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All Episodes Talk: All Rise

Message added by Meredith Quill

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Today's first case featured a plaintiff who had her act together and did a good job of presenting information to JJ. (But she may have inflated the price of a truck; I'm not sure.) The defendant spoke like an expired Valley Girl and had a permanent smirk. The plaintiff goes to vehicle auctions. The defendant asked her to find a truck for her to purchase. The plaintiff found a Ford truck, the defendant agreed to purchase it, and then the plaintiff started playing games about the price, etc. The defendant's smugness raised my blood pressure. Other than that, it was a boring case. [ /quote ]

Sounds like buyers remorse. I believe the plaintiff when she said defendant agreed to meet and pay for the truck.

The second case featured cousins (or maybe "cousins"). The plaintiff (Janaya), who lives in a rented home in Pottstown, PA, went to Bally's Casino in Atlantic City for the weekend. While she was away, the defendant (I didn't catch his name), who lives in smaller apartment in Philly, drove the hour to his cousin's empty house and threw a party. The plaintiff claimed the defendant and his friends put holes in the walls and ruined the sofa. I became a little suspicious of her story when she fake cried before the ruling. I wonder if she, her kids, her cousins, and her friends made a shithole out of the house...now she wants to move...and she knows the landlord will take her security deposit. So, she and her cuz cooked up this plan in order to get a free trip to CA and enough money to fix the holes and whatever else is trashed . [ /quote ]

Nothing really about the case, but I wonder what plaintiff was wearing. I suspect a skimpy top, showing off her jewelry, and too tight yoga pants. I think JJ's staff made her cover up with the jacket, and they never really showed her pants.

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I'm in for Vegas anytime!  I promise not to sue anyone for all the "gifts" you all loan me for gamblin', drinkin', smokin', and random kerfuffles I cause at the casinos arguing with the dealers when they take my chips.

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Janaya must have watched a lot of JJ -- she had all the answers ready when questioned about her trip to Atlantic City. 


Hard to say whether it was a made-up story to cover damage she had caused, or whether cousin was really responsible.  If cousin wasn't responsible, he could have brought witnesses. 


I was surprised at the auction case.  Those sounded like good deals, on those pickups!  Defendant's smirk bugged me too, but so did her slow speech.

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Sending good thoughts your way, GiantMisfit


Being a contestant on/audience member of a game show is on my wish list, and now I'm going to add being in the gallery on Judge Judy. Starring as a litigant wouldn't work for me because I'd be so incredibly excited and nervous, JJ would probably ask me if I was on medication (as she does). 


ETA: When JJ was firing questions about the trip to AC, I also was wondering what JJ was getting at, Rick Kitchen. She asked if she brought the kids, where the kids were, etc. But the drive from Pottstown to AC isn't too bad --- it's not like it was a trip across the country. When I lived in the Philly area and wanted to go to a concert or something in AC, my friends and I sometimes drove separately....not weird.

Edited by CoolWhipLite
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Being a contestant on/audience member of a game show is on my wish list, 

Heh Coolwhip...   I actually managed not to win Ben Stein's money and I was also on some Dick Clark game show, which I also didn't win, many years ago.  Its fun and something to have done.  I tried out for Jeopardy once and nobody in the whole room scored high enough on the test to get an individual interview. 

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Sometimes people we love are just shits who hide their real selves from us until the shit hits the fan and they show us their true colors.


This is serious wisdom right here.


Nah, we need to go for a day of taping, if we can promise to behave ourselves.  No laughing like hyenas, no repeating what the litigants are saying like parrots but in a funny voice, no fist-pumping, no victory dance when litigants are ejected, no blowing kisses to the judge!



Surely, you jest!


So here's the plan.  Everybody find a partner, sue in small claims court, and we'll all go and BE on the show.  I'll pick Bratinella, since we are both dog people. Let's see.  Hmmmmm...  We go to the dog park, remove leashes, and BAM!  Lawsuit.  Work for you? We can rock/paper/scissors to see who is Plaintiff and who is Defendant. No need for paperwork!  We'll just take our trip, nice dinner, nice hotel and our ridiculous case can be dismissed.  AngelaHunter and Toaster were there and "seen" the whole thing, right? You can come as witnesses.   I'm packing already.. 


