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S02.E09: Reunion

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While on You Tube looking for something else I found this exclusive teaser featuring the top queens from AS2 speaking about tonight's reunion (and all looking FABULOUS) and of course PhiPhi's no show is discussed: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtZp4oz34J0 Please excuse any typos or if the link looks weird, having troubles with browser today.

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Now that's how you do a reunion. Ru starting the hour with his overdue Emmy was everything. Loved hearing all the queens (minus the odious one) answer questions, reminsesce (I know I spelled that wrong), give each other good natured sh**, etc. 

Also everything: Alyssa. Everything about Alyssa, I am there. I heart her too, too much, can't take my eyes off her in fear I'll miss a smile, rolled eyes, hand gesture. 

I'm glad that Coco is ok, she looked scary sick at times and I, and many others, hoped that she was ok. 

  • Love 4

Was it Alyssa who made a crack about Alaska's roach dress? I was like girl really?!?!! How do you not know that reference?

Actually Alaska wearing the roach dress and doing the fake leg throw, underscores what Alaska said about this season. Alaska researched and practiced and prepared for this season. Her references aren't as obscure as something that that Jinkx might reference, but I think she's made a concerted effort to be familiar with the highlights of gay and drag references. She's got hairspray and real housewives.

  • Love 2

I was hoping to get a little more information about what caused the feud between Coco and Roxxxy. It seemed to be about more than the elimination. They seemed fine with each other for the most part last night though so I guess it wasn't anything too serious. I'm glad Coco is okay. It was clear during the show that something was wrong with her physically. I wish she had lasted longer if only for her talking heads. Her twitter feed is hilarious!

It was a good reunion. Lot of funny moments and some heartfelt ones too. I agree with those who said it was nice to see the queens get a chance to be somewhat candid and call bs (in a playful way) on some things. I loved the toot and boot bit too.

Ru buried Phi Phi IMO. The tone when discussing her and not mentioning her name and just the way she said things made it pretty clear she is done with her. It's shortsighted of Phi Phi IMO. WOW has so many Youtube projects that they involve the Ru girls in that help them work on their brand and get their face out there and she's now cut off from all that. I wonder if clubs can/will still use the Drag Race tag line when promoting a Phi Phi appearance?  It seems like her heart is in being a cosplay queen like Dax so maybe none of this will matter.

  • Love 1
9 minutes ago, cpcathy said:

So what was the roach reference then? I'm confused.

The dress is a reference to the final scene in Hairspray (the original, I couldn't bear to watch the remake).  Tracey Turnblad, after previously being mocked for supposedly having roaches crawling in her hair, arrives at the Miss Auto Show 1963 to claim her victory crown in a pink dress covered in roaches.  Then all the Corny Collins kids start to do Tracy's newest dance, "The Roach."  With dance moves mimicking squishing and squashing roaches, or the itchy feeling of bugs all over your body.  It's quite a charming scene to cap off John Waters most family friendly film. 


  • Love 9

I didn't think that Roxxxy needed a ton of redemption from her season. By the finale, she realized what an insecure bitchy cow that she'd been to Jinkx and made, what I considered to be a really sincere apology.

I did like that Alyssa stood fast on her perspective that they each had their own form of drag and that they should let everyone do what they want to do. I think that was part of the central problem with Rolaskatox and Jinkx. The Rolaskatox girls in their season seemed to feel like there were only set ways to do drag. I appreciate that as this show goes on that Ru and tptb have made a concerted effort to feature more drag styles. Vivacious is working a drag style that I don't think I've seen in 25

I did like Ru straight up saying a redemption is earned. Roxxxy earned hers by realizing that she was awful and making a concerted effort to not be a nasty insecure asshole. Phi Phi reminds me of Alaska during her meltdown. Phi Phi is talented, creative, and hardworking, but she can't understand why all of that hasn't made her more successful. Her ambition is so overwhelming that it can strangle any human behaviors or feelings in her.

The look back at Alaska's first audition tape made me think that there is probably a potential spin off show that takes super green baby queens with some amount of talent and personality and teaching them the fundamentals. I thought that Under the Gunn was such a strange shit show, but I think it might work here. Even some of the visiting professor things that they did with Drag U could be reframed as weekly challenges. 

  • Love 3

Heaven knows I love Katya, but does anyone know why she Did That to her face for the reunion? That was more Sharon Needles than beautiful Kati.

2 hours ago, AntManBee said:

The dress is a reference to the final scene in Hairspray (the original, I couldn't bear to watch the remake).  


I am forced to watch the remake due to the presence of James Marsden, but I fully understand your plight lol.

