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Danielle and Mohamed: The Original Mess

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21 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Yeah, it seems as though if she had tried to get any kind of help with it, she would have been making some kind of statements to that effect in her defense, like doc gave me pills but they ain't work. 

I should really try to do a better job with my Danielle accent, but it's been a long day.

No, it worked for me :-) I hope my dvr gets both as it missed the first part of the tell-all.

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1 hour ago, sleepyjean said:

Sometimes I wonder how much my impression of Danielle was impacted by her choice of eyewear. The way the top of the frames goes right across her eyes makes her seem blind and feeds into  the overall appearance of cluelessness.

I think those are reading glasses, because she's always squinting. I wear readers, and mind will sometimes slide down if I am looking at something far away. Oh no, I'll have to watch that from now on!

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Why hasn't Danielle done the Season 2 spruce up all reality show participants do. Once most see what they really look like to the rest of the world they get new teeth, new boobs, better clothes. The least Danielle can do is get herself some contacts. But I guess this is like Mo said and it helps her look like a better victim. 

Look at how mean Mo treats that poor Magoo looking cross eyed lady.

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40 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

Why hasn't Danielle done the Season 2 spruce up all reality show participants do. Once most see what they really look like to the rest of the world they get new teeth, new boobs, better clothes. The least Danielle can do is get herself some contacts. But I guess this is like Mo said and it helps her look like a better victim. 

Look at how mean Mo treats that poor Magoo looking cross eyed lady.

You are overestimating Danielle.

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Danielle was wearing false eyelashes for the reunion show! I also thought that her eyebrows looked a tad more groomed. They still resembled woolly caterpillars, but a little thinner, I thought. A few times she has been shown without her glasses on but she doesn't look better without them because she has a "cast" to one eye. 

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15 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

I think those are reading glasses, because she's always squinting. I wear readers, and mind will sometimes slide down if I am looking at something far away. Oh no, I'll have to watch that from now on!

When they had a close-up of her face, I noticed bifocal lines on the lenses. I think she has the glasses pushed down to see through the distance section, but considering the frames cut off mid-eye, she then has to tilt her head up a bit to see. She's mentally/emotionally clueless, and the misfit glasses add to the whole Mr. Magoo affect. You'd think the fine folks at LensCrafters would have steered her toward a larger frame.

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On 10/22/2016 at 8:06 AM, realitymaven said:

Over-caffeinated so here we go...

Danielle's truck loan was in 2013 to fund her trip to Dohar to visit Mohamed for the first time. http://www.norwalkreflector.com/News/2014/10/26/Ninety-days-to-tie-the-knot

Once she got back from Doha in July, she and the girls were evicted from their house (the proceedings had started much earlier). Danielle coughed up the money for Mohamed's K1 visa but matters were delayed when Mo lost his job in Qatar and was forced back to Tunisia. Danielle paid for his plane ticket and Mohamed arrived at the airport. However, much to Mohamed's surprise, the cab driver shuttling him to the next terminal (to fly to Ohio) refused to accept Tunisian dinars. This may have been the first indication that Mo was not diligent about pre-planning. 

As was seen on the show, Mo remonstrated with Dani over her failure to plan for the second stage of his visa, namely his work permit. The man was just raring to go to work. It was as important to him in Norwalk as it would be later in Miami! Finally the money was secured and the work permit arrived in December 2014. As a generous move to help Dani with her finances, Mohamed withdrew all the TLC money from their joint account. He refused to part with a penny for extravagances like Christmas gifts and used it for something more important; his return trip to New York!

When Danielle's tax refund rolled around in March, she decided not to hand it over to Mohamed. By this time, he had more than enough money rolling in from his generous benefactor in New York. Beth convinced Dani to accompany her to her annual trip to Pakistan to visit with her husband: primarily to get Danielle away with her obsession with Mo's travels, mystery emails and vanishing acts. Things did not go well. Danielle got sick on the plane over and spent much of the holiday vomiting on Beth family members. With some gentle (or not so gentle) nudging from her Pakistani hosts, Danielle cut short her trip and given simple "how could this go wrong?" instructions on finding her way back home. These proved impossible for her to comprehend much less follow so the hapless Jamie was dispatched to drive to the airport and pick her up. 

