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S03.E10: In My Best Interest


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Ghost races to retrieve evidence that could compromise both him and Tommy, while he must throw the party of his career at Truth to land the club deal with the Bassets. Greg makes a shocking discovery in his pursuit of the mole, with fateful consequences. Tasha forms an unlikely alliance in an attempt to save her family.

Edited by FuriousStyles

Where do I start?  I guess I'd go for the most shocking scene for me....which was when that dummy (since there were so many dummies in this episode, I'll specify by saying Tariq) got "caught" trying to sell guns and Jukebox was in the cop car.  I was like ooohh shit.  Question though....where did she get an NYPD cop car? She's a cop in DC isn't she?  Whatever, that was a minor plot distraction. A part of me wishes Kanaan really did set Tariq up, because that boy needs to be straightened out. And it goes to show, he really has no idea how privileged he is, when Jukebox and the other goon were asking him about his living situation and he was like "naw we don't have a door, we have an elevator".  It was just the way he said it, like it was nothing.

Dummy #2. Greg. Greg Greg Greg. I mean, why the fuck would you let Mike know you knew he was the leak.....without your gun, with no other witnesses or anyone else knowing.  I thought at the very least, when he reached out his hand he was gonna try to scratch Mike so he could get Mike's dna on him and/or get his dna on Mike.  That would have redeemed him a little bit after getting himself killed. But nope, he went out like a dummy. Tsk.

Dummy #3. Ghost. This guy has been soo fucking sloppy for so long now. Why the hell would he take off his glove, leave the window unlocked AND touch the window with his bare hands. It's very fitting that he looks to be going down for a murder he didn't commit after he's gotten away with killing so many people before. Oh and I'm sure he left some dna on Lobos while they were tussling in the woods too.

One good thing..Milan is dead.  I was waiting for Ghost and Tommy to finally take his ass out.  People talk too damn much when they're about to kill somebody. Geeez.

All in all this was a good season.  It kills me that the seasons are so short.  But I guess it allows for every episode to pack a big punch. 

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Wonder why Kanan set Tariq up in that particular way? Was his plan just to turn Ghost's kid into a gun or drug mule? Whatever, it's going to kill Tasha and James when they find out how much time Kanan spent grooming Tariq. I think they have to take some of the blame though because neither of them apparently pays enough attention to what's going on with him.

Heh, the guys at Angie's office must think she'll sleep with any of them.

Jukebox is cold-blooded. She was practically licking her chops at the thought of killing a kid. But at least she won't eat Tariq like Milan would've.

It's not believable to me that Milan's gang would be okay with reporting to Tommy now since he's not from their culture. They are a very tribal people and I think they're probably setting him up since he's not really one of them.

Oh James, now you've learned once again: hell hath no fury. Guess Angela forgot how much James can implicate her in?

Nice season finale. Got rid of one Big Bad and have established another who might be as bad or worse.

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, FuriousStyles said:

Dummy #2. Greg. Greg Greg Greg. I mean, why the fuck would you let Mike know you knew he was the leak.....without your gun, with no other witnesses or anyone else knowing.  I thought at the very least, when he reached out his hand he was gonna try to scratch Mike so he could get Mike's dna on him and/or get his dna on Mike.  That would have redeemed him a little bit after getting himself killed. But nope, he went out like a dummy. Tsk.

O.M.G. Me and you are <here> @FuriousStyles. I will never understand why people do this. Why not go along with the plan to frame Angela just to let Mike think you're on his side? Then when the time comes, flip the script on him. Duhhhhh. Greg was so smart up until his death. I'm going to miss his fine ass, but he got got for being a dumbass.

It's ironic that both Greg and Ghost got blamed for shit they didn't do due to their own stupidity. All of this work to prove he wasn't the leak and it's the phone he stole from Angela's purse that did him in. Angela truly has nine lives on this show. Once again she gets to skate by.

Ghost, Jesus. I wrote before that God protects fools and babies so that's the only reason why Ghost and Tommy made it this long in the game. I guess in his quest to just be James, he's making too many rookie mistakes. Wipe your damn prints! Was it really necessary to take off your glove to touch the window? Why, Sway?