I thought this season of All-Stars was really a joy from the start to the finish. Although I would have loved to have a Katya win, I emerged with total respect for Detox, and new adoration for Tatania. I had thought Roxxy looked a little uncomfortable at times, as if she knew she was still in the competition when other, worthier competitors were out, so I was glad she admitted she felt the same. Overall, these were great, talented girls and a fun, fun season. I am absolutely looking forward to our next regular Drag Race season (season 9?) because the show bounced back in such a big way after the horror of season 7. There are still more great queens out there to be discovered and shared with the world!

  • Love 2

I was not disappointed at all with this season of All Stars, and I really enjoyed the reunion, as opposed to some recaps I've read. I was more disappointed in season 8 as I feel they rushed through it, and Bob the Drag Queen being the preordained winner took all the excitement out of it.  No one else even had a chance. It was the same here with Alaska but she did deserve it.

 No one else even had a chance. It was the same here with Alaska but she did deserve it.

I don't feel like she did, to be honest. I think she deserved top 3, but I think she peaked midway and faded at the end. I think Katya should have won. 

I'm also a little worried about Alaska. That meltdown was so intense, and she's apparently no longer sober.

I'm sad that Adore regrets quitting. I do think she should take in the critiques and work more on her clothing style, but I don't think quitting the competition was necessarily a bad move. She was probably not going to win, so why subject herself to it if it wasn't fun?

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, cpcathy said:

I was not disappointed at all with this season of All Stars, and I really enjoyed the reunion, as opposed to some recaps I've read. I was more disappointed in season 8 as I feel they rushed through it, and Bob the Drag Queen being the preordained winner took all the excitement out of it.  No one else even had a chance. It was the same here with Alaska but she did deserve it.

I loved season 8. It's the one season where I think all of the contestants got along the best. For the most part, no one was particularly shady or snatchy except for Derrick. Bob was clearly the front runner, but it was really a joy to see the others challenge themselves and grow creatively. Chi Chi is someone who I didn't think would go far, but she proved to be hardworking and receptive to critiques. Though I knew she wouldn't win, I knew the show would be like boot camp for her and she would be much better for it. This is the only cast that I would love to see do a real housewife parody, but just portraying themselves.

I felt the same about all stars 2. Before the season, I wasn't looking forward to Rolaskatox 2, The Revenge and more Alyssa and Coco. I loved them all this go around until the Rolaskatox thing reemerged. I thought it was great seeing Tatianna again. Alyssa seemed a lot less manic this time around. You could tell that Detox really worked on getting those clothes on point. Everyone except for Adore stepped it up and even with a bit of distance Adore was able to admit she wasn't in the right head space. 

  • Love 1

Gosh Alyssa looked beautiful last night - so like a younger Joan Collins. (And Joan Collins still looks like a younger Joan Collins, by the way!) And she spoke so well, and with such charm, dignity and grace.

I was sad there was no fan fave prize for Katya. Don't know why I imagined there would be. I guess Ru just doesn't quite get Katya.

Good to see Adore. Glad Coco's better now. She looked scary-ill in the show.

I dislike Alaska even more, if that's possible! But Ru is lapping it all up, and hey, it's his show.

  • Love 3

Gosh Alyssa looked beautiful last night - so like a younger Joan Collins. (And Joan Collins still looks like a younger Joan Collins, by the way!) And she spoke so well, and with such charm, dignity and grace.

She did -- and so full of life --  Detox was lucky Alyssa let it go so graciously.

My takeaway from the season: used to love Alaska, hope to never see her contrived, overworked schtick again -- and  I would love to watch Tati, Katya and Alyssa doing anything together, anywhere, on any media. 

Edited by film noire
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, film noire said:

She did -- and so full of life --  Detox was lucky Alyssa let it go so graciously.

My takeaway from the season: used to love Alaska, hope to never see her contrived, overworked schtick again -- and  I would love to watch Tati, Katya and Alyssa doing anything together, anywhere, on any media. 

I don't hope to never see Alaska ever again, as I accept her contrived, overworked schtick to be her brand that's served her well for a while, but I agree that it really let her down in the latter stages of the competition; whereas Tatiana, Katya and Alyssa really brought it in the end (now THAT's a final four I could get behind, especially when considering what the final challenge ended up being!).