But as we know, it all ended happily ever after.........or not.

Even after all this time and dedication, I am continually learning new things about the Jdrama! I wonder why Mo lost his job in "Doher"? It certainly cost Danielle some effort, expense, and worry, but I'm guessing she didn't berate him the way he did her when she lost her job! Also, can you imagine what a challenge it must have been for her to file all of that paperwork successfully?

Ironically, gigolos don't even need work visas.

So Mo really did hog all of that money! It's sad because even a small portion of that TLC money would have bought a lot of Christmas happiness for Dani's high school girls! Shame on her for not standing up for them!  

I think at that point Mohamed was extremely resentful because he had intended to bounce two weeks after the wedding, and he discovered that he would have to stay another two years.  He was probably just barely just surviving the 90 days.  I doubt Danielle even knew the cause of his anguish on their wedding day. Heck, she probably didn't even realize he was depressed or that he had just received bad news that was like a slug in the gut. If she had been aware of it, she probably wouldn't have cared.  "You have such a vacant stare, Mohamed, is something upsetting you? Have some cake and watch the ducks." Nope. She was focused on her gown and her shoes and not getting rejected and sealing the deal.  In the aftermath, Mo didn't count on her forcing him to stay no matter what. I'm sure he figured he could make her so miserable that she would just let him leave (tis the way of the love rat). He had no idea that she thrived on such misery.  I really think the more she forced him to stay, the more he acted out by not working, saying cruel things, running off with women, etc. It was tricky because he couldn't do anything bad enough to get himself deported, and yet nothing, NOTHING would make this woman kick him out! I'm sure she just responded by getting crazier than a rat in a tin can. [BTW, as I understand it, poor hygiene is another tool love rats use to drive their spouses away. Ironic again that Dani seemed to be the one further alienating Mo with her issue  even though she wanted to bring him closer! Why the hell wouldn't she at least TRY to fix things? I picture her just arguing with him, never visiting a doctor, and drinking a 7-11 Big Gulp before sex because a gal gets thirsty before a workout.]

Then the girls get another shot at school clothes and whatnot and it's time to go to Pakistan instead.  "How could this go wrong?" LOL.  Her life is life The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret.

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Okay, I have MANY annoyances with Danielle, however, WHY is Mo:

Galavanting around Miami like a late 80's Tunisian wannbe broke Zack Morris?

WHY isn't he trying to work and support the family he became a part of?

WHY did he convince Danielle to drop the annulment to remain "friends"? WHATtheEverLovinHeck? I mean, now she should just be "okay" with, just "accept" that he wants to be her "friend" and give up all hopes at a marriage?  I get there is so much here, but WHAT? WHY should Danielle have to concede to this?  *sigh* Danielle is  manipulator, she had zero business bringing him here in the first place, given the financial struggles she was already having and the increased burden this would mean for her (and more importantly, her children!), not to mention, the attention this would take away from her girls, however, Mohammed is an absolute inexcusable berating manipulator, emotional abuser, and power player.


I can't even. I'm not trying to justify one for the other, none of it is okay, still, to get Danielle to concede to that on the agreement of "I'll be your friend", WHAT?!



By the way, I do not feel Mo should just be deported, I don't know why, I don't like him and I don't like the things he does, I don't know why or how he's just aimlessly walking around, I assume the kindness of others, but I feel it's cruel to just send him back.

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17 minutes ago, lallalla said:

Danielle is  manipulator, she had zero business bringing him here in the first place, given the financial struggles she was already having and the increased burden this would mean for her (and more importantly, her children!), not to mention, the attention this would take away from her girls, however, Mohammed is an absolute inexcusable berating manipulator, emotional abuser, and power player.

