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Current DCCs: My Boots Do the Talking

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I think her doctor went under the muscle and she pecs/arms were already muscular. She probably didnt massage them enough (sorry if that sounds weird but that's what your suppose to to post op), her herself enough rest time with working out and lastly went into an underwire bra quickly. 


That being said I have had an augmentation and think mine are pretty natural looking. But on the very rare occasion that I want them out they just need a bombshell from VS. They're C's and look completely different in that bra. I know that's their typical under uniform bra to so maybe that's it.

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I can usually spot augmentation a mile away - even good augmentation - and Chantal just does t have any upper body padding to make them look natural. She may have wanted those round ones instead of tear shapes too. Some girls like things to look like they're fake - fake nails, fake hair color, fake boobs, etc.

when probably half the team is augmented, and yours stand out as The Really Fake Hard Ones, it's bad. 

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Has anyone in Dallas NOT had implants?! Hahah! 

I really want mine done but it's just so pricey here. Plus people in my town are still in the phase of "OMG you had a BOOB JOB?!" Ugh. Effort. 

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1 hour ago, dalgal214 said:

I mean...the past few years most girls have been pretty flat with exceptions like holly and chantel.

I've noticed that during uniform fittings lately... Lots of tiny boobs. It's because Kelli wants the girls so damn skinny. 

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8 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

I've noticed that during uniform fittings lately... Lots of tiny boobs. It's because Kelli wants the girls so damn skinny. 

Me too!  As someone with natural giant boobs (ugh!), I think these women without implants who are smaller look great!!

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Just now, dalgal214 said:

This season she's complained in TC that she can't find skinny girls with boobs who can dance and are pretty. 


Sorry Kelli, no one is perfect.

That's...I get that she's trying to uphold a brand image, but there are maybe one out of several million people who would meet all four of those requirements to a T. I think she needs to be realistic about boobs, especially with the way the jumbotron is the huge focus now so everyone has to be in the 100lb range.

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12 minutes ago, omgtv said:

Me too!  As someone with natural giant boobs (ugh!), I think these women without implants who are smaller look great!!

Ditto on the giant natural boobs.... Would kill to be a b cup. ?

7 minutes ago, JC123 said:

She shouldn't have cut Kali then should she ?? *huff* 

no I'm still not over it 

Seriously. Kali was the perfect DCC.... Blonde, tan, big boobs, articulate, sweet, smart, great body, AWESOME dancer. So she couldn't kick to her nose... Big deal. I went to all of her games that season. The kickick line looked fine. Cutting her was stupid.

Edited by PrincessLeia
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3 hours ago, dalgal214 said:

That being said I have had an augmentation and think mine are pretty natural looking. But on the very rare occasion that I want them out they just need a bombshell from VS. They're C's and look completely different in that bra. I know that's their typical under uniform bra to so maybe that's it.

I thought there was an episode (I don't remember the season) where Kelli was taking padding out of a girl's bra in a "what the hell were you thinking" way; the TCC told her she was told that's the bra they wear under their uniforms (I think some blue bra) and Kelli was like "what are you talking about?"  So they DO have a recommended bra now?

19 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

Ditto on the giant natural boobs.... Would kill to be a b cup. ?

I had a neighbor who had a reduction.  She said all she wanted was to be a "B" but her doctor said no, that it would be too much of a shock mentally for her to lose that much, but she insisted and the doctor relented.  She said she was happy beyond belief with her new size.

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23 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

Seriously. Kali was the perfect DCC.... Blonde, tan, big boobs, articulate, sweet, smart, great body, AWESOME dancer. So she couldn't kick to her nose... Big deal. I went to all of her games that season. The kickick line looked fine. Cutting her was stupid.

I thought Kali was cut for looking stocky during auditions?

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5 minutes ago, GAgirl said:

I thought Kali was cut for looking stocky during auditions?

yes she was cut for weight gain. 

However someone from the dance community in Dallas saw her just a few days before finals and said she was looking teeny. She was probably just bloated on the day ?

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Kali was a little out of shape looking in the MTT footage shown (the famous "that ain't fittness" line from Jay was about her), but I personally thought she was gorgeous and one of the best DCC ever and think they should have just warned her and told her to tone up in training camp like they do for others.  Maybe it's why I'm so grumpy about girls like Amy T., Melissa, etc. getting away w/ being heavy for multiple seasons.    Kali was awesome and shouldn't have been cut!

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4 hours ago, JC123 said:

yes she was cut for weight gain. 

However someone from the dance community in Dallas saw her just a few days before finals and said she was looking teeny. She was probably just bloated on the day ?

I saw her the day before auditions and she was tiny. I'm not in the dance world, but I know her. She was tiny. I'm still confused as to how she looked so different Saturday at auditions. 

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7 hours ago, JC123 said:

Has anyone in Dallas NOT had implants?! Hahah! 

I really want mine done but it's just so pricey here. Plus people in my town are still in the phase of "OMG you had a BOOB JOB?!" Ugh. Effort. 

I don't have them lol. I'm past 40, so I think my ship has sailed. My body still looks pretty good, so I'll keep it as is.  I do tan. I do the flip flop between spray tanning and then do the booth occasionally in winter. 

I am a far North Dallas girl, though. 

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On 7/8/2016 at 8:04 PM, RhiRhi said:

Unfortunately I think Chantal, Katy Fink and Courtney Cook all went the same surgeon, it's easy to find a good surgeon that provides natural looking implants (see JoJo on the Bachelorette) so I think these girls are crazy. 

