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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

Message added by Meredith Quill

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36 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

I couldn't believe it so I looked it up and yes indeed, gambling disorder may qualify one for SSDI. Unbelievable

I remember seeing JJ on a talk show, where she deplored the variety of "disorders" like sex addiction, gambling, drinking or whatever, being used  to cover for and excuse bad bahavior. It wasn't long ago that someone could get roaring drunk, get behind the wheel of a car and kill someone, yet get away with it because being drunk excused them. Making a choice to get drunk and drive was in the same category as having a heart attack while driving.  Not my fault! Bartenders are held responsible for giving someone too much alcohol, just as a person might be to blame for giving a baby too much candy and making the kid sick.  Someone else needs to take responsibility for adults who can't be expected to control themselves or know any better.

We just had that case of a 42-year old cougar with grown children blaming the fact that she screwed some silly 19-year old doofus for the fact that he knocked up her up. Wasn't her fault!

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Didn't it involve having to put them on the seat of the car for some reason?

They had the barrel of cheese puffs restrained by a seat belt! I remember Judge Judy's childlike awe over the concept of a giant barrel of cheese puffs seat belted into the bucket seat of some old jalopy. It was adorable!

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How much do I love you, @AngelaHunter?!  Thanks!  I thought it was something like that, but had never seen it. Neato!

I can appreciate these yahoos, though.  My son's 6th grade book report was to decorate a pumpkin as a character from his book.  So on the way to school, "Percy Jackson" had to be buckled in because the seat belt alarm kept going off.  

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You can't beat the second pose.

She's apparently auditioning for the role of indignant observer.

I will say this for her - she's got skills.

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I am so boiling mad! That fat dumba$$ Mr Johnson doesn't believe in "doing that to a dog" (spay/neuter) and he thinks of all dogs as "he's" lets his poor female chihuahua (aka "he") have litter after litter and doesn't take care of mama dog or puppies. That lying irresponsible chauvinist jerk should have been penalized for his attitude and for what he has put his dog and all the probable multitude of poor puppies through. I am going to go back and freeze on the letter written by the neighbor who received the one puppy who lived but then died. But for now, a large gin and tonic and venting to you guys is enough for me. I wish irresponsible pet owners had to live one week as their pets.

Oh....and three gavels up Mr Johnson's butt is my ruling.

Edited by Spunkygal
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That family business/Canadian green card/ $20,000 accident money given to business/$20,000 loan for moving expenses NY to FL/$60,000 down payment on house/ divorce/ case was very confusing!

Just watched this one. What a loathsome young woman!  Just Ick. I think JJ could have explained in sign language, Mandarin, or with pictures, and she STILL wouldn't have seen the "trouble" with  her case!  I think Stepmom got out just to GET out.  But she really does need to evict moocher-girl.


But for now, a large gin and tonic

Welcome to the fun table!  @AngelaHunter, scootch over and make Spunky some room!

That whole case was a mess. He really should not be allowed to own animals. The letter must have been pretty damning for JJ to allow it in!  Karma got him - he brings a letter to help make his case (which JJ would not have allowed,) but because it is the last nail in his coffin, bingo, bongo, suddenly it's evidence!   But I don't think Plaintiff was a prize either - her whole thing about how she didn't neuter her dog because she wants to be able to breed him with  his own kind (so he can have a friend and not get lonely), but sure, here's a handy bitch in heat, so go for it, Fido! "Pick of litter" for mutts.  Criminy.  Cheers....

Edited by SandyToes
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26 minutes ago, Spunkygal said:

I am so boiling mad! That fat dumba$$ Mr Johnson doesn't believe in "doing that to a dog" (spay/neuter) and he thinks of all dogs as "he's" lets his poor female chihuahua (aka "he") have litter after litter and doesn't take care of mama dog or puppies. That lying irresponsible chauvinist jerk should have been penalized for his attitude and for what he has put his dog and all the probable multitude of poor puppies through. I am going to go back and freeze on the letter written by the neighbor who received the one puppy who lived but then died. But for now, a large gin and tonic and venting to you guys is enough for me. I wish irresponsible pet owners had to live one week as their pets.

Thanks, now I can FF when these intro starts


Oh....and three gavels up Mr Johnson's butt is my ruling.

?   ???

Edited by SRTouch
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1 hour ago, SandyToes said:

Welcome to the fun table!  @AngelaHunter, scootch over and make Spunky some room!