Sounds wonderful to me!

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The plaintiff in today's second boring case, about the rental house? Yep, my mom knows her. When she first came on screen, my mom said, "I know that girl from Pottstown." I kinda rolled my eyes, because my mom thinks she knows everyone. She doesn't know her well, but she knows her from church.

For the record, my mom said that the plaintiff's house probably already had all those holes in it. There are some rough neighborhoods in Pottstown.

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I didn't understand why JJ thought it was necessary to criticize the lady for going to Atlantic City by herself.  Why was that any of her business?

I thought that was JJ doing her "human lie detector" routine by quickly asking questions and not giving the plaintiff much time to consider her answers.
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Heh Coolwhip...   I actually managed not to win Ben Stein's money and I was also on some Dick Clark game show, which I also didn't win, many years ago.  Its fun and something to have done.  I tried out for Jeopardy once and nobody in the whole room scored high enough on the test to get an individual interview. 


I was on some Dick Clark game show, too, which I didn't win.  Can't remember the name of it.  (The Challengers?) I was also on Jeopardy!, and didn't win that, either.

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JJ would probably ask me if I was on medication (as she does).

Yeah, I have thought about this, the only medication I take is for blood pressue and the only side effect is cotton mouth. However, if JJ didn't like me we all know that the script would go: "Are you on medication?" followed by "yes I take ..." cut off by JJ so she can leave the impression that none of my testimony is reliable because I am on "medication".


For grammar nazis, I understand that the period should be inside the quote marks but that makes no sense since the quote is contained in the sentence so the period which ends the sentence should contain the entire quote. I know this is a lost cause but ... Don't get me started on "ordinance" and "ordnance".

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the only medication I take is for blood pressue and the only side effect is cotton mouth.


You know what that means, don't you? You will be partaking of The Water and JJ will send Byrd over to snatch the glass from your hand.


AngelaHunter and Toaster were there and "seen" the whole thing, right?


Even if we didn't, we'll testify. We just KNOW what happened because we are Karnak.

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And I also know that gifts don't suddenly become loans after someone breaks your heart, which is JJ 101.


You take emergency custody of your 2 grandchildren, and your boyfriend buys you some things that are necessary, and he asks to be paid back?  That is a boyfriend who has lost all of his purported sexual attraction.  Geez!! Her situation must have been dire.  It made me sad when she talked about letting him use her debit card with $68.00 on it.


Did anyone get the epp this week with the girl in her 20s, curly hair, whose slacks had been shrunk in the dryer and was the biggest Bitch I Have Ever Seen?  With the 44 year old pussywhipped boyfriend? What makes someone like that?  Is she Ted Cruz' sister or something (yes, I have a Ted Cruz theme this week.  I think he is loathesome YMMV)

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Hey DocktorK, I so agree with you about the quotation marks, and periods and commas!  It makes sense, literally, to put them outside the quotation marks..  


Did anyone see the very short, young mom with the big scared eyes, "model" being sued by the enamored nerd guy she used for mucho dollars?  Judge Judy told him that he was snookered, which is a nice way of saying scammed like the tool he was to pursue a woman without a real relationship ensuing.  The girl talked so low, I could not hear her and did not care enough to replay it.  


I wish they would show Judge Judy on a loop in high school common areas, so people get it drilled in their heads to not loan money to ANYONE!

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the biggest Bitch I Have Ever Seen?  With the 44 year old pussywhipped boyfriend?


Yes and yes! B/f was afraid to open his mouth. After listening to Goldilocks, who likes to vandalize the property of anyone who annoys her, I got why.


Did anyone see the very short, young mom with the big scared eyes, "model" being sued by the enamored nerd guy she used for mucho dollars?


