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The minute that Dana started going on about 'how they were kind of married' you knew that Martin the boyfriend was doomed.

Actually they killed off both of the protectors assigned by Booner to the Copeland family, and for good measure Booner's pickup truck broke down -- so I guess it doesn't need to returned.

So basically, a reincarnated Tibetan monk appears out of nowhere and it almost hit by the RV.  As the Copelands tumble out of the RV to confront this monk, a sniper opens fire (seriously, what are the odds ?) and Pa Copeland gets gut-shot.  The monk kills the sniper with some mysterious powers and proceeds to convince Karen to let him remove the bullet and heal Pa Copeland -- which is exactly what he does, Pa Copeland is as good as new.  And then he convinces Karen (protected by Jane) to accompany him up Mt. Rainier to find a Tibetan prayer wheel which will grant her wishes, including possibly stopping the volcanic eruption -- all while everyone else in the RV goes to an avalanche shelter at the base of the mountain.  When Karen, Jane and the Monk find the prayer wheel -- which is never explained how that got there -- Jane grabs the gun, steps into the prayer wheel and wishes to get her dead son back and gets sucked into the earth.  And that's it for the prayer wheel, and the monk disappears -- so what was the point ?  Meanwhile, the RV encounters two climbers leaving the mountain and they give them a lift, but when they get to the avalanche shelter the climber they picked up puts a pick-axe to Dana's throat and the climberette grabs a gun -- Martin tries to negotiate with the couple, but climberette shoots Martin dead.  Matt beats the crap out of the climber and then they chase the climbing couple off as the Copelands hide in the avalanche shelter as the mountain assplodes !!!  The funniest thing in this episode was Karen outrunning the pyroclastic flow down the side of the mountain like she was the roadrunner from Warner Bros cartoons.

There was no explanation of WHY the reincarnated monk appeared to the Copelands -- other than 'plot'.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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Hey, Anne Heche took off her sunglasses for a little while.  Teen romances are boring in any show but I do kind of enjoy the sibling dynamic.

The first LOL was at the beginning with "the volcano's steaming" "don't worry unless there's tremors" immediately followed by Star Trek level shaking and everyone falling to the ground.  Ha!  The second LOL was the monk blowing up the sniper.  

Lurved Mr. Monk doing his Mr. Miyagi healing on Dad, with minimal groaning from Dad.   Then he wanted to sing a death song?  No, let's go to the prayer wheel instead!  The Copelands arguing about going to find the prayer wheel was great.   Then Mom arguing with that other lady whose name I don't remember about who gets to step into the prayer wheel and then getting into a physical fight was also pretty funny.   And no, other lady, nothing good happened because Monk said you have to be PURE of heart and pulling a gun doesn't qualify hee hee.

Did the bullet healing also repair the Dad's henley?  It looked like the hole was gone. 

The climbers were hilarious "our friend fell into a crater and we got caught in steam"  So casual.  So when did they start climbing? The apocalypse has been going on for at least a week or so I think and these people had no water or food and looked remarkably clean.  Did they go climbing for fun during the end of the world?  Looked like they were walking in climbing shoes, which are not exactly comfortable for hiking. 

Hang her high Matt!  LOL.  Lots of wailing and flailing in this one. “You’re going to die in burning rock!!” 

The writers for this show must be high.  

22 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

The funniest thing in this episode was Karen outrunning the pyroclastic flow down the side of the mountain like she was the roadrunner from Warner Bros cartoons.

Yup that was another LOL from me.  Somehow I'm rooting for these nutty people now.

  • Love 3

That ..... was just awful.

So, picking up where we left off last week with Karen racing down the side of the volcano and falling into a cave, I guess.  Where she has a fever dream about a vulcanologist with a broken leg and encounters a replay of the events since the world went to hell before waking up in the cave -- with a flashlight, where that came from who knows -- trapped under the rubble.

Meanwhile, Dana and Pa Copeland are trapped outside during eruption with respirators and end up trapped under the RV because the dragon shows up.  Turns out these dragons aren't as tough as they are made out to be -- I guess they haven't been eating enough horse -- and the toxic gases and ash bring down the dragon outside the door to the avalanche shelter.  Despite Pa Copeland constantly repeating that the air is toxic and full of ash, they keep taking their regulators off.

