in the future. We will see that Deb and Quinn are now married and have adopted Harrison, and also have a younger daughter of their own. We find out that Harrison inherited Dexter's killer urges and so Deb and Quinn reinstate Harry's code on Harrison who becomes the next Bay Harbor butcher, with history repeating itself.

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