I guess if all Mohammed wanted was the green card, he should have had the decency to pay back all or part of the money. She's out close to 30k by our estimations, and he left her with less than nothing. But since decency is the operative word, it's also clearly not the way of the Tunisian Love Rat.

Married people really do put up with a lot from one another when things are mostly good and people want to be in it, but if my husbands feet  ever reeked half as bad as Mohammed's allegedly do, he would have to sleep somewhere else. Fortunately, good personal hygiene is a priority for Mr. E.

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
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38 minutes ago, lallalla said:

Okay, I have MANY annoyances with Danielle, however, WHY is Mo:

Galavanting around Miami like a late 80's Tunisian wannbe broke Zack Morris?

WHY isn't he trying to work and support the family he became a part of?

WHY did he convince Danielle to drop the annulment to remain "friends"? WHATtheEverLovinHeck? I mean, now she should just be "okay" with, just "accept" that he wants to be her "friend" and give up all hopes at a marriage?  I get there is so much here, but WHAT? WHY should Danielle have to concede to this?  *sigh* Danielle is  manipulator, she had zero business bringing him here in the first place, given the financial struggles she was already having and the increased burden this would mean for her (and more importantly, her children!), not to mention, the attention this would take away from her girls, however, Mohammed is an absolute inexcusable berating manipulator, emotional abuser, and power player.


I can't even. I'm not trying to justify one for the other, none of it is okay, still, to get Danielle to concede to that on the agreement of "I'll be your friend", WHAT?!



By the way, I do not feel Mo should just be deported, I don't know why, I don't like him and I don't like the things he does, I don't know why or how he's just aimlessly walking around, I assume the kindness of others, but I feel it's cruel to just send him back.

Love rats don't work; they are completely comfortable sitting on the couch eating Cheetos and letting someone else do the work.  Also, at that point, I think his resentment of her was so great that he didn't want to lift a finger to help her.  He got tens of thousands from his mistresses, and, as I understand it (someone correct me if I'm wrong), he sent some of that back to his ["real"] family in Tunisia?  Dani's daughters hated him because they saw right through him so I doubt Mo felt any obligation whatsoever to give those "haters" anything [that's how he probably saw it].  I think he resented the sight, sound, and smell of Danielle and marked off each day on his calendar with a big black "X" until he could safely get away. And, the fact that she steadfastly refused to see how miserable he was and release him made him loathe her all the more. [That and if she walked around the house in her underwear. Just sayin.]

As for the friendship thing. Mohamed didn't want this woman to hurt him anymore. His future was in the hands of a volatile brat! He didn't want her to drag him to Ohio anymore. He wanted the leash off his neck! He told her that they could be friends because he figured she would rather have him in the country than gone far away forever.  The problem was that they each had completely different definitions of "friends."  I think he would have had pity on her and taken the occasional phone call.  He would have even returned a text or two, but NOT 30 texts a day.  And certainly NOT an unexpected visit! I would never visit a friend or relative in another state without calling them first and clearing it with them, taking into consideration THEIR schedule and THEIR lives.  However because she still viewed Mo as her property with no wants or needs of his own, a visit at any time was FINE by her.

What makes these two so interesting is that it's not just about a scammer/quasi-criminal, but about a scammer who scammed someone who was every bit as much of a quasi-criminal or more.  But underneath Dani's pitiable veneer is a rage freak wanting revenge!

I think I've said this before but in cases of sexual exploitation [sex for hire], I feel much more compassion for the sex worker rather than the John, even if the relationship is between two "consenting" adults.   Nobody trades their body for anything unless it's out of desperation or brokenness.  As for the Johns (Danielle in this case), it takes a special kind of sleazy to have sex with a person when she knows that person is repulsed by her, when she knows she traded something, money, the keys to the U.S., in exchange to get herself off. She keeps saying she wants to be loved, but what she really wants more is sex with [her definition of] a hot guy almost young enough to be her son. [She looked very old for her age.]

The story certainly has gotten dark.

And, Dani filed another annulment at the beginning of this month.