Meanwhile back at the avalanche shelter, the door seals shut (how did the door know how do to that exactly ?) and Matt comes up with the bright idea that starting a fire and building up C02 levels and the door will open automatically.  How does he know this let alone know that the sensor is working ?  Especially since his technical knowledge seems to consist of pressing buttons and flipping levers.  Anyhow, the fire burns and the door eventually opens so Matt and Breanna can leave where they are confronted by ..... the dying dragon.  And then they find Pa Copeland and Dana and drag them out.  Here's the thing -- there is barely any ash anywhere, and there are blue skies in the distance, and it turns out it has only been 45 minutes since the volcano exploded.  45 minutes, seriously ??  And how come everything isn't covered in feet of hot ash -- it's a freaking volcano, not a grass fire.

After a long convoluted talk about the dead men they loved and time distortion (whatever) they pick up a signal from Karen's tracker in the caves at the base of the mountain.

Karen wakes up (next to a flashlight she did not have with her before falling in to the cave) to Dana's head and the Copeland clan digs Karen out -- and she doesn't have a scratch on her.  How the fuck is that possible ?

And they decide that home is where they need to be -- and so they drive back home, apparently encountering no obstacles along the way.  No demons, no feverheads, no GRs ... nothing.  Until they get home and find the next door neighbor, who is apparently a feverhead, and his wife.  The feverheads coordinated their efforts and trashed the Copeland house before setting it on fire ..... and salting the earth.  Seriously, where would they get all that salt from ?  Karen gives the neighbor's wife a handgun to take out her husband -- which she apparently does -- before driving off to new adventures.  And as the RV drives down the laneway, it cuts to a view of 5 dragons flying away from the volcano.  Seriously, WTF ?

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On 11/12/2016 at 3:26 AM, placate said:

I think I missed an episode.  Was there an episode between crazy new government and the sister dying and the new husband getting ganked? 

There was the episode where Pa Copeland went to a local university to look up a professor that predicted ALL THIS happening but no one believed her so he could get access to her research -- while the rest of the clan went to a summer camp to find food, water and supplies only to run into some heavily armed female escaped prisoners that, long story short, Karen murdered in cold blood for no real good reason.  And then it turned out Devon was infested with a demon and killed himself.

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

There was the episode where Pa Copeland went to a local university to look up a professor that predicted ALL THIS happening but no one believed her so he could get access to her research -- while the rest of the clan went to a summer camp to find food, water and supplies only to run into some heavily armed female escaped prisoners that, long story short, Karen murdered in cold blood for no real good reason.  And then it turned out Devon was infested with a demon and killed himself.

Thanks a lot!  I missed episode 6 and now things make sense again.

5 hours ago, placate said:

Thanks a lot!  I missed episode 6 and now things make sense again.

If you think this show makes any sense, you're missing a lot more than one episode. ;)

Seriously, how did they drive home in apparently less than a day?  Or was it multiple days, but absolutely nothing bad happened along the way, despite the numerous obstacles they encountered on their way to Mt. Ranier?  I mean really?

And now there's a time distortion? wtf? 

  • Love 2

For some reason "Mom's alive!" (Dana puts on mom sunglasses) made me laugh really hard.

"Where should we go?"

Me: "Well there is that well defended compound run by a friend who seems well equipped to survive the apocalypse. Oh, and you probably should let him know what happened to the two people he sent with you." 

"I don't know."

With all of the craziness happening on the show they decided add an acid trip on top?

Edited by xaxat
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first, here is a list of episode titles so far:
09-27 #1.01 "RVL 6768"
10-04 #1.02 "In Rats Alley"
10-11 #1.03 "In Our Empty Rooms"
10-18 #1.04 "Fever of the Bone"
10-25 #1.05 "A Clatter and a Chatter"
11-01 #1.06 "Madame Sosostris"
11-08 #1.07 "What The Thunder Said"
11-15 #1.08 "Here is no water but only rock"

That latest one felt familiar, but I had to use Google to tell me it is a line from "The Waste Land" by T.S.Eliot (a very good poem, go read it sometime).

Google cannot tell me what salted earth smells like, nor how much salt it would take to destroy an entire working ranch or farm or whatever our family has returned to. (I'm pretty sure the ocean smells of brine, not salt, which is a whole bunch of other minerals and dead sea life particles.)

And what was the point of handing a distraught woman a gun and leaving her to shoot her own infected husband. Then just driving off and abandoning her? She was their neighbor, and presumably a friend. Oh, and the house wasn't entirely destroyed, so maybe you could have salvaged some possessions and supplies while you were there.  But sure, fly east with the dragons. It works in video games.