Those four in the end could have made it a real competition, IMO. Still, it's Ru's show and this is the product he wanted to deliver, so there's not much to quibble about on that front.  For me, it seemed that neither Tati nor Alyssa belonged in the bottom (whatever random number Ru has in his head) in their respective final rounds.  My guess is that Alyssa landed in the bottom three because Ru couldn't risk Detox sending Alaska home instead of Roxxy (that's assuming he didn't know which lipstick case Detox/Katya chose before the lip-sync)--there's no way, to my mind, that she could have been in the bottom 2 based on the challenge that week.  Katya losing all three? of her lip sync battles is also unbelievable, except in the context that Rolaskatox would not have remained intact for the final episode. Is WOW trying to make Rolaskatox happen; l suspect that will go the way of Fetch, because although Roxxy and Detox gained some ground, it wasn't nearly as much as what Alaska lost, imo.

As for Ru in the reunion, it didn't seem like there were multiple endings taped, but if there were, I have to wonder why Ru would ask for input from the fans if he's not going to bother listening to them at all. That's a kind of disrespect of her fans that I don't ever expect to see from her, whom I perceive to be very savvy and shrewd in the way she presents her public persona. Showcasing the Emmy in the way she did, was also a little off-putting because it seemed to say, "Now that I've got tangible respect from the industry, I no longer need the respect from all the little people who are my fans." I think she could have pulled off her Emmy moment had the blatant disregard of the fan vote (which was so overwhelmingly skewed toward a different choice than the one she made) not occurred. I mean, why even ask for input in the first place, it's not necessary for the show--unless there's some kind of monetary reward for getting people to vote on Twitter (I admit, I don't know how those things work)?

  • Love 3

I wonder if Phi2 had not imploded if Ru would have given Adore a much harder time at the reunion? We'll never know.

I would be most interested in a tour from AS2 built around Alyssa and Tatianna, with some of the others involved too. Probably not any of the top four or they'd eclipse them.

Edited by Cosmic Muffin
15 minutes ago, JakeyJokes said:

Alyssa slayed me when she said Roxxy should have won because she played the game "Big Brother Survivor style."

I really liked this format in lieu of the overproduced regular finales.

I had to explain Alaska's Aviva Drescher reference to the young gays watching with me. I am the Bianca of our group.

Oh that makes me feel old! I liked the reunion format, and everyone looked on point. Adore seems off still, but I have no idea whats going on with that.

8 hours ago, JakeyJokes said:

I had to explain Alaska's Aviva Drescher reference to the young gays watching with me. I am the Bianca of our group.

I'm fairly certain that I'm older than Bianca, but you'd have to explain it to me also. I refuse to Google it because not knowing that it even happened makes me feel young--if stupid.

I'm can't decide if Alaska was being ironic with her choice of attire or really just not self aware. She was way more Amber than she was Tracy all season, right down to the temper tantrum. Normally, I'd hesitate to question her self-awareness, because she's always excelled in that category, but I just don't see the point of the irony, if, indeed it was irony. Anyway, didn't Roxxy have roaches on her Evita dress? I guess in a who wore it better contest, Alaska would come out on top (it's all about the accessories) but why bother?

  • Love 3

I had to explain Alaska's Aviva Drescher reference to the young gays watching with me. I am the Bianca of our group.

I don't get why it was considered so funny, to be honest. Unless Alaska's been cleverly concealing a leg amputation, that was a planned moment, which to me made it feel well... extremely fake and not witty. It also let her dodge having to respond to Tatianna.

Detox had no problem admitting that she saved Roxxxy and canned Alyssa because of friendship. Roxxxy had no problem admitting that she didn't belong in the f4. I don't know why Alaska couldn't also simply admit that she saved Roxxxy because of friendship. 

Katya losing all three? of her lip sync battles is also unbelievable, except in the context that Rolaskatox would not have remained intact for the final episode.

I think it's believable. Katya hasn't been the strongest lip syncer. I think she really needs to connect to the music and can't fake it well if she doesn't. IIRC, she also admitted she forgot words in her battle with Detox. I think she should have beat Alaska for Cherry Bomb, but that's only because I think licking a person without their consent is on the same level as Mimi Imfurst picking up India Farrah. Otherwise, I think Alaska outperformed Katya. I definitely don't think RuPaul wanted Detox to keep Roxxxy. The look of shock and horror on Ru's face seemed very authentic.

  • Love 2
On Saturday, October 29, 2016 at 5:43 PM, JakeyJokes said:

Alyssa slayed me when she said Roxxy should have won because she played the game "Big Brother Survivor style."

I really liked this format in lieu of the overproduced regular finales.

I had to explain Alaska's Aviva Drescher reference to the young gays watching with me. I am the Bianca of our group.

2 hours ago, Zuleikha said:

I don't get why it was considered so funny, to be honest. Unless Alaska's been cleverly concealing a leg amputation, that was a planned moment, which to me made it feel well... extremely fake and not witty. It also let her dodge having to respond to Tatianna.