What can I say about Tariq that hasn't already been said. I know I should excuse his stupidity due to his age and anger at his home life imploding, but it's hard for me to not be annoyed by how much of a dumbass he is, too. Tariq clearly got his non smarts from his father. I hope Raina takes after Tasha. It's bad enough you're drinking lean and hanging out with a stranger that you met two weeks ago, but if the alarm bells that this guy is trash didn't go off after a) he's telling you to ignore consent and b) DELIVER A STRANGE PACKAGE then I don't know what to say. Was Kanan not supposed to be in the picture with Tariq? Doesn't that defeat the purpose of Fitty posing in the pic if you just saw his burnt arm?

Edited by Sheenieb
  • Love 6
1 hour ago, FuriousStyles said:

Where do I start?  I guess I'd go for the most shocking scene for me....which was when that dummy (since there were so many dummies in this episode, I'll specify by saying Tariq) got "caught" trying to sell guns and Jukebox was in the cop car.  I was like ooohh shit.  Question though....where did she get an NYPD cop car? She's a cop in DC isn't she?  Whatever, that was a minor plot distraction. A part of me wishes Kanaan really did set Tariq up, because that boy needs to be straightened out. And it goes to show, he really has no idea how privileged he is, when Jukebox and the other goon were asking him about his living situation and he was like "naw we don't have a door, we have an elevator".  It was just the way he said it, like it was nothing.

Dummy #2. Greg. Greg Greg Greg. I mean, why the fuck would you let Mike know you knew he was the leak.....without your gun, with no other witnesses or anyone else knowing.  I thought at the very least, when he reached out his hand he was gonna try to scratch Mike so he could get Mike's dna on him and/or get his dna on Mike.  That would have redeemed him a little bit after getting himself killed. But nope, he went out like a dummy. Tsk.

Dummy #3. Ghost. This guy has been soo fucking sloppy for so long now. Why the hell would he take off his glove, leave the window unlocked AND touch the window with his bare hands. It's very fitting that he looks to be going down for a murder he didn't commit after he's gotten away with killing so many people before. Oh and I'm sure he left some dna on Lobos while they were tussling in the woods too.

One good thing..Milan is dead.  I was waiting for Ghost and Tommy to finally take his ass out.  People talk too damn much when they're about to kill somebody. Geeez.

All in all this was a good season.  It kills me that the seasons are so short.  But I guess it allows for every episode to pack a big punch. 

There was a lot of idiot plot stuff in this episode. Greg being like "You're totally the mole and we are going to discuss that in my apartment when I'm unarmed and I know you're going to be cool with me taking you in" was one thing. The fact that, in the wake of Greg's murder, a ton of cops and forensics investigators whose JOB IT IS to find evidence combed through that apartment but only Angela found the fingerprints was another.

There's a Key & Peele sketch where Key plays Jaden Pinkett Smith's agent and JPS wants to do a movie where he shows that he's a relatable kid, and Key pitches him a movie but he has to explain things like "working," "outside," and "not getting everything you want." I thought of that when Tariq talked about how he didn't have a door. Does he not know any people who have doors to their apartments? I mean, even at private schools, there are economic strata. Surely not everyone he knows has an elevator that goes into his apartment. I can't stand that kid.

I didn't notice this before but Angela and Greg's apartments look similar (I assume they use the same set). I thought James was breaking into Angela's place at first.

Angela has totally developed a "reputation" around the office if her colleagues are basically like, "so are we gon' do this?"

I guess the show just forgot about Keisha?

The show has been renewed for two more seasons so the drama is less "will James go down?" and more "How will James get out of this?" I'm curious about that. I am not curious about how Tariq gets saved; they can kill him for all I care, but I'm sure they won't.

  • Love 8

I love this show so much but hate the obvious rushiness that plagues a lot of otherwise good shows on their finales.

No way would Greg have been that naive. No one would be that naive. Come on, Show! I know he needed to die or whatever but at least let him go out not like a chump, which isn't consistent with his character.

Jukebox is fascinating in her heartlessness and the actress is utterly convincing. Same with the actor who plays Jamie's dipshit offspring.

I'm looking forward to Tommy vs. Ghost next season. 

  • Love 2

I hate how stupidly they're writing Tariq. Privileged or not, kids have twitter, FB, any form of media, and their parents/schools continually warning them about weirdos. It really takes me out of the show when I see his stupid decisions without even a moment's hesitation. Even if he went along eventually, he's going to feel some kind of way about all this stuff. If the actor can't convey it, that's one thing, but it doesnt even seem like theyre trying to make this believable.