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I still don't get why the camp had all these Xmas lights and a couple of extremely bright spotlights on .... during the day !!

Did anyone else notice that the letters that spelled out 'Paradise' over the main entrance on the camp were re-arranged to spell 'Despair' by the end of the episode ?

It was just a little creepy when the skinwalker did the full facial lick of Brianna in order to sample her DNA ?  How do skinwalkers even know about DNA if they are supposed to be ancient demons or whatever ?

4 hours ago, Canada said:

Uh oh!!  Is dad going to live or die???  Will the monk show up again with a magic cure?  Will the dragon creatures save him?

(Yep, that's all I got out of the last episode... dad is now sick.)

Who knows, maybe the magic monk cure didn't take ?  Pa Copeland was gutshot after all.

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Even though I think the writers are on drugs, they clearly do not know how drugs work!

1) A bar in the apocalypse that hasn't totally looted? Give me and Leslie Hope's character about a week and we would have drank all of that!

2) You give peyote to people you are about to kill? Especially puzzling since I think peyote only grows in the Southwest. Don't waste your drugs!

3) You have a chemist who can make tetracycline but you can't produce your own ethanol? Which humans have been making for millennia?

Are we, the viewers, supposed to see Matt as being a total asshole? Regardless of what the writers intended, he totally is.

And some other stuff happened. 

Edited by xaxat
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I don't remember a lot about these last two eps except for hippie dad ordering son in law to be killed, peyote, the daughter fighting her doppelganger (hilarious) and this exchange from a couple of weeks ago which made me laugh - Ann Heche is trapped with some kind of scientist guy after the volcano exploded -

Scientist - OWWW

AH - what happened??

Scientist - my leg is broken, I fell

AH - your leg is broken (matter of fact tone)

Scientist - it's definitely broken (practically sobbing in pain)

AH - so you're not walking out of here?

That's some serious dialogue there folks!

Has there been a tsunami yet? 

On 11/26/2016 at 4:31 PM, ottoDbusdriver said:

It was just a little creepy when the skinwalker did the full facial lick of Brianna in order to sample her DNA ?  How do skinwalkers even know about DNA if they are supposed to be ancient demons or whatever ?

The thing that licked Brianna wasn't a skinwalker.  A skinwalker is a transparentish/shadow demon that inhabits the body.  What took on Brianna's shape was the same type of demon (or whatever) that took on that one professor/researcher's shape, the woman who wrote about all these 'end times' things that the dad discredited.  That type of demon can take on the shape of another, but has to have been in contact with that person, to do so.  Course, I think that type of demon also still has to be 'nearish' the person they are impersonating, not sure the distance, but it would seem Brianna was a bit further away from the demon than others were from their dopplegangers.  Maybe that's why the DNA, gives the demon more distance?  Idk, probably the writers really don't either.

Well, I wondered upthread what other calamities that the Copeland's could encounter -- and in the first 5 minutes we get a cluster of space objects so bright they are visible during the day (which Dana declares are not going to hit the Earth just because), and they encounter the remains of the Stretch Armstrong family though one family member is missing (based on a photo in the father's wallet -- how would they even know that the missing kid hadn't been killed or died from some other means)

As Pa Copeland continues to degrade from the plague (or at least what appears to be the plague, I bet it is something else), the rest of the clan goes searching a retirement home for tetracycline.

Karen gets taken down by the caretaker of the nursing home after Karen catches her in a lie about the elevators -- heck, Karen needed to get taken down just for wearing her sunglasses indoors all the time.  It's so dark in that nursing home and even the warehouse, how does she see anything ?

Turns out the caretaker is bat-shit crazy and has been stuffing the patients under her care after they died.  And as she waxes on about how things are changing but the moon always remains the same, the bright space objects turn out to be large asteroids that all impact the moon and bust the moon wide open.

Dana and Brianna get trapped on the 2nd floor and escape to the basement via the laundry chute where they discover lots of human remains, a stuffed ferret in a dress on a tricycle and a dead body propped up in the air -- I guess just to show that Nurse Batshit is really fucking crazy.  As Nurse Batshit continues to drug Karen as she prepares to torture her because she determines that it was Karen's father's men who raided the nursing home for tetra, and for some reason Karen must pay.  Whatever.