Have a seat, Spunky! Today I"m serving cabernet sauvignon with dinner ( I made some awesome pasta and garlic bread) after which we are having double Grand Marniers and oops - double Drambuies. We need them, you see, to try and erase the images of the cretins we see here, which I cannot quit. I think I need therapy AND another drink.

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Thanks, Angela and Sandy! I happily join you in a prolonged happy hour. I always view JJ with a cocktail or two for medicinal purposes. Sometimes I think all these years of viewing JJ entitles ME to disability benefits.  Screw those litigants with compulsive gambling, a touch of arthritis (visit my family and you'll know pitiful crippling arthritis), a bad spinal disc, etc., these idiot litigants have messed with my sanity. I have been known to say in my real life "huh is not an answer" "if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck!" "She's a hustlah" "if you don't have it, it doesn't exist!" and "not in My America" all while grabbing one of my 20 flyswatters. It has made me batty!

Byrd, where do I sign up for benefits????

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2 hours ago, SandyToes said:

Speaking of flyswatters, wasn't it yesterday when JJ whipped hers out, and then handed one to Byrd?!  He got his very own!  Man, doncha' know he's just dyin' to give that thing a swing or two!

Cracked me up ? not sure what day it was, though, as I just watched a couple days worth. Thing was, JJ said something like "there's a fly bothering the plaintiff (or maybe it was defendant), and it's about to go to fly heaven." Pulled out her weapon, and then gave Byrd a swatter... too bad she didn't send Byrd over to the litigant chasing the evil buzzer, but instead he took it and put it away.

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10 hours ago, Mrs Shibbles said:




6 hours ago, PsychoKlown said:

You can't beat the second pose.

She's apparently auditioning for the role of indignant observer.

I will say this for her - she's got skills.

She looks so genuinely annoyed that I'm wondering what exactly happened to have her making that face.

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On ‎9‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 8:11 PM, Brattinella said:

I am pretty sure that snack-slattern was there to "get some money",

"Snack Slattern?" How did I miss that? Is that like the Cookie Monster on some AU, x-rated version of Sesame Street? rofl!!!

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16 hours ago, Spunkygal said:

I am so boiling mad! That fat dumba$$ Mr Johnson doesn't believe in "doing that to a dog" (spay/neuter) and he thinks of all dogs as "he's" lets his poor female chihuahua (aka "he") have litter after litter and doesn't take care of mama dog or puppies. That lying irresponsible chauvinist jerk should have been penalized for his attitude and for what he has put his dog and all the probable multitude of poor puppies through. I am going to go back and freeze on the letter written by the neighbor who received the one puppy who lived but then died. But for now, a large gin and tonic and venting to you guys is enough for me. I wish irresponsible pet owners had to live one week as their pets.

Oh....and three gavels up Mr Johnson's butt is my ruling.

At our Staff Meeting yesterday it was discussed doing a Food for Fines forgiveness program in November. The (newish) Director named a couple of food pantries and I mentioned the Humane Society and she goes, "I personally would rather help people than animals." I wanted to say, "It was a person who raped and murdered baby Shaylyn Ammerman (which happened in our community in 2016) and it was a person who pulled poor little Tree's tail so hard that it broke and poor little Tree (who was the sweetest stray cat despite being tortured by some inhuman human) had to be put down (by the Humane Society - we donated $200 dollars and sponsored medication for a needy cat for 6 months and did I mention Tree was a stray - not one of our 3 snooki putzis) but I didn't because I already kind of hate this Director but the whole thing reminded me of the JJ forum and the endless display of entitled con artists and hustlers we see on full display in Judge Judy's court. People can pretty well take care of their own damned selves, something a helpless animal cannot do (little children and the infirm elderly excepted). I don't know. Reading this post made me so upset all over again even though, after a vote, it looks like we will be doing a Fines for Furballs component along with the Food for Fines.

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19 hours ago, Spunkygal said:

I am so boiling mad! That fat dumba$$ Mr Johnson doesn't believe in "doing that to a dog" (spay/neuter).

Mr. Funky has a cousin who is a sweet person, but gullible. She breeds dogs (not a backyard breeder - it's a legit business), but she's always either sharing or getting tagged in posts (so I get to see them) by breeder friends (some of whom I am sure are backyard breeders) about how spaying or neutering dogs are only done by the lazy, for their "convenience".  I found one of them so irresponsible that I couldn't bite my tongue.  I said I spayed and neutered my cats because I had no plans on breeding just standard "mutt" cats, and it's the responsible thing to do.  One of them had the gall to respond that it's different, because cats SHOULD be fixed because "ALL cats emit a foul odor if you don't fix them".  HUH???  Some males have a tendency to spray if they're unaltered, but they have no flipping clue what they're talking about.  I made a comment akin to "I'm out" and then started blocking all of the pages that those memes come from.  They're the same ones that constantly share memes that say that the Humane Society/ASPCA/PETA are outlawing private pet ownership.  I'm not a PETA fan, but the dumbass is strong with that group (not Mr. Funky's cousin specifically, but the circles she runs in) and I can't even with them.