Greg was supposed to be the one who wrapped all this up for us. I'm mad they made him stupid all of a sudden. 

If Angela doesn't go to prison or die before the end of this (and I don't mean series finale episode), i will be very disappointed. Same for Ghost. I wanted to root for him but he's just a simp.

Kanan (sp) can die any day now. We get it, 50, you're a producer and want to keep your second job as actor. You add nothing to the show however. 

How did they just ignore anything about Keisha? 

Maybe endgame is Uncle Tommy and Tasha running the businesses and taking care of Rayna and the baby. Tariq can go. 

I'm starting to dislike this show based on the stupidity theyre writing in.

Edited by sunsheyen
  • Love 4
10 hours ago, Empress1 said:

I didn't notice this before but Angela and Greg's apartments look similar (I assume they use the same set). I thought James was breaking into Angela's place at first.

I noticed it the other episode when Greg went snooping in Angela's purse.  I thought it was weird Angela would leave her purse on her own couch. Usually women have an out of the way spot at home where they keep those things. Angela, I think keeps hers in the closet so right then I figured they might have been in Greg's apt. 

As all of y'all have already stated, lots of stupid ass shit this episode. 

I couldn't believe it took the Federales calling for Greg to suspect Mike....after he saw Mike coming out of one of Lobos' properties!  That's what he gets for being so focused on making everything Angela's fault instead of doing an unbiased investigation.  We all want that bitch to go down, but Greg should have known better that nothing would stick if it wasn't done by the book.  Also, why would he call Mike and not one of the independent investigators?

On ‎9‎/‎26‎/‎2016 at 6:17 AM, Sheenieb said:

All of this work to prove he wasn't the leak and it's the phone he stole from Angela's purse that did him in. Angela truly has nine lives on this show. Once again she gets to skate by.

That wasn't the phone Angela had.  He only recorded that phone's identification numbers.  The one they found was the one Mike had; he planted after he shot Greg's hand off.  Looks like Mike is smarter than all of them.

Oh Ghost, you big ole dummy!

Kanan really is trying to look like the ultimate child molester in the picture. 

Interesting that the hotel lady and Dre were already all boo'd up at the end of the episode.  Why didn't we get to see all that happen?

On ‎9‎/‎26‎/‎2016 at 5:31 AM, FuriousStyles said:

And it goes to show, he really has no idea how privileged he is, when Jukebox and the other goon were asking him about his living situation and he was like "naw we don't have a door, we have an elevator".  It was just the way he said it, like it was nothing.

This was so believable for me.  When I used to tutor, I once worked with this 17 year old who lived in a swanky area.  Before our first visit, I called him to make arrangements and asked him if I needed to know anything special about his place.  He said nope, it's just a regular apartment building, and all I needed to do was walk in and give them the apartment number so they could ring me up.  I pulled up, and I had to valet my car because all guest and visitor parking was valet.  I walked in and had to give my ID to 2 big ass security guards sitting at the front desk.  I was directed to elevator 3, and once I got in, I couldn't actually push any buttons; I had to wait for the guards to be able to see me on the elevator cameras before they sent the elevator to the correct floor.  The elevator was the front door of their apartment (penthouse!), which was so large it spanned the entire length of the building and had floor to ceiling windows.  When I met with my student, I said, "This is a regular apartment???"  And he said, "yeah. It's like all the other apartments I've been to."  Lol! (Also, this entire family were the most beautiful people I had ever seen who were not celebrities!)  I've known lots of kids like Tariq....they just weren't as dumb!

15 hours ago, announcergirl said:

Angela is a bitch.

The biggest bitch!  And like someone else pointed out about, Ghost knows a lot of shit about her.  I hope he throws her ass under the bus.  He and Tasha have enough evidence to prove she was stalking them after Jamie broke up with her, with all the times she kept showing up at their penthouse or at Tommy's mom's place off the books.  She's another one who has not been too bright through any of this. 

Edited by luckyroll3
  • Love 6

Angela is a bitch.

The biggest bitch!  And like someone else pointed out about, Ghost knows a lot of shit about her.  I hope he throws her ass under the bus.  He and Tasha have enough evidence to prove she was stalking them about Jamie broke up with her, with all the times she kept showing up at their penthouse or at Tommy's mom's place off the books.  She's another one who has not been too bright through any of this. 