Detox had no problem admitting that she saved Roxxxy and canned Alyssa because of friendship. Roxxxy had no problem admitting that she didn't belong in the f4. I don't know why Alaska couldn't also simply admit that she saved Roxxxy because of friendship. 


I can believe that baby gays don't know the Aviva Drescher leg toss. It's because the Real Housewives skews a little older, wealthier, and more educated in its demographics. You wouldn't think it just by watching the nonsense on screen, but Real Housewives viewers are on average late 30s to early 40s, typically have at least a college degree, and earn about a standard deviation more than the national average.

There are many reasons that the initial leg toss was hilarious. All of the women thought Aviva was faking asthma to avoid trips. Apparently none of the women like the trips. They have to be with each other 24/7, drink too much, and have the cameras on them almost 16 hrs a day on the trip. Anyway Aviva had been purposely antagonistic all season because the women couldn't stand her and wouldn't film with her. At some point, Aviva's line producer told her to bring it in the finale or she'd be cut from the cast.

The women are all at the season finale at Le Cirque. Aviva starts in on this long ridiculous diatribe about the how all of the women think she's fake (which no one had said) and the only thing that's fake about her is her leg. She takes off her prosthesis and tosses it into the middle of the party. And Aviva is smart, but needy, manipulative, and fake. I think Alaska is alluding to the perception that she calculating and manipulative, which she is and acknowledges it. But for the most part, she doesn't think that there is anything wrong with it as long as she isn't nasty like Phi2. Also, I don't think Alaska ever saved Roxxxy because of friendship. Except for her $10k meltdown, I think her "I'm saving Roxxxy because she lent me this shirt" was perhaps the single most dickish thing Alaska pulled, mostly because it fucked with Roxxxy's head for the rest of the competition.

  • Love 3

Overall I really enjoyed this season and the reunion recapped it nicely.  I could not stand Alyssa and Coco and their feud in season 5 so this season I am surprised how much I ended up enjoying Alyssa.  I loved Katya, but can see how Alsaka won.

i am so happy Adore was there for the reunion.  I really like her and was said when she quit.  Glad she is still working with the group.

i really enjoyed Detox this season as well (also didn't like during her season). 

  • Love 1

The vibe of that ru-union felt so...off to me. It felt awkward and nasty. It felt very disjointed and disconnected, maybe they had to edit out a lot of stuff? Ru explaining all the ways that he's the best, and showing off his emmy, before bludgeoning Phi Phi's character to death with it, felt especially over the top. Phi Phi can't do shit to Ru or Ru's brand, but Ru probably just crushed what few bookings Phi Phi had coming in. Like, put a sourpatch candy in his empty seat and move on.

Ru talking about all the careers he has launched, and how it's his true passion, made me think of all the Queens who said Ru doesn't want shit to do with them unless the cameras are rolling. And how much of a dispassionate asshole he was with Shannel, who just wanted a little affirmation. I dunno, the whole thing just made me sit awkwardly, like my patronous, Katya, was doing!

  • Love 7

I think that if Phi Phi had kept her whining to "I got a bad edit," most of which is fairly subjective, Ru would have let it go for the most part. By that I mean things like Phi Phi saying that they never showed her being nice, well, maybe Phi Phi was the only one who thought it was nice. Perhaps everyone else saw the same thing as fake and manipulative. Or maybe they did, and she just really isn't that nice and there weren't that many nice moments.

But when she came out with a flat out lie, that critiques given to Alyssa were really given to Detox, something that is not true and easily disproved, that was the last straw. They often edit promos misleadingly like that, but I don't believe they've ever done it with critiques, especially ones involving the guest judges. After all, the guest judges wouldn't be bound by loyalty/paychecks, and many are social media savvy enough to hint heavily at what happened, if something like that were to go down. And if the show wants to continue to get guest judges, they won't throw them under the bus in that manner. And she still doesn't get it, that she brought this on herself.

  • Love 2

I don't think anyone denies that Phi Phi burnt her bridges with WoW and is responsible for that. But IMHO, it does feel needlessly nasty for Ru to even acknowledge Phi Phi beyond refuting factual claims. Just because Ru can crush Phi Phi doesn't mean Ru should. Defending the factual stuff by releasing Alyssa's unedited critique, fine. But then take the high road.

Then add it to the backstage rumblings about exploitative contracts and Ru's concern for the queens being fakery for the camera, and it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

 I think Alaska is alluding to the perception that she calculating and manipulative, which she is and acknowledges it.

So it was supposed to be a meta moment in which Alaska claiming not to be fake was really her embracing how fake she is? 

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