Yeah, she "models" kink gear and sleazy underwear. That, and the fact that it was a male on the plaintiff's side for a change were the only unusual elements of that case.

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I wish they would show Judge Judy on a loop in high school common areas, so people get it drilled in their heads to not loan money to ANYONE!

Oh. they wouldn't learn anything from it anyway. We get litigants all the time who say they watch the show, but their actions are always contrary to what they should have done.

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Did anyone get the epp this week with the girl in her 20s, curly hair, whose slacks had been shrunk in the dryer and was the biggest Bitch I Have Ever Seen?

Oh hell ya. All I could think of was Jessie Spano from Saved by the Bell with her pointy bitch shoes on. I got grown kids with naturally curly hair and both of them straighten it so they don't look like they were Back-To-The-Future-d right out of the 80s. 


Well if ya'll are going to whip up some cases I would go as your "Patricia Bean" substitute. I could rev up some really judgemental observations complete with eye roll and "tsk-tsk" sound. I would also show up in a sweater set complete with a big ass cross hanging between my not-so-well restrained bosoms (all I hear when I see those crosses is a lyric from Ke$sha - "got Jesus on my neck-laacccee"). I even got some two-sizes-too-small stretchy pants to wear. Doesn't matter which one of you I'm against because whoever volunteers IS GOING TO HELL, lol. 

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Today's first case featured a plaintiff who had her act together and did a good job of presenting information to JJ. (But she may have inflated the price of a truck; I'm not sure.) The defendant spoke like an expired Valley Girl and had a permanent smirk. The plaintiff goes to vehicle auctions. The defendant asked her to find a truck for her to purchase. The plaintiff found a Ford truck, the defendant agreed to purchase it, and then the plaintiff started playing games about the price, etc. The defendant's smugness raised my blood pressure. Other than that, it was a boring case.


Everyone involved in this one was nuts. The plaintiff should have insisted on dealing with the BF directly, not with ditzy middlewoman. Ditzy actually did say what she wanted, so I don't understand why the plaintiff thought a Ranger outside the model year range was equivalent to an F150 long bed (specified in the texts). But of course Ditzy should have NEVER told plaintiff to go ahead.


And plaintiff, once stuck with the truck, might have had better luck selling the Ranger herself, since she believed it was really a deal.


BF was a typical guy (which I say from my experience working as a service writer, trying to talk to wife with husband instructing her in background but refusing to talk directly to me himself. Happened quite frequently) 


As for JJ on Supreme Court, Christopher Buckley wrote a novel based on that premise a few years ago. Not as funny as you'd think, though


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As for JJ on Supreme Court, Christopher Buckley wrote a novel based on that premise a few years ago.



"Lemme tell ya something, Ruthie: beauty fades, dumb is forever."


"Clarence, are you taking prescribed medication?"


"Um is not an answer, Tony!"

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You seem to be on the right track, tee. But I'm still worried for you because you didn't mention borrowing her money to bail her out of jail. ;-)


FYI, we're expecting a snowstorm in my locale. According to the news, the American, Canadian and European weather forecasting computer models all say that we're in for 1 to 2 feet. Snow will begin snowing friday during the day (messing up evening rush hour of course), continue through the night, all of saturday and end sometime in the wee morning hours of sunday. Which means: they will probably pre-empt JJ so the local station can show taped segments of snow falling, snow accumulating on sidewalks, cars driving through snow, people walking through snow, dogs running through snow, children playing in snow, people shovelling snow, interviewing random people about their thoughts on snow, etc.  Pretty please, include lots of detail about the two cases (ex-felon and bad check writer.)

LOL at your description of tv stations pre-empting programming for snow. It happens in my area too and you called it right at the "reporting". 

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they will probably pre-empt JJ so the local station can show taped segments of snow falling, snow accumulating on sidewalks, cars driving through snow, people walking through snow, dogs running through snow, children playing in snow, people shovelling snow, interviewing random people about their thoughts on snow, etc.


They like to show clips of people falling on their asses too. If the snowstorm doesn't happen, they'll still pre-empt JJ so they can discuss what it could have been like had the storm happened, as they did once with a tornado that was a no-show.