Indeed. Ghost has her by the short and curlies, but he'd be implicating himself, so he can't say shit. Greg warned Ghost that Angela was going to burn him. "Angela had to start looking out for Angela"/said in my Halle Berry Boomerang voice.


14 hours ago, luckyroll3 said:
On 9/26/2016 at 9:17 AM, Sheenieb said:

All of this work to prove he wasn't the leak and it's the phone he stole from Angela's purse that did him in. Angela truly has nine lives on this show. Once again she gets to skate by.

That wasn't the phone Angela had.  He only recorded that phone's identification numbers.  The one they found was the one Mike had; he planted after he shot Mike's hand off.  Looks like Mike is smarter than all of them.

Ohhh. I missed that. Appreciate the correction.

  • Love 1

I actually don't mind that Angela did her damn job for once (well, homocide's job if we're being technical). Ghost needs to be pissed at Ghost. Everybody warned him, from Proctor to Tommy to his WIFE but he insisted on getting that old thing back. Too bad he got burnt by it, and this version of burnt can't be cleared up by a round of antibiotics. I, for one, cannot wait to see him and Angie go head to head. Maybe they'll both end up in prison.

Tommy is running things now but this time he's actually pulling the strings and doing what's best for him. I like this set up as well.

Tariq...I don'tknow, I think he's believably stupid. I buy that G&T have sheltered him so much that he's not street smart. And it's not like Kanan is the first adult male to come into his life who isn't his father. There's Tommy, then there was Shawn, then Andre, and now Kaman who he met through Andre (who is father approved). Should be interesting to see where this goes.

Overall I think this was a great setup for next season. I just hate that Greg is gone. I have no excuses for his stupidity. That wasn't done well at all.

  • Love 3

quick question. where are kanan and jukebox at with Tariq??? are they at that old woman's apartment that kanan killed??

Agreed with everyone on Greg and Ghost. I was screaming at Greg, just go along with Mike, play along, you dumb fuck. Drink your beer and suck it up, unbelievable that he thought Mike would just go in with him. Mike just told him he did it for his family, and practically begged him to help him pin it on Angela, clearly this man has nothing to lose. RIP Greg. And Ghost, why the hell would you bother wearing gloves only to take them off and leave a fingerprint on Greg's window, wtf? I had t laugh when he got perp walked out of there, and what's her name's dad just shaking his head, ha ha ha.

Also, since only one of the kids ha any sense on this show, I hope they do just kill Tariq. He should die just for being another spoiled, ungrateful dumbass, wah I'm rich and my parents don't pay enough attention to me, shut the eff up, Tariq.

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, BigBlueMastiff said:

Agreed with everyone on Greg and Ghost. I was screaming at Greg, just go along with Mike, play along, you dumb fuck. Drink your beer and suck it up, unbelievable that he thought Mike would just go in with him. Mike just told him he did it for his family, and practically begged him to help him pin it on Angela, clearly this man has nothing to lose. RIP Greg. And Ghost, why the hell would you bother wearing gloves only to take them off and leave a fingerprint on Greg's window, wtf? I had t laugh when he got perp walked out of there, and what's her name's dad just shaking his head, ha ha ha.

Also, since only one of the kids ha any sense on this show, I hope they do just kill Tariq. He should die just for being another spoiled, ungrateful dumbass, wah I'm rich and my parents don't pay enough attention to me, shut the eff up, Tariq.

If I'm not mistaken, Ghost took his glove off to put his hand in his pocket to get  something he was using to shut the window back. He dropped it and  almost lost his balance so used his naked hand to catch his balance. Why he didn't wipe that window though!!!!!

  • Love 1

So there's a few people in the FBI that know Ghost and Angela were sleeping together. I look forward to him accusing her in court of being a woman scorned because he returned to his family and therefore she planted the fingerprint. Damn I'm not even a TV writer. 

This show is so full of plot holes it sometimes seems a waste to continue watching. The actress that plays Angela is horrible. Perhaps it's me but I don't understand Tasha's only ambition for Ghost is being the biggest drug dealer in NYC--that's not a great long term plan.  

Also how did these two manage to miss instilling in their children a sense of what it's like to grow up in the hood and it not being something to aspire to. Even the kid on Queen Sugar has visited St. Josephine before and has a sense of it. Tariq and Raina should be dropped off at a cousin's in the projects every summer to keep them grounded and provide a sense of street smarts. I mean damn Tariq is dumb. 