Meanwhile, Pa Copeland goes on his own feverhead induced magical mystery tour through a warehouse, and mistakenly tries to strangle Matt all while visually a child with no mouth writing 'The One is Many' in blood on the wall.

The girls lure Nurse Batshit down to the basement by turning off the power, taze her with a power cable, and make their way back upstairs to save Karen.  Only Nurse Batshit manages to wake up, slap on the facial skin of a corpse, and knock out Dana while Karen appears to sit helplessly in a wheelchair.

Seriously, Anne Heche does some of the best acting of her career as the drooling paralyzed victim of Nurse Batshit.

Long story short, Karen and the girls murder Nurse Batshit and escape the nursing home with no tetra.  The Copeland clan continues on their murderous path through the Apocalypse.

As they return to the trailer, the girls get their first glimpse of the destroyed moon and Dana fills in the details on the outcome -- basically dinosaur extinction times 20.  But they've already had asteroid impacts (remember Spokane from Episode 1 and 2), so they are already recycling plot elements. Lazy, lazy writing.

Karen goes to see Pa Copeland in the RV, but he appears to becoming violent and he starts hearing a voice saying 'The One is Many'.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver

I guess we forgot about Batshit Crazy Nurse in mental hospital and destruction of the moon when wondering what they've missed.

I know it was wrong but I laughed when Batshit Nurse pushed the crazy lady in the wheelchair down the stairs.

Won't the earth start to wobble on its rotation now?  Well there are dragons and monk magic, maybe that can fix it.  

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I can't believe I care enough to ask, but did the scientist trapped in the volcano with Anne Heche die? I remember him being super chipper and cheery when he pulled Anne out of that crevice and then his leg was broken(??) and then he was all pessimistic and melodramatic while Anne was looking at those drawings on the mountain wall. And then Anne got saved by her daughters and I was thinking, wait, you guys aren't going to help the scientist guy?  Did he die and did I just not notice?


Why can't I stop watching this laughably terrible show, and when is Wayne Brady coming back?

On 11/18/2016 at 6:16 PM, KDeFlane said:

11-15 #1.08 "Here is no water but only rock"

... is a line from "The Waste Land" by T.S.Eliot (a very good poem, go read it sometime).

And the next two episode titles are also pointing back to "The Waste Land" poem. Cool, I guess?

11/22 #1.09 "The Barbarous King" references The Myth of Philomela: "The change of Philomel, by the barbarous king" .  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philomela

11/29 #1.10 "Hieronymo's Mad Againe" is Eliot quoting a line from 'The Spanish Tragedy'. ("Why then Ile fit you. Hieronymo's mad againe") One analysis I found says, the protagonist's acceptance of what is in reality the deepest truth will seem to the present world mere madness. Hieronymo in the play was "mad" for a purpose, just our dad Josh is going mad but is receiving prophetic visions and information from it (because he is an 'adept'). See http://www.english.illinois.edu/maps/poets/a_f/eliot/wasteland.htm

I suppose I should go back and find all the other meanings for the episode titles, but that sounds like homework.

Edited by KDeFlane
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9 minutes ago, xaxat said:

Too bad they didn't put that much effort into the actual episodes.

Ain't that the truth.

Episode #1.02 -- In Rat's Alley -- TS Eliot's 'The Wasteland'
Episode #1.03 -- In our Empty Rooms -- TS Eliot's 'The Wasteland'
Episode #1.04 -- Fever of the Bone -- TS Eliot's poem 'Whispers of Immortality'
Episode #1.05 -- A Clatter and a Chatter -- TS Eliot's 'The Wasteland'
Episode #1.06 -- Madame Sosostris -- TS Eliot's 'The Wasteland'
Episode #1.07 -- What the Thunder Said -- TS Eliot's 'The Wasteland'

While episode #1.01 appears to be the license plate of the car that falls to the ground in the Copeland's front yard (RVL 6768), I'm sure they were going for some sort of profound biblical Revelations reference because Revelations 6: 7-8 reads as follows (according to the King James version of the Bible):

7 And when he had opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth beast say, Come and see.
8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.


Well, that was a waste of time.

The new disaster they have encountered is a randomly appearing rapture hole that sucks people up into the sky and then the rapture hole disappears.

And it appears to be a 2-way rapture hole, as the TV reporter on the video camera that the Copeland's discovered in Seattle just happens to show up in some random town in Idaho. So where do they go ?