I even got some two-sizes-too-small stretchy pants to wear.


I'm planning to wear flip-flops with my black chiffon spaghetti-strapped cocktail dress, which will reveal a bunch of peel-'n-stick tats covering my arms and chest.

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Everyone involved in this one was nuts. The plaintiff should have insisted on dealing with the BF directly, not with ditzy middlewoman. Ditzy actually did say what she wanted, so I don't understand why the plaintiff thought a Ranger outside the model year range was equivalent to an F150 long bed (specified in the texts). But of course Ditzy should have NEVER told plaintiff to go ahead.

I agree, a bunch of nuts who really don' get vehicle auctions. Plaintiff hasn't been doing it for very long, recently got her license, and hopefully will learn from this experience. From the brief description we heard, immaculate 99 ranger with off road package and lots of miles, no one who knows trucks would confuse that with what BF wanted. (Also no one who knows trucks would pay that much sight unseen.) Plaintiff should has been burning up the phone sending pix and text to BF.

As to the vastly different kelly blue book, just additional proof that plaintiff and GF had no business buying BF's truck. Plaintiff found someone's tricked little sport truck, called GF, and GF, not knowing any better, says OK, I'll meet you with money. Plaintiff buys the truck. GF tells BF. BF looks up price of plain jane ranger he says could work for him, and learns it WAY less than the fancy tricked out truck plaintiff is buying. He tells GF, and she calls to cancel order.

Plaintiff, acting on earlier call, has already bought truck - and like most auction, sales are final. Plaintiff ends up having to pay auction house to take back truck. Therein lies the problem with buying at auction for someone else.


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they will probably pre-empt JJ so the local station can show taped segments of snow falling, snow accumulating on sidewalks, cars driving through snow, people walking through snow, dogs running through snow, children playing in snow, people shovelling snow, interviewing random people about their thoughts on snow, etc.


We are expecting RAIN here today (gasp!), so I'm sure we'll be in the same boat/sled.  (And why the heck to I need to hear what Joe Schmo has to say about rain? or snow? or anything? I DON'T CARE!  RIDICULOUS!)


We need to pick dates for our JJ appearances.  If my hair and my lingerie are going to be the same color, I've got to get busy shoppin' and colorin'.  I'm thinking turquoise...   Patti cracks me up. Seriously.

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If anybody's still looking for a co-litigant, I can steal a mobility scooter-cart from the grocery store and run you over. Just a little bit! I am also available to Sharpie on some temporary titty tats. "No Ragrets!"


The idea of this whole crew in the courtroom audience is also delightful. Every so often, I'll notice someone in the background on JJ who doesn't appear to be one of the regulars (Googly Eyes, Side Bun, Cranky McSquints, etc.). They'll usually catch my eye because they are BEAMING WITH JOY to be basking in the glory that is JJ, as would I. What I wouldn't give, to be there in person, biting my tongue bloody to keep from guffawing out loud!

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1st case: Oh hell. Iesha from Poetic Justice suing Chicago. Look, I can't. I guess I'm gonna have break out the list of Ratchet Tells:


Fake relatives. (my dad passed away, so I had to leave my job...not my real dad)

Different colored hair (hair matched his shirt)

Unfamiliarity with non-Section 8 English

Forthright about their looks

Wearing fly shit that's inappropriate for court ("black-and-gold long-sleeved Michael Jordan jersey/sagging jeans")

Stripper sister

Uses Facebook like Plenty of Fish

Mouth jewelry


JJ was right to tell her to not be a bum magnet, but...she will continue to be one, especially for country ass dudes like the Defendant. Speaking of country, at lunch I saw Sarah Palin giving a speech. The sound was off so I don't know what was said, but I'm almost certain we didn't need Martha Generic to give her two cents on who should be President. Mama Grizzly needs to less politicking and more worrying about her children standing on dogs, having immaculate conceptions more than once, and getting arrested for Chris Browning bitches on an episode of Alaska State Troopers.