The plot sickens.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
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1 hour ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

I guess if all Mohammed wanted was the green card, he should have had the decency to pay back all or part of the money. She's out close to 30k by our estimations, and he left her with less than nothing. But since decency is the operative word, it's also clearly not the way of the Tunisian Love Rat.

Married people really do put up with a lot from one another when things are mostly good and people want to be in it, but if my husbands feet  ever reeked half as bad as Mohammed's allegedly do, he would have to sleep somewhere else. Fortunately, good personal hygiene is a priority for Mr. E.

It's so hard to infer tone and I don't want to assume, I wasn't trying to imply in my post (which you responded to) that Mo should be held responsible for repaying that, I guess I do feel all he wanted was the green card but beyond that, now what's clear to me is how awful he is (please do not feel I am saying Danielle is a saint), he is incredibly abusive, manipulative, vindictive.


Where do we draw lines of his behaviors being a reaction, a defense, rather than part of him, a reflection of who he is?

My mind just boggles, I mean wow.

I think it's one thing to find a person who is likely to go to desperate measures, the type of person (excuse me and I mean no insult) you may see on Tunisian Love Rats, the type of person prone to bring a man to their country at all costs, and quite another to see the depths on BOTH ends we've seen here. I don't even know how to explain what I'm thinking, I feel so lost for words..I feel so inadequate at conveying the multiple sides of the already unique "love rat" scenario, let alone the depths of the Dani/Mo situation, just wow. I think loads of psychology could be written about their individual dynamics, let alone their combined.


I just can't even. She isn't excusable in any way, still, he is beyond any pale.

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1 hour ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Love rats don't work; they are completely comfortable sitting on the couch eating Cheetos and letting someone else do the work.  Also, at that point, I think his resentment of her was so great that he didn't want to lift a finger to help her.  He got tens of thousands from his mistresses, and, as I understand it (someone correct me if I'm wrong), he sent some of that back to his ["real"] family in Tunisia?  Dani's daughters hated him because they saw right through him so I doubt Mo felt any obligation whatsoever to give those "haters" anything [that's how he probably saw it].  I think he resented the sight, sound, and smell of Danielle and marked off each day on his calendar with a big black "X" until he could safely get away. And, the fact that she steadfastly refused to see how miserable he was and release him made him loathe her all the more. [That and if she walked around the house in her underwear. Just sayin.]

As for the friendship thing. Mohamed didn't want this woman to hurt him anymore. His future was in the hands of a volatile brat! He didn't want her to drag him to Ohio anymore. He wanted the leash off his neck! He told her that they could be friends because he figured she would rather have him in the country than gone far away forever.  The problem was that they each had completely different definitions of "friends."  I think he would have had pity on her and taken the occasional phone call.  He would have even returned a text or two, but NOT 30 texts a day.  And certainly NOT an unexpected visit! I would never visit a friend or relative in another state without calling them first and clearing it with them, taking into consideration THEIR schedule and THEIR lives.  However because she still viewed Mo as her property with no wants or needs of his own, a visit at any time was FINE by her.

What makes these two so interesting is that it's not just about a scammer/quasi-criminal, but about a scammer who scammed someone who was every bit as much of a quasi-criminal or more.  But underneath Dani's pitiable veneer is a rage freak wanting revenge!

I think I've said this before but in cases of sexual exploitation [sex for hire], I feel much more compassion for the sex worker rather than the John, even if the relationship is between two "consenting" adults.   Nobody trades their body for anything unless it's out of desperation or brokenness.  As for the Johns (Danielle in this case), it takes a special kind of sleazy to have sex with a person when she knows that person is repulsed by her, when she knows she traded something, money, the keys to the U.S., in exchange to get herself off. She keeps saying she wants to be loved, but what she really wants more is sex with [her definition of] a hot guy almost young enough to be her son. [She looked very old for her age.]

The story certainly has gotten dark.

And, Dani filed another annulment at the beginning of this month.

The plot sickens.