I think former DCCs Samantha and Loren both looked good but I could be mistaken.  Kathy D's don't look bad but they just make her look fatter than she is. 

Im also curious if you get implants while a DCC like Courtney and Katy do you get an allowance for weight increase? 

totally off topic but JoJo has fake boobs? And here I was envious of her (what I thought were) natural boobs...

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Reminder: This is the Current DCCs thread. It is not the boob/bra or what happen in other seasons with certain girls who are not on the team anymore thread. Posts will be moved to the correct thread if they are not about current DCCs. Thank you.

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1 hour ago, JayDKay said:

Holly posted on snapchat a pic of what looks like a doctors office and its says 4.56am with a sick and crying emoji face. I hope she's not injured! 

My first thought was wisdom teeth lol

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She might have been there with another girl as support. I forget who it was but someone said in another thread that someone was sick last night but I do remember that person wasn't Holly.

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1 minute ago, SanLynn said:

She might have been there with another girl as support. I forget who it was but someone said in another thread that someone was sick last night but I do remember that person wasn't Holly.

Raylee was out sick so I imagine Holly went with her... 

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30 minutes ago, LaurenBrook said:

Hm, she was...and Raylee was not. Maybe she caught something from Raylee? Ugh, that would seriously suck right at the end of camp!! 

Also, just saw this...: 


Why do I feel like that's a fansite and not made by them? lol

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1 hour ago, Oranaiche said:

Bless their hearts. It's a cute idea, but not executed very well. I would love to edit that description for them. That said, I love Holly and Raylee, so I hope they post more so we can get a look at what's going on in their lives.

LOL ... I love it when you bless people's heart...it's such a funny and endearing saying. I've even adopted it at work when I refer to this dbag that I cannot stand lol.  It is a super cute idea ... are either of them real redheads though?  I hope they post more lifestyle pieces but I suspect it's going to be one of those blogs where it's fun until it becomes work and then pffffssssttt, fades away.   I always love reading blogs - they're such fun!

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3 minutes ago, KristyMc19 said:

Hmmm...Raylee and Holly's idea is cute but it reminds me a lot of a blog Nicole (former DCC) started with her sister back in 2012 with the title

"2 Sisters in Dallas."  Interesting...


interesting!! never saw that before...will have to check it out...love Nicole!!! 

For the love, I wish they'd just bring back the little blog entries on the actual DCC page of the DC website :-P None of the entries were like worthy of awards lol but it was fun to see into these girls personally even just a little.  

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1 hour ago, RazzleberryPie said:

Erbody has a blog these days. Good for them.

I wish they would stick to them though ... otherwise how else can I be nosy and be jealous of their youth and lifestyle?  lol.

Nicole's sister owns a juice bar?  That's pretty cool - anyone ever been?  Where are they from?

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14 hours ago, tobeyoungagain said:

I wish they would stick to them though ... otherwise how else can I be nosy and be jealous of their youth and lifestyle?  lol.

Nicole's sister owns a juice bar?  That's pretty cool - anyone ever been?  Where are they from?

No. Erin does not own a juice bar. She managed the juice bar next door to the Bar Method studio where Nicole worked. They're from Idaho or Iowa. I think. 

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Danielle is just cute as a speckled pup.  I know some said she was just an okay dancer but I haven't read anything detrimental about her.  I hope she marries some great guy and has a good life after retirement.  It made me sad the episode where she cried about how her finances were just so tight and she didn't know what she was going to do.

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2 hours ago, cgloss said:

Danielle is really their go-to model girl. I wonder who will take her place when she leaves. 

She is just the epitome of the girl next door look.  Real enough that you can imagine her playing softball, but also pretty enough that when she dresses up she could get into a fancy/exclusive nightclub.   I'm sure that's why they use her so much in things like that.   I'm not sure who could take her place - maybe Kydall from the current rookie class (if she makes the team of course)?  She seems to have a similar kind of look.

Edited by MyFavShows
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2 hours ago, cgloss said:

Danielle is really their go-to model girl. I wonder who will take her place when she leaves. 

Erica. Or KaShara. Or Amy L.

2 hours ago, Luvdallas said:

I love love love Danielle.  But I dont know if that's a great picture of her.  

I don't think the face is the best, but she's still cute.

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30 minutes ago, MyFavShows said:

She is just the epitome of the girl next door look.  Real enough that you can imagine her playing softball, but also pretty enough that when she dresses up she could get into a fancy/exclusive nightclub.   I'm sure that's why they use her so much in things like that.   I'm not sure who could take her place - maybe Kydall from the current rookie class (if she makes the team of course)?  She seems to have a similar kind of look.

I could totally see Danielle playing softball or soccer. You're right.

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What I like about Danielle is how fresh faced she looks.  I know she's wearing some but her makeup just looks invisible.

Also, her figure looks real.  No crazy implants or overly muscular.  Just in shape and soft.  All in all I just find her beauty to be attainable.

Edited by ChlcGirl
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8 hours ago, Luvdallas said:

I love love love Danielle.  But I dont know if that's a great picture of her.  

yeah I'm with you ... her whole face looks funny - doesn't look like her at all. The smile is weird.  She's got a great girl-next-door look and her pictures are usually gorgeous so I'm surprise to see a bad one

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1 minute ago, GAgirl said:

So they have 2 swimsuit calendars? Or if not...which one was Erica on the cover of?

I think that was the Star Magazine cover.

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