Oh yeah, the debris from the shattering of the moon is headed to Earth in 2 days.

And we have the new mantra -- "One is many, but the many is one".  Which sounds a lot like a ripoff of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.

Long story short, Pa Copeland finally gets cure of the plague and doesn't turn into a feverhead (despite going on a walkabout) after Matt finds a woman in the process of committing suicide who just happens to have tetra in her pocket that is used to cure Pa Copeland, and since the Voice of the Apocalypse seems to be all knowing they are off to find him now.  Except how do they know where he is located is anyone's guess because it's just a guy on the radio who never reveals anything about himself.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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12 hours ago, xaxat said:

Where we supposed to laugh when people got sucked up into the rapture hole?

I don't know but I did too.  Tiny little arms and legs flailing!

I feel like I'm the one who chewed peyote when I watch this. The one is many!

Good thing the various bad guys took a long long time threatening any of the Copelands, giving everyone time to get out of their various situations, rapture holes to appear, etc.  Anne Heche being a crazy shoot first mama bear is pretty entertaining.  Should have shot dead Brianna's would be rapist though.


since the Voice of the Apocalypse seems to be all knowing they are off to find him now.

Maybe it's Citizen Z?  Or Wolfman Jack?

Edited by raven
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This is starting to get old.  The family separates to go looking for whatever, at least one person gets captured by rogues of some sort, tense standoff, eventual rescue, plenty of other innocents get shot.

I'm still wondering how in the wake of all the disasters in a relatively short period of time, everyone knows about and has looted all the tetracycline.  Also, why is the dad the only person who has apparently been cured by it.  Seemed like everywhere else, it only worked temporarily, if at all.

This show is gloriously, hilariously terrible. Karen wandering around screaming "JOOOOOOOOSH!" was the best example of that yet. Also, it sure puts an even worse light on when Karen gave her neighbor/friend a gun to shoot her feverhead husband with and then just drove away - think you could've mentioned that tetra would help him, Karen?

If Matt really cared about keeping Sarah alive, he wouldn't have let her come along with them. They are a one-family wrecking crew.

I see somebody on the writing staff has read Neal Stephenson's seveneves (which covers what happens when enough of the moon turns into debris that rains down on earth). Though of course nothing that happens will be even close to one-hundredth as intelligent as that book.

I noticed Leslie Hope directed this episode, so good to know that she got an additional paycheck to the one for her guest star turn.

I was optimistic about the reporter lady joining the troupe. Sad to see her gone so soon. What was the point of the white whirlwind dropping her back to Earth only to suck her back up again? Instead, we get another new young lady, with issues, because it is Matt's turn to be "apocalypse married" or whatever Dana called it. Taking bets on how long Sarah lasts? Don't bother; I've checked IMDB. We have two more episodes to take this ride together. See you on the other side!

All snark aside, I must say that I'm enjoying the poetry coming from the radio. Whichever writer is penning that portion of the script, their words sing to me. A lot of the lines in this latest episode struck me as being well-written, not in the way I could drop them into our funny quotes thread, but more along the lines of how bizarre things are getting for the family. They say witty things to one another to ease the tension, things that would seem insane when taken out of context. I'm enjoying the show on that level.

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The stupid, it burns.  Just when you thought it couldn't get any dumber they add into the mix -- time travel that causes a Vietnam vet to appear in a cornfield thinking that it's 1972 Vietnam who then ages to old age and back again within minutes, rogue government agents killing their way to restore the government by tracking the Copeland clan and also finding Bob Black, the introduction of gnarly tech that Bob Black is using to transmit radio waves through the ground -- tech that also attracts clouds of skin walkers, and all while moon rocks are crashing to the earth and Matt starts hooking up with Sarah (I guess it was his turn after Dana and Brianna hooked up albeit briefly).

And for good measure, Dana gets inhabited by a skinwalker, but then Brianna manages to fry Dana with electricity (since she's an electrical engineer or something) without killing her and luring out the skinwalker -- because skinwalkers are drawn to electricity like a moth to a flame only to be destroyed.  How stupid is that ?

After the gov't agents are killed by Sarah (Matt's love interest) doing her best Katniss impression, she up and disappears like a fart in the wind (she walks behind a tree and is just gone), and the episode closes with Copelands meeting Moondog Black -- because Pa Copeland is an 'adept' and Moondog has been looking for him.  FFS !

Edited by ottoDbusdriver

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