Yes, I didn't even touch on so much of this, like her filing again...but still, her agreeing..let alone him having the gall to ask her to agree to just be "friends", as if he's brought anything at all to the table to warrant that?! It's so...degrading, it is just so..it's SO! I can't even! I mean "accept me as "friend" while I do what I want, treat you like shit, and be happy I even give you this..."


Now she is a destructive ass brat, but really?! WTF? Who thinks their "friendship" alone, when they are an utter shit, is enough to warrant anything?!
A guy who is beyond a cocky pric, that's who!

1 hour ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

I guess if all Mohammed wanted was the green card, he should have had the decency to pay back all or part of the money. She's out close to 30k by our estimations, and he left her with less than nothing. But since decency is the operative word, it's also clearly not the way of the Tunisian Love Rat.

Married people really do put up with a lot from one another when things are mostly good and people want to be in it, but if my husbands feet  ever reeked half as bad as Mohammed's allegedly do, he would have to sleep somewhere else. Fortunately, good personal hygiene is a priority for Mr. E.

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1 hour ago, lallalla said:

infer tone and I don't want to assume, I wasn't trying to imply in my post (which you responded to) that Mo should be held responsible for repaying that, I guess I do feel all he wanted was the green card but beyond that, now what's clear to me is how awful he is (please do not feel I am saying Danielle is a saint), he is incredibly abusive, manipulative, vindictive.

No worries, I had been thinking that he should have repaid her for a while. Many people trade these marriages for some sort of recompense.  Even if no money changes hands, there's other aspects of the transaction such as a higher standard of living, companionship, etc to make the deal worth it to the other party. Wealthier GC seekers have higher earning potential and likely would repay out of decency.

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7 minutes ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

No worries, I had been thinking that he should have repaid her for a while. Many people trade these marriages for some sort of recompense.  Even if no money changes hands, there's other aspects of the transaction such as a higher standard of living, companionship, etc to make the deal worth it to the other party. Wealthier GC seekers have higher earning potential and likely would repay out of decency.

Very much agreed about the trade part. :-)

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Tonight, Nov 13, 2016, blended into 90 Day Fiance, now the Tell All, OMG OMG OMG

What Mo just said to/about Danielle, I know so much had been leaked online, waaay back god, I think I read it last December or so? But the way he said it, it takes the cake from even what Danielle had leaked (no pun intended) last week, my god, poor Danielle!  



LOL Btw, when Mo was explaining why he couldn't get hired, out of the THOUSANDS of jobs he applied for, Devar gave the most epic eye roll, and I just died, you go Devar, soooo funny!!!!

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It's true, though. Dani was bad mouthing Mo all over the net. I remember when she posted on at least two facebook pages about how women need to stop sending him money and what a scammer he was. She posted about his mistresses and all kinds of personal info.

BTW, I wouldn't be surprised if Mel and Devar were drinking. They have a rep for overindulging. She has posted drunk many times.

Edited by Virtually Me
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I have tears for Danielle tonight.

I have read all kinds of crazy from all sides the last year, but Mo just took it there, poor Danielle, this is just too much, Mo, you are wrong, beyond wrong, nothing can excuse this.

I have had tons of anger at Danielle for the things she has done, mostly that have caused neglect toward her daughters, but I had literal tears for her tonight. My anger for her in the past was separate and apart from anything to do with Mo, my issues with, that's just something else. But tonight, I have cried for Danielle.

Danielle, you have made many poor choice. You have sacrificed your children time and again. You have taken criminal actions. You have been overly selfish, This just scratches the surfaces. But tonight, tonight my heart breaks for you. I am sorry for what you experienced, you didn't deserve this, not from a man down the road and not from a man you brought here. Please start focusing on your girls, yourself, on anything but other people and men (of course, focus on others in so much as we all need to in order to be good, kind members of our communities).

My god, no one deserves what she just went through!

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6 minutes ago, lallalla said:

LOL Btw, when Mo was explaining why he couldn't get hired, out of the THOUSANDS of jobs he applied for, Devar gave the most epic eye roll, and I just died, you go Devar, soooo funny!!!!