2nd case: Cute chick with maybe a slightly stank attitude sues ponytail dude over door falling against her car. Pretty open and shut case. She was probably being a little particular about her car, but they should've been more careful.


3rd case: Wilford Brimley's brother needs to find someplace else to live and stop squatting on Elizabeth Warren. Find you a nice desperate woman to stay with.


4th case: Both of these douches were gonna douche no matter what. The Defendant looked slick as hell, and wouldn't shut what the call the fuck up. Nobody cares about your tooth. And the plaintiff was as smart as an automotive maintenance repair owner would be. Geez. Not a simple answer between them.

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Today's freeloader, eating the steak and not paying for it -- was JJ implying that the 3-day-notice was illegal but that she could overlook it because her court is an equity court?  I got that impression. 


I've run into people who think they'll win a case because of minor deficiencies/technicalities in the lawsuit/traffic ticket/judgment, etc.  "It wasn't signed."  "The date was wrong."  "He didn't spell my name right."  "I wasn't personally served by the sheriff." 


If the 3-day-notice was deficient, why didn't the landlady try again, instead of letting him live rent free for six months?

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If the 3-day-notice was deficient, why didn't the landlady try again, instead of letting him live rent free for six months?


I haven't seen this yet, but it's my observation that asking why any litigant does something is an exercise in futility.




JJ: "Your contract was illegal/illogical/unenforceable/dumb/nonsensical."


Litigant: "Yes, but that was our agreement."

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GAH!  Tristen Bradford, Model, more "handsomer than most other people" made me PUKE PUKE PUKE!


Plus, both he and the plaintiff were baked.  Tristen couldn't stop smirking/laughing/grinning/trying to be cute.


Poor Octavia.  Think twice next time!

Edited by Brattinella
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Sandy Toes when we lived in San Diego they pre emptied tv for rain, it cracked me up.

My local station has had technical issue at the beginning of just the new episodes the past two days.

I want to come on JJ, I m willing to be mowed down by the mobility cart.

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Oh, Tristan, Tristan.  Such a fine specimen of, um, well, hmmmmm. ( I did kind of gave a little squeak of joy when I saw him!  At least we are getting some fun reruns.)

And I did enjoy today's vocabulary lesson:  both "coiffed" and "bum  magnet."  I also liked how Octavia asked to have the term defined.  I kept waiting for her to say, "Can you use it in a sentence, please?  May I have the language of origin?"


I didn't catch much of the squatter case so don't know what her question about a 3-day notice is. That's what we have.  Of course, no one is ever out in 3 days, but it starts the court-a-go-round and then about 4 weeks later before they actually hit the road. Fortunately, we don't go through it very often.


Pretty telling that most of our discussion here is NOT about episodes.  About the show, but not the new eps.   Still waiting for Patricia Bean!


Re: Snow and rain - for some of our local weatherpeople, ANY rain is such a huge opportunity for them to get to be on TV! And have more than a 30-second segment.  They are always so excited to have something to talk about besides "90% humidity and 20% chance of rain. "


Those of you in the path of The Storm - stock up on wine, chocolate and toilet paper and be safe. We'll catch you on the flip side. GiantM, hope you are doing well.

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Patricia's episode must be coming up soon.  I really think her ep aired around the time of the gold faux sports jersey guy who was on today. 


And for those of you in storm territory -- don't forget the scenes of reporters sticking classroom rulers into the snow.  That used to be one of my faves when I lived in the land of "snow days." Watching those on-the-spot measurements was so exciting. Usually incredibly inaccurate, but exciting. Ooooh, heat up that Swiss Miss!

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For the Vegas trip, or sitting in the JJ audience I volunteer to draw my own tittie-tat with a sharpie, of "No Ragrets"--this just cracks me up!  


Also, Elizabeth Warren!  Love it!  She could have used a better bra, as well as the stool, for support. 