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30 minutes ago, Brattinella said:

I had a male and a female cat; they both sprayed before and after getting fixed.  They would get territorial and it would be a "back off, buddy" thing between them.  Didn't happen very often, thank goodness!

My late MIL had too many cats and they all sprayed to mark their territory, but his cousin's friend's comment was so far off base....it's not like cats are ferrets and need to have a musk gland removed or something.....

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3 minutes ago, funky-rat said:

My late MIL had too many cats and they all sprayed to mark their territory, but his cousin's friend's comment was so far off base....it's not like cats are ferrets and need to have a musk gland removed or something.....

Thank goodness none of mine have ever been sprayers. However, both my tabbies will leave their poop uncovered in the litter box if they are mad at any of the other cats (5 total). I don't think being a tabby has anything to do wit it, more likely it's something momma Princess taught daughter Fuby (oh, and for some reason Furby poop is extra smelly).

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8 minutes ago, SRTouch said:

Thank goodness none of mine have ever been sprayers. However, both my tabbies will leave their poop uncovered in the litter box if they are mad at any of the other cats (5 total). I don't think being a tabby has anything to do wit it, more likely it's something momma Princess taught daughter Fuby (oh, and for some reason Furby poop is extra smelly).

Our female ginger tabby's poo is stinky.  My mom and dad had a male ginger tabby with stinky poo too.  Maybe that's a tabby thing.  :D

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@TresGatos, years ago before I retired, I had to do a stint as chairperson of our employee activity planning committee and we did a week long Furry Friends Week and we had so much fun. We had a "furry friends foto" contest, fundraisers for SPCA and Humane Society, animal bingo and had great prizes too. And since furry friends can also be stuffed animals, we had a stuffed animal drive for the Dallas Police Dept. They often give stuffed animals to children who are scared in many various situations. You almost couldn't walk in our huge break room because it was taken over by the animals! It was one of our most successful weeks. But I have some relatives who share the attitude that your Director has. I truly believe that those people are not the majority of society, thank God!

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On ‎9‎/‎26‎/‎2017 at 8:13 PM, SuburbanHangSuite said:

I think it was the case with the cousin who was suing for her home downpayment---there was a brunette young woman sitting behind the Defendant who was preening and mugging for the camera.  Distracting as hell.  And I was surprised that the Plaintiff was awarded the 5K.  If she was delinquent with 4 months worth of mortgage payments then she clearly needed to be evicted and I wouldn't have returned her whole downpayment either.

Considering Plaintiff's down payment was originally 10K,  I think JJ's theory is that even if she missed 4 payments (approx. 4-5K), she's NOT getting her whole down payment back anyway.

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I've never seen an exaggerated lip reader interpreter like the one in the loan from tenant to landlady. I guess they are for people who can lip read, but never learned sign language.

The landlady/loan recipient sure had quite a stank face and attitude.

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5 minutes ago, NYCFree said:

I've never seen an exaggerated lip reader interpreter like the one in the loan from tenant to landlady.

I was thinking that myself, that the interpreter was overdoing it. The landlady was only hard of hearing, I think, not completely deaf, because she responded to JJ's questions out loud, but I'm not sure why the fellow doing the interpreting was trying to show off his dental work while he was 'translating'.

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Just watched and I loved the overly-exaggerated lip reader! Wild! He even expressed outrage during his lip synching. He was awesome! Loved the plaintiff too. So well-dressed and groomed, she was. She was lovely, but not a good judge of character. I saw the gross, bullish, belligerent def. for 10 minutes and no way would I dream of letting her live with me, never mind taking her shopping and giving her money. Good lord.

No wonder people in many parts of the world are willing to risk their lives to get to North America, where you get FREE MONEY. Even if you're here illegally, you can get a job, claim you hurt your back and suck in 9K. Your partner, who continues to live here, can not work, feed herself very very well, and suck in welfare. How impressive that everyone knows just exactly what they have to do to scam the government (which is actually the poor taxpayers) and keep all their ill-gotten gains. Makes me kind of furious, actually when I think of all the years I worked to help keep these freaking parasites in fast food.