  • Love 2

If I'm not mistaken, Ghost took his glove off to put his hand in his pocket to get  something he was using to shut the window back. He dropped it and  almost lost his balance so used his naked hand to catch his balance. Why he didn't wipe that window though!!!!!

Right, we see him wipe stuff down before he leaves all the time!

  • Love 1

The apartment where Kanan killed the old lady is apparently an apartment that meant something in Ghost/Kanan past.

I was totally annoyed they used the same set for Angela and Greg's apartment - I too thought Ghost was snooping in Angelas until I realized it was Greg's.

Wondering what clue was left on Greg's death scene to clear Jamie next season...

I think the Dre/Karen thing is something that must have been left on the cutting room floor - we never got to see how they built up their "friendship"

And what side is Dre on anyway??

  • Love 1
On October 3, 2016 at 11:48 AM, MV713 said:

The apartment where Kanan killed the old lady is apparently an apartment that meant something in Ghost/Kanan past.

I was totally annoyed they used the same set for Angela and Greg's apartment - I too thought Ghost was snooping in Angelas until I realized it was Greg's.

Wondering what clue was left on Greg's death scene to clear Jamie next season...

I think the Dre/Karen thing is something that must have been left on the cutting room floor - we never got to see how they built up their "friendship"

And what side is Dre on anyway??

Dre on the try not to get killed side!

  • Love 3
On 9/28/2016 at 1:22 PM, BigBlueMastiff said:

Agreed with everyone on Greg and Ghost. I was screaming at Greg, just go along with Mike, play along, you dumb fuck. Drink your beer and suck it up, unbelievable that he thought Mike would just go in with him. Mike just told him he did it for his family, and practically begged him to help him pin it on Angela, clearly this man has nothing to lose. RIP Greg. And Ghost, why the hell would you bother wearing gloves only to take them off and leave a fingerprint on Greg's window, wtf? I had t laugh when he got perp walked out of there, and what's her name's dad just shaking his head, ha ha ha.

Also, since only one of the kids ha any sense on this show, I hope they do just kill Tariq. He should die just for being another spoiled, ungrateful dumbass, wah I'm rich and my parents don't pay enough attention to me, shut the eff up, Tariq.

Okay, I must have been the only person screaming for Mike to just kill Greg already.  I never liked Greg and he never erased the needy, pathetic, vindictive impression I had of him.  I'm glad he's dead. Moving on.  Agree that Ghost over played his hand and was beyond stupid. I understand wanting to be the master of your own destiny, but he burned a lot of bridges and he really has no one to blame but himself for losing the loyalty of those closest to him.  He got close to his dream and lost it all.

Will they please kill off crusty ass Kanan and too fucking dumb & annoying to live Tariq? I am sick to death of both of them.  If I were Tasha I would have texted back: "not worth any amount of money, he's yours."

Whorish Angela...never gave her a lot of thought one way or another, but that bitch needs to go down.  And since when does an attorney handcuff and arrest someone?  Bruja, please.  Tommy was right, she should have been put out of her misery a while ago.

I still don't think Tommy is leader material even if he is good at the rest of the job.  Not to mention, once you're king of the hill you have to spend a considerable amount of time defending the hill and chasing off usurpers.  I've never really liked Tasha, and her big fucking mouth is one of the reasons why.  I also don't buy all the concern she has for Holly; a bitch that steals from me is never forgiven or given a place at the table.  WTF?

The only good thing about this episode was the execution of Milan.  The rest was pretty much ridiculous.

Edited by taurusrose
  • Love 1

Finally finally caught up on this show.

"Black guy driving an Escalade. They probably thought you were an Uber."

Oh, Tommy - don't ever change.

I both can't and can believe that Cooper Sax offered to have grief sex with Angela.

Bye, bye, Milan. Do NOT rest in peace.

Ghost's stupid hurts. Why would he break into Greg's apartment himself? Couldn't he hire someone to do that shit He's not nearly as clever as he thinks he is.

So, Dre was cozying up to Karen. Why do I feel like Dre and Tommy will slide right into the power vacuum left by Ghost's arrest?


I guess the show just forgot about Keisha?

I know! If she's dead, I'll be so mad.

Solid finale. Season 4 should be interesting.

Edited by Gillian Rosh
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