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S04.E01: No One Said This Job Was Easy


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17 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Obviously the interior is a vast improvement compared to the garish mess that was the Med boat but despite the presence of Hermès pillows and blankets it comes off as cheap and cramped. I mean I know what they were going for I just don't think they succeeded. 

I think the H for Hermes pillows and throws you see here and in other shows are hideous.  Their Birkins and Plumes are amazing and I covet them, their scarf designs can be quite nice and interesting, but those pillows and throws... just awful and made for those types that need to make sure that others know they are Hermes.

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Is "misshapen" the new PC way of calling someone fat?  I ask because that's also how Carole Radziwill (who's so PC she told a castmate of American Indian descent that she shouldn't be calling herself an Indian) referred to Dorinda's overweight boyfriend.  So now it's "misshapen shaming"?  I'm so out of the loop.

Yeah, that does seem like a weird term.  Fine, she's fat -- there's nothing misshapen about her.  I could understand if she was huge on top and had spindly legs or vice versa... but then it would be cruel to point that out.  

Trevor,  just... UGH. He must really be bad because there just was a universal "what a douche" reaction to him.  I am sure I will regret saying so, but I loved the non-senior deckhands doing their jobs and acquiescing all while rolling their eyes at him.  Sometimes you work for a jerky boss.  Sometimes you and your coworkers are aligned in recognizing it and it makes it less painful.  Less painful than last year's scenario, anyway, where there's one of you having a bromance with the jerk.

Will be interesting to see how Ben handles somebody from his own class.  I love watching English people narrow down precisely where they came from.  It's like strip poker -- tell me where you grew up and based on that I might tell you where I went to school, and we will both know exactly what that means.   

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My God, I love Captain Lee. That dullard from the other show should just be neither seen nor heard. I am unabashedly a fan and only want my captains to be Lee. No Kangaroos or Americas need apply. I love him and he should be doing commentary on every Bravo show as that would make me happy. And that's all I care about.

I love Kate and Ben even though they're pompous at times. I love them. They're funny and seem pretty smart and I am so happy to see them. I love that Ben is really jealous or annoyed or whatever. I love it and I am looking forward to the fights. They are my favorites although I'm almost embarrassed to admit it.

Can I say the words "I love them" more? Possibly but I won't. 

These three make the show for me but I do miss Douchebag Eddie. I can easily forget his being ruined by Rocky, the world's most annoying person. I can take a break for this season but he needs to come back, as well. His exile might do him some good.

Kelly was, is, and will always be a moron. Don't like him. Didn't like him. Won't like him. He'll be screwing many women, it seems, and making them cry. Lovely....only not. He played that game last time with that poor deckhand whose name escapes me. They brought back the wrong sibling. I love Amy. She's the only nice person on these shows. Bring on someone likable, please, who can mitigate the drama.

The rest? Don't care. Supporting cast who we'll never see again. 

This show and Southern Charm are my favorites....although they are the height of silliness. Maybe that's why I watch them. We all need a lot of silly in this election season. This is a great distraction and keeps me off MSNBC. I need the break!

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Kate and Ben soaking their feet in the sink was so ridiculously, charmingly cute! (I know some of you were skeeved out by their feet in the sink. It didn't bother me at all. I assume Ben knows how to clean a sink.) When he was making the silly faces and she was lit up smiling, they were too adorable.

Agree with missing Eddie and Amy. I could actually handle both Amy and Kelly being on the show since he's trying to be more mature. I like Nico and Lauren a lot, not so much the two new stews.

Sierra could have fallen asleep in the waiting area and missed her flight. Maybe she shut her eyes while her head phones were on, accidentally drifted off, woke up, and and realized her plane was gone. Stranger things have happened. 

Trevor's comments about Sierra's boobs and telling her to smile solidified his position on my shit list. Other things could maybe be chalked up to over zealousness and the douche edit, but not those. He is a pig. Hard pass. 

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On 9/11/2016 at 8:00 PM, Mondrianyone said:

Is "misshapen" the new PC way of calling someone fat?  I ask because that's also how Carole Radziwill (who's so PC she told a castmate of American Indian descent that she shouldn't be calling herself an Indian) referred to Dorinda's overweight boyfriend.  So now it's "misshapen shaming"?  I'm so out of the loop.

I'm the one who originally used it and I was trying be nicer than saying her head looked like a potato or like if you put silly putty on a picture of Drew Barrymore and stretched it out unequally.  I guess I could have said she looks like the love child of Drew Barrymore and the kid from Mask, but that seems pretty fucked up.  I'm way fatter than she is.

Edited by yourmomiseasy
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On 9/8/2016 at 4:24 PM, queenjen said:

Rocky and Emile were in huge trouble for being up on the radar thing whereas in this episode, Trevor was up there also sans shirt but WITH guests! Shouldn't that have been more of a concern for Kelley? Maybe they didn't want to do the while ticket home, will Cpt Lee, or won't he? thing until later? Trevor won't last. 

I think they were up on the "Bunny Pad" and the angle just made it look like they were on the radar.  This is the area I think they were in:


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It's too late at night and I'm too tired to scroll back over all the comments so it may have already been discussed, but if not then does anyone else think Trevor could be on a drug (s)?  All that excessive sweating when no one else was and his excessive/inappropriate talking seemed off to me.  Especially for someone who was supposed to have experience.  Heck even Kelley the former crybaby was trying to act the part and man up for his role onboard.  Something's off to me about Trevor.  (and I'm praying that nose pickin' in the night was while asleep!  uuugggh!)

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Some people just sweat a lot more than others. Given one of Captain Lee's first charters showed him instantly chucking a charter off after their first night because Kat found white powder and a baggie in a guests cabin, I highly doubt it's anything more than being a compete douche who can't handle his alcohol.

Edited by biakbiak
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21 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Some people just sweat a lot more than others. Given one of Captain Lee's first charters showed him instantly chucking a charter off after their first night because Kat found white powder and a baggie in a guests cabin, I highly doubt it's anything more than being a compete douche who can't handle his alcohol.

You're probably right.  He may be more hyper when working and barking out orders to the others because the cameras are on him,too. 

On 9/6/2016 at 8:53 PM, Eater of Worlds said:

Did no one notice Trevor picking his nose and eating it when he was in bed, with the night vision?

I just about hurled!!! A grown man yet.... eating his own snot!!!  GEEZUS!

On 9/6/2016 at 9:02 PM, LotusFlower said:

I remember thinking Eddie had bad managerial skills, but at least he was, well, managing.  Kelley had to ask the captain how to handle his two deckhands thinking a third deckhand was brash?  Wow.  That was lame.  Loved the captain's answer: if I have to do your job AND my job, what do I have you for?

See, I think it was up to the Captain to teach him how to do it, not say, here, go figure it out!  Now, if he comes back a second time, bingo, what do I need you for.  Captain did give him advice so it was good in the end.

On 9/6/2016 at 8:29 PM, Moncheechee said:

I can tell already that Trevor suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks.  If I were one of the underling deck hands that senior deck hand shit would get old the first time he said it.  And taking Nico's bunk?  GTFO you asshole.

That would have been my first altercation with him cuz I'da tossed his shit on the bottom bunk and told him, f-o "senior".... lol

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