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4 hours ago, NYCFree said:

I've never seen an exaggerated lip reader interpreter like the one in the loan from tenant to landlady. I guess they are for people who can lip read, but never learned sign language.

The landlady/loan recipient sure had quite a stank face and attitude.

Also to interpret the defendant, since the plaintiff didn't have a good view of her.

I'd think you have to overdo it - there are plenty of words that are hard to distinguish, as evidenced by all the "Bad Lip Reading" videos.

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23 minutes ago, Jamoche said:

Also to interpret the defendant, since the plaintiff didn't have a good view of her.

I'd think you have to overdo it - there are plenty of words that are hard to distinguish, as evidenced by all the "Bad Lip Reading" videos.

I remember Nanette Fabray (who had overcome a serious hearing deficit) on a talk show once.  She was trying to make that point, and looked at the host (Mike Douglas?) and mouthed something.  "What did I say?"  Mike looked at her and said, "I love you."  She laughed and said, "Nope.  I said 'I'll have a few.'"

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15 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

I remember Nanette Fabray (who had overcome a serious hearing deficit) on a talk show once.  She was trying to make that point, and looked at the host (Mike Douglas?) and mouthed something.  "What did I say?"  Mike looked at her and said, "I love you."  She laughed and said, "Nope.  I said 'I'll have a few.'"

I loved Nanette! Thanks for the memory!

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My PVR decided to not let me see a few eps, but I'm starting to think it did me a favour. Unfortunately, I did see "Alexxa", a morbidly obese, slow-thinking, dumb, formerly pregnant 17-year old whose idiotic cousin, Irene (she of the gigantic schnozz,, motor mouth and smart-alec attitude) who shared the same lovah-boy, Blake (a discerning young man, I'm sure, and well worth these two mutants fighting over). I see only grandmas showed up here - no parents. I can understand. I wouldn't want to publicly acknowledge I had given birth to either of these misfits. I want to know who decided to buy a 700$ phone for Alexxa? Seriously? Was it a reward for her attaining excellent grades in school? For outstanding achievements? For "finding out" she was knocked up at 16? I guess Blake never cared where he stuck it. I really wanted to see him, but alas, he was obviously otherwise occupied and had no time to defend either of his two "females."

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I just watched a 2017 episode on  YouTube that I had missed on TV. It featured a Los Angeles police officer suing a young woman he had stopped for writing and sending a malicious letter of complaint regarding his treatment of her during a traffic stop. Her retired father, whose name and police officer status she had invoked in attempting to persuade the officer not to cite her for speeding, was in court to support his daughter.


I've never at any other time  so strongly felt the urge to reach through the TV and slap a litigant or anyone else  as I did when watching that spoiled brat. I would have loved knowing more of the back story and how many times her father had used rank to get her out of trouble, not that the truth of the matter would ever have been told by the defendant or either of her parents.

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On 9/29/2017 at 8:39 AM, TresGatos said:

At our Staff Meeting yesterday it was discussed doing a Food for Fines forgiveness program in November. The (newish) Director named a couple of food pantries and I mentioned the Humane Society and she goes, "I personally would rather help people than animals." I wanted to say, "It was a person who raped and murdered baby Shaylyn Ammerman (which happened in our community in 2016) and it was a person who pulled poor little Tree's tail so hard that it broke and poor little Tree (who was the sweetest stray cat despite being tortured by some inhuman human) had to be put down (by the Humane Society - we donated $200 dollars and sponsored medication for a needy cat for 6 months and did I mention Tree was a stray - not one of our 3 snooki putzis) but I didn't because I already kind of hate this Director but the whole thing reminded me of the JJ forum and the endless display of entitled con artists and hustlers we see on full display in Judge Judy's court. People can pretty well take care of their own damned selves, something a helpless animal cannot do (little children and the infirm elderly excepted). I don't know. Reading this post made me so upset all over again even though, after a vote, it looks like we will be doing a Fines for Furballs component along with the Food for Fines.

Thank you.

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45 minutes ago, jilliannatalia said:

I just watched a 2017 episode on  YouTube that I had missed on TV. It featured a Los Angeles police officer suing a young woman he had stopped for writing and sending a malicious letter of complaint regarding his treatment of her during a traffic stop. Her retired father, whose name and police officer status she had invoked in attempting to persuade the officer not to cite her for speeding, was in court to support his daughter.


I've never at any other time  so strongly felt the urge to reach through the TV and slap a litigant or anyone else  as I did when watching that spoiled brat. I would have loved knowing more of the back story and how many times her father had used rank to get her out of trouble, not that the truth of the matter would ever have been told by the defendant or either of her parents.