For real.  They're in Sandusky, FFS.  Cedar Point hires non citizens ALL DAY LONG for so many things .

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Just now, ALittleShelfish said:

For real.  They're in Sandusky, FFS.  Cedar Point hires non citizens ALL DAY LONG for so many things .

It's amazing the reasons you can find to NOT work when you're allergic to it.

He also remained amazingly funded for someone who was unemployed.

He should be THANKFUL, not mournful and whiny. 

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I want to punch Danielle in the face really hard. I also want to do the same with the producers of the Tell All. Danielle is a narcissist who will do or say anything to get sympathy. I don't fall for her shit. It's disturbing to watch others fall for it.

Edited by Virtually Me
Correct misspelling
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Does anyone actually believe Mo when he claims he never kissed whats-her-face in Florida?  Or that he hasn't committed adultery since Danielle is apparently so repulsive?  I hope the marriage gets annulled.  I have no doubt he is a lying scammer and she's not all there.  Their marriage was joke from the get-go..

I find it amazing that Mo has found a bunch of fans to defend him at all costs (and send him money) no matter what.

Edited by RedBaron
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Just now, RedBaron said:

Does anyone actually believe Mo when he claims he never kissed whats-her-face in Florida?  Or that he hasn't committed adultery since Danielle is apparently so repulsive?  I hope the marriage gets annulled.  I have no doubt he is a lying scammer and she's not all there.  Their marriage was joke from the get-go..

She moved a man into her place months ago. She is unlikely to get an annulment. 

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1 minute ago, RedBaron said:

He left her long before that.  It doesn't mean the marriage wasn't based on fraud.

Apparently,  no one has been able to prove it.

Also, she was beaver skyping with other men while he was still there.

Edited by Virtually Me
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3 minutes ago, RedBaron said:

Does anyone actually believe Mo when he claims he never kissed whats-her-face in Florida?  Or that he hasn't committed adultery since Danielle is apparently so repulsive?  I hope the marriage gets annulled.  I have no doubt he is a lying scammer and she's not all there.  Their marriage was joke from the get-go..

I find it amazing that Mo has found a bunch of fans to defend him at all costs (and send him money) no matter what.

Would someone please answer my question of correlation/causation...is his lip sore related to Luisa's mouth sores..or an unhappy coincidence?


Also, the "mistresses" that speak of his unremarkable package size, sour grapes who never saw anything, saw something, had sour grapes, but never consumated, or what?

Is it possible he was "with" all these women without actually being with them?

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17 minutes ago, lallalla said:


Now he is saying they are drunk, and blaming them (the other at the Tell All) that he said it.


Well, Mr Blamer, Blamer, never my fault!

Tells me more about Mo.

I can like him less, wow.

I hate to say this because I really like Devar and Melanie.  However, they do drink quite a lot.  It's part of their lifestyle ~ just check their Facebook pages. And, that's quite okay because they are responsible adults. And, several cast members have said that there was a lot of liquor in the Green Room. Mo did not drink any of it.  

That being said, and I hate to say this but it's just an observation. 

If you accuse a sober person of being drunk they will laugh about it. [If they are someplace where it's not appropriate to be drinking, like work, or on a TV show tell-all.]

If you accuse a person who has had one or two drinks of being drunk, they will laugh about it.

If you accuse a drunk person of being drunk they will get angry and react like Devar did. [Keep in mind that he's usually a peaceable person.]

Some of those people were at least a little drunk. You could see it in their glazed eyes and sweaty red faces. They managed themselves well though.

It was in TLC's best interest to liquor them up.

Mo acted like an a$$hole, but I think he was right about that one particular thing. 

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2 minutes ago, Virtually Me said:

It's done. She's got nothing that doesn't blow back on her.

I know you believe it is "done" but I'd like to see how the courts decide.  As I stated earlier, just because she is crazy, it doesn't absolve him of blatantly using her for a green card and bailing on the marriage to go visit his internet "friends" almost immediately.     