If the JJ show provides "appropriate" clothing and even teeth (!!!), why in God's name can they not give out new bras?  Frankly, even some of men could use "bros" (tm Kramer/Seinfeld).  



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I didn't catch much of the squatter case so don't know what her question about a 3-day notice is.


Is that because, like me, you got the five minutes of a screeching buzzer, a crawler AND a robot voice announcing the "required monthly test of the alert system" in which every single goddam county within range had to be named? The written crawler wasn't enough and JJ had to to muted. No way could they have done this during all the reruns that came first. Nope. Had to be during the new squatter ep. Bastards!


I did enjoy the rerun of those Krazy Kids, the oddly feminine Frank and his ladylove, Luci. She abused him, hit him, called him names, assaulted him and traumatized him but he stayed with her for five years, wanted to marry her and signed for a timeshare with her. Frank, dear - thank you for showing us that it's NOT only women who are this idiotic.


I really liked rewatching Kelsey, the student, who not only was clear, articulate, concise and had all her evidence, but could actually speak her own language, an extremely rare quality on this show! Gives me hope that all is not lost. Hey, Roy (OBGWPT=Old Bald Guy With Pony Tail)? You should be ashamed of yourself. And your son is a goofball.  


Langley and Farza(?) with the garage kerfuffle? Neither of them could answer a single question directly. Hated them, but I think I hated Farza worse. He's the epitome of the shifty, oily car salesman. Did he really think JJ cared about his toothache? HIs motormouth cost him his counterclaim.

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I did enjoy the rerun of those Krazy Kids, the oddly feminine Frank and his ladylove, Luci. She abused him, hit him, called him names, assaulted him and traumatized him but he stayed with her for five years, wanted to marry her and signed for a timeshare with her. Frank, dear - thank you for showing us that it's NOT only women who are this idiotic.

Jesus with that guy! I kept yelling at the TV, "Mary, PLEASE SHUT UP!"

I feel sorry for their co-workers because you gotta know the *only* thing either of them my talk about is each other.

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okay, so what happened in the first new case yesterday? My JJ was interrupted for a "special news report" that the public transpo system for the entire region will shut down  the whole weekend due to this blizzard.   Whoever is running Fox5DC probably reads these forums because, miraculously, after the 12 minute press conference and 3 minutes of the newscasters repeating the important stuff, they continued with JJ.

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Milz, in yesterday's first case -- the squatter -- JJ gave the defendant the rent she said she was owed.  It was around $3K, if I remember right. 


Plaintiff had sued because he said the landlady got rid of some of his stuff.  I think he thought JJ would award him the rent he owed and let him stay there.  Weird! 

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asking why any litigant does something is an exercise in futility.


Not just JJ. Don't know if any of you are following the first GM ignition switch trial; the case was dismissed because the plaintiffs were lying liars who apparently (along with their genius lawyers) were unaware of the internet, or something. Automotive News summarizes it well: 



I'm sure they thought GM would pony up to make them go away. 


So our JJ cast of characters may really be sadly more typical of society than one might want to believe. 

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the case was dismissed because the plaintiffs were lying liars who apparently


Altered documents, chiropractors (probably) and dumb lies? JJ would have had this case over in about 15 minutes and Byrd wouldn't have had to pay for it.

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Altered documents, chiropractors (probably) and dumb lies? JJ would have had this case over in about 15 minutes and Byrd wouldn't have had to pay for it.

So, cases in the real world have litigants altering evidence and committing perjury, just like court TV. And, they're doing it with high priced lawyers representing both sides in the case. Sounds like they do better job, though. It was good enough to fool those high priced lawyers, until a witness came forward after the jury trial had started.
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Today's case with the typical "Was it a loan or a gift?" question was made interesting because of the litigants.  A married couple allowed (invited?) an attractive woman to move in with them after she got out of jail -- for car theft via NSF check. 


I've never seen a more mismatched couple.  Husband might not have been seven feet tall but he looked it, next to his five (?) foot wife.  He was a giant compared to her.  Teeny tiny mouth though, and not easy to understand when he spoke.  Wife wasn't too bright, but bright enough to get the woman out of the house.