Ooooh.  And false complaints against cops are one of JJ's real hot buttons.  Plaintiffs in those cases usually get the maximum award.  And the defendant (after listening to the recording the officer provides, proving he was not abusive and did not call the defendant names) is usually told "You're an IDIOT" by JJ.  I love those cases.

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On 9/29/2017 at 3:35 PM, SRTouch said:

Thank goodness none of mine have ever been sprayers. However, both my tabbies will leave their poop uncovered in the litter box if they are mad at any of the other cats (5 total). I don't think being a tabby has anything to do wit it, more likely it's something momma Princess taught daughter Fuby (oh, and for some reason Furby poop is extra smelly).

That's hilarious and so cat-like.

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1 hour ago, jilliannatalia said:

I've never at any other time  so strongly felt the urge to reach through the TV and slap a litigant or anyone else  as I did when watching that spoiled brat.

But... but he didnt' want to TALK to HER! Oh, boo hoo! Daddy's little girl was traumatized.

That was officer Robinson's second appearance on this show. The other time was when some horrid old harridan accused him of only stopping women and being mean to her. JJ tore her a new one as well.

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1 hour ago, AngelaHunter said:

But... but he didnt' want to TALK to HER! Oh, boo hoo! Daddy's little girl was traumatized.

That was officer Robinson's second appearance on this show. The other time was when some horrid old harridan accused him of only stopping women and being mean to her. JJ tore her a new one as well.

But he put HIS HAND in her FACE! And JJ wouldn't even CONSIDER her medical documentation!  And the defendant DIDN'T KNOW that the officer had an audio recording until he told JJ.


I don't know how she thought that announcing that would help her case.  Perhaps she meant, "I would have told the truth in the first place had he not hidden from me the fact that everything I said was recorded."

1 hour ago, AngelaHunter said:

But... but he didnt' want to TALK to HER! Oh, boo hoo! Daddy's little girl was traumatized.

That was officer Robinson's second appearance on this show. The other time was when some horrid old harridan accused him of only stopping women and being mean to her. JJ tore her a new one as well.

I didn't realize it was his second appearance. Wow.

Edited by jilliannatalia
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On ‎9‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 5:08 PM, NYCFree said:

I've never seen an exaggerated lip reader interpreter like the one in the loan from tenant to landlady. I guess they are for people who can lip read, but never learned sign language.

The landlady/loan recipient sure had quite a stank face and attitude.


On ‎9‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 5:19 PM, Cobalt Stargazer said:

I was thinking that myself, that the interpreter was overdoing it. The landlady was only hard of hearing, I think, not completely deaf, because she responded to JJ's questions out loud, but I'm not sure why the fellow doing the interpreting was trying to show off his dental work while he was 'translating'.

My cousin is hearing impaired.  She speaks just like he does, so it would be more than being hard of hearing.  She may wear high-powered hearing aids that give her a teensy bit of hearing.  He had them for both ears - combined, they gave him approximately 10% hearing - when he was little, hearing aids weren't strong enough yet, so he learned lip reading and sign language.  But the ones that did finally work were analog hearing aids, and they are all digital now.  Digital does not work for his type of deafness, and he can't use them.  He had been using his old ones and having them repaired up until 2 years ago, when his dog chewed them up one night as he slept.  He's now out of luck, and was told that a cochlear implant will also not work for him (it did work for another cousin's daughter), so now he's completely deaf, but can still lip read.  And I had to teach my husband when we first got together that even though he had hearing aids, you still had to look him dead in the face and speak slowly, and slightly exaggerated so that he could read your lips in case he couldn't hear you well enough.  He uses that to fill in the blanks.

So Mr. Funky and I both surmised that the lip reader was there for two reasons:  because it may have been hard for her to see JJ well enough to read her lips, and also because she couldn't see the defendant to read her lips.  I'd be fairly confident that the plaintiff knows sign language, but because of the courtroom setting, it may have been easier for all involved for her to lip read.

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12 hours ago, jilliannatalia said:

I didn't realize it was his second appearance. Wow.

Yes, and he had a recording of that incident too. After the hag told JJ how she was so distraught and nervous she was because he was so rude and threatening to her, we hear him being nice, kind and polite in the extreme.


1 hour ago, stewedsquash said:

She said it to either the announcer or Byrd. She was annoyed and that is irritating because seriously? That is what upsets you?

I bet she wasn't as annoyed as that when her giant amoeba granddaughter announced her upcoming blessed event.  

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