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5 minutes ago, lallalla said:

I love your posts! <3

Thanks. I think we share a mutual disdain for lying scammers like Mo.

Every single other couple there was an actual couple with real affection.  The only complete joke of a marriage was Mo and Danielle.    Kyle was correct when he said they made a joke of the K1 process.

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I was just re-reading my post and wondering if I was drunk...I wasn't...I was just guilty of "posting inside my own head"...posting in my voice that makes sense to me at the moment, not likely to make sense to others, or heck, maybe even to me a little bit later, sorry for sounding like a drunk or an illiterate! 

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1 minute ago, RedBaron said:

I know you believe it is "done" but I'd like to see how the courts decide.  As I stated earlier, just because she is crazy, it doesn't absolve him of blatantly using her for a green card and bailing on the marriage to go visit his internet "friends" almost immediately.     

It's difficult to prove that he used her for a green card. The usual markers are not there. A break up after marriage, infidelity, fights, etc. are not always indicators that a beneficiary entered into the marriage only for a gc. 

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6 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:


Some of those people were at least a little drunk. You could see it in their glazed eyes and sweaty red faces. They managed themselves well though.

It was in TLC's best interest to liquor them up.


It would be in MY best interest to liquor me up if I were on one of those shows. (And I am still holding a grudge against Shaun whatever her name is for hosting the My Big Fat Fabulous Life reunion.) 

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1 minute ago, RedBaron said:

Thanks. I think we share a mutual disdain for lying scammers like Mo.

Every single other couple there was an actual couple with real affection.  The only complete joke of a marriage was Mo and Danielle.    Kyle was correct when he said they made a joke of the K1 process.

We agree that their marriage was a mockery of the K1 system. Dani was a fool to spend money she didn't have to import a guy when she couldn't pay her own way everyday.

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I'm no Mo fan, but it pisses me off that everyone on the show conveniently forgot that it was Dani who brought up the hygiene problems.  Mo said it was very personal and didn't want to talk about it. Then they pile on him like that?  I personally can't stand Mel.  I think she's a total bitch.

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3 minutes ago, Virtually Me said:

It's difficult to prove that he used her for a green card. The usual markers are not there. A break up after marriage, infidelity, fights, etc. are not always indicators that a beneficiary entered into the marriage only for a gc. 

No, but hardly knowing the much older, mentally slow woman, while being distant and refusing to kiss her at the wedding and leaving to stay with female friends around the country immediately and (still) not working are red flags.  I'm willing to bet Lucia will state that they were intimate.   Didn't he also see a lawyer on the wedding day to find out what his rights were, ie. ask if he had to marry her to stay in the country?   Yes, that was probably producer driven but if he says it was all for show, it doesn't really help his case.  Let's be real, no one ever believed that he genuinely cared for her (except maybe Danielle at first and, well,  she's crazy).  He's made it very clear that does care very much about being in the US so hmmm... 

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4 minutes ago, RedBaron said:

No, but hardly knowing the much older, mentally slow woman, while being distant and refusing to kiss her at the wedding and leaving to stay with female friends around the country immediately and (still) not working are red flags.  I'm willing to bet Lucia will state that they were intimate.   Didn't he also see a lawyer on the wedding day to find out what his rights were, ie. ask if he had to marry her to stay in the country?   Yes, that was probably producer driven but if he says it was all for show, it doesn't really help his case.  Let's be real, no one ever believed that he genuinely cared for her (except maybe Danielle at first and, well,  she's crazy).  He's made it very clear that does care very much about being in the US so hmmm... 

None of that negates the determination that he entered the marriage legitimately.  Also, love is not required for a K1 marriage. USCIS doesn't have a way of measuring it and they don't try. 

Edited to add: the stuff on the show is influenced by the producers to promote drama and filmed under contract. It is a minor part of the whole story and not sufficient as evidence. If it was, it would mostly prove that Dani was not able to provide a safe and stable home.

Edited by Virtually Me
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