JJ quickly recognized the situation.  I think she found for the plaintiffs out of sympathy for the wife. 

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I've never seen a more mismatched couple.  Husband might not have been seven feet tall but he looked it, next to his five (?) foot wife.  He was a giant compared to her.  Teeny tiny mouth though, and not easy to understand when he spoke.  Wife wasn't too bright, but bright enough to get the woman out of the house.


I know. I was kinda sympathetic up until she said the defendant was making flirtatious comments towards him. I mean, he might be a nice enough guy. He probably just likes to work, eat, watch TV, and sleep. He's probably just a bear of a dude. But don't nobody want him but her. Imagine trying to have a conversation with his ass:


"Which color dress should I wear?"


"But I don't have any shoes to go with the green dress"


"OK. Which shirt are you going to wear?"


"Make you sure you iron it"



I'm sure the defendant's vagina was drying up on the plaintiff's behalf. Mine is and I don't even have one.

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Oh, I believed the flirtatious comments.  I think the defendant was a player and hoped that a flirtation would help her bank account, from either the husband or the wife, it didn't matter which one.  


But I'll admit that the jail sentence influenced my opinion of her.  And maybe the purple streaks in her hair -- I can be biased that way.  That stuff belongs on teenagers.  And Cyndi Lauper. 

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RE: The Television Kerfuffle (JJs words)  Ooo ooo it's Ombre Wig Day on Judge Judy!  10 minutes of discussion on 3 TV sets in the house, and then she brings up the small one in the bathroom!  Read a frickin' book sometime!  


I've never seen a more mismatched couple.  Husband might not have been seven feet tall but he looked it, next to his five (?) foot wife.


This is going to sound mean, but they had to have met in a facility for the developmentally disabled.  They both spoke like androids.  Hot pink and platinum Sophia Loren wanted him baaaaaaaaaaaaad.  yeah, ah huh.

Edited by WhineandCheez
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Read a frickin' book sometime!


Oh, you so funny! Hahah.... wait. Are you serious? A book? Really?


I think the defendant was a player and hoped that a flirtation would help her bank account, from either the husband or the wife, it didn't matter which one.


It's possible def. flirted with him, but if the wife thought that meant she actually wanted him, then I just don't know. I really don't. I realize we see women here who appeared to have trolled the abyss to find their true loves, but this? Holy shit.


What about "Tadd",  the bum who is disabled because he sprained his ankle years ago and is a felon who just got out of prison but managed to cram $5000 worth of stuff into "my other brother Daryl's" rented room? I don't know what the deal was with the def. Maybe he's some kind of freak to let those two misfits reside in his house? He didn't say much so we don't know. It's funny but after Tadd's first sentence, I immediately thought "Minnesota". I'm never wrong about that, thanks to watching this show.

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It's possible def. flirted with him, but if the wife thought that meant she actually wanted him, then I just don't know. I really don't. I realize we see women here who appeared to have trolled the abyss to find their true loves, but this? Holy shit.


You're right -- I think the wife did think the roommate was interested.  Gadzooks.


What about "Tadd",  the bum who is disabled because he sprained his ankle years ago and is a felon who just got out of prison but managed to cram $5000 worth of stuff into "my other brother Daryl's" rented room?


Yeah, it looked for awhile that JJ was trying to elicit that information: Where was all their stuff while the one was in prison and the other was living in a rented room?  She never got that far.  Another case where she got bored before she could finish. 

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I don't know what the deal was with the def. Maybe he's some kind of freak to let those two misfits reside in his house?

I forgot to post about the Defendant.  Did ya notice his artfully tied silk scarf?  What, did he think he was an impressario from 1930's Paris??
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I forgot to post about the Defendant.  Did ya notice his artfully tied silk scarf?


I did not, but now I need to take a second look.


Another case where she got bored before she could finish.


I'm wondering if, since she seems to have issued a "No more cell phone cases!" edict, the staff is getting back at her with all these dreary cases?

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